Fabien 'egg' O'Carroll 7c5a3bb537
Updated magic links to use shorter, single us, longer lived tokens (#12218)

* Added SingleUseTokenProvider to members service

This implements the TokenProvider interface required by members-api to
generate magic links. It handles checking if the token is expired and
pulls out any associated data.

Future improvments may include the email in the error for expired
tokens, which would make resending a token simpler.

* Passed SingleUseTokenProvider to members-api

This sets up the members-api module to use the new single use tokens

* Installed @tryghost/members-api@0.30.0

This includes the change to allow us to pass a token provider to the members-api
2020-09-18 17:32:18 +01:00

178 lines
5.4 KiB

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