mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 03:22:21 +03:00
no issue - switched to native class syntax - updated to glimmer/octane syntax - fixed infinite render issue from `<KoenigTextReplacementHtmlInput>`'s `didReceiveAttrs()` lifecycle hook
428 lines
15 KiB
428 lines
15 KiB
import Component from '@ember/component';
import Editor from 'mobiledoc-kit/editor/editor';
import cleanTextReplacementHtml from '../lib/clean-text-replacement-html';
import defaultAtoms from '../options/atoms';
import registerKeyCommands, {TEXT_REPLACEMENT_KEY_COMMANDS} from '../options/key-commands';
import validator from 'validator';
import {BLANK_DOC, MOBILEDOC_VERSION} from './koenig-editor';
import {DRAG_DISABLED_DATA_ATTR} from '../lib/dnd/constants';
import {arrayToMap} from './koenig-editor';
import {assign} from '@ember/polyfills';
import {computed} from '@ember/object';
import {getContentFromPasteEvent} from 'mobiledoc-kit/utils/parse-utils';
import {getLinkMarkupFromRange} from '../utils/markup-utils';
import {registerTextReplacementTextExpansions} from '../options/text-expansions';
import {run} from '@ember/runloop';
export function formatTextReplacementHtml(html) {
return (html || '').replace(/\{(.*?)\}/g, '<code>$&</code>');
// TODO: extract core to share functionality between this and `{{koenig-editor}}`
const UNDO_DEPTH = 50;
// markups that should not be continued when typing and reverted to their
// text expansion style when backspacing over final char of markup
S: '~~',
char: '{', // this is different because we use <code> to represent {} replacements
replace: false
SUP: '^',
SUB: '~'
// if the cursor is at the end of one of our "special" markups that can only be
// toggled via markdown expansions then we want to ensure that the markup is
// removed from the edit state so that you can type without being stuck with
// the special formatting
function toggleSpecialFormatEditState(editor) {
let {head, isCollapsed} = editor.range;
if (isCollapsed) {
Object.keys(SPECIAL_MARKUPS).forEach((tagName) => {
tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
if (head.marker && head.marker.hasMarkup(tagName) && editor._editState.activeMarkups.findBy('tagName', tagName)) {
let nextMarker = head.markerIn(1);
if (!nextMarker || !nextMarker.hasMarkup(tagName)) {
// there is a bug somehwhere that means after pasting
// content the _editState can end up with multiple
// instances of the markup so we need to toggle all of them
editor._editState.activeMarkups.filterBy('tagName', tagName).forEach((markup) => {
export default Component.extend({
// public attrs
autofocus: false,
html: null,
placeholder: '',
spellcheck: true,
// internal properties
activeMarkupTagNames: null,
editor: null,
linkRange: null,
mobiledoc: null,
selectedRange: null,
// private properties
_hasFocus: false,
_lastMobiledoc: null,
_startedRunLoop: false,
// closure actions
willCreateEditor() {},
didCreateEditor() {},
onChange() {},
onFocus() {},
onBlur() {},
/* computed properties -------------------------------------------------- */
formattedHtml: computed('html', function () {
return formatTextReplacementHtml(this.html);
// merge in named options with any passed in `options` property data-bag
editorOptions: computed('formattedHtml', function () {
let options = this.options || {};
let atoms = this.atoms || [];
let cards = this.cards || [];
// add our default atoms and cards, we want the defaults to be first so
// that they can be overridden by any passed-in atoms or cards.
// Use Array.concat to avoid modifying any passed in array references
atoms = defaultAtoms.concat(atoms);
return assign({
html: this.formattedHtml || '',
placeholder: this.placeholder,
spellcheck: this.spellcheck,
autofocus: this.autofocus,
unknownCardHandler() {},
unknownAtomHandler() {}
}, options);
/* lifecycle hooks ------------------------------------------------------ */
init() {
didReceiveAttrs() {
// reset local mobiledoc if html has been changed upstream so that
// the html will be re-parsed by the mobiledoc-kit editor
if (this.html !== this._lastHtml && this.html !== this.getCleanHTML()) {
this.set('mobiledoc', null);
this._lastHtml = this.html;
willRender() {
let mobiledoc = this.mobiledoc;
if (!mobiledoc && !this.formattedHtml) {
mobiledoc = BLANK_DOC;
let mobiledocIsSame =
(this._lastMobiledoc && this._lastMobiledoc === mobiledoc);
let isEditingDisabledIsSame =
this._lastIsEditingDisabled === this.isEditingDisabled;
// no change to mobiledoc, no need to recreate the editor
if (mobiledocIsSame && isEditingDisabledIsSame) {
// update our internal references
this._lastIsEditingDisabled = this.isEditingDisabled;
// trigger the willCreateEditor closure action
// teardown any old editor that might be around
let editor = this.editor;
if (editor) {
// create a new editor
let editorOptions = this.editorOptions;
editorOptions.mobiledoc = mobiledoc;
editorOptions.showLinkTooltips = false;
editorOptions.undoDepth = UNDO_DEPTH;
editorOptions.parserPlugins = [];
editor = new Editor(editorOptions);
registerKeyCommands(editor, this, TEXT_REPLACEMENT_KEY_COMMANDS);
registerTextReplacementTextExpansions(editor, this);
// set up editor hooks
editor.willRender(() => {
// The editor's render/rerender will happen after this `editor.willRender`,
// so we explicitly start a runloop here if there is none, so that the
// add/remove card hooks happen inside a runloop.
