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synced 2024-12-15 19:52:01 +03:00
Refactored into separate button handler that passes the status. Although, it doesn't look like the status is on the button element any more.
410 lines
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410 lines
14 KiB
// # Article Editor
/*global window, document, $, _, Backbone, Ghost, Showdown, CodeMirror, shortcut, Countable, JST */
(function () {
"use strict";
var PublishBar,
MarkdownShortcuts = [
{'key': 'Ctrl+B', 'style': 'bold'},
{'key': 'Meta+B', 'style': 'bold'},
{'key': 'Ctrl+I', 'style': 'italic'},
{'key': 'Meta+I', 'style': 'italic'},
{'key': 'Ctrl+Alt+U', 'style': 'strike'},
{'key': 'Ctrl+Shift+K', 'style': 'code'},
{'key': 'Meta+K', 'style': 'code'},
{'key': 'Ctrl+Alt+1', 'style': 'h1'},
{'key': 'Ctrl+Alt+2', 'style': 'h2'},
{'key': 'Ctrl+Alt+3', 'style': 'h3'},
{'key': 'Ctrl+Alt+4', 'style': 'h4'},
{'key': 'Ctrl+Alt+5', 'style': 'h5'},
{'key': 'Ctrl+Alt+6', 'style': 'h6'},
{'key': 'Ctrl+Shift+L', 'style': 'link'},
{'key': 'Ctrl+Shift+I', 'style': 'image'},
{'key': 'Ctrl+Q', 'style': 'blockquote'},
{'key': 'Ctrl+Shift+1', 'style': 'currentDate'},
{'key': 'Ctrl+U', 'style': 'uppercase'},
{'key': 'Ctrl+Shift+U', 'style': 'lowercase'},
{'key': 'Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U', 'style': 'titlecase'},
{'key': 'Ctrl+Alt+W', 'style': 'selectword'},
{'key': 'Ctrl+L', 'style': 'list'},
{'key': 'Ctrl+Alt+C', 'style': 'copyHTML'},
{'key': 'Meta+Alt+C', 'style': 'copyHTML'}
// The publish bar associated with a post, which has the TagWidget and
// Save button and options and such.
// ----------------------------------------
PublishBar = Ghost.View.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.addSubview(new TagWidget({el: this.$('#entry-categories'), model: this.model})).render();
this.addSubview(new ActionsWidget({el: this.$('#entry-actions'), model: this.model})).render();
render: function () { return this; }
// The Tag UI area associated with a post
// ----------------------------------------
TagWidget = Ghost.View.extend({
render: function () { return this; }
// The Publish, Queue, Publish Now buttons
// ----------------------------------------
ActionsWidget = Ghost.View.extend({
events: {
'click [data-set-status]': 'handleStatus',
'click .js-post-button': 'handlePostButton'
statusMap: {
'draft': 'Save Draft',
'published': 'Publish Now',
'scheduled': 'Save Schedued Post',
'queue': 'Add to Queue',
'publish-on': 'Publish on...'
initialize: function () {
var self = this;
// Toggle publish
shortcut.add("Ctrl+Alt+P", function () {
shortcut.add("Ctrl+S", function () {
shortcut.add("Meta+S", function () {
this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:status', this.render);
this.model.on('change:id', function (m) {
Backbone.history.navigate('/editor/' + m.id);
toggleStatus: function () {
var self = this,
keys = Object.keys(this.statusMap),
model = this.model,
prevStatus = this.model.get('status'),
currentIndex = keys.indexOf(prevStatus),
if (keys[currentIndex + 1] === 'scheduled') { // TODO: Remove once scheduled posts work
newIndex = currentIndex + 2 > keys.length - 1 ? 0 : currentIndex + 1;
} else {
newIndex = currentIndex + 1 > keys.length - 1 ? 0 : currentIndex + 1;
status: keys[newIndex]
}).then(function () {
type: 'success',
message: 'Your post: ' + model.get('title') + ' has been ' + keys[newIndex],
status: 'passive'
}, function (xhr) {
var status = keys[newIndex];
// Show a notification about the error
self.reportSaveError(xhr, model, status);
// Set the button text back to previous
model.set({ status: prevStatus });
setActiveStatus: function setActiveStatus(status, displayText) {
// Set the publish button's action
.attr('data-status', status)
// Set the active action in the popup
$('.splitbutton-save .editor-options li')
.filter(['li[data-set-status="', status, '"]'].join(''))
handleStatus: function (e) {
if (e) { e.preventDefault(); }
var status = $(e.currentTarget).attr('data-set-status');
this.setActiveStatus(status, this.statusMap[status]);
// Dismiss the popup menu
handlePostButton: function (e) {
var status = $(e.currentTarget).attr("data-status");
updatePost: function (status) {
var self = this,
model = this.model,
prevStatus = model.get('status');
// Default to same status if not passed in
status = status || prevStatus;
if (status === 'publish-on') {
return Ghost.notifications.addItem({
type: 'alert',
message: 'Scheduled publishing not supported yet.',
status: 'passive'
if (status === 'queue') {
return Ghost.notifications.addItem({
type: 'alert',
message: 'Scheduled publishing not supported yet.',
status: 'passive'
status: status
}).then(function () {
type: 'success',
message: ['Your post "', model.get('title'), '" has been ', status, '.'].join(''),
status: 'passive'
}, function (xhr) {
// Show a notification about the error
self.reportSaveError(xhr, model, status);
// Set the button text back to previous
model.set({ status: prevStatus });
savePost: function (data) {
// TODO: The content_raw getter here isn't great, shouldn't rely on currentView.
