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synced 2025-01-07 03:22:21 +03:00
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Toolbox/issues/476 - The email verification trigger and host settings related bugs have been a cause of bugs in past releases. The admin client verification source did not have any test coverage in the past. - The members test suite size is getting out of hand. This test is quite verbose, because of the state it's trying to check. - In the future we should consider splitting up Member API (and probably other) test suites into smaller pieces.
2949 lines
96 KiB
2949 lines
96 KiB
const {agentProvider, mockManager, fixtureManager, matchers, sleep} = require('../../utils/e2e-framework');
const {anyEtag, anyObjectId, anyUuid, anyISODateTime, anyISODate, anyString, anyArray, anyLocationFor, anyContentLength, anyErrorId, anyObject} = matchers;
const ObjectId = require('bson-objectid').default;
const assert = require('assert');
const nock = require('nock');
const should = require('should');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const testUtils = require('../../utils');
const configUtils = require('../../utils/configUtils');
const Papa = require('papaparse');
const models = require('../../../core/server/models');
const membersService = require('../../../core/server/services/members');
const memberAttributionService = require('../../../core/server/services/member-attribution');
const urlService = require('../../../core/server/services/url');
const urlUtils = require('../../../core/shared/url-utils');
const {_updateVerificationTrigger} = require('../../../core/server/services/members');
const settingsCache = require('../../../core/shared/settings-cache');
* Assert that haystack and needles match, ignoring the order.
function matchArrayWithoutOrder(haystack, needles) {
// Order shouldn't matter here
for (const a of needles) {
assert.equal(haystack.length, needles.length, `Expected ${needles.length} items, but got ${haystack.length}`);
async function assertMemberEvents({eventType, memberId, asserts}) {
const events = await models[eventType].where('member_id', memberId).fetchAll();
const eventsJSON = events.map(e => e.toJSON());
// Order shouldn't matter here
for (const a of asserts) {
assert.equal(events.length, asserts.length, `Only ${asserts.length} ${eventType} should have been added.`);
async function assertSubscription(subscriptionId, asserts) {
// eslint-disable-next-line dot-notation
const subscription = await models['StripeCustomerSubscription'].where('subscription_id', subscriptionId).fetch({require: true});
// We use the native toJSON to prevent calling the overriden serialize method
async function getPaidProduct() {
return await models.Product.findOne({type: 'paid'});
async function getOtherPaidProduct() {
return (await models.Product.findAll({type: 'paid'})).models[0];
async function getNewsletters() {
return (await models.Newsletter.findAll({filter: 'status:active'})).models;
const newsletterSnapshot = {
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime
const subscriptionSnapshot = {
start_date: anyString,
current_period_end: anyString,
price: {
price_id: anyObjectId,
tier: {
tier_id: anyObjectId
function buildMemberWithoutIncludesSnapshot(options) {
return {
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
newsletters: new Array(options.newsletters).fill(newsletterSnapshot)
function buildMemberWithIncludesSnapshot(options) {
return {
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
newsletters: new Array(options.newsletters).fill(newsletterSnapshot),
subscriptions: anyArray,
labels: anyArray
const tierMatcher = {
id: anyObjectId,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
monthly_price_id: anyObjectId,
yearly_price_id: anyObjectId
const memberMatcherShallowIncludes = {
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
subscriptions: anyArray,
labels: anyArray,
newsletters: anyArray
const buildMemberMatcherShallowIncludesWithTiers = (tiersCount) => {
let tiers = anyArray;
if (tiersCount) {
tiers = new Array(tiers).fill(tierMatcher);
return {
let agent;
describe('Members API without Stripe', function () {
before(async function () {
agent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent();
await fixtureManager.init();
await agent.loginAsOwner();
await agent
beforeEach(function () {
afterEach(function () {
it('Add should fail when comped flag is passed in but Stripe is not enabled', async function () {
const newMember = {
email: 'memberTestAdd@test.com',
comped: true
await agent
.body({members: [newMember]})
etag: anyEtag
errors: [{
id: anyErrorId
// Tests specific for member attribution
describe('Members API - member attribution', function () {
const signupAttributions = [];
before(async function () {
agent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent();
await fixtureManager.init('posts', 'newsletters', 'members:newsletters', 'comments');
await agent.loginAsOwner();
// This is required so that the only members in this test are created by this test, and not from fixtures.
await models.Member.query().del();
beforeEach(function () {
// For some reason it is enabled by default?
