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synced 2025-01-08 04:03:12 +03:00
no refs Moves members related settings in Labs to its own page to improve the overall UX and make it more consistent with the rest of the Admin.
335 lines
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335 lines
12 KiB
import {authenticateSession, invalidateSession} from 'ember-simple-auth/test-support';
import {beforeEach, describe, it} from 'mocha';
import {click, currentURL, fillIn, find, findAll} from '@ember/test-helpers';
import {expect} from 'chai';
import {fileUpload} from '../../helpers/file-upload';
import {setupApplicationTest} from 'ember-mocha';
import {setupMirage} from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support';
import {visit} from '../../helpers/visit';
// import wait from 'ember-test-helpers/wait';
// import {timeout} from 'ember-concurrency';
describe('Acceptance: Settings - Labs', function () {
let hooks = setupApplicationTest();
it('redirects to signin when not authenticated', async function () {
await invalidateSession();
await visit('/settings/labs');
expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL').to.equal('/signin');
it('redirects to staff page when authenticated as contributor', async function () {
let role = this.server.create('role', {name: 'Contributor'});
this.server.create('user', {roles: [role], slug: 'test-user'});
await authenticateSession();
await visit('/settings/labs');
expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL').to.equal('/staff/test-user');
it('redirects to staff page when authenticated as author', async function () {
let role = this.server.create('role', {name: 'Author'});
this.server.create('user', {roles: [role], slug: 'test-user'});
await authenticateSession();
await visit('/settings/labs');
expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL').to.equal('/staff/test-user');
it('redirects to staff page when authenticated as editor', async function () {
let role = this.server.create('role', {name: 'Editor'});
this.server.create('user', {roles: [role], slug: 'test-user'});
await authenticateSession();
await visit('/settings/labs');
expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL').to.equal('/staff');
describe('when logged in', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
let role = this.server.create('role', {name: 'Administrator'});
this.server.create('user', {roles: [role]});
return await authenticateSession();
it.skip('it renders, loads modals correctly', async function () {
await visit('/settings/labs');
// has correct url
expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL').to.equal('/settings/labs');
// has correct page title
expect(document.title, 'page title').to.equal('Settings - Labs - Test Blog');
// highlights nav menu
expect(find('[data-test-nav="labs"]'), 'highlights nav menu item')
await click('#settings-resetdb .js-delete');
expect(findAll('.fullscreen-modal .modal-content').length, 'modal element').to.equal(1);
await click('.fullscreen-modal .modal-footer .gh-btn');
expect(findAll('.fullscreen-modal').length, 'modal element').to.equal(0);
it('can upload/download redirects', async function () {
await visit('/settings/labs');
// successful upload
this.server.post('/redirects/json/', {}, 200);
await fileUpload(
'[data-test-file-input="redirects"] input',
{name: 'redirects.json', type: 'application/json'}
// TODO: tests for the temporary success/failure state have been
// disabled because they were randomly failing
// this should be half-way through button reset timeout
// await timeout(50);
// // shows success button
// let buttons = findAll('[data-test-button="upload-redirects"]');
// expect(buttons.length, 'no of success buttons').to.equal(1);
// expect(
// buttons[0],
// 'success button is green'
// ).to.have.class('gh-btn-green);
// expect(
// button.textContent,
// 'success button text'
// ).to.have.string('Uploaded');
// await wait();
// returned to normal button
let buttons = findAll('[data-test-button="upload-redirects"]');
expect(buttons.length, 'no of post-success buttons').to.equal(1);
'post-success button doesn\'t have success class'
'post-success button text'
).to.have.string('Upload redirects');
// failed upload
this.server.post('/redirects/json/', {
errors: [{
type: 'BadRequestError',
message: 'Test failure message'
}, 400);
await fileUpload(
'[data-test-file-input="redirects"] input',
{name: 'redirects-bad.json', type: 'application/json'}
// TODO: tests for the temporary success/failure state have been
// disabled because they were randomly failing
