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synced 2024-12-28 05:14:12 +03:00
refs: https://github.com/TryGhost/DevOps/issues/78 Re-introduce parallel browser tests These were adding in a previous PR, but the difference between local running tests and using CI introduced failures. Added additional fixes to ensure the Stripe API key is used in the CLI when running in CI.
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563 lines
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const {expect} = require('@playwright/test');
const test = require('../fixtures/ghost-test');
const {DateTime} = require('luxon');
const {slugify} = require('@tryghost/string');
const {createTier, createMember, createPostDraft, impersonateMember} = require('../utils');
* Test the status of a post in the post editor.
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {string} status The status you expect to see
* @param {string} [hoverStatus] Optional different status when you hover the status
const checkPostStatus = async (page, status, hoverStatus) => {
await expect(page.locator('[data-test-editor-post-status]')).toContainText(status, {timeout: 5000});
if (hoverStatus) {
await page.locator('[data-test-editor-post-status]').hover();
await expect(page.locator('[data-test-editor-post-status]')).toContainText(hoverStatus, {timeout: 5000});
* Checks the post or page doesn't exist and returns a 404 page
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} [options.slug]
* @param {String} [options.title]
const checkPostNotPublished = async (page, {slug, title}) => {
if (!slug) {
slug = slugify(title);
const url = `/${slug}/`;
// Go to the page and check if the status code is 404
const response = await page.goto(url);
* Checks the post or page doesn't exist and returns a 404 page
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} [options.slug]
* @param {String} options.title
* @param {String} options.body
const checkPostPublished = async (page, {slug, title, body}) => {
if (!slug) {
slug = slugify(title);
const url = `/${slug}/`;
// Check again, now it should have been added to the page
const response = await page.goto(url);
// Check if the title and body are present on this page
await expect(page.locator('.gh-article-title')).toHaveText(title);
await expect(page.locator('.gh-content.gh-canvas > p')).toHaveText(body);
* Start a page draft with a filled in title and body. We can consider to move this to utils later.
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} [options.title]
* @param {String} [options.body]
const createPage = async (page, {title = 'Hello world', body = 'This is my post body.'} = {}) => {
await page.locator('.gh-nav a[href="#/pages/"]').click();
// Create a new post
await page.locator('[data-test-new-page-button]').click();
// Fill in the post title
await page.locator('[data-test-editor-title-input]').click();
await page.locator('[data-test-editor-title-input]').fill(title);
// wait for editor to be ready
await expect(page.locator('[data-lexical-editor="true"]')).toBeVisible();
// Continue to the body by pressing enter
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
await page.waitForTimeout(100); // allow new->draft switch to occur fully, without this some initial typing events can be missed
await page.keyboard.type(body);
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
const openPublishFlow = async (page) => {
await page.locator('[data-test-button="publish-flow"]').click();
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
const closePublishFlow = async (page) => {
await page.locator('[data-test-button="close-publish-flow"]').click();
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
const openPostSettingsMenu = async (page) => {
await page.locator('[data-test-psm-trigger]').click();
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {'public'|'members'|'paid'|'tiers'} visibility
const setPostVisibility = async (page, visibility) => {
await page.locator('[data-test-select="post-visibility"]').selectOption(visibility);
* @typedef {Object} PublishOptions
* @property {'publish'|'publish+send'|'send'|null} [type]
* @property {String} [recipientFilter]
* @property {String} [newsletter]
* @property {String} [date]
* @property {String} [time]
* Open and complete publish flow, filling in all necessary fields based on publish options
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {PublishOptions} options
const publishPost = async (page, {type = 'publish', time, date} = {}) => {
await openPublishFlow(page);
// set the publish type
if (type) {
// Type is nullable because Pages don't have a publish type button
await page.locator('[data-test-setting="publish-type"] > button').click();
await page.locator(`[data-test-publish-type="${type}"] + label`).click({timeout: 1000}); // If this times out, it is likely that there are no members (running a single test).