afterEach(function () {
it('Can read member attributed to a post', async function () {
const id = fixtureManager.get('posts', 0).id;
const post = await models.Post.where('id', id).fetch({require: true});
// Set the attribution for this member manually
const member = await membersService.api.members.create({
email: 'member-attributed-to-post@test.com',
attribution: memberAttributionService.attributionBuilder.build({
url: '/out-of-date/',
type: 'post',
referrerSource: null,
referrerMedium: null,
referrerUrl: null
const absoluteUrl = urlService.getUrlByResourceId(post.id, {absolute: true});
await agent
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag
.expect(({body}) => {
id: post.id,
url: absoluteUrl,
type: 'post',
title: post.get('title'),
referrer_source: null,
referrer_medium: null,
referrer_url: null
it('Can read member attributed to a page', async function () {
const id = fixtureManager.get('posts', 5).id;
const post = await models.Post.where('id', id).fetch({require: true});
// Set the attribution for this member manually
const member = await membersService.api.members.create({
email: 'member-attributed-to-page@test.com',
attribution: memberAttributionService.attributionBuilder.build({
url: '/out-of-date/',
type: 'page',
referrerSource: null,
referrerMedium: null,
referrerUrl: null
const absoluteUrl = urlService.getUrlByResourceId(post.id, {absolute: true});
await agent
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag
.expect(({body}) => {
id: post.id,
url: absoluteUrl,
type: 'page',
title: post.get('title'),
referrer_source: null,
referrer_medium: null,
referrer_url: null
it('Can read member attributed to a tag', async function () {
const id = fixtureManager.get('tags', 0).id;
const tag = await models.Tag.where('id', id).fetch({require: true});
// Set the attribution for this member manually
const member = await membersService.api.members.create({
email: 'member-attributed-to-tag@test.com',
attribution: memberAttributionService.attributionBuilder.build({
url: '/out-of-date/',
type: 'tag',
referrerSource: null,
referrerMedium: null,
referrerUrl: null
const absoluteUrl = urlService.getUrlByResourceId(tag.id, {absolute: true});
await agent
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag
.expect(({body}) => {
id: tag.id,
url: absoluteUrl,
type: 'tag',
title: tag.get('name'),
referrer_source: null,
referrer_medium: null,
referrer_url: null
it('Can read member attributed to an author', async function () {
const id = fixtureManager.get('users', 0).id;
const author = await models.User.where('id', id).fetch({require: true});
// Set the attribution for this member manually
const member = await membersService.api.members.create({
email: 'member-attributed-to-author@test.com',
attribution: memberAttributionService.attributionBuilder.build({
url: '/out-of-date/',
type: 'author',
referrerSource: null,
referrerMedium: null,
referrerUrl: null
const absoluteUrl = urlService.getUrlByResourceId(author.id, {absolute: true});
await agent
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag
.expect(({body}) => {
id: author.id,
url: absoluteUrl,
type: 'author',
title: author.get('name'),
referrer_source: null,
referrer_medium: null,
referrer_url: null
it('Can read member attributed to an url', async function () {
// Set the attribution for this member manually
const member = await membersService.api.members.create({
email: 'member-attributed-to-url@test.com',
attribution: memberAttributionService.attributionBuilder.build({
id: null,
url: '/a-static-page/',
type: 'url',
referrerSource: null,
referrerMedium: null,
referrerUrl: null
const absoluteUrl = urlUtils.createUrl('/a-static-page/', true);
await agent
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag
.expect(({body}) => {
id: null,
url: absoluteUrl,
type: 'url',
title: '/a-static-page/',
referrer_source: null,
referrer_medium: null,
referrer_url: null
// Activity feed
it('Returns sign up attributions of all types in activity feed', async function () {
// Check activity feed
await agent
etag: anyEtag
events: new Array(signupAttributions.length).fill({
type: anyString,
data: anyObject
.expect(({body}) => {
should(body.events.find(e => e.type !== 'signup_event')).be.undefined();
should(body.events.map(e => e.data.attribution)).containDeep(signupAttributions);
describe('Members API', function () {
let newsletters;
before(async function () {
agent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent();
await fixtureManager.init('posts', 'newsletters', 'members:newsletters', 'comments', 'redirects', 'clicks');
await agent.loginAsOwner();
newsletters = await getNewsletters();
beforeEach(function () {
afterEach(function () {
// List Members
it('Can browse', async function () {
await agent
members: new Array(8).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag
it('Can browse with filter', async function () {
await agent
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag
it('Can filter by signup attribution', async function () {
await agent
.get('/members/?filter=signup:' + fixtureManager.get('posts', 0).id)
members: new Array(3).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag
it('Can filter by signup attribution', async function () {
await agent
.get('/members/?filter=conversion:' + fixtureManager.get('posts', 0).id)
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag
it('Can browse with search', async function () {
await agent
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag
it('Can filter by paid status', async function () {
await agent
members: new Array(5).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag
it('Can filter using contains operators', async function () {
await agent
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag
it('Can ignore any unknown includes', async function () {
await agent
members: new Array(5).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag
it('Can order by email_open_rate', async function () {
await agent
etag: anyEtag,
'content-length': anyContentLength
members: new Array(8).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
.expect(({body}) => {
const {members} = body;
assert.equal(members[0].email_open_rate > members[1].email_open_rate, true, 'Expected the first member to have a greater open rate than the second.');
await agent
etag: anyEtag,
'content-length': anyContentLength
members: new Array(8).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
.expect(({body}) => {
const {members} = body;
assert.equal(members[0].email_open_rate < members[1].email_open_rate, true, 'Expected the first member to have a smaller open rate than the second.');
it('Search by case-insensitive name egg receives member with name Mr Egg', async function () {
await agent
members: [memberMatcherShallowIncludes]
etag: anyEtag
it('Search by case-insensitive email MEMBER2 receives member with email member2@test.com', async function () {
await agent
members: [memberMatcherShallowIncludes]
