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import assert from 'assert/strict';
import {ClickEvent, InMemoryRecommendationRepository, Recommendation, RecommendationService, SubscribeEvent, WellknownService} from '../src';
import {InMemoryRepository} from '@tryghost/in-memory-repository';
import sinon from 'sinon';
class InMemoryClickEventRepository<T extends ClickEvent|SubscribeEvent> extends InMemoryRepository<string, T> {
toPrimitive(entity: T): object {
return entity;
describe('RecommendationService', function () {
let service: RecommendationService;
let enabled = false;
beforeEach(function () {
enabled = false;
service = new RecommendationService({
repository: new InMemoryRecommendationRepository(),
clickEventRepository: new InMemoryClickEventRepository<ClickEvent>(),
subscribeEventRepository: new InMemoryClickEventRepository<SubscribeEvent>(),
wellknownService: {
getPath() {
return '';
getURL() {
return new URL('http://localhost/.well-known/recommendations.json');
set() {
return Promise.resolve();
} as unknown as WellknownService,
mentionSendingService: {
sendAll() {
return Promise.resolve();
recommendationEnablerService: {
getSetting() {
return enabled.toString();
setSetting(e) {
enabled = e === 'true';
return Promise.resolve();
describe('init', function () {
it('should update wellknown', async function () {
const updateWellknown = sinon.stub(service.wellknownService, 'set').resolves();
await service.init();
describe('updateRecommendationsEnabledSetting', function () {
it('should set to true if more than one', async function () {
enabled = false;
await service.updateRecommendationsEnabledSetting([
url: 'http://localhost/1',
title: 'Test',
reason: null,
excerpt: null,
featuredImage: null,
favicon: null,
oneClickSubscribe: false
it('should keep enabled true if already enabled', async function () {
enabled = true;
await service.updateRecommendationsEnabledSetting([
url: 'http://localhost/1',
title: 'Test',
reason: null,
excerpt: null,
featuredImage: null,
favicon: null,
oneClickSubscribe: false
it('should set to false if none', async function () {
enabled = false;
await service.updateRecommendationsEnabledSetting([]);
assert.equal(enabled, false);
it('should set to false if none if currently enabled', async function () {
enabled = true;
await service.updateRecommendationsEnabledSetting([]);
assert.equal(enabled, false);
describe('readRecommendation', function () {
it('throws if not found', async function () {
await assert.rejects(() => service.readRecommendation('1'), {
name: 'NotFoundError',
message: 'Recommendation with id 1 not found'
it('returns plain if found', async function () {
const recommendation = Recommendation.create({
id: '2',
url: 'http://localhost/1',
title: 'Test',
reason: null,
excerpt: null,
featuredImage: null,
favicon: null,
oneClickSubscribe: false
await service.repository.save(recommendation);
const response = await service.readRecommendation('2');
assert.deepEqual(response, recommendation.plain);
// Check not instance of Recommendation
assert.equal(response instanceof Recommendation, false);
describe('addRecommendation', function () {
it('throws if already exists', async function () {
const recommendation = Recommendation.create({
id: '2',
url: 'http://localhost/1',
title: 'Test',
reason: null,
excerpt: null,
featuredImage: null,
favicon: null,
oneClickSubscribe: false
await service.repository.save(recommendation);
await assert.rejects(() => service.addRecommendation({
url: 'http://localhost/1',
title: 'Test 2',
reason: null,
excerpt: null,
featuredImage: null,
favicon: null,
oneClickSubscribe: false
}), {
name: 'ValidationError',
message: 'A recommendation with this URL already exists.'
