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synced 2024-12-18 16:01:40 +03:00
As discussed with the product team we want to enforce kebab-case file names for all files, with the exception of files which export a single class, in which case they should be PascalCase and reflect the class which they export. This will help find classes faster, and should push better naming for them too. Some files and packages have been excluded from this linting, specifically when a library or framework depends on the naming of a file for the functionality e.g. Ember, knex-migrator, adapter-manager
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442 lines
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const {promises: fs, readFileSync} = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const moment = require('moment');
const glob = require('glob');
class StaffServiceEmails {
constructor({logging, models, mailer, settingsHelpers, settingsCache, urlUtils}) {
this.logging = logging;
this.models = models;
this.mailer = mailer;
this.settingsHelpers = settingsHelpers;
this.settingsCache = settingsCache;
this.urlUtils = urlUtils;
this.Handlebars = require('handlebars');
async notifyFreeMemberSignup({
member, attribution
}, options) {
const users = await this.models.User.getEmailAlertUsers('free-signup', options);
for (const user of users) {
const to = user.email;
const memberData = this.getMemberData(member);
const subject = `🥳 Free member signup: ${memberData.name}`;
let attributionTitle = attribution?.title || '';
// In case of a homepage attribution, we want to show the title as "Homepage" on email
if (attributionTitle === 'homepage') {
attributionTitle = 'Homepage';
const templateData = {
attributionUrl: attribution?.url || '',
referrerSource: attribution?.referrerSource,
siteTitle: this.settingsCache.get('title'),
siteUrl: this.urlUtils.getSiteUrl(),
siteDomain: this.siteDomain,
accentColor: this.settingsCache.get('accent_color'),
fromEmail: this.fromEmailAddress,
toEmail: to,
staffUrl: this.urlUtils.urlJoin(this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true), '#', `/settings/staff/${user.slug}`)
const {html, text} = await this.renderEmailTemplate('new-free-signup', templateData);
await this.sendMail({
async notifyPaidSubscriptionStarted({member, subscription, offer, tier, attribution}, options = {}) {
const users = await this.models.User.getEmailAlertUsers('paid-started', options);
for (const user of users) {
const to = user.email;
const memberData = this.getMemberData(member);
const subject = `💸 Paid subscription started: ${memberData.name}`;
const amount = this.getAmount(subscription?.amount);
const formattedAmount = this.getFormattedAmount({currency: subscription?.currency, amount});
const interval = subscription?.interval || '';
const tierData = {
name: tier?.name || '',
details: `${formattedAmount}/${interval}`
const subscriptionData = {
startedOn: this.getFormattedDate(subscription.startDate)
let offerData = this.getOfferData(offer);
let attributionTitle = attribution?.title || '';
// In case of a homepage attribution, we want to show the title as "Homepage" on email
if (attributionTitle === 'homepage') {
attributionTitle = 'Homepage';
const templateData = {
attributionUrl: attribution?.url || '',
referrerSource: attribution?.referrerSource,
siteTitle: this.settingsCache.get('title'),
siteUrl: this.urlUtils.getSiteUrl(),
siteDomain: this.siteDomain,
accentColor: this.settingsCache.get('accent_color'),
fromEmail: this.fromEmailAddress,
toEmail: to,
staffUrl: this.urlUtils.urlJoin(this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true), '#', `/settings/staff/${user.slug}`)
const {html, text} = await this.renderEmailTemplate('new-paid-started', templateData);
await this.sendMail({
async notifyPaidSubscriptionCanceled({member, tier, subscription}, options = {}) {
const users = await this.models.User.getEmailAlertUsers('paid-canceled', options);
for (const user of users) {
const to = user.email;
const memberData = this.getMemberData(member);
const subject = `⚠️ Cancellation: ${memberData.name}`;
const amount = this.getAmount(subscription?.amount);
const formattedAmount = this.getFormattedAmount({currency: subscription?.currency, amount});
const interval = subscription?.interval;
const tierDetail = `${formattedAmount}/${interval}`;
const tierData = {
name: tier?.name || '',
details: tierDetail
const subscriptionData = {
expiryAt: this.getFormattedDate(subscription.cancelAt),
canceledAt: this.getFormattedDate(subscription.canceledAt),
cancellationReason: subscription.cancellationReason || ''
const templateData = {
siteTitle: this.settingsCache.get('title'),
siteUrl: this.urlUtils.getSiteUrl(),
siteDomain: this.siteDomain,
accentColor: this.settingsCache.get('accent_color'),
fromEmail: this.fromEmailAddress,
toEmail: to,
staffUrl: this.urlUtils.urlJoin(this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true), '#', `/settings/staff/${user.slug}`)
const {html, text} = await this.renderEmailTemplate('new-paid-cancellation', templateData);
await this.sendMail({
* @param {object} recipient
* @param {string} recipient.email
* @param {string} recipient.slug
async getSharedData(recipient) {
return {
siteTitle: this.settingsCache.get('title'),
siteUrl: this.urlUtils.getSiteUrl(),
siteDomain: this.siteDomain,
accentColor: this.settingsCache.get('accent_color'),
fromEmail: this.fromEmailAddress,
toEmail: recipient.email,
staffUrl: this.urlUtils.urlJoin(this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true), '#', `/settings/staff/${recipient.slug}`)
* @param {object} eventData
* @param {object} eventData.milestone
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async notifyMilestoneReceived({milestone}) {
if (!milestone?.emailSentAt || milestone?.meta?.reason) {