etag: anyEtag
it('Search for paid members retrieves member with email paid@test.com', async function () {
await agent
members: [memberMatcherShallowIncludes]
etag: anyEtag
it('Search for non existing member returns empty result set', async function () {
await agent
etag: anyEtag
members: []
// Read a member
it('Can read', async function () {
await agent
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag
it('Can read and include email_recipients', async function () {
await agent
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag
it('Can read and include tiers', async function () {
await agent
members: new Array(1).fill(buildMemberMatcherShallowIncludesWithTiers())
etag: anyEtag
// Create a member
it('Can add', async function () {
const member = {
name: 'test',
email: 'memberTestAdd@test.com',
note: 'test note',
newsletters: [],
labels: ['test-label']
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [member]})
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('members')
const newMember = body.members[0];
await agent
.body({members: [member]})
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberStatusEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [
from_status: null,
to_status: 'free'
it('Can add a member and trigger host email verification limits', async function () {
configUtils.set('hostSettings:emailVerification', {
apiThreshold: 0,
adminThreshold: 1,
importThreshold: 0,
verified: false,
escalationAddress: 'test@example.com'
assert.ok(!settingsCache.get('email_verification_required'), 'Email verification should NOT be required');
const member = {
name: 'pass verification',
email: 'memberPassVerifivation@test.com'
const {body: passBody} = await agent
.body({members: [member]})
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('members')
const memberPassVerification = passBody.members[0];
await sleep(100);
assert.ok(!settingsCache.get('email_verification_required'), 'Email verification should NOT be required');
const memberFailLimit = {
name: 'fail verification',
email: 'memberFailVerifivation@test.com'
const {body: failBody} = await agent
.body({members: [memberFailLimit]})
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('members')
const memberFailVerification = failBody.members[0];
await sleep(100);
assert.ok(settingsCache.get('email_verification_required'), 'Email verification should be required');
subject: 'Email needs verification'
// state cleanup
await agent.delete(`/members/${memberPassVerification.id}`);
await agent.delete(`/members/${memberFailVerification.id}`);
it('Can add and send a signup confirmation email', async function () {
const member = {
name: 'Send Me Confirmation',
email: 'member_getting_confirmation@test.com',
newsletters: [
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [member]})
members: [
newsletters: 2
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyString
const newMember = body.members[0];
subject: '🙌 Complete your sign up to Ghost!',
to: 'member_getting_confirmation@test.com'
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberStatusEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [
from_status: null,
to_status: 'free'
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [
subscribed: true,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: newsletters[0].id
subscribed: true,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: newsletters[1].id
// @TODO: do we really need to delete this member here?
await agent
etag: anyEtag
// There should be no MemberSubscribeEvent remaining.
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: []
it('Add should fail when passing incorrect email_type query parameter', async function () {
const newMember = {
name: 'test',
email: 'memberTestAdd@test.com'
const statusEventsBefore = await models.MemberStatusEvent.findAll();
await agent
.body({members: [newMember]})
etag: anyEtag
errors: [{
id: anyErrorId
const statusEvents = await models.MemberStatusEvent.findAll();
assert.equal(statusEvents.models.length, statusEventsBefore.models.length, 'No MemberStatusEvent should have been added after failing to create a subscription.');
// Edit a member
it('Can add complimentary subscription (out of date)', async function () {
const stripeService = require('../../../core/server/services/stripe');
const fakePrice = {
id: 'price_1',
product: '',
active: true,
nickname: 'Complimentary',
unit_amount: 0,
currency: 'usd',
type: 'recurring',
recurring: {
interval: 'year'
const fakeSubscription = {
id: 'sub_1',
customer: 'cus_1',
status: 'active',
cancel_at_period_end: false,
metadata: {},
current_period_end: Date.now() / 1000,
start_date: Date.now() / 1000,
plan: fakePrice,
items: {
data: [{
price: fakePrice
sinon.stub(stripeService.api, 'createCustomer').callsFake(async function (data) {
return {
id: 'cus_1',
email: data.email
sinon.stub(stripeService.api, 'createPrice').resolves(fakePrice);
sinon.stub(stripeService.api, 'createSubscription').resolves(fakeSubscription);
sinon.stub(stripeService.api, 'getSubscription').resolves(fakeSubscription);
const initialMember = {
name: 'Name',
email: 'compedtest@test.com',
newsletters: [newsletters[0]]
const compedPayload = {
comped: true
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [initialMember]})
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('members')
const newMember = body.members[0];
const updatedMember = await agent
.body({members: [compedPayload]})
members: new Array(1).fill(buildMemberMatcherShallowIncludesWithTiers(1))
etag: anyEtag
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberStatusEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [{
from_status: null,
to_status: 'free'
}, {
from_status: 'free',
to_status: 'comped'
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [{
subscribed: true,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: newsletters[0].id
it('Can add complimentary subscription by assigning a product to a member', async function () {
const initialMember = {
name: 'Name',
email: 'compedtest2@test.com',
newsletters: [newsletters[0]]
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [initialMember]})
const newMember = body.members[0];
assert.equal(newMember.status, 'free', 'A new member should have the free status');
const product = await getPaidProduct();
const compedPayload = {
id: newMember.id,
email: newMember.email,
tiers: [
id: product.id
const {body: body2} = await agent
.body({members: [compedPayload]})
const updatedMember = body2.members[0];
assert.equal(updatedMember.status, 'comped', 'A comped member should have the comped status');
assert.equal(updatedMember.tiers.length, 1, 'The member should have one product');
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberStatusEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [
from_status: null,
to_status: 'free'
from_status: 'free',
to_status: 'comped'
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [{
