mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 04:03:12 +03:00
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/3337 Moved current email customization functionality that is behind the `makeItRain` to its own flag (`emailCustomization`) and removed the now redundant `makeItRain` flag
1086 lines
40 KiB
1086 lines
40 KiB
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
const logging = require('@tryghost/logging');
const fs = require('fs').promises;
const path = require('path');
const {isUnsplashImage} = require('@tryghost/kg-default-cards/lib/utils');
const {textColorForBackgroundColor, darkenToContrastThreshold} = require('@tryghost/color-utils');
const {DateTime} = require('luxon');
const htmlToPlaintext = require('@tryghost/html-to-plaintext');
const tpl = require('@tryghost/tpl');
const messages = {
subscriptionStatus: {
free: '',
expired: 'Your subscription has expired.',
canceled: 'Your subscription has been canceled and will expire on {date}. You can resume your subscription via your account settings.',
active: 'Your subscription will renew on {date}.',
trial: 'Your free trial ends on {date}, at which time you will be charged the regular price. You can always cancel before then.',
complimentaryExpires: 'Your subscription will expire on {date}.',
complimentaryInfinite: ''
function escapeHtml(unsafe) {
return unsafe
.replace(/&/g, '&')
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/>/g, '>')
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/'/g, ''');
function formatDateLong(date, timezone) {
return DateTime.fromJSDate(date).setZone(timezone).setLocale('en-gb').toLocaleString({
year: 'numeric',
month: 'long',
day: 'numeric'
function escapeRegExp(string) {
return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
* @typedef {string|null} Segment
* @typedef {object} Post
* @typedef {object} Newsletter
* @typedef {object} MemberLike
* @prop {string} id
* @prop {string} uuid
* @prop {string} email
* @prop {string} name
* @prop {'free'|'paid'|'comped'} status
* @prop {Date|null} createdAt This can be null if the member has been deleted for older email recipient rows
* @prop {MemberLikeSubscription[]} subscriptions Required to get trial end / next renewal date / expire at date for paid member
* @prop {MemberLikeTier[]} tiers Required to get the expiry date in case of a comped member
* @typedef {object} MemberLikeSubscription
* @prop {string} status
* @prop {boolean} cancel_at_period_end
* @prop {Date|null} trial_end_at
* @prop {Date} current_period_end
* @typedef {object} MemberLikeTier
* @prop {string} product_id
* @prop {Date|null} expiry_at
* @typedef {object} ReplacementDefinition
* @prop {string} id
* @prop {RegExp} token
* @prop {(member: MemberLike) => string} getValue
* @typedef {object} EmailRenderOptions
* @prop {boolean} clickTrackingEnabled
* @typedef {object} EmailBody
* @prop {string} html
* @prop {string} plaintext
* @prop {ReplacementDefinition[]} replacements
class EmailRenderer {
* @param {object} dependencies
* @param {object} dependencies.settingsCache
* @param {{getNoReplyAddress(): string, getMembersSupportAddress(): string}} dependencies.settingsHelpers
* @param {object} dependencies.renderers
* @param {{render(object, options): string}} dependencies.renderers.lexical
* @param {{render(object, options): string}} dependencies.renderers.mobiledoc
* @param {{getImageSizeFromUrl(url: string): Promise<{width: number, height: number}>}} dependencies.imageSize
* @param {{urlFor(type: string, optionsOrAbsolute, absolute): string, isSiteUrl(url, context): boolean}} dependencies.urlUtils
* @param {{isLocalImage(url: string): boolean}} dependencies.storageUtils
* @param {(post: Post) => string} dependencies.getPostUrl
* @param {object} dependencies.linkReplacer
* @param {object} dependencies.linkTracking
* @param {object} dependencies.memberAttributionService
* @param {object} dependencies.audienceFeedbackService
* @param {object} dependencies.outboundLinkTagger
* @param {object} dependencies.labs
* @param {{Post: object}} dependencies.models
}) {
this.#settingsCache = settingsCache;
this.#settingsHelpers = settingsHelpers;
this.#renderers = renderers;
this.#imageSize = imageSize;
this.#urlUtils = urlUtils;
this.#storageUtils = storageUtils;
this.#getPostUrl = getPostUrl;
this.#linkReplacer = linkReplacer;
this.#linkTracking = linkTracking;
