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synced 2024-12-13 14:39:52 +03:00
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/1901 Ember has deprecated mixins in preparation for 4.0 and `ember-simple-auth` has now done the same in 3.1.0. - removed all imports of Ember Simple Auth mixins - moved authenticated and invalidated handling from application route to session service - moved server-notification loading from application route to session service - updated `AuthenticatedRoute` to use the session service directly rather than authenticated route mixin - added `UnauthenticatedRoute` that incorporates the behaviour from our overridden `UnauthenticatedRouteMixin` and switches to using the session service directly
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249 lines
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/* eslint-disable ghost/ember/alias-model-in-controller */
import Controller, {inject as controller} from '@ember/controller';
// TODO: remove usage of Ember Data's private `Errors` class when refactoring validations
// eslint-disable-next-line
import DS from 'ember-data';
import Ember from 'ember';
import RSVP from 'rsvp';
import validator from 'validator';
import {alias} from '@ember/object/computed';
import {computed} from '@ember/object';
import {A as emberA} from '@ember/array';
import {htmlSafe} from '@ember/string';
import {isInvalidError} from 'ember-ajax/errors';
import {run} from '@ember/runloop';
import {inject as service} from '@ember/service';
import {task, timeout} from 'ember-concurrency';
const {Errors} = DS;
export default Controller.extend({
two: controller('setup/two'),
notifications: service(),
session: service(),
users: '',
errors: Errors.create(),
hasValidated: emberA(),
ownerEmail: alias('two.email'),
usersArray: computed('users', function () {
let errors = this.errors;
let users = this.users.split('\n').filter(function (email) {
return email.trim().length > 0;
// remove "no users to invite" error if we have users
if (users.uniq().length > 0 && errors.get('users.length') === 1) {
if (errors.get('users.firstObject').message.match(/no users/i)) {
return users.uniq();
validUsersArray: computed('usersArray', 'ownerEmail', function () {
let ownerEmail = this.ownerEmail;
return this.usersArray.filter(function (user) {
return validator.isEmail(user || '') && user !== ownerEmail;
invalidUsersArray: computed('usersArray', 'ownerEmail', function () {
let ownerEmail = this.ownerEmail;
return this.usersArray.reject(user => validator.isEmail(user || '') || user === ownerEmail);
validationResult: computed('invalidUsersArray', function () {
let errors = [];
this.invalidUsersArray.forEach((user) => {
error: 'email'
if (errors.length === 0) {
// ensure we aren't highlighting fields when everything is fine
return true;
} else {
return errors;
buttonText: computed('errors.users', 'validUsersArray', 'invalidUsersArray', function () {
let usersError = this.get('errors.users.firstObject.message');
let validNum = this.validUsersArray.length;
let invalidNum = this.invalidUsersArray.length;
let userCount;
if (usersError && usersError.match(/no users/i)) {
return usersError;
if (invalidNum > 0) {
userCount = invalidNum === 1 ? 'email address' : 'email addresses';
return `${invalidNum} invalid ${userCount}`;
if (validNum > 0) {
userCount = validNum === 1 ? 'user' : 'users';
userCount = `${validNum} ${userCount}`;
} else {
userCount = 'some users';
return `Invite ${userCount}`;
buttonClass: computed('validationResult', 'usersArray.length', function () {
if (this.validationResult === true && this.get('usersArray.length') > 0) {
return 'gh-btn-green';
} else {
return 'gh-btn-minor';
authorRole: computed(function () {
return this.store.findAll('role', {reload: true}).then(roles => roles.findBy('name', 'Author'));
actions: {
validate() {
invite() {
skipInvite() {
validate() {
let errors = this.errors;
let validationResult = this.validationResult;
let property = 'users';
// If property isn't in the `hasValidated` array, add it to mark that this field can show a validation result
if (validationResult === true) {
return true;
validationResult.forEach((error) => {
// Only one error type here so far, but one day the errors might be more detailed
switch (error.error) {
case 'email':
errors.add(property, `${error.user} is not a valid email.`);
return false;
_transitionAfterSubmission() {
if (!this._hasTransitioned) {
this._hasTransitioned = true;
invite: task(function* () {
let users = this.validUsersArray;
if (this.validate() && users.length > 0) {
this._hasTransitioned = false;
let authorRole = yield this.authorRole;
let invites = yield this._saveInvites(authorRole);
run.schedule('actions', this, function () {
} else if (users.length === 0) {
this.errors.add('users', 'No users to invite');
_slowSubmissionTimeout: task(function* () {
yield timeout(4000);
_saveInvites(authorRole) {
let users = this.validUsersArray;
return RSVP.Promise.all(
users.map((user) => {
let invite = this.store.createRecord('invite', {
email: user,
role: authorRole
return invite.save().then(() => ({
email: user,
success: invite.get('status') === 'sent'
})).catch(error => ({
email: user,
success: false
_showNotifications(invites) {
let notifications = this.notifications;
let erroredEmails = [];
let successCount = 0;
let invitationsString, message;
invites.forEach((invite) => {
if (invite.success) {
successCount += 1;
} else if (isInvalidError(invite.error)) {
message = `${invite.email} was invalid: ${invite.error.payload.errors[0].message}`;
notifications.showAlert(message, {type: 'error', delayed: true, key: `signup.send-invitations.${invite.email}`});
} else {
if (erroredEmails.length > 0) {
invitationsString = erroredEmails.length > 1 ? ' invitations: ' : ' invitation: ';
message = `Failed to send ${erroredEmails.length} ${invitationsString}`;
message += Ember.Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(erroredEmails.join(', '));
message += '. Please check your email configuration, see <a href=\'https://ghost.org/docs/config/#mail\' target=\'_blank\'>https://ghost.org/docs/config/#mail</a> for instructions';
message = htmlSafe(message);
notifications.showAlert(message, {type: 'error', delayed: successCount > 0, key: 'signup.send-invitations.failed'});
if (successCount > 0) {
// pluralize
invitationsString = successCount > 1 ? 'invitations' : 'invitation';
notifications.showAlert(`${successCount} ${invitationsString} sent!`, {type: 'success', delayed: true, key: 'signup.send-invitations.success'});