subscribed: true,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: newsletters[0].id
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: []
it('Can end a complimentary subscription by removing a product from a member', async function () {
const product = await getPaidProduct();
const initialMember = {
name: 'Name',
email: 'compedtest3@test.com',
newsletters: [newsletters[0]],
tiers: [
id: product.id
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [initialMember]})
const newMember = body.members[0];
assert.equal(newMember.status, 'comped', 'The new member should have the comped status');
assert.equal(newMember.tiers.length, 1, 'The member should have 1 product');
// Remove it
const removePayload = {
id: newMember.id,
email: newMember.email,
tiers: []
const {body: body2} = await agent
.body({members: [removePayload]})
const updatedMember = body2.members[0];
assert.equal(updatedMember.status, 'free', 'The member should have the free status');
assert.equal(updatedMember.tiers.length, 0, 'The member should have 0 tiers');
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberStatusEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [
from_status: null,
to_status: 'comped'
from_status: 'comped',
to_status: 'free'
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [
subscribed: true,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: newsletters[0].id
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: []
it('Can create a new member with a product (complimentary)', async function () {
const product = await getPaidProduct();
const initialMember = {
name: 'Name',
email: 'compedtest4@test.com',
subscribed: true,
newsletters: [newsletters[0]],
tiers: [
id: product.id
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [initialMember]})
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray,
tiers: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
monthly_price_id: anyObjectId,
yearly_price_id: anyObjectId,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime
newsletters: new Array(1).fill(newsletterSnapshot)
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('members')
const newMember = body.members[0];
assert.equal(newMember.status, 'comped', 'The newly imported member should have the comped status');
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberStatusEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [{
from_status: null,
to_status: 'comped'
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [{
subscribed: true,
source: 'admin'
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: []
it('Can create a member with an existing complimentary subscription', async function () {
const fakePrice = {
id: 'price_1',
product: '',
active: true,
nickname: 'Complimentary',
unit_amount: 0,
currency: 'usd',
type: 'recurring',
recurring: {
interval: 'year'
const fakeSubscription = {
id: 'sub_2',
customer: 'cus_1234',
status: 'active',
cancel_at_period_end: false,
metadata: {},
current_period_end: Date.now() / 1000 + 1000,
start_date: Date.now() / 1000,
plan: fakePrice,
items: {
data: [{
price: fakePrice
const fakeCustomer = {
id: 'cus_1234',
name: 'Test Member',
email: 'create-member-comped-test@email.com',
subscriptions: {
type: 'list',
data: [fakeSubscription]
.reply((uri, body) => {
const [match, resource, id] = uri.match(/\/?v1\/(\w+)\/?(\w+)/) || [null];
if (!match) {
return [500];
if (resource === 'customers') {
return [200, fakeCustomer];
if (resource === 'subscriptions') {
return [200, fakeSubscription];
const initialMember = {
name: fakeCustomer.name,
email: fakeCustomer.email,
subscribed: true,
newsletters: [newsletters[0]],
stripe_customer_id: fakeCustomer.id
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [initialMember]})
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray,
tiers: new Array(1).fill(tierMatcher),
newsletters: new Array(1).fill(newsletterSnapshot)
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('members')
const newMember = body.members[0];
assert.equal(newMember.status, 'comped', 'The created member should have the comped status');
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberStatusEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [
from_status: null,
to_status: 'free'
from_status: 'free',
to_status: 'comped'
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [
subscribed: true,
source: 'admin'
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [{
mrr_delta: 0
let memberWithPaidSubscription;
it('Can create a member with an existing paid subscription', async function () {
const fakePrice = {
id: 'price_1',
product: 'product_1234',
active: true,
nickname: 'Paid',
unit_amount: 1200,
currency: 'usd',
type: 'recurring',
recurring: {
interval: 'year'
const fakeSubscription = {
id: 'sub_987623',
customer: 'cus_12345',
status: 'active',
cancel_at_period_end: false,
metadata: {},
current_period_end: Date.now() / 1000 + 1000,
start_date: Date.now() / 1000,
plan: fakePrice,
items: {
data: [{
id: 'item_123',
price: fakePrice
const fakeCustomer = {
id: 'cus_12345',
name: 'Test Member',
email: 'create-member-paid-test@email.com',
subscriptions: {
type: 'list',
data: [fakeSubscription]
.reply((uri, body) => {
const [match, resource, id] = uri.match(/\/?v1\/(\w+)\/?(\w+)/) || [null];
if (!match) {
return [500];
if (resource === 'customers') {
return [200, fakeCustomer];
if (resource === 'subscriptions') {
return [200, fakeSubscription];
const initialMember = {
name: fakeCustomer.name,
email: fakeCustomer.email,
subscribed: true,
newsletters: [newsletters[0]],
stripe_customer_id: fakeCustomer.id
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [initialMember]})
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray,
tiers: new Array(1).fill(tierMatcher),
newsletters: new Array(1).fill(newsletterSnapshot)
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('members')
const newMember = body.members[0];
assert.equal(newMember.status, 'paid', 'The created member should have the paid status');
assert.equal(newMember.subscriptions.length, 1, 'The member should have a single subscription');
assert.equal(newMember.subscriptions[0].id, fakeSubscription.id, 'The returned subscription should have an ID assigned');
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberStatusEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [
from_status: null,
to_status: 'free'
}, {
from_status: 'free',
to_status: 'paid'
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [{
subscribed: true,
source: 'admin'
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [
mrr_delta: 100
await assertSubscription(fakeSubscription.id, {
subscription_id: fakeSubscription.id,
status: 'active',
cancel_at_period_end: false,
plan_amount: 1200,
plan_interval: 'year',
plan_currency: 'usd',
mrr: 100
// Save this member for the next tests
memberWithPaidSubscription = newMember;
it('Returns an identical member format for read, edit and browse', async function () {
