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synced 2024-12-23 19:02:29 +03:00
closes https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/3521 When duplicating a newsletter (email only post) some of the fields relating to the newsletter (i.e `newsletter_id`) were being erroneously copied over. Upon publishing this made the post appear as if it was an email only post that had been sent to subscribers when it actually had not
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const nql = require('@tryghost/nql');
const {BadRequestError} = require('@tryghost/errors');
const tpl = require('@tryghost/tpl');
const errors = require('@tryghost/errors');
const ObjectId = require('bson-objectid').default;
const pick = require('lodash/pick');
const messages = {
invalidVisibilityFilter: 'Invalid visibility filter.',
invalidVisibility: 'Invalid visibility value.',
invalidTiers: 'Invalid tiers value.',
invalidTags: 'Invalid tags value.',
invalidEmailSegment: 'The email segment parameter doesn\'t contain a valid filter',
unsupportedBulkAction: 'Unsupported bulk action',
postNotFound: 'Post not found.',
collectionNotFound: 'Collection not found.'
class PostsService {
constructor({urlUtils, models, isSet, stats, emailService, postsExporter, collectionsService}) {
this.urlUtils = urlUtils;
this.models = models;
this.isSet = isSet;
this.stats = stats;
this.emailService = emailService;
this.postsExporter = postsExporter;
/** @type {import('@tryghost/collections').CollectionsService} */
this.collectionsService = collectionsService;
* @param {Object} options - frame options
* @returns {Promise<Object>}
async browsePosts(options) {
let posts;
if (this.isSet('collections') && options.collection) {
let collection = await this.collectionsService.getById(options.collection);
if (!collection) {
collection = await this.collectionsService.getBySlug(options.collection);
if (!collection) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({
message: tpl(messages.collectionNotFound)
const postIds = collection.posts;
options.filter = `id:[${postIds.join(',')}]+type:post`;
posts = await this.models.Post.findPage(options);
} else {
posts = await this.models.Post.findPage(options);
return posts;
async readPost(frame) {
const model = await this.models.Post.findOne(frame.data, frame.options);
if (!model) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({
message: tpl(messages.postNotFound)
const dto = model.toJSON(frame.options);
if (this.isSet('collections') && frame?.original?.query?.include?.includes('collections')) {
dto.collections = await this.collectionsService.getCollectionsForPost(model.id);
return dto;
* @typedef {'published_updated' | 'scheduled_updated' | 'draft_updated' | 'unpublished'} EventString
* @param {any} frame
* @param {object} [options]
* @param {(event: EventString, dto: any) => Promise<void> | void} [options.eventHandler] - Called before the editPost method resolves with an event string
* @returns
async editPost(frame, options) {
// Make sure the newsletter is matching an active newsletter
// Note that this option is simply ignored if the post isn't published or scheduled
if (frame.options.newsletter && frame.options.email_segment) {
if (frame.options.email_segment !== 'all') {
// check filter is valid
try {
await this.models.Member.findPage({filter: frame.options.email_segment, limit: 1});
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(new BadRequestError({
message: tpl(messages.invalidEmailSegment),
context: err.message
if (this.isSet('collections') && frame.data.posts[0].collections) {
const existingCollections = await this.collectionsService.getCollectionsForPost(frame.options.id);
for (const collection of frame.data.posts[0].collections) {
let collectionId = null;
if (typeof collection === 'string') {
collectionId = collection;
if (typeof collection?.id === 'string') {
collectionId = collection.id;
if (!collectionId) {
const existingCollection = existingCollections.find(c => c.id === collectionId);
if (existingCollection) {
const found = await this.collectionsService.getById(collectionId);
if (!found) {
if (found.type !== 'manual') {
await this.collectionsService.addPostToCollection(collectionId, {
id: frame.options.id,
featured: frame.data.posts[0].featured,
published_at: frame.data.posts[0].published_at
for (const existingCollection of existingCollections) {
if (frame.data.posts[0].collections.find((item) => {
if (typeof item === 'string') {
return item === existingCollection.id;
return item.id === existingCollection.id;
})) {
await this.collectionsService.removePostFromCollection(existingCollection.id, frame.options.id);
const model = await this.models.Post.edit(frame.data.posts[0], frame.options);
/**Handle newsletter email */
if (model.get('newsletter_id')) {
