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synced 2024-12-03 03:55:26 +03:00
closes https://github.com/TryGhost/Product/issues/3735 The member newsletter filter was not working correctly when multiple filters were applied due to the regex incorrectly extracting the contents of a grouped filter. This commit splits the regex into two to make it easier to reason about and fixes the underlying issue
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501 lines
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import BulkAddMembersLabelModal from '../components/members/modals/bulk-add-label';
import BulkDeleteMembersModal from '../components/members/modals/bulk-delete';
import BulkRemoveMembersLabelModal from '../components/members/modals/bulk-remove-label';
import BulkUnsubscribeMembersModal from '../components/members/modals/bulk-unsubscribe';
import Controller from '@ember/controller';
import ghostPaths from 'ghost-admin/utils/ghost-paths';
import moment from 'moment-timezone';
import {A} from '@ember/array';
import {action} from '@ember/object';
import {ghPluralize} from 'ghost-admin/helpers/gh-pluralize';
import {inject} from 'ghost-admin/decorators/inject';
import {resetQueryParams} from 'ghost-admin/helpers/reset-query-params';
import {inject as service} from '@ember/service';
import {task, timeout} from 'ember-concurrency';
import {tracked} from '@glimmer/tracking';
const PAID_PARAMS = [{
name: 'All members',
value: null
}, {
name: 'Free members',
value: 'false'
}, {
name: 'Paid members',
value: 'true'
export default class MembersController extends Controller {
@service ajax;
@service ellaSparse;
@service feature;
@service ghostPaths;
@service membersStats;
@service modals;
@service router;
@service store;
@service utils;
@service settings;
@inject config;
queryParams = [
{paidParam: 'paid'},
{searchParam: 'search'},
{orderParam: 'order'},
{filterParam: 'filter'},
{postAnalytics: 'post'}
@tracked members = A([]);
@tracked searchParam = '';
@tracked searchIsFocused = false;
@tracked filterParam = null;
@tracked softFilterParam = null;
@tracked paidParam = null;
@tracked label = null;
@tracked orderParam = null;
@tracked modalLabel = null;
@tracked showLabelModal = false;
@tracked filters = A([]);
@tracked softFilters = A([]);
@tracked _availableLabels = A([]);
@tracked parseFilterParamCounter = 0;
* Flag used to determine if we should return to the analytics page
@tracked postAnalytics = null;
get fromAnalytics() {
if (!this.postAnalytics) {
return null;
return [this.postAnalytics];
paidParams = PAID_PARAMS;
constructor() {
this._availableLabels = this.store.peekAll('label');
// Computed properties -----------------------------------------------------
get listHeader() {
let {searchParam, selectedLabel, members} = this;
if (members.loading) {
return 'Loading...';
if (searchParam) {
return 'Search result';
let count = ghPluralize(members.length, 'member');
if (selectedLabel && selectedLabel.slug) {
if (members.length > 1) {
return `${count} match current filter`;
} else {
return `${count} matches current filter`;
return count;
get hideSearchBar() {
return !this.members.length
&& !this.searchParam
&& !this.searchIsFocused;
get showingAll() {
return !this.searchParam && !this.paidParam && !this.label && !this.filterParam && !this.softFilterParam;
get availableOrders() {
// don't return anything if email analytics is disabled because
// we don't want to show an order dropdown with only a single option
if (this.feature.get('emailAnalytics')) {
return [{
name: 'Newest',
value: null
}, {
name: 'Open rate',
value: 'email_open_rate'
return [];
get selectedOrder() {
return this.availableOrders.find(order => order.value === this.orderParam);
get availableLabels() {
let labels = this._availableLabels
.filter(label => !label.isNew)
.filter(label => label.id !== null)
.sort((labelA, labelB) => labelA.name.localeCompare(labelB.name, undefined, {ignorePunctuation: true}));
let options = labels.toArray();
options.unshiftObject({name: 'All labels', slug: null});
return options;
get selectedLabel() {
let {label, availableLabels} = this;
return availableLabels.findBy('slug', label);
get labelModalData() {
let label = this.modalLabel;
let labels = this.availableLabels;
return {
get selectedPaidParam() {
return this.paidParams.findBy('value', this.paidParam) || {value: '!unknown'};
get isFiltered() {
return !!(this.label || this.paidParam || this.searchParam || this.filterParam);
get availableFilters() {
return this.softFilters.length ? this.softFilters : this.filters;
get filterColumns() {
const columns = this.availableFilters.flatMap((filter) => {
if (filter.properties?.getColumns) {
return filter.properties?.getColumns(filter).map((c) => {
return {
label: filter.properties.columnLabel, // default value if not provided
name: filter.type
if (filter.properties?.columnLabel) {
return [
name: filter.type,
label: filter.properties.columnLabel,
getValue: filter.properties.getColumnValue ? (member => filter.properties.getColumnValue(member, filter)) : null
return [];
// Remove duplicates by label
const uniqueColumns = columns.filter((c, i) => {
return columns.findIndex(c2 => c2.label === c.label) === i;
return uniqueColumns.splice(0, 2); // Maximum 2 columns
includeTierQuery() {
const availableFilters = this.filters.length ? this.filters : this.softFilters;
return availableFilters.some((f) => {
return f.type === 'tier';
getApiQueryObject({params, extraFilters = []} = {}) {
let {label, paidParam, searchParam, filterParam} = params ? params : this;
if (filterParam) {
// If the provided filter param is a single filter related to newsletter subscription status
// remove the surrounding brackets to prevent https://github.com/TryGhost/NQL/issues/16
const NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS_RE = /^\(subscribed:(?:true|false)[+,]email_disabled:[01]\)$/;
const SPECIFIC_NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS_RE = /^\(newsletters\.slug:[^()]+[+,]email_disabled:[01]\)$/;
filterParam = filterParam.slice(1, -1);
let filters = [];
filters = filters.concat(extraFilters);
if (label) {
if (paidParam !== null) {
if (paidParam === 'true') {
} else {
if (filterParam) {
let searchQuery = searchParam ? {search: searchParam} : {};
return Object.assign({}, {filter: filters.join('+')}, searchQuery);
// Actions -----------------------------------------------------------------
refreshData() {
changeOrder(order) {
this.orderParam = order.value;
* A user clicked 'Apply filters' when editing the filter
applyFilter(filterStr, filters) {
this.softFilters = A([]);
this.filterParam = filterStr || null;
this.filters = filters;
* Called to set the filters after the url filterParam has been parsed again
applyParsedFilter(filters) {
this.softFilters = A([]);
this.filters = filters;
* Already start filtering when the user is editing a filter, without applying it to the URL yet,
* and to still allow a cancel action to revert to the previous filters.