if (!memberWithPaidSubscription) {
// Previous test failed
// Check status has been updated to 'free' after cancelling
const {body: readBody} = await agent.get('/members/' + memberWithPaidSubscription.id + '/');
assert.equal(readBody.members.length, 1, 'The member was not found in read');
const readMember = readBody.members[0];
// Note that we explicitly need to ask to include tiers while browsing
const {body: browseBody} = await agent.get(`/members/?search=${memberWithPaidSubscription.email}&include=tiers`);
assert.equal(browseBody.members.length, 1, 'The member was not found in browse');
const browseMember = browseBody.members[0];
// Ignore attribution for now
delete readMember.attribution;
for (const sub of readMember.subscriptions) {
delete sub.attribution;
// Ignore attribution for now
delete memberWithPaidSubscription.attribution;
for (const sub of memberWithPaidSubscription.subscriptions) {
delete sub.attribution;
// Check for this member with a paid subscription that the body results for the patch, get and browse endpoints are 100% identical
should.deepEqual(browseMember, readMember, 'Browsing a member returns a different format than reading a member');
should.deepEqual(memberWithPaidSubscription, readMember, 'Editing a member returns a different format than reading a member');
it('Cannot add complimentary subscriptions to a member with an active subscription', async function () {
if (!memberWithPaidSubscription) {
// Previous test failed
const product = await getOtherPaidProduct();
const compedPayload = {
id: memberWithPaidSubscription.id,
tiers: [
id: product.id
await agent
.body({members: [compedPayload]})
it('Cannot remove non complimentary subscriptions directly from a member', async function () {
if (!memberWithPaidSubscription) {
// Previous test failed
const compedPayload = {
id: memberWithPaidSubscription.id,
// Remove all paid subscriptions (= not allowed atm)
tiers: []
await agent
.body({members: [compedPayload]})
it('Can remove a complimentary subscription directly from a member with other active subscriptions', async function () {
// This tests for an edge case that shouldn't be possible, but the API should support this to resolve issues
// refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1859
if (!memberWithPaidSubscription) {
// Previous test failed
// Check that the product that we are going to add is not the same as the existing one
const product = await getOtherPaidProduct();
// Add it manually
const member = await models.Member.edit({
products: [
id: product.id
}, {id: memberWithPaidSubscription.id});
// Check status
const {body: body2} = await agent
const beforeMember = body2.members[0];
assert.equal(beforeMember.tiers.length, 2, 'The member should have two tiers now');
// Now try to remove only the complimentary one
const compedPayload = {
id: memberWithPaidSubscription.id,
// Remove all complimentary subscriptions
tiers: memberWithPaidSubscription.tiers
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [compedPayload]})
const updatedMember = body.members[0];
assert.equal(updatedMember.status, 'paid', 'Member should still have the paid status');
assert.equal(updatedMember.tiers.length, 1, 'The member should have one product now');
assert.equal(updatedMember.tiers[0].id, memberWithPaidSubscription.tiers[0].id, 'The member should have the paid product');
it('Can keep tiers unchanged when modifying a paid member', async function () {
if (!memberWithPaidSubscription) {
// Previous test failed
const compedPayload = {
id: memberWithPaidSubscription.id,
// Not changed tiers
tiers: [...memberWithPaidSubscription.tiers]
await agent
.body({members: [compedPayload]})
it('Can edit by id', async function () {
const memberToChange = {
name: 'change me',
email: 'member2Change@test.com',
note: 'initial note',
newsletters: [
const memberChanged = {
name: 'changed',
email: 'cantChangeMe@test.com',
note: 'edited note',
newsletters: []
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [memberToChange]})
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('members')
const newMember = body.members[0];
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [{
subscribed: true,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: newsletters[0].id
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberStatusEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [{
from_status: null,
to_status: 'free'
await agent
.body({members: [memberChanged]})
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberEmailChangeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [{
from_email: memberToChange.email,
to_email: memberChanged.email
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [
subscribed: true,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: newsletters[0].id
}, {
subscribed: false,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: newsletters[0].id
// Internally a different error is thrown for newsletters/tiers changes
it('Cannot edit a non-existing id with newsletters', async function () {
const memberChanged = {
name: 'changed',
email: 'just-a-member@test.com',
newsletters: []
await agent
.body({members: [memberChanged]})
errors: [{
id: anyUuid,
context: anyString
etag: anyEtag
it('Cannot edit a non-existing id', async function () {
const memberChanged = {
name: 'changed',
email: 'just-a-member@test.com'
await agent
.body({members: [memberChanged]})
errors: [{
id: anyUuid
etag: anyEtag
it('Can subscribe to a newsletter', async function () {
const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(Date.now());
const memberToChange = {
name: 'change me',
email: 'member3change@test.com',
newsletters: [
const memberChanged = {
newsletters: [
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [memberToChange]})
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('members')
const newMember = body.members[0];
const before = new Date();
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [{
subscribed: true,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: newsletters[0].id,
created_at: before
// Wait 5 seconds to guarantee event ordering
const after = new Date();
await agent
.body({members: [memberChanged]})
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [
subscribed: true,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: newsletters[0].id,
created_at: before
}, {
subscribed: true,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: newsletters[1].id,
created_at: after
}, {
subscribed: false,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: newsletters[0].id,
created_at: after
// Check activity feed
const {body: eventsBody} = await agent
.body({members: [memberChanged]})
etag: anyEtag
const events = eventsBody.events;
// The order will be different in each test because two newsletter_events have the same created_at timestamp. And events are ordered by created_at desc, id desc (id will be different each time).
