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synced 2024-12-19 16:42:17 +03:00
no issue The `settings` service has been a source of confusion when writing with modern Ember patterns because it's use of the deprecated `ProxyMixin` forced all property access/setting to go via `.get()` and `.set()` whereas the rest of the system has mostly (there are a few other uses of ProxyObjects remaining) eliminated the use of the non-native get/set methods. - removed use of `ProxyMixin` in the `settings` service by grabbing the attributes off the setting model after fetching and using `Object.defineProperty()` to add native getters/setters that pass through to the model's getters/setters. Ember's autotracking automatically works across the native getters/setters so we can then use the service as if it was any other native object - updated all code to use `settings.{attrName}` directly for getting/setting instead of `.get()` and `.set()` - removed use of observer in the `customViews` service because it was being set up before the native properties had been added on the settings service meaning autotracking wasn't able to set up properly
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409 lines
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import moment from 'moment-timezone';
import {action, get} from '@ember/object';
import {htmlSafe} from '@ember/template';
import {task} from 'ember-concurrency';
import {tracked} from '@glimmer/tracking';
export default class PublishOptions {
// passed in services
config = null;
limit = null;
settings = null;
store = null;
// passed in models
post = null;
user = null;
@tracked publishDisabledError = null;
@tracked totalMemberCount = 0;
get isLoading() {
return this.setupTask.isRunning;
get willEmail() {
return (
(this.publishType !== 'publish'
&& this.recipientFilter
&& this.post.isDraft
&& !this.post.email
|| (this.post.isDraft && this.post.email && this.post.email.status === 'failed')
get willPublish() {
return this.publishType !== 'send';
get willOnlyEmail() {
return this.publishType === 'send';
// publish date ------------------------------------------------------------
@tracked isScheduled = false;
@tracked scheduledAtUTC = this.minScheduledAt;
get minScheduledAt() {
return moment.utc().add(5, 'minutes').milliseconds(0);
toggleScheduled(shouldSchedule) {
if (shouldSchedule === undefined) {
shouldSchedule = !this.isScheduled;
this.isScheduled = shouldSchedule;
if (shouldSchedule && (!this.scheduledAtUTC || this.scheduledAtUTC.isBefore(this.minScheduledAt))) {
this.scheduledAtUTC = this.minScheduledAt;
setScheduledAt(date) {
// API only stores seconds so providing non-zero milliseconds can
// trigger unexpected validation when updating scheduled posts
date = moment.utc(date).milliseconds(0);
if (date.isBefore(this.minScheduledAt)) {
this.scheduledAtUTC = this.minScheduledAt;
this.scheduledAtUTC = date;
resetPastScheduledAt() {
if (this.scheduledAtUTC.isBefore(this.minScheduledAt)) {
this.isScheduled = false;
this.scheduledAt = null;
// publish type ------------------------------------------------------------
@tracked publishType = 'publish+send';
@tracked emailDisabledError;
get publishTypeOptions() {
return [{
value: 'publish+send', // internal
label: 'Publish and email', // shown in expanded options
display: 'Publish and email', // shown in option title
disabled: this.emailDisabled
}, {
value: 'publish',
label: 'Publish only',
display: 'Publish'
}, {
value: 'send',
label: 'Email only',
display: 'Email',
disabled: this.emailDisabled
get selectedPublishTypeOption() {
return this.publishTypeOptions.find(pto => pto.value === this.publishType);
get emailDisabledInSettings() {
return this.settings.editorDefaultEmailRecipients === 'disabled'
|| this.settings.membersSignupAccess === 'none';
// publish type dropdown is not shown at all
get emailUnavailable() {
return this.post.isPage || this.post.email || this.emailDisabledInSettings;
// publish type dropdown is shown but email options are disabled
get emailDisabled() {
const hasNoMembers = this.totalMemberCount === 0;
return !this.mailgunIsConfigured || hasNoMembers || this.emailDisabledError;
get mailgunIsConfigured() {
return this.settings.mailgunIsConfigured
|| get(this.config, 'mailgunIsConfigured');
setPublishType(newValue) {
// TODO: validate option is allowed when setting?
