Hannah Wolfe 9f9d8b2fec Always use our redirects utility (#9132)
no issue

- This started as an attempt to simplify the admin redirect code
- I realised we were sometimes using utils.redirect301 and sometimes not
- Decided to move this into utils.url as it's more relevant to URL generation
- Unified usage of redirects in the codebase
- Updated tests & ensured we have basic coverage
- rename adminRedirect -> redirectToAdmin
- Tweak method signature, fix channel edit redirects
- Tests: Optimised test descriptions for url-redirects_spec.js
- ensure caching works as expected
2017-10-12 14:36:50 +02:00

101 lines
3.5 KiB

var express = require('express'),
_ = require('lodash'),
config = require('../../config'),
errors = require('../../errors'),
i18n = require('../../i18n'),
rss = require('../../data/xml/rss'),
utils = require('../../utils'),
channelConfig = require('./channel-config'),
renderChannel = require('./render-channel'),
function handlePageParam(req, res, next, page) {
var pageRegex = new RegExp('/' + config.get('routeKeywords').page + '/(.*)?/'),
rssRegex = new RegExp('/rss/(.*)?/');
page = parseInt(page, 10);
if (page === 1) {
// Page 1 is an alias, do a permanent 301 redirect
if (rssRegex.test(req.url)) {
return utils.url.redirect301(res, req.originalUrl.replace(rssRegex, '/rss/'));
} else {
return utils.url.redirect301(res, req.originalUrl.replace(pageRegex, '/'));
} else if (page < 1 || isNaN(page)) {
// Nothing less than 1 is a valid page number, go straight to a 404
return next(new errors.NotFoundError({message: i18n.t('errors.errors.pageNotFound')}));
} else {
// Set to the already parsed number, and continue = page;
return next();
rssRouter = function rssRouter(channelConfig) {
function rssConfigMiddleware(req, res, next) { = true;
// @TODO move this to an RSS module
var router = express.Router({mergeParams: true}),
stack = [channelConfig, rssConfigMiddleware, rss],
baseRoute = '/rss/';
router.get(baseRoute, stack);
router.get(utils.url.urlJoin(baseRoute, ':page(\\d+)/'), stack);
router.get('/feed/', function redirectToRSS(req, res) {
return utils.url.redirect301(res, utils.url.urlJoin(utils.url.getSubdir(), req.baseUrl, baseRoute));
router.param('page', handlePageParam);
return router;
channelRouter = function router() {
function channelConfigMiddleware(channel) {
return function doChannelConfig(req, res, next) { = _.cloneDeep(channel);
var channelsRouter = express.Router({mergeParams: true}),
baseRoute = '/',
pageRoute = utils.url.urlJoin('/', config.get('routeKeywords').page, ':page(\\d+)/');
_.each(channelConfig.list(), function (channel) {
var channelRouter = express.Router({mergeParams: true}),
configChannel = channelConfigMiddleware(channel);
// @TODO figure out how to collapse this into a single rule
channelRouter.get(baseRoute, configChannel, renderChannel);
// @TODO improve config and add defaults to make this simpler
if (channel.paged !== false) {
channelRouter.param('page', handlePageParam);
channelRouter.get(pageRoute, configChannel, renderChannel);
// @TODO improve config and add defaults to make this simpler
if (channel.rss !== false) {
if (channel.editRedirect) {
channelRouter.get('/edit/', function redirect(req, res) {
utils.url.redirectToAdmin(302, res, channel.editRedirect.replace(':slug', req.params.slug));
// Mount this channel router on the parent channels router
channelsRouter.use(channel.route, channelRouter);
return channelsRouter;
module.exports.router = channelRouter;