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synced 2025-01-01 15:29:19 +03:00
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1387 First, this default value didn't make sense as it was written when we had a boolean visible column, second, we don't need to add defaults here - this implementation is super tied to the models anyway, so we may as well rely on the model defaults - if we do pull it out similar to Offers, then it may make sense to add a default there. We also update the JSDoc to match the updated data structure.
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const {UpdateCollisionError, NotFoundError, MethodNotAllowedError, ValidationError} = require('@tryghost/errors');
const tpl = require('@tryghost/tpl');
const messages = {
priceMustBeInteger: 'Tier prices must be an integer.',
priceIsNegative: 'Tier prices must not be negative',
maxPriceExceeded: 'Tier prices may not exceed 999999.99'
* @typedef {object} ProductModel
* @typedef {object} StripePriceInput
* @param {string} nickname
* @param {string} currency
* @param {number} amount
* @param {'recurring'|'one-time'} type
* @param {string | null} interval
* @param {string?} stripe_product_id
* @param {string?} stripe_price_id
* @typedef {object} BenefitInput
* @param {string} name
function validatePrice(price) {
if (!Number.isInteger(price.amount)) {
throw new ValidationError({
message: tpl(messages.priceMustBeInteger)
if (price.amount < 0) {
throw new ValidationError({
message: tpl(messages.priceIsNegative)
if (price.amount > 9999999999) {
throw new ValidationError({
message: tpl(messages.maxPriceExceeded)
class ProductRepository {
* @param {object} deps
* @param {any} deps.Product
* @param {any} deps.Settings
* @param {any} deps.StripeProduct
* @param {any} deps.StripePrice
* @param {import('@tryghost/members-api/lib/services/stripe-api')} deps.stripeAPIService
}) {
this._Product = Product;
this._Settings = Settings;
this._StripeProduct = StripeProduct;
this._StripePrice = StripePrice;
this._stripeAPIService = stripeAPIService;
* Retrieves a Product by either stripe_product_id, stripe_price_id, id or slug
* @param {{stripe_product_id: string} | {stripe_price_id: string} | {id: string} | {slug: string}} data
* @param {object} options
* @returns {Promise<ProductModel>}
async get(data, options = {}) {
if (!options.transacting) {
return this._Product.transaction((transacting) => {
return this.get(data, {
if ('stripe_product_id' in data) {
const stripeProduct = await this._StripeProduct.findOne({
stripe_product_id: data.stripe_product_id
}, options);
if (!stripeProduct) {
return null;
return await stripeProduct.related('product').fetch(options);
if ('stripe_price_id' in data) {
const stripePrice = await this._StripePrice.findOne({
stripe_price_id: data.stripe_price_id
}, options);
if (!stripePrice) {
return null;
const stripeProduct = await stripePrice.related('stripeProduct').fetch(options);
if (!stripeProduct) {
return null;
return await stripeProduct.related('product').fetch(options);
if ('id' in data) {
return await this._Product.findOne({id: data.id}, options);
if ('slug' in data) {
return await this._Product.findOne({slug: data.slug}, options);
throw new NotFoundError({message: 'Missing id, slug, stripe_product_id or stripe_price_id from data'});
* Creates a product from a name
* @param {object} data
* @param {string} data.name
* @param {string} data.description
* @param {'public'|'none'} data.visibility
* @param {string} data.welcome_page_url
* @param {BenefitInput[]} data.benefits
* @param {StripePriceInput[]} data.stripe_prices
* @param {StripePriceInput|null} data.monthly_price
* @param {StripePriceInput|null} data.yearly_price
* @param {string} data.product_id
* @param {string} data.stripe_product_id
* @param {object} options
* @returns {Promise<ProductModel>}
async create(data, options = {}) {
if (!this._stripeAPIService.configured && (data.stripe_prices || data.monthly_price || data.yearly_price)) {
throw new UpdateCollisionError({
message: 'The requested functionality requires Stripe to be configured. See https://ghost.org/integrations/stripe/',
if (!options.transacting) {
return this._Product.transaction((transacting) => {
return this.create(data, {
if (data.monthly_price) {
if (data.yearly_price) {
if (data.stripe_prices) {
const productData = {
type: 'paid',
active: true,
visibility: data.visibility,
name: data.name,
description: data.description,
benefits: data.benefits,
welcome_page_url: data.welcome_page_url
const product = await this._Product.add(productData, options);
if (this._stripeAPIService.configured) {
const stripeProduct = await this._stripeAPIService.createProduct({
name: productData.name
await this._StripeProduct.add({
product_id: product.id,
stripe_product_id: stripeProduct.id
}, options);
if (data.monthly_price || data.yearly_price) {
if (data.monthly_price) {
const price = await this._stripeAPIService.createPrice({
product: stripeProduct.id,