it('returns plain if sucessful', async function () {
const response = await service.addRecommendation({
url: 'http://localhost/1',
title: 'Test',
reason: null,
excerpt: null,
featuredImage: null,
favicon: null,
oneClickSubscribe: false
assert.deepEqual(response, {
title: 'Test',
reason: null,
excerpt: null,
featuredImage: null,
favicon: null,
oneClickSubscribe: false,
clickCount: undefined,
subscriberCount: undefined,
updatedAt: null,
// Ignored
url: response.url,
id: response.id,
createdAt: response.createdAt
assert(response.url instanceof URL);
assert(response.createdAt instanceof Date);
it('does not throw if sendMentionToRecommendation throws', async function () {
const recommendation = Recommendation.create({
id: '2',
url: 'http://localhost/1',
title: 'Test',
reason: null,
excerpt: null,
featuredImage: null,
favicon: null,
oneClickSubscribe: false
const updateRecommendationsEnabledSetting = sinon.stub(service.mentionSendingService, 'sendAll').rejects(new Error('Test'));
await service.repository.save(recommendation);
await assert.doesNotReject(() => service.addRecommendation({
url: 'http://localhost/2',
title: 'Test 2',
reason: null,
excerpt: null,
featuredImage: null,
favicon: null,
oneClickSubscribe: false
describe('editRecommendation', function () {
it('throws if not found', async function () {
await assert.rejects(() => service.editRecommendation('1', {
title: 'Test 2'
}), {
name: 'NotFoundError',
message: 'Recommendation with id 1 not found'
it('returns plain if sucessful', async function () {
const recommendation = Recommendation.create({
id: '2',
url: 'http://localhost/1',
title: 'Test',
reason: null,
excerpt: null,
featuredImage: null,
favicon: null,
oneClickSubscribe: false
await service.repository.save(recommendation);
const response = await service.editRecommendation('2', {
title: 'Test 2'
assert.deepEqual(response, {
title: 'Test 2',
reason: null,
excerpt: null,
featuredImage: null,
favicon: null,
oneClickSubscribe: false,
clickCount: undefined,
subscriberCount: undefined,
// Ignored
url: response.url,
id: response.id,
createdAt: response.createdAt,
updatedAt: response.updatedAt
assert(response.url instanceof URL);
assert(response.createdAt instanceof Date);
assert(response.updatedAt instanceof Date);
describe('deleteRecommendation', function () {
it('throws if not found', async function () {
await assert.rejects(() => service.deleteRecommendation('1'), {
name: 'NotFoundError',
message: 'Recommendation with id 1 not found'
it('deletes if found', async function () {
const recommendation = Recommendation.create({
id: '2',
url: 'http://localhost/1',
title: 'Test',
reason: null,
excerpt: null,
featuredImage: null,
favicon: null,
oneClickSubscribe: false
await service.repository.save(recommendation);
assert.equal(await service.repository.getCount({}), 1);
await service.deleteRecommendation('2');
assert.equal(await service.repository.getCount({}), 0);
describe('listRecommendations', function () {
it('returns plain if sucessful', async function () {
const recommendation = Recommendation.create({
id: '2',
url: 'http://localhost/1',
title: 'Test',
reason: null,
excerpt: null,
featuredImage: null,
favicon: null,
oneClickSubscribe: false
await service.repository.save(recommendation);
const response = await service.listRecommendations();
assert.equal(response.length, 1);
assert.equal(response[0] instanceof Recommendation, false);
it('returns pages', async function () {
const recommendation = Recommendation.create({
id: '2',
url: 'http://localhost/1',
title: 'Test',
reason: null,
excerpt: null,
featuredImage: null,
favicon: null,
oneClickSubscribe: false
await service.repository.save(recommendation);
const recommendation2 = Recommendation.create({
id: '3',
url: 'http://localhost/2',
title: 'Test 2',
reason: null,
excerpt: null,
featuredImage: null,
favicon: null,
oneClickSubscribe: false
await service.repository.save(recommendation2);
const response = await service.listRecommendations({
limit: 1,
order: [
field: 'id',
direction: 'desc'
assert.equal(response.length, 1);
assert.equal(response[0].id, '3');
assert.equal(response[0] instanceof Recommendation, false);
it('uses a default limit and page', async function () {
const recommendation = Recommendation.create({
id: '2',
url: 'http://localhost/1',
title: 'Test',
reason: null,
excerpt: null,
featuredImage: null,
favicon: null,
oneClickSubscribe: false
await service.repository.save(recommendation);
const recommendation2 = Recommendation.create({
id: '3',
url: 'http://localhost/2',
title: 'Test 2',
reason: null,
excerpt: null,
featuredImage: null,
favicon: null,
oneClickSubscribe: false
await service.repository.save(recommendation2);
const response = await service.listRecommendations({});
assert.equal(response.length, 2);
assert.equal(response[0] instanceof Recommendation, false);
assert.equal(response[1] instanceof Recommendation, false);
describe('countRecommendations', function () {
it('returns count', async function () {
const recommendation = Recommendation.create({
id: '2',
url: 'http://localhost/1',
title: 'Test',
reason: null,
excerpt: null,
featuredImage: null,
favicon: null,
oneClickSubscribe: false
await service.repository.save(recommendation);
assert.equal(await service.countRecommendations({}), 1);
describe('trackClicked', function () {
it('adds click event', async function () {
await service.trackClicked({id: '1'});
assert.equal(await service.clickEventRepository.getCount({}), 1);
describe('trackSubscribed', function () {
it('adds subscribe event', async function () {
await service.trackSubscribed({id: '1', memberId: '1'});
assert.equal(await service.subscribeEventRepository.getCount({}), 1);
describe('readRecommendationByUrl', function () {
it('returns if found', async function () {
const recommendation = Recommendation.create({
id: '2',
url: 'http://localhost/1',
title: 'Test',
reason: null,
excerpt: null,
featuredImage: null,
favicon: null,
oneClickSubscribe: false
await service.repository.save(recommendation);
const response = await service.readRecommendationByUrl(new URL('http://localhost/1'));
assert.deepEqual(response, recommendation.plain);
it('returns null if not found', async function () {
const response = await service.readRecommendationByUrl(new URL('http://localhost/1'));
assert.equal(response, null);