this.#memberAttributionService = memberAttributionService;
this.#audienceFeedbackService = audienceFeedbackService;
this.#outboundLinkTagger = outboundLinkTagger;
this.#labs = labs;
this.#models = models;
getSubject(post) {
return post.related('posts_meta')?.get('email_subject') || post.get('title');
getFromAddress(_post, newsletter) {
let senderName = this.#settingsCache.get('title') ? this.#settingsCache.get('title').replace(/"/g, '\\"') : '';
if (newsletter.get('sender_name')) {
senderName = newsletter.get('sender_name');
let fromAddress = this.#settingsHelpers.getNoReplyAddress();
if (newsletter.get('sender_email')) {
fromAddress = newsletter.get('sender_email');
// For local development, rewrite the fromAddress to a proper domain
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (/@localhost$/.test(fromAddress) || /@ghost.local$/.test(fromAddress)) {
const localAddress = 'localhost@example.com';
logging.warn(`Rewriting bulk email from address ${fromAddress} to ${localAddress}`);
fromAddress = localAddress;
return senderName ? `"${senderName}" <${fromAddress}>` : fromAddress;
* @param {Post} post
* @param {Newsletter} newsletter
* @returns {string|null}
getReplyToAddress(post, newsletter) {
if (newsletter.get('sender_reply_to') === 'support') {
return this.#settingsHelpers.getMembersSupportAddress();
return this.getFromAddress(post, newsletter);
Returns all the segments that we need to render the email for because they have different content.
WARNING: The sum of all the returned segments should always include all the members. Those members are later limited if needed based on the recipient filter of the email.
@param {Post} post
@returns {Segment[]}
getSegments(post) {
const allowedSegments = ['status:free', 'status:-free'];
const html = this.renderPostBaseHtml(post);
* Always add free and paid segments if email has paywall card
if (html.indexOf('<!--members-only-->') !== -1) {
// We have different content between free and paid members
return allowedSegments;
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
let allSegments = $('[data-gh-segment]')
.map(el => el.attribs['data-gh-segment']);
const segments = [...new Set(allSegments)].filter(segment => allowedSegments.includes(segment));
if (segments.length === 0) {
// No difference in email content between free and paid
return [null];
// We have different content between free and paid members
return allowedSegments;
renderPostBaseHtml(post) {
const postUrl = this.#getPostUrl(post);
let html;
if (post.get('lexical')) {
html = this.#renderers.lexical.render(
post.get('lexical'), {target: 'email', postUrl}
} else {
html = this.#renderers.mobiledoc.render(
JSON.parse(post.get('mobiledoc')), {target: 'email', postUrl}
return html;
* @param {Post} post
* @param {Newsletter} newsletter
* @param {Segment} segment
* @param {EmailRenderOptions} options
* @returns {Promise<EmailBody>}
async renderBody(post, newsletter, segment, options) {
let html = this.renderPostBaseHtml(post);
// We don't allow the usage of the %%{uuid}%% replacement in the email body (only in links and special cases)
// So we need to filter them before we introduce the real %%{uuid}%%
html = html.replace(/%%{uuid}%%/g, '{uuid}');
// Paywall and members only content handling
const isPaidPost = post.get('visibility') === 'paid' || post.get('visibility') === 'tiers';
const membersOnlyIndex = html.indexOf('<!--members-only-->');
const hasMembersOnlyContent = membersOnlyIndex !== -1;
let addPaywall = false;
if (isPaidPost && hasMembersOnlyContent) {
if (segment === 'status:free') {
// Add paywall
addPaywall = true;
// Remove the members-only content
html = html.slice(0, membersOnlyIndex);
const templateData = await this.getTemplateData({
html = await this.renderTemplate(templateData);
// Link tracking
if (options.clickTrackingEnabled) {
html = await this.#linkReplacer.replace(html, async (url) => {
// We ignore all links that contain %%{uuid}%%
// because otherwise we would add tracking to links that need to be replaced first
if (url.toString().indexOf('%%{uuid}%%') !== -1) {
return url.toString();
// Add newsletter source attribution
const isSite = this.#urlUtils.isSiteUrl(url);
if (isSite) {
// Add newsletter name as ref to the URL
url = this.#outboundLinkTagger.addToUrl(url, newsletter);
// Only add post attribution to our own site (because external sites could/should not process this information)
