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synced 2025-01-06 19:07:37 +03:00
no issue - bumps eslint and eslint-plugin-ember versions - octane rules are enabled by default - disabled them in our eslintrc.json so we can switch to warn/error whilst migrating to octane - fixed a couple of linting errors from new/updated rules
345 lines
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345 lines
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import ModalComponent from 'ghost-admin/components/modal-base';
import ghostPaths from 'ghost-admin/utils/ghost-paths';
import papaparse from 'papaparse';
import {
} from 'ghost-admin/services/ajax';
// eslint-disable-next-line ghost/ember/no-computed-properties-in-native-classes
import {computed} from '@ember/object';
import {htmlSafe} from '@ember/string';
import {isBlank} from '@ember/utils';
import {inject as service} from '@ember/service';
import {tracked} from '@glimmer/tracking';
class MembersFieldMapping {
@tracked _mapping = {};
constructor(mapping) {
if (mapping) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(mapping)) {
this.set(value, key);
set(key, value) {
this._mapping[key] = value;
// trigger an update
// eslint-disable-next-line no-self-assign
this._mapping = this._mapping;
get(key) {
return this._mapping[key];
get mapping() {
return this._mapping;
getKeyByValue(searchedValue) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(this._mapping)) {
if (value === searchedValue) {
return key;
return null;
updateMapping(from, to) {
for (const key in this._mapping) {
if (this.get(key) === to) {
this.set(key, null);
this.set(from, to);
export default ModalComponent.extend({
config: service(),
ajax: service(),
notifications: service(),
memberImportValidator: service(),
store: service(),
labelText: 'Select or drop a CSV file',
// import stages, default is "CSV file selection"
validating: false,
customizing: false,
uploading: false,
summary: false,
dragClass: null,
file: null,
fileData: null,
mapping: null,
paramName: 'membersfile',
importResponse: null,
failureMessage: null,
validationErrors: null,
uploadErrors: null,
labels: null,
// Allowed actions
confirm: () => {},
filePresent: computed.reads('file'),
closeDisabled: computed.reads('uploading'),
uploadUrl: computed(function () {
return `${ghostPaths().apiRoot}/members/upload/`;
importDisabled: computed('file', 'validationErrors', function () {
const hasEmptyDataFile = this.validationErrors && this.validationErrors.filter(error => error.message.includes('File is empty')).length;
return !this.file || !(this._validateFileType(this.file)) || hasEmptyDataFile;
formData: computed('file', function () {
let paramName = this.paramName;
let file = this.file;
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append(paramName, file);
if (this.labels.labels.length) {
this.labels.labels.forEach((label) => {
formData.append('labels', label.name);
if (this.mapping) {
for (const key in this.mapping.mapping) {
if (this.mapping.get(key)){
// reversing mapping direction to match the structure accepted in the API
formData.append(`mapping[${this.mapping.get(key)}]`, key);
return formData;
init() {
// NOTE: nested label come from specific "gh-member-label-input" parameters, would be good to refactor
this.labels = {labels: []};
actions: {
fileSelected(fileList) {
let [file] = Array.from(fileList);
let validationResult = this._validateFileType(file);
if (validationResult !== true) {
} else {
this.set('file', file);
this.set('failureMessage', null);
this.set('validating', true);
papaparse.parse(file, {
header: true,
skipEmptyLines: true,
worker: true, // NOTE: compare speed and file sizes with/without this flag
complete: async (results) => {
this.set('fileData', results.data);
let {validationErrors, mapping} = await this.memberImportValidator.check(results.data);
this.set('mapping', new MembersFieldMapping(mapping));
if (validationErrors.length) {
} else {
this.set('validating', false);
this.set('customizing', true);
error: (error) => {
reset() {
this.set('failureMessage', null);
this.set('labels', {labels: []});
this.set('file', null);
this.set('fileData', null);
this.set('mapping', null);
this.set('validationErrors', null);
this.set('uploadErrors', null);
this.set('validating', false);
this.set('customizing', false);
this.set('uploading', false);
this.set('summary', false);
upload() {
if (this.file && this.mapping.getKeyByValue('email')) {
} else {
this.set('uploadErrors', [{
message: 'Import as "Email" value is missing.',
context: 'The CSV import has to have selected import as "Email" field.'
continueImport() {
this.set('validating', false);
this.set('customizing', true);
confirm() {
// noop - we don't want the enter key doing anything
closeModal() {
if (!this.closeDisabled) {
updateMapping(mapFrom, mapTo) {
this.mapping.updateMapping(mapFrom, mapTo);
dragOver(event) {
if (!event.dataTransfer) {
// this is needed to work around inconsistencies with dropping files
// from Chrome's downloads bar
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > -1) {
let eA = event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed;
event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = (eA === 'move' || eA === 'linkMove') ? 'move' : 'copy';
this.set('dragClass', '-drag-over');
dragLeave(event) {
this.set('dragClass', null);
drop(event) {
this.set('dragClass', null);
if (event.dataTransfer.files) {
this.send('fileSelected', event.dataTransfer.files);
generateRequest() {
let ajax = this.ajax;
let formData = this.formData;
let url = this.uploadUrl;
ajax.post(url, {
data: formData,
processData: false,
contentType: false,
dataType: 'text'
}).then((importResponse) => {
}).catch((error) => {
}).finally(() => {
_uploadStarted() {
this.set('customizing', false);
this.set('uploading', true);
_uploadSuccess(importResponse) {
if (importResponse.meta.stats.invalid && importResponse.meta.stats.invalid.errors) {
importResponse.meta.stats.invalid.errors.forEach((error) => {
if (error.message === 'Value in [members.email] cannot be blank.') {
error.message = 'Missing email address';
} else if (error.message === 'Validation (isEmail) failed for email') {
error.message = 'Invalid email address';
this.set('importResponse', importResponse.meta.stats);
// insert auto-created import label into store immediately if present
// ready for filtering the members list
if (importResponse.meta.import_label) {
labels: [importResponse.meta.import_label]
// invoke the passed in confirm action to refresh member data
this.confirm({label: importResponse.meta.import_label});
_uploadFinished() {
this.set('uploading', false);
if (!this.get('failureMessage')) {
this.set('summary', true);
_importValidationFailed(errors) {
this.set('validationErrors', errors);
_validationFailed(error) {
let message;
if (isVersionMismatchError(error)) {
if (isUnsupportedMediaTypeError(error)) {
message = 'The file type you uploaded is not supported.';
} else if (isRequestEntityTooLargeError(error)) {
message = 'The file you uploaded was larger than the maximum file size your server allows.';
} else if (error.payload && error.payload.errors && !isBlank(error.payload.errors[0].message)) {
message = htmlSafe(error.payload.errors[0].message);
} else {
console.error(error); // eslint-disable-line
message = 'Something went wrong :(';
this.set('failureMessage', message);
_validateFileType(file) {
let [, extension] = (/(?:\.([^.]+))?$/).exec(file.name);
if (['csv'].indexOf(extension.toLowerCase()) === -1) {
return new UnsupportedMediaTypeError();
return true;