Kevin Ansfield f9d97bdc35 Added group heading to existing snippets in dropdown
no issue

- wrapped dropdown options in an options group so the heading can provide more context
- fixed styling so there isn't double padding around grouped options
2021-09-08 09:54:06 +01:00

25 lines
978 B

<div class="kg-input-bar absolute z-999" style={{}} {{did-insert this.registerAndPositionElement}} ...attributes>
@triggerClass="kg-link-input pa2 pr6 mih-100 ba br3 shadow-2 f8 lh-heading tracked-2 outline-0 h10 nudge-top--8 vertical"
@placeholder="Snippet name"
as |snippet|
{{#if snippet.__isSuggestion__}}
<div class="flex justify-between items-center">
<span class="fill-darkgrey dib w4 h4">{{svg-jar "sync"}}</span>