url = this.#memberAttributionService.addPostAttributionTracking(url, post);
} else {
// Add email source attribution without the newsletter name
url = this.#outboundLinkTagger.addToUrl(url);
// Add link click tracking
url = await this.#linkTracking.service.addTrackingToUrl(url, post, '--uuid--');
// We need to convert to a string at this point, because we need invalid string characters in the URL
const str = url.toString().replace(/--uuid--/g, '%%{uuid}%%');
return str;
// Juice HTML (inline CSS)
const juice = require('juice');
html = juice(html, {inlinePseudoElements: true, removeStyleTags: true});
// happens after inlining of CSS so we can change element types without worrying about styling
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
// force all links to open in new tab
$('a').attr('target', '_blank');
// convert figure and figcaption to div so that Outlook applies margins
$('figure, figcaption').each((i, elem) => !!(elem.tagName = 'div'));
// Remove/hide parts of the email based on segment data attributes
$('[data-gh-segment]').get().forEach((node) => {
// TODO: replace with NQL interpretation
if (node.attribs['data-gh-segment'] !== segment) {
} else {
// Getting rid of the attribute for a cleaner html output
// Remove duplicate black/white images (CSS based solution not working in Outlook)
if (templateData.backgroundIsDark) {
$('img.is-light-background').each((i, elem) => {
} else {
$('img.is-dark-background').each((i, elem) => {
// Convert DOM back to HTML
html = $.html(); // () Fix for vscode syntax highlighter
// Replacement strings
const replacementDefinitions = this.buildReplacementDefinitions({html, newsletterUuid: newsletter.get('uuid')});
// TODO: normalizeReplacementStrings (replace unsupported replacement strings)
// Convert HTML to plaintext
const plaintext = htmlToPlaintext.email(html);
// Fix any unsupported chars in Outlook
html = html.replace(/'/g, ''');
html = html.replace(/→/g, '→');
html = html.replace(/–/g, '–');
html = html.replace(/“/g, '“');
html = html.replace(/”/g, '”');
return {
replacements: replacementDefinitions
* createUnsubscribeUrl
* Takes a member and newsletter uuid. Returns the url that should be used to unsubscribe
* In case of no member uuid, generates the preview unsubscribe url - `?preview=1`
* @param {string} [uuid] member uuid
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {string} [options.newsletterUuid] newsletter uuid
* @param {boolean} [options.comments] Unsubscribe from comment emails
createUnsubscribeUrl(uuid, options = {}) {
const siteUrl = this.#urlUtils.urlFor('home', true);
const unsubscribeUrl = new URL(siteUrl);
unsubscribeUrl.pathname = `${unsubscribeUrl.pathname}/unsubscribe/`.replace('//', '/');
if (uuid) {
unsubscribeUrl.searchParams.set('uuid', uuid);
} else {
unsubscribeUrl.searchParams.set('preview', '1');
if (options.newsletterUuid) {
unsubscribeUrl.searchParams.set('newsletter', options.newsletterUuid);
if (options.comments) {
unsubscribeUrl.searchParams.set('comments', '1');
return unsubscribeUrl.href;
* createManageAccountUrl
* @param {string} [uuid] member uuid
createManageAccountUrl(uuid) {
const siteUrl = this.#urlUtils.urlFor('home', true);
const url = new URL(siteUrl);
url.hash = '#/portal/account';
return url.href;
* Returns whether a paid member is trialing a subscription
isMemberTrialing(member) {
// Do we have an active subscription?
if (member.status === 'paid') {
let activeSubscription = member.subscriptions.find((subscription) => {
return subscription.status === 'trialing';
if (!activeSubscription) {
return false;
// Translate to a human readable string
if (activeSubscription.trial_end_at && activeSubscription.trial_end_at > new Date() && activeSubscription.status === 'trialing') {
return true;
return false;
* @param {MemberLike} member
* @returns {string}
getMemberStatusText(member) {
if (member.status === 'free') {
// Not really used, but as a backup
return tpl(messages.subscriptionStatus.free);
// Do we have an active subscription?
if (member.status === 'paid') {
let activeSubscription = member.subscriptions.find((subscription) => {
return subscription.status === 'active';
}) ?? member.subscriptions.find((subscription) => {
return ['active', 'trialing', 'unpaid', 'past_due'].includes(subscription.status);
if (!activeSubscription && !member.tiers.length) {
// No subscription?
