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synced 2024-12-19 16:42:17 +03:00
no issue There are a couple of issues with resetting the Ghost instance between E2E test files: These issues came to the surface because of new tests written in https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/pull/16117 **1. configUtils.restore does not work correctly** `config.reset()` is a callback based method. On top of that, it doesn't really work reliably (https://github.com/indexzero/nconf/issues/93) What kinda happens, is that you first call `config.reset` but immediately after you correcty reset the config using the `config.set` calls afterwards. But since `config.reset` is async, that reset will happen after all those sets, and the end result is that it isn't reset correctly. This mainly caused issues in the new updated images tests, which were updating the config `imageOptimization.contentImageSizes`, which is a deeply nested config value. Maybe some references to objects are reused in nconf that cause this issue? Wrapping `config.reset()` in a promise does fix the issue. **2. Adapters cache not reset between tests** At the start of each test, we set `paths:contentPath` to a nice new temporary directory. But if a previous test already requests a localStorage adapter, that adapter would have been created and in the constructor `paths:contentPath` would have been passed. That same instance will be reused in the next test run. So it won't read the new config again. To fix this, we need to reset the adapter instances between E2E tests. How was this visible? Test uploads were stored in the actual git repository, and not in a temporary directory. When writing the new image upload tests, this also resulted in unreliable test runs because some image names were already taken (from previous test runs). **3. Old 2E2 test Ghost server not stopped** Sometimes we still need access to the frontend test server using `getAgentsWithFrontend`. But that does start a new Ghost server which is actually listening for HTTP traffic. This could result in a fatal error in tests because the port is already in use. The issue is that old E2E tests also start a HTTP server, but they don't stop the server. When you used the old `startGhost` util, it would check if a server was already running and stop it first. The new `getAgentsWithFrontend` now also has the same functionality to fix that issue.
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1040 lines
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const assert = require('assert');
const {agentProvider, mockManager, fixtureManager, matchers, configUtils} = require('../../utils/e2e-framework');
const {anyEtag, anyObjectId, anyLocationFor, anyISODateTime, anyErrorId, anyUuid, anyNumber, anyBoolean} = matchers;
const should = require('should');
const models = require('../../../core/server/models');
const moment = require('moment-timezone');
const settingsCache = require('../../../core/shared/settings-cache');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const settingsService = require('../../../core/server/services/settings/settings-service');
const DomainEvents = require('@tryghost/domain-events');
let membersAgent, membersAgent2, postId, postTitle, commentId;
async function getPaidProduct() {
return await models.Product.findOne({type: 'paid'});
const commentMatcher = {
id: anyObjectId,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
member: {
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid
count: {
likes: anyNumber
liked: anyBoolean
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {number} [options.replies]
* @returns
function commentMatcherWithReplies(options = {replies: 0}) {
return {
id: anyObjectId,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
member: {
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid
replies: new Array(options?.replies ?? 0).fill(commentMatcher),
count: {
likes: anyNumber,
replies: anyNumber
liked: anyBoolean
function escapeRegExp(string) {
return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
async function testCanCommentOnPost(member) {
await models.Member.edit({last_seen_at: null, last_commented_at: null}, {id: member.get('id')});
const {body} = await membersAgent
.body({comments: [{
post_id: postId,
html: '<div></div><p></p><p>This is a <strong>message</strong></p><p></p><p></p><p>New line</p><p></p>'
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('comments')
comments: [commentMatcher]
// Save for other tests
commentId = body.comments[0].id;
// Check if author got an email
subject: '💬 New comment on your post: ' + postTitle,
to: fixtureManager.get('users', 0).email,
// Note that the <strong> tag is removed by the sanitizer
html: new RegExp(escapeRegExp('<p>This is a message</p><p></p><p>New line</p>'))
// Wait for the dispatched events (because this happens async)
await DomainEvents.allSettled();
// Check last_updated_at changed?
member = await models.Member.findOne({id: member.id});
should.notEqual(member.get('last_seen_at'), null, 'The member should have a `last_seen_at` property after posting a comment.');
// Check last_commented_at changed?
should.notEqual(member.get('last_commented_at'), null, 'The member should have a `last_commented_at` property after posting a comment.');
async function testCanReply(member, emailMatchers = {}) {
const date = new Date(0);
await models.Member.edit({last_seen_at: date, last_commented_at: date}, {id: member.get('id')});
const {body} = await membersAgent
.body({comments: [{
post_id: postId,
parent_id: fixtureManager.get('comments', 0).id,
html: 'This is a reply'
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('comments')
comments: [commentMatcher]
subject: '💬 New comment on your post: ' + postTitle,
to: fixtureManager.get('users', 0).email
subject: '↪️ New reply to your comment on Ghost',
to: fixtureManager.get('members', 0).email
// Wait for the dispatched events (because this happens async)
await DomainEvents.allSettled();
// Check last_updated_at changed?