this.publishType = newValue;
// recipients --------------------------------------------------------------
// set in constructor because services are not injected
allNewsletters = [];
// both of these are set to site defaults in `setupTask`
@tracked newsletter = null;
@tracked selectedRecipientFilter = undefined;
get newsletters() {
return this.allNewsletters
.filter(n => n.status === 'active')
.sort(({sortOrder: a}, {sortOrder: b}) => a - b);
get defaultNewsletter() {
return this.newsletters[0];
get onlyDefaultNewsletter() {
return this.newsletters.length === 1;
get recipientFilter() {
return this.selectedRecipientFilter === undefined ? this.defaultRecipientFilter : this.selectedRecipientFilter;
get defaultRecipientFilter() {
const recipients = this.settings.editorDefaultEmailRecipients;
const filter = this.settings.editorDefaultEmailRecipientsFilter;
const usuallyNobody = recipients === 'filter' && filter === null;
if (recipients === 'disabled') {
return null;
if (recipients === 'visibility' || usuallyNobody) {
if (this.post.visibility === 'public') {
return 'status:free,status:-free';
if (this.post.visibility === 'members') {
return 'status:free,status:-free';
if (this.post.visibility === 'paid') {
return 'status:-free';
if (this.post.visibility === 'tiers') {
return this.post.visibilitySegment;
return this.post.visibility;
return filter;
get fullRecipientFilter() {
let filter = this.newsletter.recipientFilter;
if (this.recipientFilter) {
filter += `+(${this.recipientFilter})`;
return filter;
setNewsletter(newsletter) {
this.newsletter = newsletter;
setRecipientFilter(newFilter) {
this.selectedRecipientFilter = newFilter;
// setup -------------------------------------------------------------------
constructor({config, limit, post, settings, store, user} = {}) {
this.config = config;
this.limit = limit;
this.post = post;
this.settings = settings;
this.store = store;
this.user = user;
// this needs to be set here rather than a class-level property because
// unlike Ember-based classes the services are not injected so can't be
// used until after they are assigned above
this.allNewsletters = this.store.peekAll('newsletter');
*setupTask() {
yield this.fetchRequiredDataTask.perform();
// TODO: set up initial state / defaults
this.newsletter = this.defaultNewsletter;
if (this.emailUnavailable || this.emailDisabled) {
this.publishType = 'publish';
// When default recipients is set to "Usually nobody":
// Set publish type to "Publish" but keep email recipients matching post visibility
// to avoid multiple clicks to turn on emailing
if (
this.settings.editorDefaultEmailRecipients === 'filter' &&
this.settings.editorDefaultEmailRecipientsFilter === null
) {
this.publishType = 'publish';
if (this.post.isSent) {
this.publishType = 'send';
*fetchRequiredDataTask() {
const promises = [];
// total # of members - used to enable/disable email
// Only Admins/Owners have permission to browse members and get a count
// for Editors/Authors set member count to 1 so email isn't disabled for not having any members
if (this.user.isAdmin) {
promises.push(this.store.query('member', {limit: 1}).then((res) => {
this.totalMemberCount = res.meta.pagination.total;
} else {
this.totalMemberCount = 1;
// limits
// newsletters
promises.push(this.store.query('newsletter', {status: 'active', limit: 'all', include: 'count.members'}));
yield Promise.all(promises);
// saving ------------------------------------------------------------------
@task({drop: true})
*saveTask() {
// willEmail can change after model changes are applied because the post
// can leave draft status - grab it now before that happens
const willEmail = this.willEmail;
const adapterOptions = {};
if (willEmail) {
adapterOptions.newsletter = this.newsletter.slug;
adapterOptions.emailSegment = this.recipientFilter;
try {
return yield this.post.save({adapterOptions});
} catch (e) {
throw e;
@task({drop: true})
*revertToDraftTask() {
const originalStatus = this.post.status;
const originalPublishedAtUTC = this.post.publishedAtUTC;
try {
if (this.post.isScheduled) {
this.post.publishedAtUTC = null;
this.post.status = 'draft';
return yield this.post.save();
} catch (e) {
this.post.status = originalStatus;
this.post.publishedAtUTC = originalPublishedAtUTC;
throw e;
// Publishing/scheduling is a side-effect of changing model properties.
// We don't want to get into a situation where we've applied these changes
// but they haven't been saved because that would result in confusing UI.
// Here we apply those changes from the selected publish options but keep
// track of the previous values in case saving fails. We can't use ED's
// rollbackAttributes() because it would also rollback any other unsaved edits
_applyModelChanges() {
const willEmail = this.willEmail;
// store backup of original values in case we need to revert
this._originalModelValues = {};
// this only applies to the full publish flow which is only available for drafts
if (!this.post.isDraft) {
const revertableModelProperties = ['status', 'publishedAtUTC', 'emailOnly'];
revertableModelProperties.forEach((property) => {
this._originalModelValues[property] = this.post[property];
this.post.status = this.isScheduled ? 'scheduled' : 'published';
if (this.isScheduled) {
this.post.publishedAtUTC = this.scheduledAtUTC;
if (willEmail) {
this.post.emailOnly = this.publishType === 'send';
_revertModelChanges() {
Object.keys(this._originalModelValues).forEach((property) => {
this.post[property] = this._originalModelValues[property];
async _checkSendingLimit() {
await this.settings.reload();
try {
if (this.limit.limiter && this.limit.limiter.isLimited('emails')) {
await this.limit.limiter.errorIfWouldGoOverLimit('emails');
} else if (this.settings.emailVerificationRequired) {
this.emailDisabledError = 'Email sending is temporarily disabled because your account is currently in review. You should have an email about this from us already, but you can also reach us any time at support@ghost.org.';
} catch (e) {
this.emailDisabledError = e.message;
async _checkPublishingLimit() {
// non-admin users cannot fetch members count so we can't error at this stage for them
if (!this.user.isAdmin) {
try {
if (this.limit.limiter?.isLimited('members')) {
await this.limit.limiter.errorIfIsOverLimit('members');
} catch (e) {
const linkedMessage = htmlSafe(e.message.replace(/please upgrade/i, '<a href="#/pro">$&</a>'));
this.publishDisabledError = linkedMessage;