return tpl(messages.subscriptionStatus.expired);
if (!activeSubscription) {
if (!member.tiers[0]?.expiry_at) {
return tpl(messages.subscriptionStatus.complimentaryInfinite);
// Create one manually that is expiring
activeSubscription = {
cancel_at_period_end: true,
current_period_end: member.tiers[0].expiry_at,
status: 'active',
trial_end_at: null
const timezone = this.#settingsCache.get('timezone');
// Translate to a human readable string
if (activeSubscription.trial_end_at && activeSubscription.trial_end_at > new Date() && activeSubscription.status === 'trialing') {
const date = formatDateLong(activeSubscription.trial_end_at, timezone);
return tpl(messages.subscriptionStatus.trial, {date});
const date = formatDateLong(activeSubscription.current_period_end, timezone);
if (activeSubscription.cancel_at_period_end) {
return tpl(messages.subscriptionStatus.canceled, {date});
return tpl(messages.subscriptionStatus.active, {date});
const expires = member.tiers[0]?.expiry_at ?? null;
if (expires) {
const timezone = this.#settingsCache.get('timezone');
const date = formatDateLong(expires, timezone);
return tpl(messages.subscriptionStatus.complimentaryExpires, {date});
return tpl(messages.subscriptionStatus.complimentaryInfinite);
* Note that we only look in HTML because plaintext and HTML are essentially the same content
* @returns {ReplacementDefinition[]}
buildReplacementDefinitions({html, newsletterUuid}) {
const baseDefinitions = [
id: 'unsubscribe_url',
getValue: (member) => {
return this.createUnsubscribeUrl(member.uuid, {newsletterUuid});
id: 'manage_account_url',
getValue: (member) => {
return this.createManageAccountUrl(member.uuid);
id: 'uuid',
getValue: (member) => {
return member.uuid;
id: 'first_name',
getValue: (member) => {
return member.name?.split(' ')[0];
id: 'name',
getValue: (member) => {
return member.name;
id: 'name_class',
getValue: (member) => {
return member.name ? '' : 'hidden';
id: 'email',
getValue: (member) => {
return member.email;
id: 'created_at',
getValue: (member) => {
const timezone = this.#settingsCache.get('timezone');
return member.createdAt ? formatDateLong(member.createdAt, timezone) : '';
id: 'status',
getValue: (member) => {
if (member.status === 'comped') {
return 'complimentary';
if (this.isMemberTrialing(member)) {
return 'trialing';
return member.status;
id: 'status_text',
getValue: (member) => {
return this.getMemberStatusText(member);
// Now loop through all the definenitions to see which ones are actually used + to add fallbacks if needed
const EMAIL_REPLACEMENT_REGEX = /%%\{(.*?)\}%%/g;
const REPLACEMENT_STRING_REGEX = /^(?<recipientProperty>\w+?)(?:,? *(?:"|")(?<fallback>.*?)(?:"|"))?$/;
// Stores the definitions that we are actually going to use
const replacements = [];
let result;
while ((result = EMAIL_REPLACEMENT_REGEX.exec(html)) !== null) {
const [replacementMatch, replacementStr] = result;
// Did we already found this match and added it to the replacements array?
if (replacements.find(r => r.id === replacementStr)) {
const match = replacementStr.match(REPLACEMENT_STRING_REGEX);
if (match) {
const {recipientProperty, fallback} = match.groups;
const definition = baseDefinitions.find(d => d.id === recipientProperty);
if (definition) {
id: replacementStr,
originalId: recipientProperty,
token: new RegExp(escapeRegExp(replacementMatch).replace(/(?:"|")/g, '(?:"|")'), 'g'),
getValue: fallback ? (member => definition.getValue(member) || fallback) : definition.getValue
// Now loop any replacements with possible invalid characters and replace them with a clean id
let counter = 1;
for (const replacement of replacements) {
if (replacement.id.match(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/)) {
counter += 1;
replacement.id = replacement.originalId + '_' + counter;
delete replacement.originalId;
return replacements;
async renderTemplate(data) {
this.#handlebars = require('handlebars');
// Helpers
this.#handlebars.registerHelper('if', function (conditional, options) {
if (conditional) {
return options.fn(this);
} else {
return options.inverse(this);
this.#handlebars.registerHelper('and', function () {
const len = arguments.length - 1;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!arguments[i]) {
return false;
return true;
this.#handlebars.registerHelper('not', function () {
const len = arguments.length - 1;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!arguments[i]) {
