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synced 2025-01-01 23:37:43 +03:00
closes https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/3307 This commit includes several important updates to add internationalisation (i18n) support within the signup form package: - Modified the translate script in `package.json` to include translations for the signup form. - Added a new test for the signup form resources in `i18n.test.js`. - Updated `tsconfig.json` to allow synthetic default imports. - Made updates to `package.json`, including adding a prebuild command for `@tryghost/i18n` to ensure typescript declaration files get built. - added `vite-plugin-commonjs` so we can bundle commonjs packages to be useable by the browser. - In `App.tsx`, imported the `i18n` library and created an `i18n` instance for the `signup-form` namespace. This `i18n` instance's `t` function was added to the application context. - Updated the `AppContextType` in `AppContext.ts` to include the `t` function from i18n Co-authored-by: Daniel Lockyer <hi@daniellockyer.com>
27 lines
639 B
27 lines
639 B
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