Hakim Razalan b88a54fb71
🐛 Fixed redirect to signin modal not shown when logged out (#15522)

- An attempt to improve re-authenticate modal toggle - show re-authenticate modal every time user save (ctrl/cmd + s)
- An attempt to fix redirection when user re-login on different tab. Prevent redirection to sign-in page since the user already logged in on another tab.
- Re-enable `editor` test on `authentication-test.js`
2022-10-21 21:03:12 +01:00

186 lines
7.2 KiB

import ctrlOrCmd from 'ghost-admin/utils/ctrl-or-cmd';
import windowProxy from 'ghost-admin/utils/window-proxy';
import {Response} from 'miragejs';
import {afterEach, beforeEach, describe, it} from 'mocha';
import {authenticateSession, invalidateSession} from 'ember-simple-auth/test-support';
import {currentRouteName, currentURL, fillIn, findAll, triggerKeyEvent, visit} from '@ember/test-helpers';
import {expect} from 'chai';
import {run} from '@ember/runloop';
import {setupApplicationTest} from 'ember-mocha';
import {setupMirage} from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support';
describe('Acceptance: Authentication', function () {
let originalReplaceLocation;
let hooks = setupApplicationTest();
describe('setup redirect', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
// ensure the /users/me route doesn't error
this.server.get('authentication/setup', function () {
return {setup: [{status: false}]};
it('redirects to setup when setup isn\'t complete', async function () {
await visit('settings/labs');
describe('general page', function () {
let newLocation;
beforeEach(function () {
originalReplaceLocation = windowProxy.replaceLocation;
windowProxy.replaceLocation = function (url) {
url = url.replace(/^\/ghost\//, '/');
newLocation = url;
newLocation = undefined;
let role = this.server.create('role', {name: 'Administrator'});
this.server.create('user', {roles: [role], slug: 'test-user'});
afterEach(function () {
windowProxy.replaceLocation = originalReplaceLocation;
it('invalidates session on 401 API response', async function () {
// return a 401 when attempting to retrieve users
this.server.get('/users/me', () => new Response(401, {}, {
errors: [
{message: 'Access denied.', type: 'UnauthorizedError'}
await authenticateSession();
await visit('/settings/staff');
// running `visit(url)` inside windowProxy.replaceLocation breaks
// the async behaviour so we need to run `visit` here to simulate
// the browser visiting the new page
if (newLocation) {
await visit(newLocation);
expect(currentURL(), 'url after 401').to.equal('/signin');
it('invalidates session on 403 API response', async function () {
// return a 401 when attempting to retrieve users
this.server.get('/users/me', () => new Response(403, {}, {
errors: [
{message: 'Authorization failed', type: 'NoPermissionError'}
await authenticateSession();
await visit('/settings/staff');
// running `visit(url)` inside windowProxy.replaceLocation breaks
// the async behaviour so we need to run `visit` here to simulate
// the browser visiting the new page
if (newLocation) {
await visit(newLocation);
expect(currentURL(), 'url after 403').to.equal('/signin');
it('doesn\'t show navigation menu on invalid url when not authenticated', async function () {
await invalidateSession();
await visit('/');
expect(currentURL(), 'current url').to.equal('/signin');
expect(findAll('').length, 'nav menu presence').to.equal(0);
await visit('/signin/invalidurl/');
expect(currentURL(), 'url after invalid url').to.equal('/signin/invalidurl/');
expect(currentRouteName(), 'path after invalid url').to.equal('error404');
expect(findAll('').length, 'nav menu presence').to.equal(0);
it('shows nav menu on invalid url when authenticated', async function () {
await authenticateSession();
await visit('/signin/invalidurl/');
expect(currentURL(), 'url after invalid url').to.equal('/signin/invalidurl/');
expect(currentRouteName(), 'path after invalid url').to.equal('error404');
expect(findAll('').length, 'nav menu presence').to.equal(1);
// TODO: re-enable once modal reappears correctly
describe('editor', function () {
let origDebounce = run.debounce;
let origThrottle = run.throttle;
// we don't want the autosave interfering in this test
beforeEach(function () {
run.debounce = function () { };
run.throttle = function () { };
it('displays re-auth modal attempting to save with invalid session', async function () {
let role = this.server.create('role', {name: 'Administrator'});
this.server.create('user', {roles: [role]});
let testOn = 'save'; // use marker for different type of server.put result
// simulate an invalid session when saving the edited post
this.server.put('/posts/:id/', function ({posts, db}, {params}) {
let post = posts.find(;
let attrs = db.posts.find(; // use attribute from db.posts to avoid hasInverseFor error
if (testOn === 'edit') {
return new Response(401, {}, {
errors: [
{message: 'Access denied.', type: 'UnauthorizedError'}
} else {
return post.update(attrs);
await authenticateSession();
await visit('/editor');
// create the post
await fillIn('.gh-editor-title', 'Test Post');
await fillIn('.__mobiledoc-editor', 'Test post body');
await triggerKeyEvent('.gh-editor-title', 'keydown', 83, {
metaKey: ctrlOrCmd === 'command',
ctrlKey: ctrlOrCmd === 'ctrl'
// we shouldn't have a modal at this point
expect(findAll('.modal-container #login').length, 'modal exists').to.equal(0);
// we also shouldn't have any alerts
expect(findAll('.gh-alert').length, 'no of alerts').to.equal(0);
// update the post
testOn = 'edit';
await fillIn('.__mobiledoc-editor', 'Edited post body');
await triggerKeyEvent('.gh-editor-title', 'keydown', 83, {
metaKey: ctrlOrCmd === 'command',
ctrlKey: ctrlOrCmd === 'ctrl'
// we should see a re-auth modal
expect(findAll('.fullscreen-modal #login').length, 'modal exists').to.equal(1);
// don't clobber debounce/throttle for future tests
afterEach(function () {
run.debounce = origDebounce;
run.throttle = origThrottle;