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synced 2024-12-19 08:31:43 +03:00
- being more explicit about what resources we expect to load after saving a post - should prevent #1839 from failing tests
132 lines
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132 lines
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/*globals casper, __utils__, url, testPost */
CasperTest.begin("Content screen is correct", 20, function suite(test) {
// Create a sample post
casper.thenOpen(url + 'ghost/editor/', function testTitleAndUrl() {
test.assertTitle('Ghost Admin', 'Ghost admin has no title');
casper.then(function createTestPost() {
casper.sendKeys('#entry-title', testPost.title);
casper.waitForSelectorTextChange('.entry-preview .rendered-markdown', function onSuccess() {
test.assertSelectorHasText('.entry-preview .rendered-markdown', 'test', 'Editor value is correct');
casper.waitForResource(/posts\/$/, function checkPostWasCreated() {
test.assertExists('.notification-success', 'got success notification');
// Begin test
casper.thenOpen(url + "ghost/content/", function testTitleAndUrl() {
test.assertTitle("Ghost Admin", "Ghost admin has no title");
test.assertUrlMatch(/ghost\/content\/$/, "Ghost doesn't require login this time");
casper.then(function testMenus() {
test.assertExists("#main-menu", "Main menu is present");
test.assertSelectorHasText("#main-menu .content a", "Content");
test.assertSelectorHasText("#main-menu .editor a", "New Post");
test.assertSelectorHasText("#main-menu .settings a", "Settings");
test.assertExists("#usermenu", "User menu is present");
test.assertSelectorHasText("#usermenu .usermenu-profile a", "Your Profile");
test.assertSelectorHasText("#usermenu .usermenu-help a", "Help / Support");
test.assertSelectorHasText("#usermenu .usermenu-signout a", "Sign Out");
casper.then(function testViews() {
test.assertExists(".content-view-container", "Content main view is present");
test.assertExists(".content-list-content", "Content list view is present");
test.assertExists(".content-list-content li .entry-title", "Content list view has at least one item");
test.assertExists(".content-preview", "Content preview is present");
test.assertSelectorHasText(".content-list-content li:first-child h3", testPost.title, "item is present and has content");
casper.then(function testActiveItem() {
test.assertEvalEquals(function () {
return document.querySelector('.content-list-content li').className;
}, "active", "first item is active");
}).thenClick(".content-list-content li:nth-child(2) a", function then() {
test.assertEvalEquals(function () {
return document.querySelectorAll('.content-list-content li')[1].className;
}, "active", "second item is active");
CasperTest.begin('Infinite scrolling', 1, function suite(test) {
// Placeholder for infinite scrolling/pagination tests (will need to setup 16+ posts).
casper.thenOpen(url + 'ghost/content/', function testTitleAndUrl() {
test.assertTitle('Ghost Admin', 'Ghost admin has no title');
CasperTest.begin("Posts can be marked as featured", 12, function suite(test) {
// Create a sample post
casper.thenOpen(url + 'ghost/editor/', function testTitleAndUrl() {
test.assertTitle('Ghost Admin', 'Ghost admin has no title');
casper.then(function createTestPost() {
casper.sendKeys('#entry-title', testPost.title);
casper.waitForSelector('.notification-success', function waitForSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'got success notification');
test.assertSelectorHasText('.notification-success', 'Your post has been saved as a draft.');
}, function onTimeout() {
test.assert(false, 'No success notification :(');
// Begin test
casper.thenOpen(url + "ghost/content/", function testTitleAndUrl() {
test.assertTitle("Ghost Admin", "Ghost admin has no title");
// Mark as featured
casper.waitForSelector('.content-preview .unfeatured', function () {
this.click('.content-preview .unfeatured');
}, function onTimeOut() {
test.assert(false, 'The first post can\'t be marked as featured');
casper.waitForSelector('.notification-success', function waitForSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'got success notification');
test.assertSelectorHasText('.notification-success', 'Post successfully marked as featured.');
}, function onTimeout() {
test.assert(false, 'No success notification :(');
casper.waitForSelector('.content-list-content li:first-child .featured', function () {
test.assertExists('.content-preview .featured');
test.assert(true, 'got a featured star');
this.click('.notification-success .close');
}, function onTimeout() {
test.assert(false, 'No featured star appeard in the left pane');
// Mark as not featured
casper.waitWhileSelector('.notification-success', function waitForNoSuccess() {
this.click('.content-preview .featured');
}, function onTimeout() {
test.assert(false, 'Success notification wont go away:(');
casper.waitForSelector('.notification-success', function waitForSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'got success notification');
test.assertSelectorHasText('.notification-success', 'Post successfully marked as not featured.');
test.assertDoesntExist('.content-preview .featured');
test.assertDoesntExist('.content-list-content li:first-child .featured');
}, function onTimeout() {
test.assert(false, 'Success notification wont go away:(');
}); |