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synced 2024-12-18 16:01:40 +03:00
no issue - To help debug ABORTED_GET_HELPER errors, this PR adds Sentry instrumentation to the get helpers - It also adds the homepage, any pages/posts, the tag page, and the author page to the list of transactions that will send to Sentry
185 lines
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185 lines
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const assert = require('assert/strict');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const configUtils = require('../../utils/configUtils');
const errors = require('@tryghost/errors');
const Sentry = require('@sentry/node');
const fakeDSN = 'https://aaabbbccc000111222333444555667@sentry.io/1234567';
let sentry;
describe('UNIT: sentry', function () {
afterEach(async function () {
await configUtils.restore();
describe('No sentry config', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
delete require.cache[require.resolve('../../../core/shared/sentry')];
sentry = require('../../../core/shared/sentry');
it('returns expected function signature', function () {
assert.equal(sentry.requestHandler.name, 'expressNoop', 'Should return noop');
assert.equal(sentry.errorHandler.name, 'expressNoop', 'Should return noop');
assert.equal(sentry.captureException.name, 'noop', 'Should return noop');
describe('With sentry config', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
configUtils.set({sentry: {disabled: false, dsn: fakeDSN}});
delete require.cache[require.resolve('../../../core/shared/sentry')];
sinon.spy(Sentry, 'init');
sentry = require('../../../core/shared/sentry');
it('returns expected function signature', function () {
assert.equal(sentry.requestHandler.name, 'sentryRequestMiddleware', 'Should return sentry');
assert.equal(sentry.errorHandler.name, 'sentryErrorMiddleware', 'Should return sentry');
assert.equal(sentry.captureException.name, 'captureException', 'Should return sentry');
it('initialises sentry correctly', function () {
const initArgs = Sentry.init.getCall(0).args;
assert.equal(initArgs[0].dsn, fakeDSN, 'shoudl be our fake dsn');
assert.match(initArgs[0].release, /ghost@\d+\.\d+\.\d+/, 'should be a valid version');
assert.equal(initArgs[0].environment, 'testing', 'should be the testing env');
assert.ok(initArgs[0].hasOwnProperty('beforeSend'), 'should have a beforeSend function');
it('initialises sentry with the correct environment', function () {
const env = 'staging';
PRO_ENV: env
delete require.cache[require.resolve('../../../core/shared/sentry')];
const initArgs = Sentry.init.getCall(1).args;
assert.equal(initArgs[0].environment, env, 'should be the correct env');
describe('beforeSend', function () {
this.beforeEach(function () {
configUtils.set({sentry: {disabled: false, dsn: fakeDSN}});
delete require.cache[require.resolve('../../../core/shared/sentry')];
sentry = require('../../../core/shared/sentry');
it('returns the event', function () {
sinon.stub(errors.utils, 'isGhostError').returns(false);
const beforeSend = sentry.beforeSend;
const event = {tags: {}};
const hint = {};
const result = beforeSend(event, hint);
assert.deepEqual(result, event);
it('returns the event, even if an exception is thrown internally', function () {
// Trigger an internal exception
sinon.stub(errors.utils, 'isGhostError').throws(new Error('test'));
const beforeSend = sentry.beforeSend;
const event = {tags: {}};
const hint = {};
const result = beforeSend(event, hint);
assert.deepEqual(result, event);
it('sets sql context for mysql2 errors', function () {
sinon.stub(errors.utils, 'isGhostError').returns(true);
const beforeSend = sentry.beforeSend;
const event = {
tags: {},
exception: {
values: [{
value: 'test',
type: 'test'
const exception = {
sql: 'SELECT * FROM test',
errno: 123,
sqlErrorCode: 456,
sqlMessage: 'test message',
sqlState: 'test state',
errorType: 'InternalServerError',
id: 'a1b2c3d4e5f6',
statusCode: 500
const hint = {
originalException: exception
const result = beforeSend(event, hint);
const expected = {
tags: {
type: 'InternalServerError',
id: 'a1b2c3d4e5f6',
status_code: 500
exception: {
values: [{
value: 'test message',
type: 'SQL Error 123: 456'
contexts: {
mysql: {
errno: 123,
code: 456,
sql: 'SELECT * FROM test',
message: 'test message',
state: 'test state'
assert.deepEqual(result, expected);
describe('beforeSendTransaction', function () {
it('filters transactions based on an allow list', function () {
sentry = require('../../../core/shared/sentry');
const beforeSendTransaction = sentry. beforeSendTransaction;
const allowedTransactions = [
{transaction: 'GET /ghost/api/settings'},
{transaction: 'PUT /members/api/member'},
{transaction: 'POST /ghost/api/tiers'},
{transaction: 'DELETE /members/api/member'},
{transaction: 'GET /'},
{transaction: 'GET /:slug/options(edit)?/'},
{transaction: 'GET /author/:slug'},
{transaction: 'GET /tag/:slug'}
allowedTransactions.forEach((transaction) => {
assert.equal(beforeSendTransaction(transaction), transaction);
assert.equal(beforeSendTransaction({transaction: 'GET /foo/bar'}), null);
assert.equal(beforeSendTransaction({transaction: 'Some other transaction'}), null);