// Schedule the post
if (date || time) {
await page.locator('[data-test-setting="publish-at"] > button').click();
await page.locator('[data-test-radio="schedule"] + label').click();
if (date) {
await page.locator('[data-test-date-time-picker-date-input]').fill(date);
if (time) {
await page.locator('[data-test-date-time-picker-time-input]').fill(time);
// TODO: set other publish options
// continue to confirmation step
await page.locator('[data-test-modal="publish-flow"] [data-test-button="continue"]').click();
// TODO: assert publish flow has expected confirmation details
// (we need force because the button is animating)
await page.locator('[data-test-modal="publish-flow"] [data-test-button="confirm-publish"]').click({force: true});
// TODO: assert publish flow has expected completion details
* When on the publish flow completed step, click the bookmark
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @returns {Promise<import('@playwright/test').Page>}
const openPublishedPostBookmark = async (page) => {
// open the published post in a new tab
const [frontendPage] = await Promise.all([
return frontendPage;
test.describe('Publishing', () => {
test.describe('Publish post', () => {
// Post should be available on web and sent as a newsletter
test('Publish and Email', async ({page}) => {
const postData = {
title: 'Publish and email post',
body: 'This is my post body.'
// Create a member to send and email to
await createMember(page, {email: 'test+recipient1@example.com', name: 'Publishing member'});
await page.goto('/ghost');
await createPostDraft(page, postData);
await publishPost(page, {type: 'publish+send'});
await closePublishFlow(page);
await checkPostStatus(page, 'Published');
await checkPostPublished(page, postData);
// Post should only be available on web
test('Publish only', async ({page}) => {
const postData = {
title: 'Publish post only',
body: 'This is my post body.'
await page.goto('/ghost');
await createPostDraft(page, postData);
await publishPost(page);
await closePublishFlow(page);
await checkPostStatus(page, 'Published');
await checkPostPublished(page, postData);
// Post should be available on web and sent as a newsletter
test('Email only', async ({page}) => {
const postData = {
title: 'Email only post',
body: 'This is my post body.'
await createMember(page, {email: 'test+recipient2@example.com', name: 'Publishing member'});
await page.goto('/ghost');
await createPostDraft(page, postData);
await publishPost(page, {type: 'send'});
await closePublishFlow(page);
await checkPostStatus(page, 'Sent to '); // can't test for 1 member for now, because depends on test ordering :( (sometimes 2 members are created)
await checkPostNotPublished(page, postData);
test.describe('Publish page', () => {
// A page can be published and become visible on web
test('Immediately', async ({page}) => {
const pageData = {
// Title should be unique to avoid slug duplicates
title: 'Published page test',
body: 'This is my scheduled page body.'
await page.goto('/ghost');
await createPage(page, pageData);
await publishPost(page, {type: null});
await closePublishFlow(page);
await checkPostStatus(page, 'Published');
// Check published
await checkPostPublished(page, pageData);
// Page should be published at the scheduled time
test('At the scheduled time', async ({page}) => {
const pageData = {
// Title should be unique to avoid slug duplicates
title: 'Scheduled page test',
body: 'This is my scheduled page body.'
await page.goto('/ghost');
await createPage(page, pageData);
// Schedule the post to publish asap (by setting it to 00:00, it will get auto corrected to the minimum time possible - 5 seconds in the future)
await publishPost(page, {time: '00:00', type: null});
await closePublishFlow(page);
await checkPostStatus(page, 'Scheduled', 'Scheduled to be published in a few seconds');
// Go to the page and check if the status code is 404
await checkPostNotPublished(page, pageData);
// Now wait for 5 seconds
await page.waitForTimeout(5000);
// Check again, now it should have been added to the page
await checkPostPublished(page, pageData);
test.describe('Update post', () => {
test.describe.configure({retries: 1});
test('Can update a published post', async ({page: adminPage}) => {
await adminPage.goto('/ghost');
const date = DateTime.now();
await createPostDraft(adminPage, {title: 'Testing publish update', body: 'This is the initial published text.'});
await publishPost(adminPage);
const frontendPage = await openPublishedPostBookmark(adminPage);
await closePublishFlow(adminPage);
const publishedBody = frontendPage.locator('main > article > section > p');
const publishedHeader = frontendPage.locator('main > article > header');
// check front-end post has the initial body text
await expect(publishedBody).toContainText('This is the initial published text.');
await expect(publishedHeader).toContainText(date.toFormat('LLL d, yyyy'));
// add some extra text to the post
await adminPage.locator('[data-kg="editor"]').click();
await adminPage.waitForTimeout(200); //
await adminPage.keyboard.type(' This is some updated text.');
// change some post settings
await openPostSettingsMenu(adminPage);
await adminPage.fill('[data-test-date-time-picker-date-input]', '2022-01-07');
await adminPage.fill('[data-test-field="custom-excerpt"]', 'Short description and meta');
// save
await adminPage.locator('[data-test-button="publish-save"]').click();
// check front-end has new text after reloading
await frontendPage.waitForTimeout(300); // let save go through
await frontendPage.reload();
await expect(publishedBody).toContainText('This is some updated text.');
await expect(publishedHeader).toContainText('Jan 7, 2022');
const metaDescription = frontendPage.locator('meta[name="description"]');
await expect(metaDescription).toHaveAttribute('content', 'Short description and meta');
test.describe('Schedule post', () => {
// Post should be published to web and sent as a newsletter at the scheduled time
test('Publish and Email', async ({page}) => {
const postData = {
// This title should be unique
title: 'Scheduled post publish+email test',
body: 'This is my scheduled post body.'
