Kevin Ansfield cdfe06cde7 Bump Ember dependencies to 3.0 (#961)
no issue
- upgrade `ember-cli`, `ember-source`, and `ember-data` to their latest 3.x versions
- remove jquery ajax test that was a silent failure anyway (we removed the global jquery ajax auth patch a while ago)
- fix issues that arose from using/abusing Ember internals in a couple of places
2018-02-28 17:31:43 +00:00

364 lines
13 KiB

import Ember from 'ember';
import Model from 'ember-data/model';
import ValidationEngine from 'ghost-admin/mixins/validation-engine';
import attr from 'ember-data/attr';
import boundOneWay from 'ghost-admin/utils/bound-one-way';
import moment from 'moment';
import {BLANK_DOC as BLANK_MARKDOWN} from 'ghost-admin/components/gh-markdown-editor';
import {BLANK_DOC as BLANK_MOBILEDOC} from 'koenig-editor/components/koenig-editor';
import {belongsTo, hasMany} from 'ember-data/relationships';
import {compare} from '@ember/utils';
import {computed} from '@ember/object';
import {equal, filterBy} from '@ember/object/computed';
import {isBlank} from '@ember/utils';
import {observer} from '@ember/object';
import {inject as service} from '@ember/service';
// ember-cli-shims doesn't export these so we must get them manually
const {Comparable} = Ember;
function statusCompare(postA, postB) {
let status1 = postA.get('status');
let status2 = postB.get('status');
// if any of those is empty
if (!status1 && !status2) {
return 0;
if (!status1 && status2) {
return -1;
if (!status2 && status1) {
return 1;
// We have to make sure, that scheduled posts will be listed first
// after that, draft and published will be sorted alphabetically and don't need
// any manual comparison.
if (status1 === 'scheduled' && (status2 === 'draft' || status2 === 'published')) {
return -1;
if (status2 === 'scheduled' && (status1 === 'draft' || status1 === 'published')) {
return 1;
return compare(status1.valueOf(), status2.valueOf());
function publishedAtCompare(postA, postB) {
let published1 = postA.get('publishedAtUTC');
let published2 = postB.get('publishedAtUTC');
if (!published1 && !published2) {
return 0;
if (!published1 && published2) {
return -1;
if (!published2 && published1) {
return 1;
return compare(published1.valueOf(), published2.valueOf());
export default Model.extend(Comparable, ValidationEngine, {
config: service(),
feature: service(),
ghostPaths: service(),
clock: service(),
settings: service(),
validationType: 'post',
authorId: attr('string'),
createdAtUTC: attr('moment-utc'),
customExcerpt: attr('string'),
featured: attr('boolean', {defaultValue: false}),
featureImage: attr('string'),
codeinjectionFoot: attr('string', {defaultValue: ''}),
codeinjectionHead: attr('string', {defaultValue: ''}),
customTemplate: attr('string'),
ogImage: attr('string'),
ogTitle: attr('string'),
ogDescription: attr('string'),
twitterImage: attr('string'),
twitterTitle: attr('string'),
twitterDescription: attr('string'),
html: attr('string'),
locale: attr('string'),
metaDescription: attr('string'),
metaTitle: attr('string'),
mobiledoc: attr('json-string'),
page: attr('boolean', {defaultValue: false}),
plaintext: attr('string'),
publishedAtUTC: attr('moment-utc'),
slug: attr('string'),
status: attr('string', {defaultValue: 'draft'}),
title: attr('string', {defaultValue: ''}),
updatedAtUTC: attr('moment-utc'),
updatedBy: attr('number'),
url: attr('string'),
uuid: attr('string'),
author: belongsTo('user', {async: true}),
createdBy: belongsTo('user', {async: true}),
publishedBy: belongsTo('user', {async: true}),
tags: hasMany('tag', {
embedded: 'always',
async: false
init() {
// HACK: we can't use the defaultValue property on the mobiledoc attr
// because it won't have access to `this` for the feature check so we do
// it manually here instead
if (!this.get('mobiledoc')) {
let defaultValue;
if (this.get('feature.koenigEditor')) {
defaultValue = BLANK_MOBILEDOC;
} else {
defaultValue = BLANK_MARKDOWN;
// using this.set() adds the property to the changedAttributes list
// which means the editor always sees new posts as dirty. By setting
// the internal model data property first it's not seen as having
// changed so the changedAttributes key is removed
this._internalModel._data.mobiledoc = defaultValue;
this.set('mobiledoc', defaultValue);
scratch: null,
titleScratch: null,
// HACK: used for validation so that date/time can be validated based on
// eventual status rather than current status
statusScratch: null,
// For use by date/time pickers - will be validated then converted to UTC
// on save. Updated by an observer whenever publishedAtUTC changes.
