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synced 2024-12-15 03:12:54 +03:00
no refs - adds new product fixtures - allows loading of products data for offers page
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98 lines
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import enableLabsFlag from '../helpers/enable-labs-flag';
import moment from 'moment';
import wait from 'ember-test-helpers/wait';
import {authenticateSession, invalidateSession} from 'ember-simple-auth/test-support';
import {beforeEach, describe, it} from 'mocha';
import {blur, click, currentURL, fillIn, find, findAll} from '@ember/test-helpers';
import {expect} from 'chai';
import {setupApplicationTest} from 'ember-mocha';
import {setupMirage} from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support';
import {timeout} from 'ember-concurrency';
import {visit} from '../helpers/visit';
describe('Acceptance: Offers', function () {
let hooks = setupApplicationTest();
it('redirects to signin when not authenticated', async function () {
await invalidateSession();
await visit('/offers');
it('redirects non-admins to site', async function () {
let role = this.server.create('role', {name: 'Editor'});
this.server.create('user', {roles: [role]});
await authenticateSession();
await visit('/offers');
expect(find('[data-test-nav="offers"]'), 'sidebar link')
describe('as owner', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
enableLabsFlag(this.server, 'offers');
let role = this.server.create('role', {name: 'Owner'});
this.server.create('user', {roles: [role]});
return await authenticateSession();
it('it renders, can be navigated, can edit offer', async function () {
let offer1 = this.server.create('offer', {createdAt: moment.utc().subtract(1, 'day').valueOf()});
this.server.create('offer', {createdAt: moment.utc().subtract(2, 'day').valueOf()});
await visit('/offers');
// second wait is needed for the vertical-collection to settle
await wait();
// lands on correct page
expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL').to.equal('/offers');
// it has correct page title
expect(document.title, 'page title').to.equal('Offers - Test Blog');
// it lists all offers
expect(findAll('[data-test-list="offers-list-item"]').length, 'offers list count')
let offer = find('[data-test-list="offers-list-item"]');
expect(offer.querySelector('[data-test-list="offer-name"] h3').textContent, 'offer list item name')
await visit(`/offers/${offer1.id}`);
// second wait is needed for the offer details to settle
await wait();
// it shows selected offer form
expect(find('[data-test-input="offer-name"]').value, 'loads correct offer into form')
// trigger save
await fillIn('[data-test-input="offer-name"]', 'New Name');
await blur('[data-test-input="offer-name"]');
await click('[data-test-button="save"]');
// extra timeout needed for Travis - sometimes it doesn't update
// quick enough and an extra wait() call doesn't help
await timeout(100);
await click('[data-test-link="offers-back"]');
await wait();
// lands on correct page
expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL').to.equal('/offers');