await createMember(page, {email: 'test+recipient3@example.com', name: 'Publishing member'});
await page.goto('/ghost');
await createPostDraft(page, postData);
// Schedule the post to publish asap (by setting it to 00:00, it will get auto corrected to the minimum time possible - 5 seconds in the future)
await publishPost(page, {time: '00:00', type: 'publish+send'});
await closePublishFlow(page);
await checkPostStatus(page, 'Scheduled', 'Scheduled to be published and sent'); // Member count can differ, hence not included here
await checkPostStatus(page, 'Scheduled', 'in a few seconds'); // Extra test for suffix on hover
const editorUrl = await page.url();
// Go to the homepage and check if the post is not yet visible there
await checkPostNotPublished(page, postData);
// Now wait 5 seconds for the scheduled post to be published
await page.waitForTimeout(5000);
// Check again, now it should have been added to the page
await checkPostPublished(page, postData);
// Check status
await page.goto(editorUrl);
await checkPostStatus(page, 'Published');
// Post should be published to web only at the scheduled time
test('Publish only', async ({page}) => {
const postData = {
title: 'Scheduled post test',
body: 'This is my scheduled post body.'
await page.goto('/ghost');
await createPostDraft(page, postData);
// Schedule the post to publish asap (by setting it to 00:00, it will get auto corrected to the minimum time possible - 5 seconds in the future)
await publishPost(page, {time: '00:00'});
await closePublishFlow(page);
await checkPostStatus(page, 'Scheduled', 'Scheduled to be published in a few seconds');
const editorUrl = await page.url();
// Check not published yet
await checkPostNotPublished(page, postData);
// Now wait 5 seconds for the scheduled post to be published
await page.waitForTimeout(5000);
// Check published
await checkPostPublished(page, postData);
// Check status
await page.goto(editorUrl);
await checkPostStatus(page, 'Published');
// Post should be published to web only at the scheduled time
test('Email only', async ({page}) => {
const postData = {
title: 'Scheduled email only test',
body: 'This is my scheduled post body.'
await createMember(page, {email: 'test+recipient4@example.com', name: 'Publishing member'});
await page.goto('/ghost');
await createPostDraft(page, postData);
// Schedule the post to publish asap (by setting it to 00:00, it will get auto corrected to the minimum time possible - 5 seconds in the future)
await publishPost(page, {type: 'send', time: '00:00'});
await closePublishFlow(page);
await checkPostStatus(page, 'Scheduled', 'Scheduled to be sent to');
const editorUrl = await page.url();
// Check not published yet
await checkPostNotPublished(page, postData);
// Now wait 5 seconds for the scheduled post to be published
await page.waitForTimeout(5000);
// Check status
await page.goto(editorUrl);
await checkPostStatus(page, 'Sent', 'Sent to');
// Stil not published yet (email only)
await checkPostNotPublished(page, postData);
// A previously scheduled post can be unscheduled, which resets it to a draft
test('A scheduled post should be able to be unscheduled', async ({page, context}) => {
const postData = {
title: 'Unschedule post test',
body: 'This is my unscheduled post body.'