active: true,
nickname: `Monthly`,
currency: data.monthly_price.currency,
amount: data.monthly_price.amount,
type: 'recurring',
interval: 'month'
const stripePrice = await this._StripePrice.add({
stripe_price_id: price.id,
stripe_product_id: stripeProduct.id,
active: true,
nickname: price.nickname,
currency: price.currency,
amount: price.unit_amount,
type: 'recurring',
interval: 'month'
}, options);
await this._Product.edit({monthly_price_id: stripePrice.id}, {id: product.id, transacting: options.transacting});
if (data.yearly_price) {
const price = await this._stripeAPIService.createPrice({
product: stripeProduct.id,
active: true,
nickname: `Yearly`,
currency: data.yearly_price.currency,
amount: data.yearly_price.amount,
type: 'recurring',
interval: 'year'
const stripePrice = await this._StripePrice.add({
stripe_price_id: price.id,
stripe_product_id: stripeProduct.id,
active: true,
nickname: price.nickname,
currency: price.currency,
amount: price.unit_amount,
type: 'recurring',
interval: 'year'
}, options);
await this._Product.edit({yearly_price_id: stripePrice.id}, {id: product.id, transacting: options.transacting});
} else if (data.stripe_prices) {
for (const newPrice of data.stripe_prices) {
const price = await this._stripeAPIService.createPrice({
product: stripeProduct.id,
active: true,
nickname: newPrice.nickname,
currency: newPrice.currency,
amount: newPrice.amount,
type: newPrice.type,
interval: newPrice.interval
await this._StripePrice.add({
stripe_price_id: price.id,
stripe_product_id: stripeProduct.id,
active: true,
nickname: newPrice.nickname,
currency: newPrice.currency,
amount: newPrice.amount,
type: newPrice.type,
interval: newPrice.interval
}, options);
await product.related('stripePrices').fetch(options);
await product.related('monthlyPrice').fetch(options);
await product.related('yearlyPrice').fetch(options);
return product;
* Updates a product by id
* @param {object} data
* @param {string} data.id
* @param {string} data.name
* @param {string} data.description
* @param {'public'|'none'} data.visibility
* @param {string} data.welcome_page_url
* @param {BenefitInput[]} data.benefits
* @param {StripePriceInput[]=} data.stripe_prices
* @param {StripePriceInput|null} data.monthly_price
* @param {StripePriceInput|null} data.yearly_price
* @param {object} options
* @returns {Promise<ProductModel>}
async update(data, options = {}) {
if (!this._stripeAPIService.configured && (data.stripe_prices || data.monthly_price || data.yearly_price)) {
throw new UpdateCollisionError({
message: 'The requested functionality requires Stripe to be configured. See https://ghost.org/integrations/stripe/',
if (!options.transacting) {
return this._Product.transaction((transacting) => {
return this.update(data, {
if (data.monthly_price) {
if (data.yearly_price) {
if (data.stripe_prices) {
const productId = data.id || options.id;
const existingProduct = await this._Product.findOne({id: productId}, options);
let productData = {
name: data.name,
visibility: data.visibility,
description: data.description,
benefits: data.benefits,
welcome_page_url: data.welcome_page_url
if (Reflect.has(data, 'active')) {
productData.active = data.active;
if (existingProduct.get('type') === 'free') {
delete productData.name;
delete productData.active;
if (existingProduct.get('active') === true && productData.active === false) {
const portalProductsSetting = await this._Settings.findOne({
key: 'portal_products'
}, options);
let portalProducts;
try {
portalProducts = JSON.parse(portalProductsSetting.get('value'));
} catch (err) {
portalProducts = [];
const updatedProducts = portalProducts.filter(product => product !== productId);
await this._Settings.edit({
key: 'portal_products',
value: JSON.stringify(updatedProducts)
}, {
id: portalProductsSetting.get('id')
let product = await this._Product.edit(productData, {
id: productId
if (this._stripeAPIService.configured && product.get('type') !== 'free') {
await product.related('stripeProducts').fetch(options);
if (!product.related('stripeProducts').first()) {
const stripeProduct = await this._stripeAPIService.createProduct({
name: product.get('name')
await this._StripeProduct.add({
product_id: product.id,
stripe_product_id: stripeProduct.id
}, options);
await product.related('stripeProducts').fetch(options);
} else {
if (product.attributes.name !== product._previousAttributes.name) {
const stripeProduct = product.related('stripeProducts').first();
await this._stripeAPIService.updateProduct(stripeProduct.get('stripe_product_id'), {
name: product.get('name')
const defaultStripeProduct = product.related('stripeProducts').first();
if (data.monthly_price || data.yearly_price) {
if (data.monthly_price) {
const existingPrice = await this._StripePrice.findOne({
stripe_product_id: defaultStripeProduct.get('stripe_product_id'),
amount: data.monthly_price.amount,
currency: data.monthly_price.currency,
type: 'recurring',
interval: 'month'
}, options);
let priceModel;