member = await models.Member.findOne({id: member.id});
should.notEqual(member.get('last_seen_at').getTime(), date.getTime(), 'Should update `last_seen_at` property after posting a comment.');
// Check last_commented_at changed?
should.notEqual(member.get('last_commented_at').getTime(), date.getTime(), 'Should update `last_commented_at` property after posting a comment.');
async function testCannotCommentOnPost(status = 403) {
await membersAgent
.body({comments: [{
post_id: postId,
html: '<div></div><p></p><p>This is a <strong>message</strong></p><p></p><p></p><p>New line</p><p></p>'
etag: anyEtag
errors: [{
id: anyErrorId
async function testCannotReply(status = 403) {
await membersAgent
.body({comments: [{
post_id: postId,
parent_id: fixtureManager.get('comments', 0).id,
html: 'This is a reply'
etag: anyEtag
errors: [{
id: anyErrorId
describe('Comments API', function () {
let member;
before(async function () {
membersAgent = await agentProvider.getMembersAPIAgent();
membersAgent2 = membersAgent.duplicate();
await fixtureManager.init('posts', 'members', 'comments');
postId = fixtureManager.get('posts', 0).id;
postTitle = fixtureManager.get('posts', 0).title;
beforeEach(function () {
afterEach(async function () {
await configUtils.restore();
describe('when commenting enabled for all', function () {
describe('when not authenticated', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
const getStub = sinon.stub(settingsCache, 'get');
getStub.callsFake((key, options) => {
if (key === 'comments_enabled') {
return 'all';
return getStub.wrappedMethod.call(settingsCache, key, options);
afterEach(async function () {
it('Can browse all comments of a post', async function () {
const {body} = await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
comments: [commentMatcherWithReplies({replies: 1})]
it('cannot comment on a post', async function () {
await testCannotCommentOnPost(401);
it('cannot reply on a post', async function () {
await testCannotReply(401);
it('cannot report a comment', async function () {
commentId = fixtureManager.get('comments', 0).id;
// Create a temporary comment
await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
errors: [{
id: anyUuid
it('cannot like a comment', async function () {
// Create a temporary comment
await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
errors: [{
id: anyUuid
it('cannot unlike a comment', async function () {
// Create a temporary comment
await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
errors: [{
id: anyUuid
describe('when authenticated', function () {
let getStub;
before(async function () {
await membersAgent.loginAs('member@example.com');
member = await models.Member.findOne({email: 'member@example.com'}, {require: true});
await membersAgent2.loginAs('member2@example.com');
beforeEach(function () {
getStub = sinon.stub(settingsCache, 'get');
getStub.callsFake((key, options) => {
if (key === 'comments_enabled') {
return 'all';
return getStub.wrappedMethod.call(settingsCache, key, options);
afterEach(async function () {
it('Can comment on a post', async function () {
await testCanCommentOnPost(member);
it('Can browse all comments of a post', async function () {
const {body} = await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
comments: [commentMatcherWithReplies({replies: 1}), commentMatcher]
it('Can reply to your own comment', async function () {
// Should not update last_seen_at or last_commented_at when both are already set to a value on the same day
const timezone = settingsCache.get('timezone');
const date = moment.utc(new Date()).tz(timezone).startOf('day').toDate();
await models.Member.edit({last_seen_at: date, last_commented_at: date}, {id: member.get('id')});
const {body} = await membersAgent
.body({comments: [{
post_id: postId,
parent_id: commentId,
html: 'This is a reply'
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('comments')
comments: [commentMatcher]
// Check only the author got an email (because we are the author of this parent comment)
subject: '💬 New comment on your post: ' + postTitle,
to: fixtureManager.get('users', 0).email
// Wait for the dispatched events (because this happens async)
await DomainEvents.allSettled();
// Check last updated_at is not changed?
member = await models.Member.findOne({id: member.id});
should.equal(member.get('last_seen_at').getTime(), date.getTime(), 'The member should not update `last_seen_at` if last seen at is same day');
// Check last_commented_at changed?