// Everything that revolves around publishedAtUTC only cares about the saved
// value so this should be almost entirely internal
publishedAtBlogDate: '',
publishedAtBlogTime: '',
customExcerptScratch: boundOneWay('customExcerpt'),
codeinjectionFootScratch: boundOneWay('codeinjectionFoot'),
codeinjectionHeadScratch: boundOneWay('codeinjectionHead'),
metaDescriptionScratch: boundOneWay('metaDescription'),
metaTitleScratch: boundOneWay('metaTitle'),
ogDescriptionScratch: boundOneWay('ogDescription'),
ogTitleScratch: boundOneWay('ogTitle'),
twitterDescriptionScratch: boundOneWay('twitterDescription'),
twitterTitleScratch: boundOneWay('twitterTitle'),
isPublished: equal('status', 'published'),
isDraft: equal('status', 'draft'),
internalTags: filterBy('tags', 'isInternal', true),
isScheduled: equal('status', 'scheduled'),
absoluteUrl: computed('url', 'ghostPaths.url', 'config.blogUrl', function () {
let blogUrl = this.get('config.blogUrl');
let postUrl = this.get('url');
return this.get('ghostPaths.url').join(blogUrl, postUrl);
previewUrl: computed('uuid', 'ghostPaths.url', 'config.{blogUrl,routeKeywords.preview}', function () {
let blogUrl = this.get('config.blogUrl');
let uuid = this.get('uuid');
let previewKeyword = this.get('config.routeKeywords.preview');
// New posts don't have a preview
if (!uuid) {
return '';
return this.get('ghostPaths.url').join(blogUrl, previewKeyword, uuid);
// check every second to see if we're past the scheduled time
// will only re-compute if this property is being observed elsewhere
pastScheduledTime: computed('isScheduled', 'publishedAtUTC', 'clock.second', function () {
if (this.get('isScheduled')) {
let now = moment.utc();
let publishedAtUTC = this.get('publishedAtUTC') || now;
let pastScheduledTime = publishedAtUTC.diff(now, 'hours', true) < 0;
// force a recompute
return pastScheduledTime;
} else {
return false;
publishedAtBlogTZ: computed('publishedAtBlogDate', 'publishedAtBlogTime', 'settings.activeTimezone', {
get() {
return this._getPublishedAtBlogTZ();
set(key, value) {
let momentValue = value ? moment(value) : null;
return this._getPublishedAtBlogTZ();
_getPublishedAtBlogTZ() {
let publishedAtUTC = this.get('publishedAtUTC');
let publishedAtBlogDate = this.get('publishedAtBlogDate');
let publishedAtBlogTime = this.get('publishedAtBlogTime');
let blogTimezone = this.get('settings.activeTimezone');
if (!publishedAtUTC && isBlank(publishedAtBlogDate) && isBlank(publishedAtBlogTime)) {
return null;
if (publishedAtBlogDate && publishedAtBlogTime) {
let publishedAtBlog =`${publishedAtBlogDate} ${publishedAtBlogTime}`, blogTimezone);
* Note:
* If you create a post and publish it, we send seconds to the database.
* If you edit the post afterwards, ember would send the date without seconds, because
* the `publishedAtUTC` is based on `publishedAtBlogTime`, which is only in seconds.
* The date time picker doesn't use seconds.
* This condition prevents the case:
* - you edit a post, but you don't change the published_at time
* - we keep the original date with seconds
* See
if (publishedAtUTC && publishedAtBlog.diff(publishedAtUTC.clone().startOf('minutes')) === 0) {
return publishedAtUTC;
return publishedAtBlog;
} else {
return'publishedAtUTC'), blogTimezone);
// TODO: is there a better way to handle this?
// eslint-disable-next-line ghost/ember/no-observers
_setPublishedAtBlogTZ: observer('publishedAtUTC', 'settings.activeTimezone', function () {
let publishedAtUTC = this.get('publishedAtUTC');
_setPublishedAtBlogStrings(momentDate) {
if (momentDate) {
let blogTimezone = this.get('settings.activeTimezone');
let publishedAtBlog =, blogTimezone);
this.set('publishedAtBlogDate', publishedAtBlog.format('YYYY-MM-DD'));
this.set('publishedAtBlogTime', publishedAtBlog.format('HH:mm'));
} else {
this.set('publishedAtBlogDate', '');
this.set('publishedAtBlogTime', '');
// remove client-generated tags, which have `id: null`.
// Ember Data won't recognize/update them automatically
// when returned from the server with ids.
updateTags() {
let tags = this.get('tags');
let oldTags = tags.filterBy('id', null);
isAuthoredByUser(user) {
return user.get('id') === this.get('authorId');
// a custom sort function is needed in order to sort the posts list the same way the server would:
// status: scheduled, draft, published
// publishedAt: DESC
// updatedAt: DESC
// id: DESC
compare(postA, postB) {
let updated1 = postA.get('updatedAtUTC');
let updated2 = postB.get('updatedAtUTC');
let idResult,
// when `updatedAt` is undefined, the model is still
// being written to with the results from the server
if (postA.get('isNew') || !updated1) {
return -1;
if (postB.get('isNew') || !updated2) {
return 1;
// TODO: revisit the ID sorting because we no longer have auto-incrementing IDs
idResult = compare(postA.get('id'), postB.get('id'));
statusResult = statusCompare(postA, postB);
updatedAtResult = compare(updated1.valueOf(), updated2.valueOf());
publishedAtResult = publishedAtCompare(postA, postB);
if (statusResult === 0) {
if (publishedAtResult === 0) {
if (updatedAtResult === 0) {
// This should be DESC
return idResult * -1;
// This should be DESC
return updatedAtResult * -1;
// This should be DESC
return publishedAtResult * -1;
return statusResult;
// this is a hook added by the ValidationEngine mixin and is called after
// successful validation and before
// the publishedAtBlog{Date/Time} strings are set separately so they can be
// validated, grab that time if it exists and set the publishedAtUTC
beforeSave() {
let publishedAtBlogTZ = this.get('publishedAtBlogTZ');
let publishedAtUTC = publishedAtBlogTZ ? publishedAtBlogTZ.utc() : null;
this.set('publishedAtUTC', publishedAtUTC);
// the markdown editor expects a very specific mobiledoc format, if it
// doesn't match then we'll need to handle it by forcing Koenig
isCompatibleWithMarkdownEditor() {
let mobiledoc = this.get('mobiledoc');
if (mobiledoc
&& mobiledoc.markups.length === 0
&& === 1
&&[0][0] === 'card-markdown'
&& mobiledoc.sections.length === 1
&& mobiledoc.sections[0].length === 2
&& mobiledoc.sections[0][0] === 10
&& mobiledoc.sections[0][1] === 0
) {
return true;
return false;