Kevin Ansfield 525fb2a720 Fixed submit-on-enter and password manager issues on signup
- moved submit action to the `<form>` which allowed removal of the per-input enter key handlers
- changed submit button to trigger the form submit
- improved markup for password managers
  - linked labels with inputs
  - changed button to a "submit" type and linked it with the form
  - added hidden email input at the bottom of the form in case password managers do not take disabled inputs into account
2018-09-17 16:03:58 +01:00

86 lines
3.1 KiB

import DS from 'ember-data';
import EmberObject from '@ember/object';
import RSVP from 'rsvp';
import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
import UnauthenticatedRouteMixin from 'ghost-admin/mixins/unauthenticated-route-mixin';
import ValidationEngine from 'ghost-admin/mixins/validation-engine';
import styleBody from 'ghost-admin/mixins/style-body';
import {inject as service} from '@ember/service';
const {Promise} = RSVP;
const {Errors} = DS;
export default Route.extend(styleBody, UnauthenticatedRouteMixin, {
ghostPaths: service(),
notifications: service(),
session: service(),
ajax: service(),
config: service(),
classNames: ['ghost-signup'],
beforeModel() {
if (this.get('session.isAuthenticated')) {
this.get('notifications').showAlert('You need to sign out to register as a new user.', {type: 'warn', delayed: true, key: 'signup.create.already-authenticated'});
model(params) {
let SignupDetails = EmberObject.extend(ValidationEngine, {
validationType: 'signup'
let signupDetails = SignupDetails.create();
let re = /^(?:[A-Za-z0-9_-]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9_-]{2}|[A-Za-z0-9_-]{3})?$/;
let email,
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (!re.test(params.token)) {
this.get('notifications').showAlert('Invalid token.', {type: 'error', delayed: true, key: 'signup.create.invalid-token'});
return resolve(this.transitionTo('signin'));
tokenText = atob(params.token);
email = tokenText.split('|')[1];
signupDetails.set('email', email);
signupDetails.set('token', params.token);
signupDetails.set('errors', Errors.create());
let authUrl = this.get('ghostPaths.url').api('authentication', 'invitation');
return this.get('ajax').request(authUrl, {
dataType: 'json',
data: {
}).then((response) => {
if (response && response.invitation && response.invitation[0].valid === false) {
this.get('notifications').showAlert('The invitation does not exist or is no longer valid.', {type: 'warn', delayed: true, key: 'signup.create.invalid-invitation'});
return resolve(this.transitionTo('signin'));
signupDetails.set('invitedBy', response.invitation[0].invitedBy);
// set blogTitle, so password validation has access to it
signupDetails.set('blogTitle', this.get('config.blogTitle'));
}).catch(() => {
deactivate() {
// clear the properties that hold the sensitive data from the controller
this.controllerFor('signup').get('signupDetails').setProperties({email: '', password: '', token: ''});