should.equal(member.get('last_commented_at').getTime(), date.getTime(), 'The member should not update `last_commented_at` f last seen at is same day');
it('Can reply to a comment', async function () {
await testCanReply(member);
let testReplyId;
it('Limits returned replies to 3', async function () {
const parentId = fixtureManager.get('comments', 0).id;
// Check initial status: two replies before test
await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
comments: [commentMatcherWithReplies({replies: 2})]
.expect(({body}) => {
// Add some replies
for (let index = 0; index < 3; index++) {
const {body: reply} = await membersAgent
.body({comments: [{
post_id: postId,
parent_id: parentId,
html: 'This is a reply ' + index
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('comments')
comments: [commentMatcher]
if (index === 0) {
testReplyId = reply.comments[0].id;
// Check if we have count.replies = 4, and replies.length == 3
await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
comments: [commentMatcherWithReplies({replies: 3})]
.expect(({body}) => {
it('Can reply to a comment with www domain', async function () {
// Test that the www. is stripped from the default
configUtils.set('url', 'http://www.domain.example/');
await testCanReply(member, {from: 'noreply@domain.example'});
it('Can reply to a comment with custom support email', async function () {
// Test that the www. is stripped from the default
getStub.callsFake((key, options) => {
if (key === 'members_support_address') {
return 'support@example.com';
if (key === 'comments_enabled') {
return 'all';
return getStub.wrappedMethod.call(settingsCache, key, options);
await testCanReply(member, {from: 'support@example.com'});
it('Can like a comment', async function () {
// Check not liked
await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
comments: new Array(1).fill(commentMatcherWithReplies({replies: 1}))
.expect(({body}) => {
// Create a temporary comment
await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
// Check liked
await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
comments: new Array(1).fill(commentMatcherWithReplies({replies: 1}))
.expect(({body}) => {
it('Cannot like a comment multiple times', async function () {
// Create a temporary comment
await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
errors: [{
id: anyUuid
it('Can like a reply', async function () {
// Check initial status: two replies before test
await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
// Check liked
await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
comments: new Array(1).fill(commentMatcherWithReplies({replies: 0}))
.expect(({body}) => {
it('Can return replies', async function () {
const parentId = fixtureManager.get('comments', 0).id;
// Check initial status: two replies before test
await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
comments: new Array(7).fill(commentMatcher)
.expect(({body}) => {
// Check liked + likes working for replies too
it('Can request last page of replies', async function () {
const parentId = fixtureManager.get('comments', 0).id;
// Check initial status: two replies before test
await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
comments: new Array(1).fill(commentMatcher)
.expect(({body}) => {
it('Can remove a like (unlike)', async function () {
// Unlike
await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
// Check not liked
await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
comments: new Array(1).fill(commentMatcherWithReplies({replies: 1}))
.expect(({body}) => {
it('Cannot unlike a comment if it has not been liked', async function () {
// Remove like
await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
errors: [{
id: anyErrorId
it('Can report a comment', async function () {
// Create a temporary comment
await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
// Check report
const reports = await models.CommentReport.findAll({filter: 'comment_id:' + commentId});
const report = reports.models[0];
subject: '🚩 A comment has been reported on your post',
to: fixtureManager.get('users', 0).email,
html: new RegExp(escapeRegExp('<p>This is a message</p><p></p><p>New line</p>')),
text: new RegExp(escapeRegExp('This is a message\n\nNew line'))
it('Cannot report a comment twice', async function () {
// Create a temporary comment
await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
// Check report should be the same (no extra created)
const reports = await models.CommentReport.findAll({filter: 'comment_id:' + commentId});
const report = reports.models[0];
it('Can edit a comment on a post', async function () {
const {body} = await await membersAgent
.body({comments: [{
html: 'Updated comment'
etag: anyEtag
comments: [{
...commentMatcherWithReplies({replies: 1}),
edited_at: anyISODateTime
assert(body.comments[0].edited_at, 'The edited_at field should be populated');
it('Can not edit a comment post_id', async function () {
const anotherPostId = fixtureManager.get('posts', 1).id;
await membersAgent
.body({comments: [{
post_id: anotherPostId
const {body} = await membersAgent
assert(!body.comments.find(comment => comment.id === commentId), 'The comment should not have moved post');
it('Can not edit a comment which does not belong to you', async function () {
await membersAgent2
.body({comments: [{
html: 'Illegal comment update'
etag: anyEtag
errors: [{
type: 'NoPermissionError',
id: anyUuid
it('Can not edit a comment as a member who is not you', async function () {
const memberId = fixtureManager.get('members', 1).id;
await membersAgent
.body({comments: [{
html: 'Illegal comment update',
member_id: memberId
const {
body: {
comments: [
} = await membersAgent.get(`/api/comments/${commentId}`)
etag: anyEtag
comments: [{
...commentMatcherWithReplies({replies: 1}),
edited_at: anyISODateTime
assert(comment.member.id !== memberId);
it('Can not reply to a reply', async function () {
const {
body: {
comments: [{
id: parentId
} = await membersAgent
.body({comments: [{
post_id: postId,
html: 'Parent'
const {
body: {
comments: [{
id: replyId
} = await membersAgent
.body({comments: [{
post_id: postId,
parent_id: parentId,
html: 'Reply'
await membersAgent
.body({comments: [{
post_id: postId,
parent_id: replyId,
html: 'Reply to a reply!'
