Kevin Ansfield da49dc4922 Added default newsletter recipients setting (#1946)

The publish menu was meant to default to matching post visibility but that wasn't working consistently and didn't make sense for sites which don't email every post to their members.

A "Default newsletter recipients" option has been added to the "Email newsletter" settings screen and the publish menu updated to reflect the option. The free/paid toggles in the publish menu have also been swapped out for a multi-select style component that will cater to more complex member segmentation.
2021-05-07 10:02:19 +01:00

76 lines
2.2 KiB

import Ember from 'ember';
import RSVP from 'rsvp';
import Service, {inject as service} from '@ember/service';
import ValidationEngine from 'ghost-admin/mixins/validation-engine';
import {get} from '@ember/object';
// ember-cli-shims doesn't export _ProxyMixin
const {_ProxyMixin} = Ember;
export default Service.extend(_ProxyMixin, ValidationEngine, {
store: service(),
// will be set to the single Settings model, it's a reference so any later
// changes to the settings object in the store will be reflected
content: null,
validationType: 'setting',
_loadingPromise: null,
// this is an odd case where we only want to react to changes that we get
// back from the API rather than local updates
settledIcon: '',
// the settings API endpoint is a little weird as it's singular and we have
// to pass in all types - if we ever fetch settings without all types then
// save we have problems with the missing settings being removed or reset
_loadSettings() {
if (!this._loadingPromise) {
this._loadingPromise =
.queryRecord('setting', {group: 'site,theme,private,members,portal,newsletter,email,amp,labs,slack,unsplash,views,firstpromoter,oauth,editor'})
.then((settings) => {
this._loadingPromise = null;
return settings;
return this._loadingPromise;
fetch() {
if (!this.content) {
return this.reload();
} else {
return RSVP.resolve(this);
reload() {
return this._loadSettings().then((settings) => {
this.set('content', settings);
this.set('settledIcon', get(settings, 'icon'));
return this;
async save() {
let settings = this.content;
if (!settings) {
return false;
this.set('settledIcon', settings.icon);
return settings;
rollbackAttributes() {
return this.content?.rollbackAttributes();
changedAttributes() {
return this.content?.changedAttributes();