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synced 2024-12-20 09:22:49 +03:00
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/2110 - dynamically defined properties on the config service did not have autotracking set up properly if they were accessed in any way before the property was defined, this caused problems in a number of areas because we have both "unauthed" and "authed" sets of config and when not logged in we had parts of the app checking for authed config properties that don't exist until after sign-in and subsequent config re-fetch - renamed `config` service to `configManager` and updated to only contain methods for fetching config data - added a `config` instance initializer that sets up a `TrackedObject` instance with some custom properties/methods and registers it on `config:main` - uses application instance initializer rather than a standard initializer because standard initializers are only called once when setting up the test suite so we'd end up with config leaking across tests - added an `@inject` decorator that when used takes the property name and injects whatever is registered at `${propertyName}:main`, this allows us to use dependency injection for any object rather than just services or controllers - using `application.inject()` in the initializer was initially used but that only works for objects that extend from `EmberObject`, the injections weren't available in native-class glimmer components so this decorator keeps the injection syntax consistent - swapped all `@service config` uses to `@inject config`
239 lines
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239 lines
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import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator';
import {inject as service} from '@ember/service';
/* eslint-disable ghost/ember/alias-model-in-controller */
import Controller from '@ember/controller';
import DeleteAllModal from '../../components/settings/labs/delete-all-content-modal';
import RSVP from 'rsvp';
import config from 'ghost-admin/config/environment';
import {
} from 'ghost-admin/services/ajax';
import {action} from '@ember/object';
import {inject} from 'ghost-admin/decorators/inject';
import {isBlank} from '@ember/utils';
import {isArray as isEmberArray} from '@ember/array';
import {run} from '@ember/runloop';
import {task, timeout} from 'ember-concurrency';
const {Promise} = RSVP;
const JSON_EXTENSION = ['json'];
const JSON_MIME_TYPE = ['application/json'];
const YAML_EXTENSION = ['yaml'];
const YAML_MIME_TYPE = [
export default class LabsController extends Controller {
@service ajax;
@service feature;
@service ghostPaths;
@service modals;
@service notifications;
@service session;
@service settings;
@service utils;
@inject config;
importErrors = null;
importSuccessful = false;
showEarlyAccessModal = false;
submitting = false;
uploadButtonText = 'Import';
importMimeType = null;
redirectsFileExtensions = null;
redirectsFileMimeTypes = null;
yamlExtension = null;
yamlMimeType = null;
yamlAccept = null;
init() {
this.importMimeType = IMPORT_MIME_TYPES;
this.redirectsFileExtensions = [...JSON_EXTENSION, ...YAML_EXTENSION];
// .yaml is added below for file dialogs to show .yaml by default.
this.redirectsFileMimeTypes = [...JSON_MIME_TYPE, ...YAML_MIME_TYPE, '.yaml'];
this.yamlExtension = YAML_EXTENSION;
this.yamlMimeType = YAML_MIME_TYPE;
// (macOS) Safari only allows files with the `yml` extension to be selected with the specified MIME types
// so explicitly allow the `yaml` extension.
this.yamlAccept = [...this.yamlMimeType, ...Array.from(this.yamlExtension, extension => '.' + extension)];
onUpload(file) {
let formData = new FormData();
let notifications = this.notifications;
let currentUserId = this.get('session.user.id');
let dbUrl = this.get('ghostPaths.url').api('db');
this.set('uploadButtonText', 'Importing');
this.set('importErrors', null);
this.set('importSuccessful', false);
return this._validate(file).then(() => {
formData.append('importfile', file);
return this.ajax.post(dbUrl, {
data: formData,
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false
}).then((response) => {
let store = this.store;
this.set('importSuccessful', true);
if (response.problems) {
this.set('importErrors', response.problems);
// Clear the store, so that all the new data gets fetched correctly.
// NOTE: workaround for behaviour change in Ember 2.13
// store.unloadAll has some async tendencies so we need to schedule
// the reload of the current user once the unload has finished
// https://github.com/emberjs/data/issues/4963
run.schedule('destroy', this, () => {
// Reload currentUser and set session
this.session.populateUser({id: currentUserId});
// TODO: keep as notification, add link to view content
notifications.showNotification('Import successful', {key: 'import.upload.success'});
// reload settings
return this.settings.reload().then((settings) => {
this.config.blogTitle = settings.title;
}).catch((response) => {
if (isUnsupportedMediaTypeError(response) || isRequestEntityTooLargeError(response)) {
this.set('importErrors', [response]);
} else if (response && response.payload.errors && isEmberArray(response.payload.errors)) {
this.set('importErrors', response.payload.errors);
} else {
this.set('importErrors', [{message: 'Import failed due to an unknown error. Check the Web Inspector console and network tabs for errors.'}]);
throw response;
}).finally(() => {
this.set('uploadButtonText', 'Import');
downloadFile(endpoint) {
confirmDeleteAll() {
return this.modals.open(DeleteAllModal);
toggleEarlyAccessModal() {
* Opens a file selection dialog - Triggered by "Upload x" buttons,
* searches for the hidden file input within the .gh-setting element
* containing the clicked button then simulates a click
* @param {MouseEvent} event - MouseEvent fired by the button click
triggerFileDialog(event) {
// simulate click to open file dialog
// TODO: convert to ember-concurrency task
_validate(file) {
// Windows doesn't have mime-types for json files by default, so we
// need to have some additional checking
if (file.type === '') {
// First check file extension so we can early return
let [, extension] = (/(?:\.([^.]+))?$/).exec(file.name);
if (!extension || extension.toLowerCase() !== 'json') {
return RSVP.reject(new UnsupportedMediaTypeError());
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Extension is correct, so check the contents of the file
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function () {
let {result} = reader;
try {
return resolve();
} catch (e) {
return reject(new UnsupportedMediaTypeError());
let accept = this.importMimeType;
if (!isBlank(accept) && file && accept.indexOf(file.type) === -1) {
return RSVP.reject(new UnsupportedMediaTypeError());
return RSVP.resolve();
@(task(function* (success) {
this.set('redirectSuccess', success);
this.set('redirectFailure', !success);
yield timeout(config.environment === 'test' ? 100 : 5000);
this.set('redirectSuccess', null);
this.set('redirectFailure', null);
return true;
@(task(function* (success) {
this.set('routesSuccess', success);
this.set('routesFailure', !success);
yield timeout(config.environment === 'test' ? 100 : 5000);
this.set('routesSuccess', null);
this.set('routesFailure', null);
return true;
reset() {
this.set('importErrors', null);
this.set('importSuccessful', false);