return true;
return false;
this.#handlebars.registerHelper('or', function () {
const len = arguments.length - 1;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (arguments[i]) {
return true;
return false;
// Partials
if (this.#labs.isSet('emailCustomization')) {
const cssPartialSource = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, './email-templates/partials/', `styles.hbs`), 'utf8');
this.#handlebars.registerPartial('styles', cssPartialSource);
} else {
const cssPartialSource = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, './email-templates/partials/', `styles-old.hbs`), 'utf8');
this.#handlebars.registerPartial('styles', cssPartialSource);
const paywallPartial = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, './email-templates/partials/', `paywall.hbs`), 'utf8');
this.#handlebars.registerPartial('paywall', paywallPartial);
const feedbackButtonPartial = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, './email-templates/partials/', `feedback-button.hbs`), 'utf8');
this.#handlebars.registerPartial('feedbackButton', feedbackButtonPartial);
const feedbackButtonMobilePartial = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, './email-templates/partials/', `feedback-button-mobile.hbs`), 'utf8');
this.#handlebars.registerPartial('feedbackButtonMobile', feedbackButtonMobilePartial);
const latestPostsPartial = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, './email-templates/partials/', `latest-posts.hbs`), 'utf8');
this.#handlebars.registerPartial('latestPosts', latestPostsPartial);
// Actual template
if (this.#labs.isSet('emailCustomization')) {
const htmlTemplateSource = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, './email-templates/', `template.hbs`), 'utf8');
this.#renderTemplate = this.#handlebars.compile(Buffer.from(htmlTemplateSource).toString());
} else {
const htmlTemplateSource = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, './email-templates/', `template-old.hbs`), 'utf8');
this.#renderTemplate = this.#handlebars.compile(Buffer.from(htmlTemplateSource).toString());
return this.#renderTemplate(data);
* Get email preheader text from post model
* @param {object} postModel
* @returns
#getEmailPreheader(postModel) {
let plaintext = postModel.get('plaintext');
let customExcerpt = postModel.get('custom_excerpt');
if (customExcerpt) {
return customExcerpt;
} else {
if (plaintext) {
return plaintext.substring(0, 500);
} else {
return `${postModel.get('title')} – `;
truncateText(text, maxLength) {
if (text && text.length > maxLength) {
return text.substring(0, maxLength - 1).trim() + '…';
} else {
return text ?? '';
* @param {*} text
* @param {number} maxLength
* @param {number} maxLengthMobile should be larger than maxLength
* @returns
truncateHtml(text, maxLength, maxLengthMobile) {
if (!maxLengthMobile || maxLength >= maxLengthMobile) {
return escapeHtml(this.truncateText(text, maxLength));
if (text && text.length > maxLength) {
if (text.length <= maxLengthMobile) {
return escapeHtml(text.substring(0, maxLength - 1)) + '<span class="mobile-only">' + escapeHtml(text.substring(maxLength - 1, maxLengthMobile - 1)) + '</span>' + '<span class="hide-mobile">…</span>';
return escapeHtml(text.substring(0, maxLength - 1)) + '<span class="mobile-only">' + escapeHtml(text.substring(maxLength - 1, maxLengthMobile - 1)) + '</span>' + '…';
} else {
return escapeHtml(text ?? '');
#getBackgroundColor(newsletter) {
/** @type {'light' | 'dark' | string | null} */
const value = newsletter.get('background_color');
const validHex = /#([0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}$/i;
if (validHex.test(value)) {
return value;
if (value === 'dark') {
return '#15212a';
// value === dark, value === null, value is not valid hex
return '#ffffff';
#getBorderColor(newsletter, accentColor) {
/** @type {'transparent' | 'accent' | 'dark' | string | null} */
const value = newsletter.get('border_color');
const validHex = /#([0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}$/i;
if (validHex.test(value)) {
return value;
if (value === 'auto') {
const backgroundColor = this.#getBackgroundColor(newsletter);
return textColorForBackgroundColor(backgroundColor).hex();
if (value === 'accent') {
return accentColor;
// value === 'transparent', value === null, value is not valid hex
return null;
#getTitleColor(newsletter, accentColor) {