etag: anyEtag
errors: [{
type: 'BadRequestError',
id: anyUuid
it('Can not edit a replies parent', async function () {
const {
body: {
comments: [{
id: parentId
} = await membersAgent
.body({comments: [{
post_id: postId,
html: 'Parent'
const {
body: {
comments: [{
id: newParentId
} = await membersAgent
.body({comments: [{
post_id: postId,
html: 'New Parent'
const {
body: {
comments: [{
id: replyId
} = await membersAgent
.body({comments: [{
post_id: postId,
parent_id: parentId,
html: 'Reply'
// Attempt to edit the parent
await membersAgent
.body({comments: [{
parent_id: newParentId,
html: 'Changed parent'
const {body: {comments: [comment]}} = await membersAgent.get(`api/comments/${newParentId}`);
assert(comment.replies.length === 0, 'The parent comment should not have changed');
it('Can fetch counts', async function () {
const ids = [
fixtureManager.get('posts', 0).id,
fixtureManager.get('posts', 1).id,
fixtureManager.get('posts', 2).id
await membersAgent
etag: anyEtag
it('Can delete a comment, and it is redacted from', async function () {
const {
body: {
comments: [{
id: commentToDeleteId
} = await membersAgent
.body({comments: [{
post_id: postId,
html: 'Comment to delete'
const {
body: {
comments: [deletedComment]
} = await membersAgent
.body({comments: [{
status: 'deleted'
describe('when commenting disabled', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await membersAgent.loginAs('member@example.com');
const getStub = sinon.stub(settingsCache, 'get');
getStub.callsFake((key, options) => {
if (key === 'comments_enabled') {
return 'off';
return getStub.wrappedMethod.call(settingsCache, key, options);
afterEach(async function () {
it('Can not comment on a post', async function () {
const {body} = await membersAgent
.body({comments: [{
post_id: postId,
html: '<p>This is a <strong>message</strong></p><p>New line</p>'
describe('when paid only commenting', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
const getStub = sinon.stub(settingsCache, 'get');
getStub.callsFake((key, options) => {
if (key === 'comments_enabled') {
return 'paid';
return getStub.wrappedMethod.call(settingsCache, key, options);
afterEach(async function () {
describe('Members with access', function () {
before(async function () {
await membersAgent.loginAs('paid@example.com');
member = await models.Member.findOne({email: 'paid@example.com'}, {require: true});
const product = await getPaidProduct();
// Attach comped subscription to this member
await models.Member.edit({
status: 'comped',
products: [
id: product.id
}, {id: member.id});
it('Can comment on a post', async function () {
await testCanCommentOnPost(member);
it('Can reply to a comment', async function () {
await testCanReply(member);
describe('Members without access', function () {
before(async function () {
await membersAgent.loginAs('free@example.com');
it('Can not comment on a post', async function () {
await testCannotCommentOnPost();
it('Can not reply to a comment', async function () {
await testCannotReply();
// Only allow members with access to a given post to comment on that post
describe('Tier-only posts', function () {
let post;
let product;
before(async function () {
product = await getPaidProduct();
// Limit post access
post = await models.Post.findOne({id: postId}, {require: true});
await models.Post.edit({
visibility: 'tiers',
tiers: [
id: product.id
}, {id: post.id});
beforeEach(function () {
const getStub = sinon.stub(settingsCache, 'get');
getStub.callsFake((key, options) => {
if (key === 'comments_enabled') {
return 'all';
return getStub.wrappedMethod.call(settingsCache, key, options);
afterEach(async function () {
describe('Members with access', function () {
before(async function () {
await membersAgent.loginAs('member-premium@example.com');
member = await models.Member.findOne({email: 'member-premium@example.com'}, {require: true});
// Attach comped subscription to this member
await models.Member.edit({
status: 'comped',
products: [
id: product.id
}, {id: member.id});
it('Can comment on a post', async function () {
await testCanCommentOnPost(member);
it('Can reply to a comment', async function () {
await testCanReply(member);
describe('Members without access', function () {
before(async function () {
await membersAgent.loginAs('member-not-premium@example.com');
it('Can not comment on a post', async function () {
await testCannotCommentOnPost();
it('Can not reply to a comment', async function () {
await testCannotReply();