Kevin Ansfield a63dbb7da6 🐛 fix broken sidebar after successful import (#658)
closes TryGhost/Ghost#8307

- unloading the store and refreshing the `session.user` attribute after an import was triggering a rendering edge case where the style was re-computed and a re-render was attempted after the sidebar has been destroyed
- rather than binding a style attribute directly to a CP in `gh-nav-menu` we pass the menu icon in (using `settings.settledIcon` - see below) and manually set the style attribute via the `didReceiveAttrs` hook so that outside changes don't trigger re-computations when we don't expect them and so we can still react to icons being uploaded or removed
- our usage of `settings.icon` is a bit of an odd situation because it's a link to an external resource that will only resolve correctly after a successful save - if we change `settings.icon` in the local store and the nav menu icon style updates before the save has been completed then the server will give us the old icon. To work around this a `settings.settledIcon` attribute has been added that is only updated when we receive data from the store ensuring that our cache-busting technique works correctly
2017-04-19 18:57:56 +02:00

143 lines
4.9 KiB

import $ from 'jquery';
import RSVP from 'rsvp';
import Controller from 'ember-controller';
import injectService from 'ember-service/inject';
import {isBlank} from 'ember-utils';
import {isEmberArray} from 'ember-array/utils';
import {task} from 'ember-concurrency';
import {UnsupportedMediaTypeError, isUnsupportedMediaTypeError} from 'ghost-admin/services/ajax';
const {Promise} = RSVP;
export default Controller.extend({
uploadButtonText: 'Import',
importErrors: '',
submitting: false,
showDeleteAllModal: false,
importMimeType: ['application/json', 'application/zip', 'application/x-zip-compressed'],
ghostPaths: injectService(),
notifications: injectService(),
session: injectService(),
ajax: injectService(),
// TODO: convert to ember-concurrency task
_validate(file) {
// Windows doesn't have mime-types for json files by default, so we
// need to have some additional checking
if (file.type === '') {
// First check file extension so we can early return
let [, extension] = (/(?:\.([^.]+))?$/).exec(;
if (!extension || extension.toLowerCase() !== 'json') {
return RSVP.reject(new UnsupportedMediaTypeError());
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Extension is correct, so check the contents of the file
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function () {
let {result} = reader;
try {
return resolve();
} catch (e) {
return reject(new UnsupportedMediaTypeError());
let accept = this.get('importMimeType');
if (!isBlank(accept) && file && accept.indexOf(file.type) === -1) {
return RSVP.reject(new UnsupportedMediaTypeError());
return RSVP.resolve();
sendTestEmail: task(function* () {
let notifications = this.get('notifications');
let emailUrl = this.get('ghostPaths.url').api('mail', 'test');
try {
yield this.get('ajax').post(emailUrl);
notifications.showAlert('Check your email for the test message.', {type: 'info', key: 'test-email.send.success'});
return true;
} catch (error) {
notifications.showAPIError(error, {key: 'test-email:send'});
actions: {
onUpload(file) {
let formData = new FormData();
let notifications = this.get('notifications');
let currentUserId = this.get('');
let dbUrl = this.get('ghostPaths.url').api('db');
this.set('uploadButtonText', 'Importing');
this.set('importErrors', '');
return this._validate(file).then(() => {
formData.append('importfile', file);
return this.get('ajax').post(dbUrl, {
data: formData,
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false
}).then(() => {
let store = this.get('store');
// Clear the store, so that all the new data gets fetched correctly.
// Reload currentUser and set session
this.set('session.user', store.findRecord('user', currentUserId));
// TODO: keep as notification, add link to view content
notifications.showNotification('Import successful.', {key: 'import.upload.success'});
}).catch((response) => {
if (isUnsupportedMediaTypeError(response)) {
this.set('importErrors', [response]);
if (response && response.errors && isEmberArray(response.errors)) {
this.set('importErrors', response.errors);
notifications.showAlert('Import Failed', {type: 'error', key: 'import.upload.failed'});
}).finally(() => {
this.set('uploadButtonText', 'Import');
exportData() {
let dbUrl = this.get('ghostPaths.url').api('db');
let accessToken = this.get('');
let downloadURL = `${dbUrl}?access_token=${accessToken}`;
let iframe = $('#iframeDownload');
if (iframe.length === 0) {
iframe = $('<iframe>', {id: 'iframeDownload'}).hide().appendTo('body');
iframe.attr('src', downloadURL);
toggleDeleteAllModal() {