// Do not send an email when no email was set to be sent or a reason
// not to send provided
const formattedValue = this.getFormattedAmount({currency: milestone?.currency, amount: milestone.value, maximumFractionDigits: 0});
const milestoneEmailConfig = require('./milestone-email-config')(this.settingsCache.get('title'), formattedValue);
const emailData = milestoneEmailConfig?.[milestone.type]?.[milestone.value];
if (!emailData || Object.keys(emailData).length === 0) {
// Do not attempt to send an email with invalid or missing data
this.logging.warn('No Milestone email sent. Invalid or missing data.');
const emailPromises = [];
const users = await this.models.User.getEmailAlertUsers('milestone-received');
for (const user of users) {
const to = user.email;
const templateData = {
siteTitle: this.settingsCache.get('title'),
siteUrl: this.urlUtils.getSiteUrl(),
siteDomain: this.siteDomain,
fromEmail: this.fromEmailAddress,
partial: `milestones/${milestone.value}`,
toEmail: to,
adminUrl: this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true),
staffUrl: this.urlUtils.urlJoin(this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true), '#', `/settings/staff/${user.slug}`)
const {html, text} = await this.renderEmailTemplate('new-milestone-received', templateData);
emailPromises.push(await this.sendMail({
subject: emailData.subject,
const results = await Promise.allSettled(emailPromises);
for (const result of results) {
if (result.status === 'rejected') {
// Utils
/** @private */
getMemberData(member) {
let name = member?.name || member?.email;
return {
email: member?.email,
showEmail: !!member?.name,
adminUrl: this.urlUtils.urlJoin(this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true), '#', `/members/${member.id}`),
initials: this.extractInitials(name),
location: this.getGeolocationData(member.geolocation),
createdAt: moment(member.created_at).format('D MMM YYYY')
/** @private */
getGeolocationData(geolocation) {
if (!geolocation) {
return null;
try {
const geolocationData = JSON.parse(geolocation);
return geolocationData?.country || null;
} catch (e) {
return null;
/** @private */
getFormattedAmount({amount = 0, currency, maximumFractionDigits = 2}) {
if (!currency) {
return amount > 0 ? Intl.NumberFormat('en', {maximumFractionDigits}).format(amount) : '';
return Intl.NumberFormat('en', {
style: 'currency',
currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
// see https://github.com/andyearnshaw/Intl.js/issues/123
minimumFractionDigits: maximumFractionDigits
/** @private */
getAmount(amount) {
if (!amount) {
return 0;
return amount / 100;
/** @private */
getFormattedDate(date) {
if (!date) {
return '';
return moment(date).format('D MMM YYYY');
/** @private */
getOfferData(offer) {
if (offer) {
let offAmount = '';
let offDuration = '';
if (offer.duration === 'once') {
offDuration = ', first payment';
} else if (offer.duration === 'repeating') {
offDuration = `, first ${offer.durationInMonths} months`;
} else if (offer.duration === 'forever') {
offDuration = `, forever`;
} else if (offer.duration === 'trial') {
offDuration = '';
if (offer.type === 'percent') {
offAmount = `${offer.amount}% off`;
} else if (offer.type === 'fixed') {
const amount = this.getAmount(offer.amount);
offAmount = `${this.getFormattedAmount({currency: offer.currency, amount})} off`;
} else if (offer.type === 'trial') {
offAmount = `${offer.amount} days free`;
return {
name: offer.name,
details: `${offAmount}${offDuration}`
get siteDomain() {
const [, siteDomain] = this.urlUtils.getSiteUrl()
.match(new RegExp('^https?://([^/:?#]+)(?:[/:?#]|$)', 'i'));
return siteDomain;
get defaultEmailDomain() {
return this.settingsHelpers.getDefaultEmailDomain();
get membersAddress() {
// TODO: get from address of default newsletter?
return `noreply@${this.defaultEmailDomain}`;
get fromEmailAddress() {
return `ghost@${this.defaultEmailDomain}`;
extractInitials(name = '') {
const names = name.split(' ');
const initials = names.length > 1 ? [names[0][0], names[names.length - 1][0]] : [names[0][0]];
return initials.join('').toUpperCase();
async sendMail(message) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
let msg = Object.assign({
from: this.fromEmailAddress,
forceTextContent: true
}, message);
return this.mailer.send(msg);
registerPartials() {
const rootDirname = './email-templates/partials/';
const files = glob.sync('*.hbs', {cwd: path.join(__dirname, rootDirname)});
files.forEach((fileName) => {
const name = fileName.replace(/.hbs$/, '');
const filePath = path.join(__dirname, rootDirname, `${name}.hbs`);
const content = readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8');
this.Handlebars.registerPartial(name, content);
async renderHTML(templateName, data) {
const htmlTemplateSource = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, './email-templates/', `${templateName}.hbs`), 'utf8');
const htmlTemplate = this.Handlebars.compile(Buffer.from(htmlTemplateSource).toString());
this.Handlebars.registerHelper('eq', function (arg, value, options) {
if (arg === value) {
return options.fn(this);
} else {
return options.inverse(this);
this.Handlebars.registerHelper('limit', function (array, limit) {
if (!Array.isArray(array)) {
return [];
return array.slice(0,limit);
let sharedData = {};
if (data.recipient) {
sharedData = await this.getSharedData(data.recipient);
return htmlTemplate({
async renderText(templateName, data) {
const textTemplate = require(`./email-templates/${templateName}.txt.js`);
let sharedData = {};
if (data.recipient) {
sharedData = await this.getSharedData(data.recipient);
return textTemplate({
async renderEmailTemplate(templateName, data) {
const html = await this.renderHTML(templateName, data);
const text = await this.renderText(templateName, data);
return {html, text};
module.exports = StaffServiceEmails;