Kevin Ansfield 755e048f98 Subscribers: Admin UI updates & fixes
Update for synchronous feature service

Add client-side handling of server-side errors when adding subscribers
- display server-provided error message when we get a server error
- fix the ajax util's `getRequestErrorMessage` method so that it works correctly with Ember's `InvalidError` object instead of the previous request object that it was receiving (*TODO:* this really needs looking at properly so we aren't losing details and Ember Data can do it's stuff)

Styling updates
- proper icon for ascending/descending
- change hover colour to green for "Import CSV" button

Delete subscriber button with confirm modal
- display delete button when hovering over a subscriber row (WARN: really ugly button, styles definitely want looking at)
- show confirm modal when clicking the delete button
- delete subscriber, remove from table, and update total on confirm
2016-05-11 11:22:35 +02:00

18 lines
681 B

{{#gh-light-table table scrollContainer=".subscribers-table" scrollBuffer=100 onScrolledToBottom=(action 'onScrolledToBottom') as |t|}}
{{t.head onColumnClick=(action sortByColumn) iconAscending="icon-ascending" iconDescending="icon-descending"}}
{{#t.body canSelect=false tableActions=(hash delete=(action delete)) as |body|}}
{{#if isLoading}}
{{#if table.isEmpty}}
No subscribers found.