matchArrayWithoutOrder(events, [
type: 'newsletter_event',
data: {
subscribed: true,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: newsletters[1].id,
newsletter: {
id: newsletters[1].id
type: 'newsletter_event',
data: {
subscribed: false,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: newsletters[0].id,
newsletter: {
id: newsletters[0].id
type: 'signup_event'
type: 'newsletter_event',
data: {
subscribed: true,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: newsletters[0].id,
newsletter: {
id: newsletters[0].id
it('Subscribes to default newsletters', async function () {
const filtered = newsletters.filter(n => n.get('subscribe_on_signup'));
filtered.length.should.be.greaterThan(0, 'There should be at least one newsletter with subscribe on signup for this test to work');
const memberToCreate = {
name: 'create me',
email: 'member2create@test.com'
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [memberToCreate]})
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('members')
const newMember = body.members[0];
id: filtered[0].id
id: filtered[1].id
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: filtered.map((n) => {
return {
subscribed: true,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: n.id
it('Can add a subscription', async function () {
const memberId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.members[0].id;
const price = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.stripe_prices[0];
function nockCallback(method, uri, body) {
const [match, resource, id] = uri.match(/\/?v1\/(\w+)(?:\/(\w+))?/) || [null];
if (!match) {
return [500];
if (resource === 'customers') {
return [200, {id: 'cus_123', email: 'member1@test.com'}];
if (resource === 'subscriptions') {
const now = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
return [200, {id: 'sub_123', customer: 'cus_123', cancel_at_period_end: false, items: {
data: [{price: {
id: price.stripe_price_id,
recurring: {
interval: price.interval
unit_amount: price.amount,
currency: price.currency.toLowerCase()
}, status: 'active', current_period_end: now + 24 * 3600, start_date: now}];
.reply((uri, body) => nockCallback('POST', uri, body));
.reply((uri, body) => nockCallback('GET', uri, body));
await agent
stripe_price_id: price.id
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: [subscriptionSnapshot],
newsletters: anyArray
etag: anyEtag
// Check member read with a subscription
await agent
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: [subscriptionSnapshot],
newsletters: anyArray
etag: anyEtag
it('Can edit a subscription', async function () {
const memberId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.members[1].id;
const price = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.stripe_prices[0];
const stripeCustomerId = 'cus_GbEMMOZNVrL450';
const stripeSubscriptionId = 'sub_K1cBgJt6sCMu5n';
const stripeSubscriptionFixture = ({status = 'active'} = {}) => {
const now = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
return {
id: stripeSubscriptionId,
customer: stripeCustomerId,
cancel_at_period_end: false,
items: {
data: [{
price: {
id: price.stripe_price_id,
recurring: {
interval: price.interval
unit_amount: price.amount,
currency: price.currency.toLowerCase()
status: status,
current_period_end: now + 24 * 3600,
start_date: now
.reply(200, {
id: `cus_GbEMMOZNVrL450`,
email: 'member1@test.com'
.reply(200, stripeSubscriptionFixture());
.reply(200, stripeSubscriptionFixture());
const res = await agent
stripe_price_id: price.id
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: [subscriptionSnapshot],
newsletters: anyArray
etag: anyEtag
const subscriptionId = res.body.members[0].subscriptions[0].id;
.reply(200, stripeSubscriptionFixture({status: 'canceled'}));
.reply(200, stripeSubscriptionFixture({status: 'canceled'}));
const editRes = await agent
status: 'canceled'
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: [subscriptionSnapshot],
newsletters: anyArray
etag: anyEtag
assert.equal('canceled', editRes.body.members[0].subscriptions[0].status);
// Delete a member
it('Can destroy', async function () {
const member = {
name: 'test',
email: 'memberTestDestroy@test.com'
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [member]})
members: new Array(1).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('members')
const newMember = body.members[0];
await agent
etag: anyEtag
await agent
errors: [{
id: anyUuid
etag: anyEtag
it('Cannot delete a non-existent member', async function () {
await agent
errors: [{
id: anyUuid
etag: anyEtag
it('Can delete a member without cancelling Stripe Subscription', async function () {
let subscriptionCanceled = false;
.reply((uri) => {
const [match, resource, id] = uri.match(/\/?v1\/(\w+)(?:\/(\w+))/) || [null];
if (match && resource === 'subscriptions') {
subscriptionCanceled = true;
return [200, {
status: 'canceled'
return [500];
// @TODO This is wrong because it changes the state for the rest of the tests
// We need to add a member via a fixture and then remove them OR work out how
// to reapply fixtures before each test
const memberToDelete = fixtureManager.get('members', 2);
await agent
etag: anyEtag
assert.equal(subscriptionCanceled, false, 'expected subscription not to be canceled');
// Export members to CSV
it('Can export CSV', async function () {
const res = await agent
.expectEmptyBody() // express-test body parsing doesn't support CSV
etag: anyEtag,
'content-length': anyContentLength,
'content-disposition': anyString
const csv = Papa.parse(res.text, {header: true});
should.exist(csv.data.find(row => row.name === 'Mr Egg'));
should.exist(csv.data.find(row => row.name === 'Winston Zeddemore'));
should.exist(csv.data.find(row => row.name === 'Ray Stantz'));
should.exist(csv.data.find(row => row.email === 'member2@test.com'));
should.exist(csv.data.find(row => row.tiers.length > 0));
should.exist(csv.data.find(row => row.labels.length > 0));
it('Can export a filtered CSV', async function () {
const res = await agent
.expectEmptyBody() // express-test body parsing doesn't support CSV
etag: anyEtag,
'content-disposition': anyString
const csv = Papa.parse(res.text, {header: true});
should.exist(csv.data.find(row => row.name === 'Mr Egg'));
should.not.exist(csv.data.find(row => row.name === 'Egon Spengler'));
should.not.exist(csv.data.find(row => row.name === 'Ray Stantz'));
should.not.exist(csv.data.find(row => row.email === 'member2@test.com'));
// note that this member doesn't have tiers
should.exist(csv.data.find(row => row.labels.length > 0));
// Get stats
it('Can fetch member counts stats', async function () {
await agent
data: [{
date: anyISODate
etag: anyEtag
it('Errors when fetching stats with unknown days param value', async function () {
await agent
etag: anyEtag
errors: [{
id: anyErrorId
it('Can filter on newsletter slug', async function () {
await agent
members: new Array(4).fill(memberMatcherShallowIncludes)
etag: anyEtag
it('Can filter on tier slug', async function () {
await agent