_.each(this.model.blacklist, function (item) {
}, this);
var saved = this.model.save(_.extend({
title: $('#entry-title').val(),
content_raw: Ghost.currentView.editor.getValue()
}, data));
// TODO: Take this out if #2489 gets merged in Backbone. Or patch Backbone
// ourselves for more consistent promises.
if (saved) {
return saved;
return $.Deferred().reject();
reportSaveError: function (response, model, status) {
var title = model.get('title') || '[Untitled]',
message = 'Your post: ' + title + ' has not been ' + status;
if (response) {
// Get message from response
message = Ghost.Views.Utils.getRequestErrorMessage(response);
} else if (model.validationError) {
// Grab a validation error
message += "; " + model.validationError;
type: 'error',
message: message,
status: 'passive'
render: function () {
// The entire /editor page's route (TODO: move all views to client side templates)
// ----------------------------------------
Ghost.Views.Editor = Ghost.View.extend({
initialize: function () {
// Add the container view for the Publish Bar
this.addSubview(new PublishBar({el: "#publish-bar", model: this.model})).render();
$('.entry-content header, .entry-preview header').on('click', function () {
$('.entry-content, .entry-preview').removeClass('active');
$('.entry-title .icon-fullscreen').on('click', function (e) {
this.$('.CodeMirror-scroll').on('scroll', this.syncScroll);
// Shadow on Markdown if scrolled
this.$('.CodeMirror-scroll').on('scroll', function (e) {
if ($('.CodeMirror-scroll').scrollTop() > 10) {
} else {
// Shadow on Preview if scrolled
this.$('.entry-preview-content').on('scroll', function (e) {
if ($('.entry-preview-content').scrollTop() > 10) {
} else {
// Zen writing mode shortcut
shortcut.add("Alt+Shift+Z", function () {
$('.entry-markdown header, .entry-preview header').click(function (e) {
$('.entry-markdown, .entry-preview').removeClass('active');
events: {
'click .markdown-help': 'showHelp',
'blur #entry-title': 'trimTitle'
syncScroll: _.debounce(function (e) {
var $codeViewport = $(e.target),
$previewViewport = $('.entry-preview-content'),
$codeContent = $('.CodeMirror-sizer'),
$previewContent = $('.rendered-markdown'),
// calc position
codeHeight = $codeContent.height() - $codeViewport.height(),
previewHeight = $previewContent.height() - $previewViewport.height(),
ratio = previewHeight / codeHeight,
previewPostition = $codeViewport.scrollTop() * ratio;
// apply new scroll
}, 50),
showHelp: function () {
this.addSubview(new Ghost.Views.Modal({
model: {
options: {
close: true,
type: "info",
style: "wide",
animation: 'fade'
content: {
template: 'markdown',
title: 'Markdown Help'
trimTitle: function () {
var $title = $('#entry-title'),
rawTitle = $title.val(),
trimmedTitle = $.trim(rawTitle);
if (rawTitle !== trimmedTitle) {
// This updates the editor preview panel.
// Currently gets called on every key press.
// Also trigger word count update
renderPreview: function () {
var self = this,
preview = document.getElementsByClassName('rendered-markdown')[0];
preview.innerHTML = this.converter.makeHtml(this.editor.getValue());
this.$('.js-drop-zone').upload({editor: true});
Countable.once(preview, function (counter) {
self.$('.entry-word-count').text($.pluralize(counter.words, 'word'));
self.$('.entry-character-count').text($.pluralize(counter.characters, 'character'));
self.$('.entry-paragraph-count').text($.pluralize(counter.paragraphs, 'paragraph'));
// Markdown converter & markdown shortcut initialization.
initMarkdown: function () {
var self = this;
this.converter = new Showdown.converter({extensions: ['ghostdown', 'github']});
this.editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById('entry-markdown'), {
mode: 'gfm',
tabMode: 'indent',
tabindex: "2",
lineWrapping: true,
dragDrop: false
// Inject modal for HTML to be viewed in
shortcut.add("Ctrl+Alt+C", function () {
shortcut.add("Ctrl+Alt+C", function () {
_.each(MarkdownShortcuts, function (combo) {
shortcut.add(combo.key, function () {
return self.editor.addMarkdown({style: combo.style});
this.editor.on('change', function () {
showHTML: function () {
this.addSubview(new Ghost.Views.Modal({
model: {
options: {
close: true,
type: "info",
style: "wide",
animation: 'fade'
content: {
template: 'copyToHTML',
title: 'Copied HTML'
render: function () { return this; }