const sendEmail = model.wasChanged() && this.shouldSendEmail(model.get('status'), model.previous('status'));
if (sendEmail) {
let postEmail = model.relations.email;
let email;
if (!postEmail) {
email = await this.emailService.createEmail(model);
} else if (postEmail && postEmail.get('status') === 'failed') {
email = await this.emailService.retryEmail(postEmail);
if (email) {
model.set('email', email);
const dto = model.toJSON(frame.options);
if (this.isSet('collections')) {
if (frame?.original?.query?.include?.includes('collections') || frame.data.posts[0].collections) {
dto.collections = await this.collectionsService.getCollectionsForPost(model.id);
if (typeof options?.eventHandler === 'function') {
await options.eventHandler(this.getChanges(model), dto);
return dto;
* @param {any} model
* @returns {EventString}
getChanges(model) {
if (model.get('status') === 'published' && model.wasChanged()) {
return 'published_updated';
if (model.get('status') === 'draft' && model.previous('status') === 'published') {
return 'unpublished';
if (model.get('status') === 'draft' && model.previous('status') !== 'published') {
return 'draft_updated';
if (model.get('status') === 'scheduled' && model.wasChanged()) {
return 'scheduled_updated';
#mergeFilters(...filters) {
return filters.filter(filter => filter).map(f => `(${f})`).join('+');
async bulkEdit(data, options) {
if (data.action === 'unpublish') {
return await this.#updatePosts({status: 'draft'}, {filter: this.#mergeFilters('status:published', options.filter), context: options.context, actionName: 'unpublished'});
if (data.action === 'feature') {
return await this.#updatePosts({featured: true}, {filter: options.filter, context: options.context, actionName: 'featured'});
if (data.action === 'unfeature') {
return await this.#updatePosts({featured: false}, {filter: options.filter, context: options.context, actionName: 'unfeatured'});
if (data.action === 'access') {
if (!['public', 'members', 'paid', 'tiers'].includes(data.meta.visibility)) {
throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError({
message: tpl(messages.invalidVisibility)
let tiers = undefined;
if (data.meta.visibility === 'tiers') {
if (!Array.isArray(data.meta.tiers)) {
throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError({
message: tpl(messages.invalidTiers)
tiers = data.meta.tiers;
return await this.#updatePosts({visibility: data.meta.visibility, tiers}, {filter: options.filter, context: options.context});
if (data.action === 'addTag') {
if (!Array.isArray(data.meta.tags)) {
throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError({
message: tpl(messages.invalidTags)
for (const tag of data.meta.tags) {
if (typeof tag !== 'object') {
throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError({
message: tpl(messages.invalidTags)
if (!tag.id && !tag.name) {
throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError({
message: tpl(messages.invalidTags)
return await this.#bulkAddTags({tags: data.meta.tags}, {filter: options.filter, context: options.context});
throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError({
message: tpl(messages.unsupportedBulkAction)
* @param {object} data
* @param {string[]} data.tags - Array of tag ids to add to the post
* @param {object} options
* @param {string} options.filter - An NQL Filter
* @param {object} options.context
* @param {object} [options.transacting]
async #bulkAddTags(data, options) {
if (!options.transacting) {
return await this.models.Post.transaction(async (transacting) => {
return await this.#bulkAddTags(data, {
// Create tags that don't exist
for (const tag of data.tags) {
if (!tag.id) {
const createdTag = await this.models.Tag.add(tag, {transacting: options.transacting, context: options.context});
tag.id = createdTag.id;
const postRows = await this.models.Post.getFilteredCollectionQuery({
filter: options.filter,
status: 'all',
transacting: options.transacting
const postTags = data.tags.reduce((pt, tag) => {
return pt.concat(postRows.map((post) => {
return {
id: (new ObjectId()).toHexString(),
post_id: post.id,
tag_id: tag.id,
sort_order: 0
}, []);
await options.transacting('posts_tags').insert(postTags);
await this.models.Post.addActions('edited', postRows.map(p => p.id), options);
return {
successful: postRows.length,
unsuccessful: 0
async bulkDestroy(options) {
if (!options.transacting) {
return await this.models.Post.transaction(async (transacting) => {
return await this.bulkDestroy({
const postRows = await this.models.Post.getFilteredCollectionQuery({
filter: options.filter,
status: 'all',
transacting: options.transacting
}).leftJoin('emails', 'posts.id', 'emails.post_id').select('posts.id', 'emails.id as email_id');
const deleteIds = postRows.map(row => row.id);
// We also need to collect the email ids because the email relation doesn't have cascase, and we need to delete the related relations of the post