await page.goto('/ghost');
await createPostDraft(page, postData);
// Schedule far in the future
await publishPost(page, {date: '2050-01-01', time: '10:09'});
await closePublishFlow(page);
// Check status
await checkPostStatus(page, 'Scheduled', 'Scheduled to be published at 10:09 (UTC) on 01 Jan 2050');
// Check not published
const testPage = await context.newPage();
// Check not published
await checkPostNotPublished(testPage, postData);
// Now unschedule this post
await page.locator('[data-test-button="update-flow"]').click();
await page.locator('[data-test-button="revert-to-draft"]').click();
// Check status
await checkPostStatus(page, 'Draft - Saved');
// Check not published
await checkPostNotPublished(testPage, postData);
test.describe('Updating post access', () => {
test.describe('Change post visibility to members-only', () => {
test('Only logged-in members (free or paid) can see', async ({page}) => {
await page.goto('/ghost');
await createPostDraft(page);
await openPostSettingsMenu(page);
await setPostVisibility(page, 'members');
await publishPost(page);
const frontendPage = await openPublishedPostBookmark(page);
// Check if content gate for members is present on front-end
await expect(frontendPage.locator('.gh-post-upgrade-cta-content h2')).toHaveText('This post is for subscribers only');
test.describe('Change post visibility to paid-members-only', () => {
test('Only logged-in, paid members can see', async ({page}) => {
await page.goto('/ghost');
await createPostDraft(page);
await openPostSettingsMenu(page);
await setPostVisibility(page, 'paid');
await publishPost(page);
const frontendPage = await openPublishedPostBookmark(page);
// Check if content gate for paid members is present on front-end
await expect(frontendPage.locator('.gh-post-upgrade-cta-content h2')).toHaveText('This post is for paying subscribers only');
test.describe('Change post visibility to public', () => {
test('Everyone can see', async ({page}) => {
await page.goto('/ghost');
await createPostDraft(page);
await openPostSettingsMenu(page);
await setPostVisibility(page, 'public');
await publishPost(page);
const frontendPage = await openPublishedPostBookmark(page);
// Check if post content is publicly visible on front-end
await expect(frontendPage.locator('.gh-content.gh-canvas > p')).toHaveText('This is my post body.');
test('specific tiers', async ({page}) => {
await page.goto('/ghost');
// tiers and members are needed to test the access levels
await createTier(page, {name: 'Silver', monthlyPrice: 5, yearlyPrice: 50});
await createTier(page, {name: 'Gold', monthlyPrice: 10, yearlyPrice: 100});
await createMember(page, {email: 'silver@example.com', compedPlan: 'Silver'});
const silverMember = await page.url();
await createMember(page, {email: 'gold@example.com', compedPlan: 'Gold'});
const goldMember = await page.url();
await createPostDraft(page, {body: 'Only gold members can see this'});
await openPostSettingsMenu(page);
await setPostVisibility(page, 'tiers');
// backspace removes existing tiers
await expect(page.locator('[data-test-visibility-segment-select] [data-test-selected-token]')).toHaveCount(3);
await page.locator('[data-test-visibility-segment-select] input').click();
await page.keyboard.press('Backspace');
await page.waitForTimeout(50);
await page.keyboard.press('Backspace');
await page.waitForTimeout(50);
await page.keyboard.press('Backspace');
await expect(page.locator('[data-test-visibility-segment-select] [data-test-selected-token]')).toHaveCount(0);
// specific tier can be added back on
await page.keyboard.type('Go');
const goldOption = page.locator('[data-test-visibility-segment-option="Gold"]');
await goldOption.click();
// publish
await publishPost(page);
const frontendPage = await openPublishedPostBookmark(page);
// non-member doesn't have access
await expect(frontendPage.locator('.gh-post-upgrade-cta-content h2')).toContainText('on the Gold tier only');
// member on wrong tier doesn't have access
await page.goto(silverMember);
await impersonateMember(page);
await frontendPage.reload();
await expect(frontendPage.locator('.gh-post-upgrade-cta-content h2')).toContainText('on the Gold tier only');
// member on selected tier has access
await page.goto(goldMember);
await impersonateMember(page);
await frontendPage.reload();
await expect(frontendPage.locator('.gh-post-upgrade-cta-content')).not.toBeVisible();
await expect(frontendPage.locator('.gh-content.gh-canvas > p')).toHaveText('Only gold members can see this');