// this should be half-way through button reset timeout
// await timeout(50);
// shows failure button
// buttons = findAll('[data-test-button="upload-redirects"]');
// expect(buttons.length, 'no of failure buttons').to.equal(1);
// expect(
// buttons[0],
// 'failure button is red'
// ).to.have.class('gh-btn-red);
// expect(
// buttons[0].textContent,
// 'failure button text'
// ).to.have.string('Upload Failed');
// await wait();
// shows error message
'upload error text'
).to.have.string('Test failure message');
// returned to normal button
buttons = findAll('[data-test-button="upload-redirects"]');
expect(buttons.length, 'no of post-failure buttons').to.equal(1);
'post-failure button doesn\'t have failure class'
'post-failure button text'
).to.have.string('Upload redirects');
// successful upload clears error
this.server.post('/redirects/json/', {}, 200);
await fileUpload(
'[data-test-file-input="redirects"] input',
{name: 'redirects-bad.json', type: 'application/json'}
// can download redirects.json
await click('[data-test-link="download-redirects"]');
let iframe = document.querySelector('#iframeDownload');
it('can upload/download routes.yaml', async function () {
await visit('/settings/labs');
// successful upload
this.server.post('/settings/routes/yaml/', {}, 200);
await fileUpload(
'[data-test-file-input="routes"] input',
{name: 'routes.yaml', type: 'application/x-yaml'}
// TODO: tests for the temporary success/failure state have been
// disabled because they were randomly failing
// this should be half-way through button reset timeout
// await timeout(50);
// // shows success button
// let button = find('[data-test-button="upload-routes"]');
// expect(button.length, 'no of success buttons').to.equal(1);
// expect(
// button.hasClass('gh-btn-green'),
// 'success button is green'
// ).to.be.true;
// expect(
// button.text().trim(),
// 'success button text'
// ).to.have.string('Uploaded');
// await wait();
// returned to normal button
let buttons = findAll('[data-test-button="upload-routes"]');
expect(buttons.length, 'no of post-success buttons').to.equal(1);
'routes post-success button doesn\'t have success class'
'routes post-success button text'
).to.have.string('Upload routes YAML');
// failed upload
this.server.post('/settings/routes/yaml/', {
errors: [{
type: 'BadRequestError',
message: 'Test failure message'
}, 400);
await fileUpload(
'[data-test-file-input="routes"] input',
{name: 'routes-bad.yaml', type: 'application/x-yaml'}
// TODO: tests for the temporary success/failure state have been
// disabled because they were randomly failing
// this should be half-way through button reset timeout
// await timeout(50);
// shows failure button
// button = find('[data-test-button="upload-routes"]');
// expect(button.length, 'no of failure buttons').to.equal(1);
// expect(
// button.hasClass('gh-btn-red'),
// 'failure button is red'
// ).to.be.true;
// expect(
// button.text().trim(),
// 'failure button text'
// ).to.have.string('Upload Failed');
// await wait();
// shows error message
'routes upload error text'
).to.have.string('Test failure message');
// returned to normal button
buttons = findAll('[data-test-button="upload-routes"]');
expect(buttons.length, 'no of post-failure buttons').to.equal(1);
'routes post-failure button doesn\'t have failure class'
'routes post-failure button text'
).to.have.string('Upload routes YAML');
// successful upload clears error
this.server.post('/settings/routes/yaml/', {}, 200);
await fileUpload(
'[data-test-file-input="routes"] input',
{name: 'routes-good.yaml', type: 'application/x-yaml'}
// can download redirects.json
await click('[data-test-link="download-routes"]');
let iframe = document.querySelector('#iframeDownload');
describe('When logged in as Owner', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
let role = this.server.create('role', {name: 'Owner'});
this.server.create('user', {roles: [role]});
return await authenticateSession();
it('sets the mailgunBaseUrl to the default', async function () {
await visit('/settings/labs/members');
await click('[data-test-toggle="enable-members"]');
await click('[data-test-toggle-membersemail]');
await fillIn('[data-test-mailgun-api-key-input]', 'i_am_an_api_key');
await fillIn('[data-test-mailgun-domain-input]', 'https://domain.tld');
await click('[data-test-button="save-members-settings"]');
let [lastRequest] = this.server.pretender.handledRequests.slice(-1);
let params = JSON.parse(lastRequest.requestBody);
expect(params.settings.findBy('key', 'mailgun_base_url').value).not.to.equal(null);