if (existingPrice) {
priceModel = existingPrice;
await this._stripeAPIService.updatePrice(priceModel.get('stripe_price_id'), {
active: true
await this._StripePrice.edit({
active: true
}, {...options, id: priceModel.id});
} else {
const price = await this._stripeAPIService.createPrice({
product: defaultStripeProduct.get('stripe_product_id'),
active: true,
nickname: `Monthly`,
currency: data.monthly_price.currency,
amount: data.monthly_price.amount,
type: 'recurring',
interval: 'month'
const stripePrice = await this._StripePrice.add({
stripe_price_id: price.id,
stripe_product_id: defaultStripeProduct.get('stripe_product_id'),
active: true,
nickname: price.nickname,
currency: price.currency,
amount: price.unit_amount,
type: 'recurring',
interval: 'month'
}, options);
priceModel = stripePrice;
product = await this._Product.edit({monthly_price_id: priceModel.id}, {...options, id: product.id});
if (data.yearly_price) {
const existingPrice = await this._StripePrice.findOne({
stripe_product_id: defaultStripeProduct.get('stripe_product_id'),
amount: data.yearly_price.amount,
currency: data.yearly_price.currency,
type: 'recurring',
interval: 'year'
}, options);
let priceModel;
if (existingPrice) {
priceModel = existingPrice;
await this._stripeAPIService.updatePrice(priceModel.get('stripe_price_id'), {
active: true
await this._StripePrice.edit({
active: true
}, {...options, id: priceModel.id});
} else {
const price = await this._stripeAPIService.createPrice({
product: defaultStripeProduct.get('stripe_product_id'),
active: true,
nickname: `Yearly`,
currency: data.yearly_price.currency,
amount: data.yearly_price.amount,
type: 'recurring',
interval: 'year'
const stripePrice = await this._StripePrice.add({
stripe_price_id: price.id,
stripe_product_id: defaultStripeProduct.get('stripe_product_id'),
active: true,
nickname: price.nickname,
currency: price.currency,
amount: price.unit_amount,
type: 'recurring',
interval: 'year'
}, options);
priceModel = stripePrice;
product = await this._Product.edit({yearly_price_id: priceModel.id}, {...options, id: product.id});
} else if (data.stripe_prices) {
const newPrices = data.stripe_prices.filter(price => !price.stripe_price_id);
const existingPrices = data.stripe_prices.filter((price) => {
return !!price.stripe_price_id && !!price.stripe_product_id;
for (const existingPrice of existingPrices) {
const productId = existingPrice.stripe_product_id;
let stripeProduct = await this._StripeProduct.findOne({stripe_product_id: productId}, options);
if (!stripeProduct) {
stripeProduct = await this._StripeProduct.add({
product_id: product.id,
stripe_product_id: productId
}, options);
const stripePrice = await this._StripePrice.findOne({stripe_price_id: existingPrice.stripe_price_id}, options);
if (!stripePrice) {
await this._StripePrice.add({
stripe_price_id: existingPrice.stripe_price_id,
stripe_product_id: stripeProduct.get('stripe_product_id'),
active: existingPrice.active,
nickname: existingPrice.nickname,
description: existingPrice.description,
currency: existingPrice.currency,
amount: existingPrice.amount,
type: existingPrice.type,
interval: existingPrice.interval
}, options);
} else {
const updated = await this._StripePrice.edit({
nickname: existingPrice.nickname,
description: existingPrice.description,
active: existingPrice.active
}, {
id: stripePrice.id
await this._stripeAPIService.updatePrice(updated.get('stripe_price_id'), {
nickname: updated.get('nickname'),
active: updated.get('active')
for (const newPrice of newPrices) {
const productId = newPrice.stripe_product_id;
const stripeProduct = productId ?
await this._StripeProduct.findOne({stripe_product_id: productId}, options) : defaultStripeProduct;
const price = await this._stripeAPIService.createPrice({
product: stripeProduct.get('stripe_product_id'),
active: true,
nickname: newPrice.nickname,
currency: newPrice.currency,
amount: newPrice.amount,
type: newPrice.type,
interval: newPrice.interval
await this._StripePrice.add({
stripe_price_id: price.id,
stripe_product_id: stripeProduct.get('stripe_product_id'),
active: price.active,
nickname: price.nickname,
description: newPrice.description,
currency: price.currency,
amount: price.unit_amount,
type: price.type,
interval: price.recurring && price.recurring.interval || null
}, options);
await product.related('stripePrices').fetch(options);
await product.related('monthlyPrice').fetch(options);
await product.related('yearlyPrice').fetch(options);
await product.related('benefits').fetch(options);
return product;
* Returns a paginated list of Products
* @params {object} options
* @returns {Promise<{data: ProductModel[], meta: object}>}
async list(options = {}) {
if (!options.transacting) {
return this._Product.transaction((transacting) => {
return this.list({
return this._Product.findPage(options);
async destroy() {
throw new MethodNotAllowedError({message: 'Cannot destroy products, yet...'});
module.exports = ProductRepository;