/** @type {'accent' | 'auto' | string | null} */
const value = newsletter.get('title_color');
const validHex = /#([0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}$/i;
if (validHex.test(value)) {
return value;
if (value === 'accent') {
return accentColor;
// value === 'auto', value === null, value is not valid hex
const backgroundColor = this.#getBackgroundColor(newsletter);
return textColorForBackgroundColor(backgroundColor).hex();
* @private
async getTemplateData({post, newsletter, html, addPaywall}) {
let accentColor = this.#settingsCache.get('accent_color') || '#15212A';
let adjustedAccentColor;
let adjustedAccentContrastColor;
try {
adjustedAccentColor = accentColor && darkenToContrastThreshold(accentColor, '#ffffff', 2).hex();
adjustedAccentContrastColor = accentColor && textColorForBackgroundColor(adjustedAccentColor).hex();
} catch (e) {
accentColor = '#15212A';
const backgroundColor = this.#getBackgroundColor(newsletter);
const backgroundIsDark = textColorForBackgroundColor(backgroundColor).hex().toLowerCase() === '#ffffff';
const borderColor = this.#getBorderColor(newsletter, accentColor);
const secondaryBorderColor = textColorForBackgroundColor(backgroundColor).alpha(0.12).toString();
const titleColor = this.#getTitleColor(newsletter, accentColor);
const textColor = textColorForBackgroundColor(backgroundColor).hex();
const secondaryTextColor = textColorForBackgroundColor(backgroundColor).alpha(0.5).toString();
const linkColor = backgroundIsDark ? '#ffffff' : accentColor;
const {href: headerImage, width: headerImageWidth} = await this.limitImageWidth(newsletter.get('header_image'));
const {href: postFeatureImage, width: postFeatureImageWidth, height: postFeatureImageHeight} = await this.limitImageWidth(post.get('feature_image'));
const timezone = this.#settingsCache.get('timezone');
const publishedAt = (post.get('published_at') ? DateTime.fromJSDate(post.get('published_at')) : DateTime.local()).setZone(timezone).setLocale('en-gb').toLocaleString({
year: 'numeric',
month: 'short',
day: 'numeric'
let authors;
const postAuthors = await post.getLazyRelation('authors');
if (postAuthors?.models) {
if (postAuthors.models.length <= 2) {
authors = postAuthors.models.map(author => author.get('name')).join(' & ');
} else {
authors = `${postAuthors.models[0].get('name')} & ${postAuthors.models.length - 1} others`;
const postUrl = this.#getPostUrl(post);
// Signup URL is the post url with a hash added to it
const signupUrl = new URL(postUrl);
signupUrl.hash = `/portal/signup`;
// Audience feedback
const positiveLink = this.#audienceFeedbackService.buildLink(
).href.replace('--uuid--', '%%{uuid}%%');
const negativeLink = this.#audienceFeedbackService.buildLink(
).href.replace('--uuid--', '%%{uuid}%%');
const commentUrl = new URL(postUrl);
commentUrl.hash = '#ghost-comments';
const hasEmailOnlyFlag = post.related('posts_meta')?.get('email_only') ?? false;
const latestPosts = [];
let latestPostsHasImages = false;
if (newsletter.get('show_latest_posts')) {
// Fetch last 3 published posts
const {data} = await this.#models.Post.findPage({
filter: 'status:published+id:-' + post.id,
order: 'published_at DESC',
limit: 3
for (const latestPost of data) {
// Please also adjust email-latest-posts-image if you make changes to the image width (100 x 2 = 200 -> should be in email-latest-posts-image)
const {href: featureImage, width: featureImageWidth, height: featureImageHeight} = await this.limitImageWidth(latestPost.get('feature_image'), 100, 100);
const {href: featureImageMobile, width: featureImageMobileWidth, height: featureImageMobileHeight} = await this.limitImageWidth(latestPost.get('feature_image'), 600, 480);
title: this.truncateHtml(latestPost.get('title'), featureImage ? 85 : 105, 105),
url: this.#getPostUrl(latestPost),
featureImage: featureImage ? {
src: featureImage,
width: featureImageWidth,
height: featureImageHeight
} : null,
featureImageMobile: featureImageMobile ? {
src: featureImageMobile,
width: featureImageMobileWidth,
height: featureImageMobileHeight
} : null,
excerpt: this.truncateHtml(latestPost.get('custom_excerpt') || latestPost.get('plaintext'), featureImage ? 60 : 70, 105)
if (featureImage) {
latestPostsHasImages = true;
const data = {
site: {
title: this.#settingsCache.get('title'),
url: this.#urlUtils.urlFor('home', true),
iconUrl: this.#settingsCache.get('icon') ?
