Kevin Ansfield 489f45155d Added "Create snippet" toolbar icon when cards are selected
no issue

- show the toolbar icon for any `<KoenigCard>` instance that has the `saveAsSnippet` action passed to it
  - currently that's all cards except the HR card because that's a primitive element rather than containing any user-defined content
- add `koenigUi.inputHasFocus` so that card toolbars can be hidden when the snippet input is displayed
2020-10-21 12:16:04 +01:00

59 lines
2.4 KiB

@class={{concat "ba b--white relative kg-card-hover miw-100" (if this.isEditing " bw2 pt1 pb1 pl2 nl6 pr6 nr6")}}
@selectCard={{action this.selectCard}}
@deselectCard={{action this.deselectCard}}
@editCard={{action this.editCard}}
@saveCard={{action this.saveCard}}
@onEnterEdit={{action "enterEditMode"}}
@onLeaveEdit={{action "leaveEditMode"}}
as |card|
{{#if this.isEditing}}
<GhCmEditor @value={{this.payload.code}}
@class="koenig-card-code--editor koenig-card-html--editor"
@update={{action "updateCode"}}
value={{readonly this.payload.language}}
onblur={{action (mut this.payload.language) value="target.value"}}
class="absolute w-20 pa1 ba b--lightgrey br2 f8 tracked-2 fw4 z-999 outline-0 anim-normal"
<div class="koenig-card-html-rendered">
<pre><code class="line-numbers {{if this.payload.language (concat "language-" this.payload.language)}}">{{this.escapedCode}}</code></pre>
{{#if this.payload.language}}
<div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex justify-center items-center pa2">
<span class="db nudge-top--2 fw5 f8 midlightgrey">{{this.payload.language}}</span>
<div class="koenig-card-click-overlay"></div>
{{#if (and (not this.isEditing) (or this.isSelected (clean-basic-html this.payload.caption)))}}
@update={{action "updateCaption"}}
@placeholder="Type caption for code block (optional)"