Naz ff4bdb5ff8 Made integration naming less technical

- The audience of the notification emails for version missmatch could be less technical - site owneres are usually creators not programmers. Not using complex technical details in the email subject/body should make the incompatibility more approachable to deal with.
2022-05-04 11:05:48 +08:00

142 lines
6.0 KiB

const assert = require('assert');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const APIVersionCompatibilityService = require('../index');
describe('APIVersionCompatibilityService', function () {
afterEach(function () {
it('Sends an email to the instance owners when fresh accept-version header mismatch detected', async function () {
const sendEmail = sinon.spy();
const fetchHandled = sinon.spy();
const saveHandled = sinon.spy();
const compatibilityService = new APIVersionCompatibilityService({
fetchEmailsToNotify: async () => [''],
await compatibilityService.handleMismatch({
acceptVersion: 'v4.5',
contentVersion: 'v5.1',
userAgent: 'Elaborate Fox'
assert.equal(sendEmail.called, true);
assert.equal(sendEmail.args[0][0].to, '');
assert.equal(sendEmail.args[0][0].subject, `Attention required: Your Elaborate Fox integration has failed`);
assert.match(sendEmail.args[0][0].html, /Elaborate Fox integration expected Ghost version: v4.5/);
assert.match(sendEmail.args[0][0].html, /Current Ghost version: v5.1/);
it('Does NOT send an email to the instance owner when previously handled accept-version header mismatch is detected', async function () {
const sendEmail = sinon.spy();
const fetchHandled = sinon.stub()
const saveHandled = sinon.stub().resolves({});
const compatibilityService = new APIVersionCompatibilityService({
fetchEmailsToNotify: async () => [''],
await compatibilityService.handleMismatch({
acceptVersion: 'v4.5',
contentVersion: 'v5.1',
userAgent: 'Elaborate Fox'
assert.equal(sendEmail.calledOnce, true);
assert.equal(sendEmail.args[0][0].to, '');
assert.equal(sendEmail.args[0][0].subject, `Attention required: Your Elaborate Fox integration has failed`);
assert.match(sendEmail.args[0][0].html, /Elaborate Fox integration expected Ghost version: v4.5/);
assert.match(sendEmail.args[0][0].html, /Current Ghost version: v5.1/);
await compatibilityService.handleMismatch({
acceptVersion: 'v4.5',
contentVersion: 'v5.1',
userAgent: 'Elaborate Fox'
assert.equal(sendEmail.calledTwice, false);
it('Does send multiple emails to the instance owners when previously unhandled accept-version header mismatch is detected', async function () {
const sendEmail = sinon.spy();
const fetchHandled = sinon.stub()
const saveHandled = sinon.stub().resolves({});
const compatibilityService = new APIVersionCompatibilityService({
fetchEmailsToNotify: async () => ['', ''],
await compatibilityService.handleMismatch({
acceptVersion: 'v4.5',
contentVersion: 'v5.1',
userAgent: 'Elaborate Fox'
assert.equal(sendEmail.calledTwice, true);
assert.equal(sendEmail.args[0][0].to, '');
assert.equal(sendEmail.args[0][0].subject, `Attention required: Your Elaborate Fox integration has failed`);
assert.match(sendEmail.args[0][0].html, /Elaborate Fox integration expected Ghost version: v4.5/);
assert.match(sendEmail.args[0][0].html, /Current Ghost version: v5.1/);
assert.equal(sendEmail.calledTwice, true);
assert.equal(sendEmail.args[1][0].to, '');
assert.equal(sendEmail.args[1][0].subject, `Attention required: Your Elaborate Fox integration has failed`);
assert.match(sendEmail.args[1][0].html, /Elaborate Fox integration expected Ghost version: v4.5/);
assert.match(sendEmail.args[1][0].html, /Current Ghost version: v5.1/);
await compatibilityService.handleMismatch({
acceptVersion: 'v4.8',
contentVersion: 'v5.1',
userAgent: 'Elaborate Fox'
assert.equal(sendEmail.callCount, 4);
assert.equal(sendEmail.args[2][0].to, '');
assert.equal(sendEmail.args[2][0].subject, `Attention required: Your Elaborate Fox integration has failed`);
assert.match(sendEmail.args[2][0].html, /Elaborate Fox integration expected Ghost version: v4.8/);
assert.match(sendEmail.args[2][0].html, /Current Ghost version: v5.1/);
it('Trims down the name of the integration when a lot of meta information is present in user-agent header', async function (){
const sendEmail = sinon.spy();
const fetchHandled = sinon.spy();
const saveHandled = sinon.spy();
const compatibilityService = new APIVersionCompatibilityService({
fetchEmailsToNotify: async () => [''],
await compatibilityService.handleMismatch({
acceptVersion: 'v4.5',
contentVersion: 'v5.1',
userAgent: 'Zapier/2.3 GhostAdminSDK/2.4.0'
assert.equal(sendEmail.called, true);
assert.equal(sendEmail.args[0][0].to, '');
assert.equal(sendEmail.args[0][0].subject, `Attention required: Your Zapier integration has failed`);
assert.match(sendEmail.args[0][0].html, /Zapier integration expected Ghost version: v4.5/);
assert.match(sendEmail.args[0][0].html, /Current Ghost version: v5.1/);