applySoftFilter(filterStr, filters) {
this.softFilters = filters;
this.softFilterParam = filterStr || null;
let {label, paidParam, searchParam, orderParam} = this;
this.fetchMembersTask.perform({label, paidParam, searchParam, orderParam, filterParam: filterStr});
resetSoftFilter() {
if (this.softFilters.length > 0 || !!this.softFilterParam) {
this.softFilters = A([]);
this.softFilterParam = null;
resetFilter() {
this.softFilters = A([]);
this.softFilterParam = null;
this.filters = A([]);
this.filterParam = null;
search(e) {
exportData() {
let exportUrl = ghostPaths().url.api('members/upload');
let downloadParams = new URLSearchParams(this.getApiQueryObject());
downloadParams.set('limit', 'all');
changeLabel(label, e) {
if (e) {
this.label = label.slug;
editLabel(label, e) {
if (e) {
let modalLabel = this.availableLabels.findBy('slug', label);
this.modalLabel = modalLabel;
this.showLabelModal = !this.showLabelModal;
toggleLabelModal() {
this.showLabelModal = !this.showLabelModal;
bulkAddLabel() {
this.modals.open(BulkAddMembersLabelModal, {
query: this.getApiQueryObject(),
onComplete: this.resetAndReloadMembers
bulkRemoveLabel() {
this.modals.open(BulkRemoveMembersLabelModal, {
query: this.getApiQueryObject(),
onComplete: this.resetAndReloadMembers
bulkUnsubscribe() {
this.modals.open(BulkUnsubscribeMembersModal, {
query: this.getApiQueryObject(),
onComplete: this.resetAndReloadMembers
resetAndReloadMembers() {
bulkDelete() {
this.modals.open(BulkDeleteMembersModal, {
query: this.getApiQueryObject(),
onComplete: () => {
// reset, clear filters, and reload list and counts
this.router.transitionTo('members.index', {queryParams: Object.assign(resetQueryParams('members.index'))});
changePaidParam(paid) {
this.paidParam = paid.value;
// Tasks -------------------------------------------------------------------
@task({restartable: true})
*searchTask(query) {
yield timeout(250); // debounce
this.searchParam = query;
*fetchLabelsTask() {
yield this.store.query('label', {limit: 'all'});
@task({restartable: true})
*fetchMembersTask(params) {
// params is undefined when called as a "refresh" of the model
let {label, paidParam, searchParam, orderParam, filterParam} = typeof params === 'undefined' ? this : params;
// use a fixed created_at date so that subsequent pages have a consistent index
let startDate = new Date();
// bypass the stale data shortcut if params change
let forceReload = !params
|| label !== this._lastLabel
|| paidParam !== this._lastPaidParam
|| searchParam !== this._lastSearchParam
|| orderParam !== this._lastOrderParam
|| filterParam !== this._lastFilterParam;
this._lastLabel = label;
this._lastPaidParam = paidParam;
this._lastSearchParam = searchParam;
this._lastOrderParam = orderParam;
this._lastFilterParam = filterParam;
// unless we have a forced reload, do not re-fetch the members list unless it's more than a minute old
// keeps navigation between list->details->list snappy
if (!forceReload && this._startDate && !(this._startDate - startDate > 1 * 60 * 1000)) {
return this.members;
this._startDate = startDate;
this.members = yield this.ellaSparse.array((range = {}, query = {}) => {
const searchQuery = this.getApiQueryObject({
extraFilters: [`created_at:<='${moment.utc(this._startDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}'`]
const order = orderParam ? `${orderParam} desc` : `created_at desc`;
const includes = ['labels', 'tiers'];
query = Object.assign({
include: includes.join(','),
limit: range.length,
page: range.page
}, searchQuery, query);
return this.store.query('member', query).then((result) => {
return {
data: result,
total: result.meta.pagination.total
}, {
limit: 50
// Internal ----------------------------------------------------------------
resetFilters(params) {
if (!params?.filterParam) {
this.filters = A([]);
this.softFilterParam = null;
this.softFilters = A([]);
} else {
this.filterParam = params.filterParam;
// Trigger a did-update call in the filter component, so we get freshly parsed filters
// This is temporary, and a ugly pattern, but essential to make it work for now, until we moved the filter parsing logic
// out of the component
this.parseFilterParamCounter += 1;
reload(params) {