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synced 2024-12-21 01:41:46 +03:00
As discussed with the product team we want to enforce kebab-case file names for all files, with the exception of files which export a single class, in which case they should be PascalCase and reflect the class which they export. This will help find classes faster, and should push better naming for them too. Some files and packages have been excluded from this linting, specifically when a library or framework depends on the naming of a file for the functionality e.g. Ember, knex-migrator, adapter-manager
351 lines
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351 lines
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const moment = require('moment-timezone');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const membersCSV = require('@tryghost/members-csv');
const errors = require('@tryghost/errors');
const tpl = require('@tryghost/tpl');
const emailTemplate = require('./email-template');
const logging = require('@tryghost/logging');
const messages = {
filenameCollision: 'Filename already exists, please try again.'
// The key should correspond to a member model field (unless it's a special purpose field like 'complimentary_plan')
// the value should represent an allowed field name coming from user input
email: 'email',
name: 'name',
note: 'note',
subscribed_to_emails: 'subscribed',
created_at: 'created_at',
complimentary_plan: 'complimentary_plan',
stripe_customer_id: 'stripe_customer_id',
labels: 'labels'
module.exports = class MembersCSVImporter {
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.storagePath - The path to store CSV's in before importing
* @param {Function} options.getTimezone - function returning currently configured timezone
* @param {() => Object} options.getMembersRepository - member model access instance for data access and manipulation
* @param {() => Promise<import('@tryghost/tiers/lib/Tier')>} options.getDefaultTier - async function returning default Member Tier
* @param {Function} options.sendEmail - function sending an email
* @param {(string) => boolean} options.isSet - Method checking if specific feature is enabled
* @param {({job, offloaded, name}) => void} options.addJob - Method registering an async job
* @param {Object} options.knex - An instance of the Ghost Database connection
* @param {Function} options.urlFor - function generating urls
* @param {Object} options.context
constructor({storagePath, getTimezone, getMembersRepository, getDefaultTier, sendEmail, isSet, addJob, knex, urlFor, context}) {
this._storagePath = storagePath;
this._getTimezone = getTimezone;
this._getMembersRepository = getMembersRepository;
this._getDefaultTier = getDefaultTier;
this._sendEmail = sendEmail;
this._isSet = isSet;
this._addJob = addJob;
this._knex = knex;
this._urlFor = urlFor;
this._context = context;
* Prepares a CSV file for import
* - Maps headers based on headerMapping, this allows for a non standard CSV
* to be imported, so long as a mapping exists between it and a standard CSV
* - Stores the CSV to be imported in the storagePath
* - Creates a MemberImport Job and associated MemberImportBatch's
* @param {string} inputFilePath - The path to the CSV to prepare
* @param {Object.<string, string>} [headerMapping] - An object whose keys are headers in the input CSV and values are the header to replace it with
* @param {Array<string>} [defaultLabels] - A list of labels to apply to every member
* @returns {Promise<{filePath: string, batches: number, metadata: Object.<string, any>}>} - A promise resolving to the data including filePath of "prepared" CSV
async prepare(inputFilePath, headerMapping, defaultLabels) {
headerMapping = headerMapping || DEFAULT_CSV_HEADER_MAPPING;
// @NOTE: investigate why is it "1" and do we even need this concept anymore?
const batchSize = 1;
const siteTimezone = this._getTimezone();
const currentTime = moment().tz(siteTimezone).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS');
const outputFileName = `Members Import ${currentTime}.csv`;
const outputFilePath = path.join(this._storagePath, '/', outputFileName);
const pathExists = await fs.pathExists(outputFilePath);
if (pathExists) {
throw new errors.DataImportError({message: tpl(messages.filenameCollision)});
// completely rely on explicit user input for header mappings
const rows = await membersCSV.parse(inputFilePath, headerMapping, defaultLabels);
const columns = Object.keys(rows[0]);
const numberOfBatches = Math.ceil(rows.length / batchSize);
const mappedCSV = membersCSV.unparse(rows, columns);
const hasStripeData = !!(rows.find(function rowHasStripeData(row) {
return !!row.stripe_customer_id;
await fs.writeFile(outputFilePath, mappedCSV);
return {
filePath: outputFilePath,
batches: numberOfBatches,
metadata: {
* Performs an import of a CSV file
* @param {string} filePath - the path to a "prepared" CSV file
async perform(filePath) {
const rows = await membersCSV.parse(filePath, DEFAULT_CSV_HEADER_MAPPING);
const defaultTier = await this._getDefaultTier();
const membersRepository = await this._getMembersRepository();
const result = await rows.reduce(async (resultPromise, row) => {
const resultAccumulator = await resultPromise;
// Use doNotReject config to reject `executionPromise` on rollback
// https://github.com/knex/knex/blob/master/UPGRADING.md
const trx = await this._knex.transaction(undefined, {doNotRejectOnRollback: false});
const options = {
transacting: trx,
context: this._context
try {
// If the member is created in the future, set created_at to now
// Members created in the future will not appear in admin members list
// Refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/2793
const createdAt = moment(row.created_at).isAfter(moment()) ? moment().toDate() : row.created_at;
const memberValues = {
email: row.email,
name: row.name,
note: row.note,
subscribed: row.subscribed,
created_at: createdAt,
labels: row.labels
const existingMember = await membersRepository.get({email: memberValues.email}, {
withRelated: ['labels']
let member;
if (existingMember) {
const existingLabels = existingMember.related('labels') ? existingMember.related('labels').toJSON() : [];
member = await membersRepository.update({
labels: existingLabels.concat(memberValues.labels)
}, {
id: existingMember.id
} else {
member = await membersRepository.create(memberValues, Object.assign({}, options, {
context: {
import: true
if (row.stripe_customer_id && typeof row.stripe_customer_id === 'string') {
await membersRepository.linkStripeCustomer({
customer_id: row.stripe_customer_id,
member_id: member.id
}, options);
} else if (row.complimentary_plan) {
await membersRepository.update({
products: [{id: defaultTier.id.toString()}]
}, {
id: member.id
await trx.commit();
return {
imported: resultAccumulator.imported + 1
} catch (error) {
// The model layer can sometimes throw arrays of errors
const errorList = [].concat(error);
const errorMessage = errorList.map(({message}) => message).join(', ');
await trx.rollback();
return {
errors: [...resultAccumulator.errors, {
error: errorMessage
}, Promise.resolve({
imported: 0,
errors: []
return {
total: result.imported + result.errors.length,
generateCompletionEmail(result, data) {
const siteUrl = new URL(this._urlFor('home', null, true));
const membersUrl = new URL('members', this._urlFor('admin', null, true));
if (data.importLabel) {
membersUrl.searchParams.set('label', data.importLabel.slug);
return emailTemplate({result, siteUrl, membersUrl, ...data});
generateErrorCSV(result) {
const errorsWithFormattedMessages = result.errors.map((row) => {
const formattedError = row.error
'Value in [members.email] cannot be blank.',
'Missing email address'
'Value in [members.note] exceeds maximum length of 2000 characters.',
'"Note" exceeds maximum length of 2000 characters'
'Value in [members.subscribed] must be one of true, false, 0 or 1.',
'Value in "Subscribed to emails" must be "true" or "false"'
'Validation (isEmail) failed for email',
'Invalid email address'
/No such customer:[^,]*/,
'Could not find Stripe customer'
return {
error: formattedError
return membersCSV.unparse(errorsWithFormattedMessages);
* Send email with attached CSV containing error rows info
* @param {Object} config
* @param {String} config.emailRecipient - email recipient for error file
* @param {String} config.emailSubject - email subject
* @param {String} config.emailContent - html content of email
* @param {String} config.errorCSV - error CSV content
* @param {Object} config.emailSubject - email subject
* @param {Object} config.importLabel -
* @param {String} config.importLabel.name - label name
async sendErrorEmail({emailRecipient, emailSubject, emailContent, errorCSV, importLabel}) {
await this._sendEmail({
to: emailRecipient,
subject: emailSubject,
html: emailContent,
forceTextContent: true,
attachments: [{
filename: `${importLabel.name} - Errors.csv`,
content: errorCSV,
contentType: 'text/csv',
contentDisposition: 'attachment'
* Processes CSV file and imports member&label records depending on the size of the imported set
* @param {Object} config
* @param {String} config.pathToCSV - path where imported csv with members records is stored
* @param {Object} config.headerMapping - mapping of CSV headers to member record fields
* @param {Object} [config.globalLabels] - labels to be applied to whole imported members set
* @param {Object} config.importLabel -
* @param {String} config.importLabel.name - label name
* @param {Object} config.user
* @param {String} config.user.email - calling user email
* @param {Object} config.LabelModel - instance of Ghosts Label model
* @param {Boolean} config.forceInline - allows to force performing imports not in a job (used in test environment)
* @param {{testImportThreshold: () => Promise<void>}} config.verificationTrigger
async process({pathToCSV, headerMapping, globalLabels, importLabel, user, LabelModel, forceInline, verificationTrigger}) {
const meta = {};
const job = await this.prepare(pathToCSV, headerMapping, globalLabels);
meta.originalImportSize = job.batches;
if ((job.batches <= 500 && !job.metadata.hasStripeData) || forceInline) {
const result = await this.perform(job.filePath);
const importLabelModel = result.imported ? await LabelModel.findOne(importLabel) : null;
await verificationTrigger.testImportThreshold();
return {
meta: Object.assign(meta, {
stats: {
imported: result.imported,
invalid: result.errors
import_label: importLabelModel
} else {
const emailRecipient = user.email;
job: async () => {
try {
const result = await this.perform(job.filePath);
const importLabelModel = result.imported ? await LabelModel.findOne(importLabel) : null;
const emailContent = this.generateCompletionEmail(result, {
importLabel: importLabelModel ? importLabelModel.toJSON() : null
const errorCSV = this.generateErrorCSV(result);
const emailSubject = result.imported > 0 ? 'Your member import is complete' : 'Your member import was unsuccessful';
await this.sendErrorEmail({
} catch (e) {
logging.error('Error in members import job');
// Still check verification triggers in case of errors (e.g., email sending failed)
try {
await verificationTrigger.testImportThreshold();
} catch (e) {
logging.error('Error in members import job when testing import threshold');
offloaded: false,
name: 'members-import'
return {