Sam Lord 48550c81aa Improved performance of prepareContentFolder function

- up until now, the test framework has copied all theme fixtures to the
  test directory when it boots Ghost
- the vast majority of tests don't need all the themes, so this is quite
  a wasteful operation
- this commit disables copying all themes by default, and provides the
  `copyThemes` boot option to enable this
- also adds a `copySettings` option, and defaults `redirectsFile` to
  false to further reduce the number of file copies
2022-08-01 08:58:13 +02:00

528 lines
21 KiB

const assert = require('assert');
const should = require('should');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const supertest = require('supertest');
const moment = require('moment');
const testUtils = require('../utils');
const configUtils = require('../utils/configUtils');
const settingsCache = require('../../core/shared/settings-cache');
const DomainEvents = require('@tryghost/domain-events');
const {MemberPageViewEvent} = require('@tryghost/member-events');
const models = require('../../core/server/models');
const {mockManager} = require('../utils/e2e-framework');
const DataGenerator = require('../utils/fixtures/data-generator');
function assertContentIsPresent(res) {
res.text.should.containEql('<h2 id="markdown">markdown</h2>');
function assertContentIsAbsent(res) {
res.text.should.not.containEql('<h2 id="markdown">markdown</h2>');
describe('Front-end members behaviour', function () {
let request;
async function loginAsMember(email) {
// membersService needs to be required after Ghost start so that settings
// are pre-populated with defaults
const membersService = require('../../core/server/services/members');
const signinLink = await membersService.api.getMagicLink(email);
const signinURL = new URL(signinLink);
// request needs a relative path rather than full url with host
const signinPath = `${signinURL.pathname}${}`;
// perform a sign-in request to set members cookies on superagent
await request.get(signinPath)
.expect((res) => {
const redirectUrl = new URL(res.headers.location, testUtils.API.getURL());
before(async function () {
const originalSettingsCacheGetFn = settingsCache.get;
sinon.stub(settingsCache, 'get').callsFake(function (key, options) {
if (key === 'labs') {
return {members: true};
if (key === 'active_theme') {
return 'members-test-theme';
return originalSettingsCacheGetFn(key, options);
await testUtils.startGhost({
copyThemes: true
await testUtils.initFixtures('newsletters', 'members:newsletters');
request = supertest.agent(configUtils.config.get('url'));
after(function () {
describe('Member routes', function () {
it('should error serving webhook endpoint without any parameters', async function () {
it('should fail processing a webhook endpoint with stripe header', async function () {
.set('Stripe-Signature', 'test-invalid-signature')
it('should return no content for invalid token passed in session', async function () {
await request.get('/members/api/session')
it('should return no content when removing member sessions', async function () {
await request.del('/members/api/session')
it('should error for invalid member token on member data endpoint', async function () {
await request.get('/members/api/member')
it('should error for invalid data on member magic link endpoint', async function () {
it('should error for invalid data on members create checkout session endpoint', async function () {
//TODO: Remove 500 expect once tests are wired up with Stripe
it('should not throw 400 for using offer id on members create checkout session endpoint', async function () {
offerId: '62826b1b6dccb3e3e997ebd4',
identity: null,
metadata: {
name: 'Jamie Larsen'
cancelUrl: '',
customerEmail: '',
tierId: null,
cadence: null
it('should error for invalid data on members create update session endpoint', async function () {
it('should error for invalid data on members subscription endpoint', async function () {
await request.put('/members/api/subscriptions/123')
it('should error for fetching member newsletters with missing uuid', async function () {
await request.get('/members/api/member/newsletters')
it('should error for fetching member newsletters with invalid uuid', async function () {
await request.get('/members/api/member/newsletters?uuid=abc')
it('should error for updating member newsletters with missing uuid', async function () {
await request.put('/members/api/member/newsletters')
it('should error for updating member newsletters with invalid uuid', async function () {
await request.put('/members/api/member/newsletters?uuid=abc')
it('should fetch and update member newsletters with valid uuid', async function () {
const memberUUID = DataGenerator.Content.members[0].uuid;
// Can fetch newsletter subscriptions
const getRes = await request.get(`/members/api/member/newsletters?uuid=${memberUUID}`)
const getJsonResponse = getRes.body;
should.exist(getJsonResponse);['email', 'uuid', 'status', 'name', 'newsletters']);'id');
// Can update newsletter subscription
const res = await request.put(`/members/api/member/newsletters?uuid=${memberUUID}`)
newsletters: []
const jsonResponse = res.body;
should.exist(jsonResponse);['email', 'uuid', 'status', 'name', 'newsletters']);'id');
it('should serve theme 404 on members endpoint', async function () {
await request.get('/members/')
.expect('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8');
it('should redirect invalid token on members endpoint', async function () {
await request.get('/members/?token=abc&action=signup')
.expect('Location', '/?action=signup&success=false');
describe('Unsubscribe', function () {
afterEach(function () {
it('should redirect with uuid and action param', async function () {
await request.get('/unsubscribe/?uuid=XXX')
.expect('Location', '');
it('should pass through an optional newsletter param', async function () {
await request.get('/unsubscribe/?uuid=XXX&newsletter=YYY')
.expect('Location', '');
it('should reject when missing a uuid', async function () {
await request.get('/unsubscribe/')
describe('Content gating', function () {