members: new Array(8).fill(buildMemberMatcherShallowIncludesWithTiers())
etag: anyEtag
// Edit a member
it('Can add and edit with custom newsletters', async function () {
// Add custom newsletter list to new member
const member = {
name: 'test newsletter',
email: 'memberTestAddNewsletter2@test.com',
note: 'test note',
subscribed: false,
labels: ['test-label'],
newsletters: [{id: testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].id}]
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [member]})
members: [{
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
subscriptions: anyArray,
labels: anyArray,
newsletters: Array(1).fill(newsletterSnapshot)
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('members')
const memberId = body.members[0].id;
const editedMember = {
newsletters: [{id: testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[0].id}]
// Edit newsletter list for member
await agent
.body({members: [editedMember]})
members: [{
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
subscriptions: anyArray,
labels: anyArray,
newsletters: Array(1).fill(newsletterSnapshot)
etag: anyEtag
await agent
.body({members: [member]})
it('Can add and send a signup confirmation email (old)', async function () {
const filteredNewsletters = newsletters.filter(n => n.get('subscribe_on_signup'));
filteredNewsletters.length.should.be.greaterThan(0, 'For this test to work, we need at least one newsletter fixture with subscribe_on_signup = true');
const member = {
name: 'Send Me Confirmation',
email: 'member_getting_confirmation_old@test.com',
// Mapped to subscribe_on_signup newsletters
subscribed: true
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [member]})
members: [
newsletters: filteredNewsletters.length
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyString
const newMember = body.members[0];
subject: '🙌 Complete your sign up to Ghost!',
to: 'member_getting_confirmation_old@test.com'
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberStatusEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [
from_status: null,
to_status: 'free'
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: filteredNewsletters.map((n) => {
return {
subscribed: true,
newsletter_id: n.id,
source: 'admin'
// @TODO: do we really need to delete this member here?
await agent
etag: anyEtag
// There should be no MemberSubscribeEvent remaining.
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: []
it('Can add a member that is not subscribed (old)', async function () {
const filteredNewsletters = newsletters.filter(n => n.get('subscribe_on_signup'));
filteredNewsletters.length.should.be.greaterThan(0, 'For this test to work, we need at least one newsletter fixture with subscribe_on_signup = true');
const member = {
name: 'Send Me Confirmation',
email: 'member_getting_confirmation_old_2@test.com',
// Mapped to empty newsletters
subscribed: false
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [member]})
members: [
newsletters: 0
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyString
const newMember = body.members[0];
subject: '🙌 Complete your sign up to Ghost!',
to: 'member_getting_confirmation_old_2@test.com'
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberStatusEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [
from_status: null,
to_status: 'free'
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: []
it('Can unsubscribe by setting (old) subscribed property to false', async function () {
const memberToChange = {
name: 'change me',
email: 'member2unsusbcribeold@test.com',
note: 'initial note',
newsletters: [
const memberChanged = {
subscribed: false
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [memberToChange]})
members: [
newsletters: 1
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('members')
const newMember = body.members[0];
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [{
subscribed: true,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: newsletters[0].id
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberStatusEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [{
from_status: null,
to_status: 'free'
await agent
.body({members: [memberChanged]})
members: [
newsletters: 0
etag: anyEtag
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [
subscribed: true,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: newsletters[0].id
}, {
subscribed: false,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: newsletters[0].id
it('Can subscribe by setting (old) subscribed property to true', async function () {
const filteredNewsletters = newsletters.filter(n => n.get('subscribe_on_signup'));
filteredNewsletters.length.should.be.greaterThan(0, 'For this test to work, we need at least one newsletter fixture with subscribe_on_signup = true');
const memberToChange = {
name: 'change me',
email: 'member2subscribe@test.com',
note: 'initial note',
newsletters: []
const memberChanged = {
subscribed: true
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [memberToChange]})
members: [
newsletters: 0
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('members')
const newMember = body.members[0];
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: []
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberStatusEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: [{
from_status: null,
to_status: 'free'
await agent
.body({members: [memberChanged]})
members: [
newsletters: filteredNewsletters.length
etag: anyEtag
await assertMemberEvents({
eventType: 'MemberSubscribeEvent',
memberId: newMember.id,
asserts: filteredNewsletters.map((n) => {
return {
subscribed: true,
source: 'admin',
newsletter_id: n.id
describe('Members API Bulk operations', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
agent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent();
await fixtureManager.init('newsletters', 'members:newsletters');
await agent.loginAsOwner();
afterEach(function () {
it('Can bulk unsubscribe members with filter', async function () {
// This member has 2 subscriptions
const member = fixtureManager.get('members', 4);
const newsletterCount = 2;
const model = await models.Member.findOne({id: member.id}, {withRelated: 'newsletters'});
should(model.relations.newsletters.models.length).equal(newsletterCount, 'This test requires a member with 2 or more newsletters');
await agent
.body({bulk: {
action: 'unsubscribe'
bulk: {
meta: {
stats: {
// Should contain the count of members, not the newsletter count!
successful: 1,
unsuccessful: 0
unsuccessfulData: [],
errors: []
etag: anyEtag
const updatedModel = await models.Member.findOne({id: member.id}, {withRelated: 'newsletters'});
should(updatedModel.relations.newsletters.models.length).equal(0, 'This member should be unsubscribed from all newsletters');
// When we do it again, we should still receive a count of 1, because we unsubcribed one member (who happens to be already unsubscribed)
await agent
.body({bulk: {
action: 'unsubscribe'
bulk: {
meta: {
stats: {
// Should contain the count of members, not the newsletter count!