const deleteEmailIds = postRows.map(row => row.email_id).filter(id => !!id);
const postTablesToDelete = [
const emailTablesToDelete = [
// Don't clear, but set relation to null
const emailTablesToSetNull = [
for (const table of postTablesToDelete) {
await this.models.Post.bulkDestroy(deleteIds, table, {
column: 'post_id',
transacting: options.transacting,
throwErrors: true
for (const table of emailTablesToDelete) {
await this.models.Post.bulkDestroy(deleteEmailIds, table, {
column: 'email_id',
transacting: options.transacting,
throwErrors: true
for (const table of emailTablesToSetNull) {
await this.models.Post.bulkEdit(deleteEmailIds, table, {
data: {email_id: null},
column: 'email_id',
transacting: options.transacting,
throwErrors: true
// Posts and emails
await this.models.Post.bulkDestroy(deleteEmailIds, 'emails', {transacting: options.transacting, throwErrors: true});
return await this.models.Post.bulkDestroy(deleteIds, 'posts', {...options, throwErrors: true});
async export(frame) {
return await this.postsExporter.export(frame.options);
async #updatePosts(data, options) {
if (!options.transacting) {
return await this.models.Post.transaction(async (transacting) => {
return await this.#updatePosts(data, {
const postRows = await this.models.Post.getFilteredCollectionQuery({
filter: options.filter,
status: 'all',
transacting: options.transacting
const editIds = postRows.map(row => row.id);
let tiers = undefined;
if (data.tiers) {
tiers = data.tiers;
delete data.tiers;
const result = await this.models.Post.bulkEdit(editIds, 'posts', {
throwErrors: true
// Update tiers
if (tiers) {
// First delete all
await this.models.Post.bulkDestroy(editIds, 'posts_products', {
column: 'post_id',
transacting: options.transacting,
throwErrors: true
// Then add again
const toInsert = [];
for (const postId of editIds) {
for (const [index, tier] of tiers.entries()) {
if (typeof tier.id === 'string') {
id: ObjectId().toHexString(),
post_id: postId,
product_id: tier.id,
sort_order: index
await this.models.Post.bulkAdd(toInsert, 'posts_products', {
transacting: options.transacting,
throwErrors: true
return result;
async getProductsFromVisibilityFilter(visibilityFilter) {
try {
const allProducts = await this.models.Product.findAll();
const visibilityFilterJson = nql(visibilityFilter).toJSON();
const productsData = (visibilityFilterJson.product ? [visibilityFilterJson] : visibilityFilterJson.$or) || [];
const tiers = productsData
.map((data) => {
return allProducts.find((p) => {
return p.get('slug') === data.product;
}).filter(p => !!p).map((d) => {
return d.toJSON();
return tiers;
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(new BadRequestError({
message: tpl(messages.invalidVisibilityFilter),
context: err.message
* Calculates if the email should be tried to be sent out
* @private
* @param {String} currentStatus current status from the post model
* @param {String} previousStatus previous status from the post model
* @returns {Boolean}
shouldSendEmail(currentStatus, previousStatus) {
return (['published', 'sent'].includes(currentStatus))
&& (!['published', 'sent'].includes(previousStatus));
handleCacheInvalidation(model) {
let cacheInvalidate;
if (
model.get('status') === 'published' && model.wasChanged() ||
model.get('status') === 'draft' && model.previous('status') === 'published'
) {
cacheInvalidate = true;
} else if (
model.get('status') === 'draft' && model.previous('status') !== 'published' ||
model.get('status') === 'scheduled' && model.wasChanged()
) {
cacheInvalidate = {
value: this.urlUtils.urlFor({
relativeUrl: this.urlUtils.urlJoin('/p', model.get('uuid'), '/')
} else {
cacheInvalidate = false;
return cacheInvalidate;
async copyPost(frame) {
const existingPost = await this.models.Post.findOne({
id: frame.options.id,
status: 'all'
}, frame.options);
const newPostData = pick(
newPostData.title = `${existingPost.attributes.title} (Copy)`;
newPostData.status = 'draft';
newPostData.authors = existingPost.related('authors')
.map(author => ({id: author.get('id')}));
newPostData.tags = existingPost.related('tags')
.map(tag => ({id: tag.get('id')}));
const existingPostMeta = existingPost.related('posts_meta');
if (existingPostMeta.isNew() === false) {
newPostData.posts_meta = pick(
const existingPostTiers = existingPost.related('tiers');
if (existingPostTiers.length > 0) {
newPostData.tiers = existingPostTiers.map(tier => ({id: tier.get('id')}));
return this.models.Post.add(newPostData, frame.options);
* Generates a location url for a copied post based on the original url generated by the API framework
* @param {string} url
* @returns {string}
generateCopiedPostLocationFromUrl(url) {
const urlParts = url.split('/');
const pageId = urlParts[urlParts.length - 2];
return urlParts
.slice(0, -4)
module.exports = PostsService;