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synced 2025-01-05 18:34:39 +03:00
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/* eslint-disable ghost/ember/alias-model-in-controller */
import $ from 'jquery';
import Controller from '@ember/controller';
import RSVP from 'rsvp';
import config from 'ghost-admin/config/environment';
import {
} from 'ghost-admin/services/ajax';
import {computed, set} from '@ember/object';
import {isBlank} from '@ember/utils';
import {isArray as isEmberArray} from '@ember/array';
import {run} from '@ember/runloop';
import {inject as service} from '@ember/service';
import {task, timeout} from 'ember-concurrency';
const {Promise} = RSVP;
const JSON_EXTENSION = ['json'];
const JSON_MIME_TYPE = ['application/json'];
const YAML_EXTENSION = ['yaml'];
const YAML_MIME_TYPE = [
export default Controller.extend({
ajax: service(),
config: service(),
feature: service(),
ghostPaths: service(),
notifications: service(),
session: service(),
settings: service(),
importErrors: null,
importSuccessful: false,
showDeleteAllModal: false,
submitting: false,
uploadButtonText: 'Import',
importMimeType: null,
redirectsFileExtensions: null,
redirectsFileMimeTypes: null,
yamlExtension: null,
yamlMimeType: null,
yamlAccept: null,
isOAuthConfigurationOpen: false,
init() {
this.importMimeType = IMPORT_MIME_TYPES;
this.redirectsFileExtensions = [...JSON_EXTENSION, ...YAML_EXTENSION];
// .yaml is added below for file dialogs to show .yaml by default.
this.redirectsFileMimeTypes = [...JSON_MIME_TYPE, ...YAML_MIME_TYPE, '.yaml'];
this.yamlExtension = YAML_EXTENSION;
this.yamlMimeType = YAML_MIME_TYPE;
// (macOS) Safari only allows files with the `yml` extension to be selected with the specified MIME types
// so explicitly allow the `yaml` extension.
this.yamlAccept = [...this.yamlMimeType, ...Array.from(this.yamlExtension, extension => '.' + extension)];
isOAuthEnabled: computed('settings.{oauthClientId,oauthClientSecret}', 'isOAuthConfigurationOpen', function () {
return (this.settings.get('oauthClientId') && this.settings.get('oauthClientSecret')) || this.isOAuthConfigurationOpen;
actions: {
onUpload(file) {
let formData = new FormData();
let notifications = this.notifications;
let currentUserId = this.get('session.user.id');
let dbUrl = this.get('ghostPaths.url').api('db');
this.set('uploadButtonText', 'Importing');
this.set('importErrors', null);
this.set('importSuccessful', false);
return this._validate(file).then(() => {
formData.append('importfile', file);
return this.ajax.post(dbUrl, {
data: formData,
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false
}).then((response) => {
let store = this.store;
this.set('importSuccessful', true);
if (response.problems) {
this.set('importErrors', response.problems);
// Clear the store, so that all the new data gets fetched correctly.
// NOTE: workaround for behaviour change in Ember 2.13
// store.unloadAll has some async tendencies so we need to schedule
// the reload of the current user once the unload has finished
// https://github.com/emberjs/data/issues/4963
run.schedule('destroy', this, () => {
// Reload currentUser and set session
this.set('session.user', store.findRecord('user', currentUserId));
// TODO: keep as notification, add link to view content
notifications.showNotification('Import successful', {key: 'import.upload.success'});
// reload settings
return this.settings.reload().then((settings) => {
this.config.set('blogTitle', settings.get('title'));
}).catch((response) => {
if (isUnsupportedMediaTypeError(response) || isRequestEntityTooLargeError(response)) {
this.set('importErrors', [response]);
} else if (response && response.payload.errors && isEmberArray(response.payload.errors)) {
this.set('importErrors', response.payload.errors);
} else {
this.set('importErrors', [{message: 'Import failed due to an unknown error. Check the Web Inspector console and network tabs for errors.'}]);
throw response;
}).finally(() => {
this.set('uploadButtonText', 'Import');
downloadFile(endpoint) {
let downloadURL = this.get('ghostPaths.url').api(endpoint);
let iframe = $('#iframeDownload');
if (iframe.length === 0) {
iframe = $('<iframe>', {id: 'iframeDownload'}).hide().appendTo('body');
iframe.attr('src', downloadURL);
async saveOAuthSettings() {
await this.settings.save();
toggleDeleteAllModal() {
async toggleIsOAuthEnabled() {
if (this.isOAuthEnabled) {
this.settings.set('oauthClientId', '');
this.settings.set('oauthClientSecret', '');
set(this, 'isOAuthConfigurationOpen', false);
await this.settings.save();
} else {
set(this, 'isOAuthConfigurationOpen', true);
* Opens a file selection dialog - Triggered by "Upload x" buttons,
* searches for the hidden file input within the .gh-setting element
* containing the clicked button then simulates a click
* @param {MouseEvent} event - MouseEvent fired by the button click
triggerFileDialog(event) {
// simulate click to open file dialog
// using jQuery because IE11 doesn't support MouseEvent
// TODO: convert to ember-concurrency task
_validate(file) {
// Windows doesn't have mime-types for json files by default, so we
// need to have some additional checking
if (file.type === '') {
// First check file extension so we can early return
let [, extension] = (/(?:\.([^.]+))?$/).exec(file.name);
if (!extension || extension.toLowerCase() !== 'json') {
return RSVP.reject(new UnsupportedMediaTypeError());
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Extension is correct, so check the contents of the file
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function () {
let {result} = reader;
try {
return resolve();
} catch (e) {
return reject(new UnsupportedMediaTypeError());
let accept = this.importMimeType;
if (!isBlank(accept) && file && accept.indexOf(file.type) === -1) {
return RSVP.reject(new UnsupportedMediaTypeError());
return RSVP.resolve();
redirectUploadResult: task(function* (success) {
this.set('redirectSuccess', success);
this.set('redirectFailure', !success);
yield timeout(config.environment === 'test' ? 100 : 5000);
this.set('redirectSuccess', null);
this.set('redirectFailure', null);
return true;
routesUploadResult: task(function* (success) {
this.set('routesSuccess', success);
this.set('routesFailure', !success);
yield timeout(config.environment === 'test' ? 100 : 5000);
this.set('routesSuccess', null);
this.set('routesFailure', null);
return true;
reset() {
this.set('importErrors', null);
this.set('importSuccessful', false);