Sam Lord 30448a13cd Added event listeners to the webhook server
no issue

Whilst debugging I discovered that the webhooks weren't being received by some tests, causing them to fail. I added log lines for the output from the webhook server to see if I could fix it, and the bug vanished. I narrowed it down to event listeners on the webhook server fixing it.

I'm not sure exactly how this fixes it, I'm guessing the extra events in the event queue have something to do with it.
2023-10-12 14:33:20 +01:00

142 lines
5.6 KiB

// express-test.js
const base = require('@playwright/test');
const {promisify} = require('util');
const {spawn, exec} = require('child_process');
const {setupGhost, setupMailgun, enableLabs, setupStripe, getStripeAccountId, generateStripeIntegrationToken} = require('../utils/e2e-browser-utils');
const {allowStripe, mockMail} = require('../../utils/e2e-framework-mock-manager');
const MailgunClient = require('@tryghost/mailgun-client');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const ObjectID = require('bson-objectid').default;
const Stripe = require('stripe').Stripe;
const configUtils = require('../../utils/configUtils');
const startWebhookServer = (port) => {
const command = `stripe listen --forward-connect-to${port}/members/webhooks/stripe/`;
const webhookServer = spawn(command.split(' ')[0], command.split(' ').slice(1));
// Adding event listeners here seems to prevent heisenbug where webhooks aren't received
webhookServer.stdout.on('data', () => {});
webhookServer.stderr.on('data', () => {});
return webhookServer;
const getWebhookSecret = async () => {
const command = `stripe listen --print-secret ${process.env.CI ? `--api-key ${process.env.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY}` : ''}`.trim();
const webhookSecret = (await promisify(exec)(command)).stdout;
return webhookSecret.toString().trim();
// Global promises for webhook secret / Stripe integration token
const webhookSecretPromise = getWebhookSecret();
module.exports = base.test.extend({
baseURL: async ({port, baseURL}, use) => {
// Replace the port in baseURL with the one we got from the port fixture
const url = new URL(baseURL);
url.port = port.toString();
await use(url.toString());
storageState: async ({ghost}, use) => {
await use(ghost.state);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty-pattern
port: [async ({}, use, workerInfo) => {
await use(2369 + workerInfo.parallelIndex);
}, {scope: 'worker'}],
ghost: [async ({browser, port}, use, workerInfo) => {
// Do not initialise database before this block
const currentDate = new Date();
const formattedDate = `${currentDate.getFullYear()}-${String(currentDate.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0')}-${String(currentDate.getDate()).padStart(2, '0')}-${String(currentDate.getHours()).padStart(2, '0')}-${String(currentDate.getMinutes()).padStart(2, '0')}-${String(currentDate.getSeconds()).padStart(2, '0')}`;
process.env.database__connection__filename = `/tmp/ghost-playwright.${workerInfo.workerIndex}.${formattedDate}.db`;
configUtils.set('database:connection:filename', process.env.database__connection__filename);
configUtils.set('server:port', port);
configUtils.set('url', `${port}`);
const stripeAccountId = await getStripeAccountId();
const stripeIntegrationToken = await generateStripeIntegrationToken(stripeAccountId);
const WebhookManager = require('../../../../stripe/lib/WebhookManager');
const originalParseWebhook = WebhookManager.prototype.parseWebhook;
const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
sandbox.stub(WebhookManager.prototype, 'parseWebhook').callsFake(function (body, signature) {
const parsedBody = JSON.parse(body);
if (!('account' in parsedBody)) {
throw new Error('Webhook without account');
} else if (parsedBody.account !== stripeAccountId) {
throw new Error('Webhook for wrong account');
} else {
return, body, signature);
const StripeAPI = require('../../../../stripe/lib/StripeAPI');
const originalStripeConfigure = StripeAPI.prototype.configure;
sandbox.stub(StripeAPI.prototype, 'configure').callsFake(function (stripeConfig) {, stripeConfig);
if (stripeConfig) {
this._stripe = new Stripe(stripeConfig.secretKey, {
apiVersion: '2020-08-27',
stripeAccount: stripeAccountId
const stripeServer = startWebhookServer(port);
process.env.WEBHOOK_SECRET = await webhookSecretPromise;
sandbox.stub(MailgunClient.prototype, 'getInstance').returns({
// @ts-ignore
messages: {
create: async function () {
return {
id: `mailgun-mock-id-${ObjectID().toHexString()}`
const {startGhost} = require('../../utils/e2e-framework');
const server = await startGhost({
frontend: true,
server: true,
backend: true
// StartGhost automatically disables network, so we need to re-enable it for Stripe
const page = await browser.newPage({
baseURL: `${port}/`,
storageState: undefined
await setupGhost(page);
await setupStripe(page, stripeIntegrationToken);
await setupMailgun(page);
await enableLabs(page);
const state = await page.context().storageState();
await page.close();
// Use the server in the tests.
try {
await use({
} finally {
const {stopGhost} = require('../../utils/e2e-utils');
await stopGhost();
}, {scope: 'worker', auto: true}]