this.#urlUtils.urlFor('image', {
image: this.#settingsCache.get('icon')
}, true) : null
preheader: this.#getEmailPreheader(post),
post: {
title: post.get('title'),
url: postUrl,
commentUrl: commentUrl.href,
feature_image: postFeatureImage,
feature_image_width: postFeatureImageWidth,
feature_image_height: postFeatureImageHeight,
feature_image_alt: post.related('posts_meta')?.get('feature_image_alt'),
feature_image_caption: post.related('posts_meta')?.get('feature_image_caption')
newsletter: {
name: newsletter.get('name'),
showPostTitleSection: newsletter.get('show_post_title_section'),
showCommentCta: newsletter.get('show_comment_cta') && this.#settingsCache.get('comments_enabled') !== 'off' && !hasEmailOnlyFlag,
showSubscriptionDetails: newsletter.get('show_subscription_details')
accentColor: accentColor, // default to #15212A
adjustedAccentColor: adjustedAccentColor || '#3498db', // default to #3498db
adjustedAccentContrastColor: adjustedAccentContrastColor || '#ffffff', // default to #ffffff
showBadge: newsletter.get('show_badge'),
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
backgroundIsDark: backgroundIsDark,
borderColor: borderColor,
secondaryBorderColor: secondaryBorderColor,
titleColor: titleColor,
textColor: textColor,
secondaryTextColor: secondaryTextColor,
linkColor: linkColor,
showHeaderIcon: newsletter.get('show_header_icon') && this.#settingsCache.get('icon'),
// TODO: consider moving these to newsletter property
showHeaderTitle: newsletter.get('show_header_title'),
showHeaderName: newsletter.get('show_header_name'),
showFeatureImage: newsletter.get('show_feature_image') && !!postFeatureImage,
footerContent: newsletter.get('footer_content'),
classes: {
title: 'post-title' + (newsletter.get('title_font_category') === 'serif' ? ` post-title-serif` : ``) + (newsletter.get('title_alignment') === 'left' ? ` post-title-left` : ``),
titleLink: 'post-title-link' + (newsletter.get('title_alignment') === 'left' ? ` post-title-link-left` : ``),
meta: 'post-meta' + (newsletter.get('title_alignment') === 'left' ? ` post-meta-left` : ` post-meta-center`),
body: newsletter.get('body_font_category') === 'sans_serif' ? `post-content-sans-serif` : `post-content`
// Audience feedback
feedbackButtons: newsletter.get('feedback_enabled') ? {
likeHref: positiveLink,
dislikeHref: negativeLink
} : null,
// Paywall
paywall: addPaywall ? {
signupUrl: signupUrl.href
} : null,
year: new Date().getFullYear().toString()
return data;
* @private
* Sets and limits the width of an image + returns the width
* @returns {Promise<{href: string, width: number, height: number | null}>}
async limitImageWidth(href, visibleWidth = 600, visibleHeight = null) {
if (!href) {
return {
width: 0,
height: null
if (isUnsplashImage(href)) {
// Unsplash images have a minimum size so assuming 1200px is safe
const unsplashUrl = new URL(href);
unsplashUrl.searchParams.set('w', (visibleWidth * 2).toFixed(0));
if (visibleHeight) {
unsplashUrl.searchParams.set('h', (visibleHeight * 2).toFixed(0));
unsplashUrl.searchParams.set('fit', 'crop');
return {
href: unsplashUrl.href,
width: visibleWidth,
height: visibleHeight
} else {
try {
const size = await this.#imageSize.getImageSizeFromUrl(href);
if (size.width >= visibleWidth) {
if (!visibleHeight) {
// Keep aspect ratio
size.height = Math.round(size.height * (visibleWidth / size.width));
// keep original image, just set a fixed width
size.width = visibleWidth;
if (visibleHeight && size.height >= visibleHeight) {
// keep original image, just set a fixed width
size.height = visibleHeight;
if (this.#storageUtils.isLocalImage(href)) {
// we can safely request a 1200px image - Ghost will serve the original if it's smaller
return {
href: href.replace(/\/content\/images\//, '/content/images/size/w' + (visibleWidth * 2) + (visibleHeight ? 'h' + (visibleHeight * 2) : '') + '/'),
width: size.width,
height: size.height
return {
width: size.width,
height: size.height
} catch (err) {
// log and proceed. Using original header image without fixed width isn't fatal.
return {
width: 0,
height: null
module.exports = EmailRenderer;