// When pasting text that gets turned into a card, for example,
// the add card hook would run outside the runloop if we didn't begin a new
// one now.
if (!run.currentRunLoop) {
this._startedRunLoop = true;
editor.didRender(() => {
// if we had explicitly started a runloop in `editor.willRender`,
// we must explicitly end it here
if (this._startedRunLoop) {
this._startedRunLoop = false;
editor.didUpdatePost((postEditor) => {
run.join(() => {
editor.postDidChange(() => {
run.join(() => {
editor.cursorDidChange(() => {
run.join(() => {
editor.inputModeDidChange(() => {
if (this.isDestroyed) {
run.join(() => {
if (this.isEditingDisabled) {
// update mobiledoc reference to match initial editor state from parsed
// html. We use this value to compare on re-renders in case we need to
// re-parse from html
this.mobiledoc = editor.serialize(MOBILEDOC_VERSION);
this._lastMobiledoc = this.mobiledoc;
this.set('editor', editor);
didInsertElement() {
let editorElement = this.element.querySelector('[data-kg="editor"]');
this._pasteHandler = run.bind(this, this.handlePaste);
editorElement.addEventListener('paste', this._pasteHandler);
this.element.dataset[DRAG_DISABLED_DATA_ATTR] = 'true';
// our ember component has rendered, now we need to render the mobiledoc
// editor itself if necessary
didRender() {
let {editor} = this;
if (!editor.hasRendered) {
let editorElement = this.element.querySelector('[data-kg="editor"]');
this._isRenderingEditor = true;
this._isRenderingEditor = false;
willDestroyElement() {
let editorElement = this.element.querySelector('[data-kg="editor"]');
editorElement.removeEventListener('paste', this._pasteHandler);
actions: {
toggleMarkup(markupTagName, postEditor) {
(postEditor || this.editor).toggleMarkup(markupTagName);
// range should be set to the full extent of the selection or the
// appropriate <a> markup. If there's a selection when the link edit
// component renders it will re-select when finished which should
// trigger the normal toolbar
editLink(range) {
let linkMarkup = getLinkMarkupFromRange(range);
if ((!range.isCollapsed || linkMarkup) && range.headSection.isMarkerable) {
this.set('linkRange', range);
cancelEditLink() {
this.set('linkRange', null);
/* ember event handlers --------------------------------------------------*/
// handle focusin/focusout at the component level so that we don't trigger blur
// actions when clicking on toolbar buttons
focusIn(event) {
if (!this._hasFocus) {
this._hasFocus = true;
run.scheduleOnce('actions', this, this.onFocus, event);
focusOut(event) {
if (!event.relatedTarget || !this.element.contains(event.relatedTarget)) {
this._hasFocus = false;
run.scheduleOnce('actions', this, this.onBlur, event);
/* custom event handlers ------------------------------------------------ */
handlePaste(event) {
let {editor, editor: {range}} = this;
let {text} = getContentFromPasteEvent(event);
if (!editor.cursor.isAddressable(event.target)) {
if (text && validator.isURL(text)) {
// if we have a text selection, make that selection a link
if (range && !range.isCollapsed && range.headSection === range.tailSection && range.headSection.isMarkerable) {
let linkMarkup = editor.builder.createMarkup('a', {href: text});
editor.run((postEditor) => {
postEditor.addMarkupToRange(range, linkMarkup);
// prevent mobiledoc's default paste event handler firing
/* mobiledoc event handlers ----------------------------------------------*/
// manipulate mobiledoc content before committing changes
// - only one section
// - first section must be a markerable section
// - if first section is a list, grab the content of the first list item
didUpdatePost(postEditor) {
let {editor, editor: {post}} = postEditor;
// remove any other formatting from code formats
let markers = [];
try {
markers = post.markersContainedByRange(post.toRange());
} catch (e) {
// post.toRange() can fail if a list item was just removed
// TODO: mobiledoc-kit bug?
markers.forEach((marker) => {
let {markups} = marker;
if (markups.length > 1 && marker.hasMarkup('code')) {
markups.rejectBy('tagName', 'code').forEach((markup) => {
// remove any non-markerable/non-list sections
post.sections.forEach((section) => {
if (!section.isMarkerable && !section.isListSection) {
let reposition = section === editor.activeSection;
if (reposition) {
postDidChange() {
// trigger closure action
cursorDidChange(editor) {
// if we have `code` or ~strike~ formatting to the left but not the right
// then toggle the formatting - these formats should only be creatable
// through the text expansions
// pass the selected range through to the toolbar + menu components
this.set('selectedRange', editor.range);
// fired when the active section(s) or markup(s) at the current cursor
// position or selection have changed. We use this event to update the
// activeMarkup/section tag lists which control button states in our popup
// toolbar
inputModeDidChange(editor) {
let markupTags = arrayToMap(editor.activeMarkups.map(m => m.tagName));
// On keyboard cursor movement our `cursorDidChange` toggle for special
// formats happens before mobiledoc's readstate updates the edit states
// so we have to re-do it here
// TODO: can we make the event order consistent in mobiledoc-kit?
// Avoid updating this component's properties synchronously while
// rendering the editor (after rendering the component) because it
// causes Ember to display deprecation warnings
if (this._isRenderingEditor) {
run.schedule('afterRender', () => {
this.set('activeMarkupTagNames', markupTags);
} else {
this.set('activeMarkupTagNames', markupTags);
/* private methods -------------------------------------------------------*/
// rather than parsing mobiledoc to HTML we can grab the HTML directly from
// inside the editor element because we should only be dealing with
// inline markup that directly maps to HTML elements
getCleanHTML() {
if (this.editor && this.editor.element) {
return cleanTextReplacementHtml(this.editor.element.innerHTML);