successful: 1,
unsuccessful: 0
unsuccessfulData: [],
errors: []
etag: anyEtag
it('Can bulk unsubscribe members from specific newsletter', async function () {
const member = fixtureManager.get('members', 4);
const newsletterCount = 2;
const model = await models.Member.findOne({id: member.id}, {withRelated: 'newsletters'});
should(model.relations.newsletters.models.length).equal(newsletterCount, 'This test requires a member with 2 or more newsletters');
await agent
.body({bulk: {
action: 'unsubscribe',
newsletter: model.relations.newsletters.models[0].id,
meta: {}
bulk: {
meta: {
stats: {
successful: 4,
unsuccessful: 0
unsuccessfulData: [],
errors: []
const updatedModel = await models.Member.findOne({id: member.id}, {withRelated: 'newsletters'});
// ensure they were unsubscribed from the single 'chosen' newsletter
should(updatedModel.relations.newsletters.models.length).equal(newsletterCount - 1);
it('Can bulk unsubscribe members with deprecated subscribed filter', async function () {
await agent
.body({bulk: {
action: 'unsubscribe'
bulk: {
meta: {
stats: {
successful: 2, // We have two members who are subscribed to an inactive newsletter
unsuccessful: 0
unsuccessfulData: [],
errors: []
etag: anyEtag
it('Can bulk unsubscribe members with deprecated subscribed filter (actual)', async function () {
// This member is subscribed to an inactive newsletter
const ignoredMember = fixtureManager.get('members', 6);
await agent
.body({bulk: {
action: 'unsubscribe'
bulk: {
meta: {
stats: {
successful: 6, // not 7 because members subscribed to an inactive newsletter aren't subscribed (newsletter fixture[2])
unsuccessful: 0
unsuccessfulData: [],
errors: []
etag: anyEtag
const allMembers = await models.Member.findAll({withRelated: 'newsletters'});
for (const model of allMembers) {
if (model.id === ignoredMember.id) {
should(model.relations.newsletters.models.length).equal(0, 'This member should be unsubscribed from all newsletters');
it('Can bulk delete a label from members', async function () {
await agent
.body({bulk: {
action: 'removeLabel',
meta: {
label: {
// Note! this equals DataGenerator.Content.labels[2]
// the index is different in the fixtureManager
id: fixtureManager.get('labels', 1).id
bulk: {
meta: {
stats: {
successful: 2,
unsuccessful: 0
unsuccessfulData: [],
errors: []
etag: anyEtag
await agent
.body({bulk: {
action: 'removeLabel',
meta: {
label: {
id: fixtureManager.get('labels', 0).id
bulk: {
meta: {
stats: {
successful: 1,
unsuccessful: 0
unsuccessfulData: [],
errors: []
etag: anyEtag
it(`Doesn't delete labels apart from the passed label id`, async function () {
const member = fixtureManager.get('members', 1);
// Manually add 2 labels to a member
await models.Member.edit({labels: [{name: 'first-tag'}, {name: 'second-tag'}]}, {id: member.id});
const model = await models.Member.findOne({id: member.id}, {withRelated: 'labels'});
should(model.relations.labels.models.map(m => m.get('name'))).match(['first-tag', 'second-tag']);
const firstId = model.relations.labels.models[0].id;
const secondId = model.relations.labels.models[1].id;
// Delete first label only
await agent
.body({bulk: {
action: 'removeLabel',
meta: {
label: {
id: secondId
bulk: {
meta: {
stats: {
successful: 1,
unsuccessful: 0
unsuccessfulData: [],
errors: []
etag: anyEtag
const updatedModel = await models.Member.findOne({id: member.id}, {withRelated: 'labels'});
should(updatedModel.relations.labels.models.map(m => m.id)).match([firstId]);
it('Can bulk delete a label from members with filters', async function () {
const member1 = fixtureManager.get('members', 0);
const member2 = fixtureManager.get('members', 1);
// Manually add 2 labels to a member
await models.Member.edit({labels: [{name: 'first-tag'}, {name: 'second-tag'}]}, {id: member1.id});
const model1 = await models.Member.findOne({id: member1.id}, {withRelated: 'labels'});
should(model1.relations.labels.models.map(m => m.get('name'))).match(['first-tag', 'second-tag']);
const firstId = model1.relations.labels.models[0].id;
const secondId = model1.relations.labels.models[1].id;
await models.Member.edit({labels: [{name: 'first-tag'}, {name: 'second-tag'}]}, {id: member2.id});
const model2 = await models.Member.findOne({id: member2.id}, {withRelated: 'labels'});
should(model2.relations.labels.models.map(m => m.id)).match([firstId, secondId]);
await agent
.body({bulk: {
action: 'removeLabel',
meta: {
label: {
// Note! this equals DataGenerator.Content.labels[2]
// the index is different in the fixtureManager
id: firstId
bulk: {
meta: {
stats: {
successful: 1,
unsuccessful: 0
unsuccessfulData: [],
errors: []
etag: anyEtag
const updatedModel1 = await models.Member.findOne({id: member1.id}, {withRelated: 'labels'});
should(updatedModel1.relations.labels.models.map(m => m.id)).match([secondId]);
const updatedModel2 = await models.Member.findOne({id: member2.id}, {withRelated: 'labels'});
should(updatedModel2.relations.labels.models.map(m => m.id)).match([firstId, secondId]);
it('Can bulk delete members', async function () {
await agent
meta: {
stats: {
successful: 8,
unsuccessful: 0
unsuccessfulIds: [],
errors: []