let publicPost;
let membersPost;
let paidPost;
let membersPostWithPaywallCard;
let labelPost;
let productPost;
before(function () {
publicPost = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
slug: 'free-to-see',
visibility: 'public',
published_at: moment().add(15, 'seconds').toDate() // here to ensure sorting is not modified
membersPost = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
slug: 'thou-shalt-not-be-seen',
visibility: 'members',
published_at: moment().add(45, 'seconds').toDate() // here to ensure sorting is not modified
paidPost = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
slug: 'thou-shalt-be-paid-for',
visibility: 'paid',
published_at: moment().add(30, 'seconds').toDate() // here to ensure sorting is not modified
membersPostWithPaywallCard = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
slug: 'thou-shalt-have-a-taste',
visibility: 'members',
mobiledoc: '{"version":"0.3.1","markups":[],"atoms":[],"cards":[["paywall",{}]],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Free content"]]],[10,0],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Members content"]]]]}',
html: '<p>Free content</p><!--members-only--><p>Members content</p>',
published_at: moment().add(5, 'seconds').toDate()
labelPost = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
slug: 'thou-must-be-labelled-vip',
visibility: 'label:vip',
published_at: moment().toDate()
productPost = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
slug: 'thou-must-have-default-product',
visibility: 'product:default-product',
published_at: moment().toDate()
return testUtils.fixtures.insertPosts([
describe('as non-member', function () {
it('can read public post content', async function () {
await request
it('cannot read members post content', async function () {
await request
it('cannot read paid post content', async function () {
await request
it('cannot read label-only post content', async function () {
await request
it('cannot read product-only post content', async function () {
await request
it('doesn\'t generate a MemberPageView event', async function () {
const spy = sinon.spy();
DomainEvents.subscribe(MemberPageViewEvent, spy);
await request
assert(spy.notCalled, 'A page view from a non-member shouldn\'t generate a MemberPageViewEvent event');
describe('as free member', function () {
before(async function () {
await loginAsMember('');
it('can read public post content', async function () {
await request
it('can read members post content', async function () {
await request
it('cannot read paid post content', async function () {
await request
it('cannot read label-only post content', async function () {
await request
it('cannot read product-only post content', async function () {
await request
describe('as free member with vip label', function () {
const email = '';
before(async function () {
await loginAsMember(email);
it('generates a MemberPageView event', async function () {
const spy = sinon.spy();
DomainEvents.subscribe(MemberPageViewEvent, spy);
// Reset last_seen_at property
let member = await models.Member.findOne({email});
await models.Member.edit({last_seen_at: null}, {id: member.get('id')});
member = await models.Member.findOne({email});
assert.equal(member.get('last_seen_at'), null, 'The member shouldn\'t have a `last_seen_at` property set before this test.');
await request
assert(spy.calledOnce, 'A page view from a member should generate a MemberPageViewEvent event');
member = await models.Member.findOne({email});
assert.notEqual(member.get('last_seen_at'), null, 'The member should have a `last_seen_at` property after having visited a page while logged-in.');
describe('as paid member', function () {
const email = '';
before(async function () {
// membersService needs to be required after Ghost start so that settings
// are pre-populated with defaults
const membersService = require('../../core/server/services/members');
const signinLink = await membersService.api.getMagicLink(email);
const signinURL = new URL(signinLink);
// request needs a relative path rather than full url with host
const signinPath = `${signinURL.pathname}${}`;
// perform a sign-in request to set members cookies on superagent
await request.get(signinPath)
.then((res) => {
const redirectUrl = new URL(res.headers.location, testUtils.API.getURL());
it('can read public post content', async function () {
await request
it('can read members post content', async function () {
await request
it('can read paid post content', async function () {
await request
it('cannot read label-only post content', async function () {
await request
it('can read product-only post content', async function () {
await request
it('generates a MemberPageView event', async function () {
const spy = sinon.spy();
DomainEvents.subscribe(MemberPageViewEvent, spy);
// Reset last_seen_at property
let member = await models.Member.findOne({email});
await models.Member.edit({last_seen_at: null}, {id: member.get('id')});
member = await models.Member.findOne({email});
assert.equal(member.get('last_seen_at'), null, 'The member shouldn\'t have a `last_seen_at` property set before this test.');
await request
assert(spy.calledOnce, 'A page view from a member should generate a MemberPageViewEvent event');
member = await models.Member.findOne({email});
assert.notEqual(member.get('last_seen_at'), null, 'The member should have a `last_seen_at` property after having visited a page while logged-in.');
describe('as comped member', function () {
before(async function () {
await loginAsMember('');
it('can read public post content', async function () {
await request
it('can read members post content', async function () {
await request
it('can read paid post content', async function () {
await request
it('cannot read label-only post content', async function () {
await request
it('can read product-only post content', async function () {
await request
describe('as member with product', function () {
before(async function () {
await loginAsMember('');
it('can read product-only post content', async function () {
await request