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synced 2025-01-01 23:37:43 +03:00
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/2110 - dynamically defined properties on the config service did not have autotracking set up properly if they were accessed in any way before the property was defined, this caused problems in a number of areas because we have both "unauthed" and "authed" sets of config and when not logged in we had parts of the app checking for authed config properties that don't exist until after sign-in and subsequent config re-fetch - renamed `config` service to `configManager` and updated to only contain methods for fetching config data - added a `config` instance initializer that sets up a `TrackedObject` instance with some custom properties/methods and registers it on `config:main` - uses application instance initializer rather than a standard initializer because standard initializers are only called once when setting up the test suite so we'd end up with config leaking across tests - added an `@inject` decorator that when used takes the property name and injects whatever is registered at `${propertyName}:main`, this allows us to use dependency injection for any object rather than just services or controllers - using `application.inject()` in the initializer was initially used but that only works for objects that extend from `EmberObject`, the injections weren't available in native-class glimmer components so this decorator keeps the injection syntax consistent - swapped all `@service config` uses to `@inject config`
681 lines
22 KiB
681 lines
22 KiB
import Component from '@ember/component';
import ShortcutsMixin from 'ghost-admin/mixins/shortcuts';
import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator';
import ctrlOrCmd from 'ghost-admin/utils/ctrl-or-cmd';
import formatMarkdown from 'ghost-admin/utils/format-markdown';
import {action, computed} from '@ember/object';
import {assign} from '@ember/polyfills';
import {classNameBindings, classNames} from '@ember-decorators/component';
import {htmlSafe} from '@ember/template';
import {inject} from 'ghost-admin/decorators/inject';
import {isEmpty, typeOf} from '@ember/utils';
import {run} from '@ember/runloop';
import {inject as service} from '@ember/service';
/* eslint-disable ghost/ember/no-side-effects */
// bug in eslint-plugin-ember?
export default class GhMarkdownEditor extends Component.extend(ShortcutsMixin) {
@service notifications;
@service settings;
@inject config;
// Public attributes
autofocus = false;
imageMimeTypes = null;
isFullScreen = false;
markdown = null;
options = null;
placeholder = '';
showMarkdownHelp = false;
uploadedImageUrls = null;
enableSideBySide = true;
enablePreview = true;
enableHemingway = true;
shortcuts = null;
// Private
_editor = null;
_editorFocused = false;
_isFullScreen = false;
_isSplitScreen = false;
_isHemingwayMode = false;
_isUploading = false;
_showUnsplash = false;
_uploadedImageUrls = null;
// Closure actions
onChange() {}
onFullScreenToggle() {}
onImageFilesSelected() {}
onPreviewToggle() {}
onSplitScreenToggle() {}
get simpleMDEOptions() {
let options = this.options || {};
let defaultOptions = {
// use our Showdown config with sanitization for previews
previewRender(markdown) {
return formatMarkdown(markdown);
// Ghost-specific SimpleMDE toolbar config - allows us to create a
// bridge between SimpleMDE buttons and Ember actions
toolbar: [
'bold', 'italic', 'heading', '|',
'quote', 'unordered-list', 'ordered-list', '|',
name: 'image',
action: () => {
className: 'fa fa-picture-o',
title: 'Upload Image(s)'
name: 'preview',
action: () => {
className: 'fa fa-eye no-disable',
title: 'Render Preview (Ctrl-Alt-R)',
useCtrlOnMac: true
name: 'side-by-side',
action: () => {
className: 'fa fa-columns no-disable no-mobile',
title: 'Side-by-side Preview (Ctrl-Alt-P)',
useCtrlOnMac: true
name: 'spellcheck',
action: () => {
className: 'fa fa-check',
title: 'Spellcheck (Ctrl-Alt-S)',
useCtrlOnMac: true
name: 'hemingway',
action: () => {
className: 'fa fa-h-square',
title: 'Hemingway Mode (Ctrl-Alt-H)',
useCtrlOnMac: true
name: 'guide',
action: () => {
className: 'fa fa-question-circle',
title: 'Markdown Guide'
// disable shortcuts for side-by-side and fullscreen because they
// trigger interal SimpleMDE methods that will result in broken
// layouts
shortcuts: {
toggleFullScreen: null,
togglePreview: null,
toggleSideBySide: null,
drawImage: null
// only include the number of words in the status bar
status: ['words']
let toolbar = defaultOptions.toolbar;
if (!this.enableSideBySide) {
let sideBySide = toolbar.findBy('name', 'side-by-side');
let index = toolbar.indexOf(sideBySide);
toolbar.splice(index, 1);
if (!this.enablePreview) {
let preview = toolbar.findBy('name', 'preview');
let index = toolbar.indexOf(preview);
toolbar.splice(index, 1);
if (!this.enableHemingway) {
let hemingway = toolbar.findBy('name', 'hemingway');
let index = toolbar.indexOf(hemingway);
toolbar.splice(index, 1);
if (this.settings.unsplash) {
let image = toolbar.findBy('name', 'image');
let index = toolbar.indexOf(image) + 1;
toolbar.splice(index, 0, {
name: 'unsplash',
action: () => {
className: 'fa fa-camera',
title: 'Add Image from Unsplash'
let lastItem = null;
toolbar.forEach((item, index) => {
if (item === '|' && item === lastItem) {
toolbar[index] = null;
lastItem = item;
defaultOptions.toolbar = toolbar.filter(Boolean);
return assign(defaultOptions, options);
init() {
let shortcuts = {};
shortcuts[`${ctrlOrCmd}+shift+i`] = {action: 'openImageFileDialog'};
shortcuts['ctrl+alt+s'] = {action: 'toggleSpellcheck'};
if (this.enablePreview) {
shortcuts['ctrl+alt+r'] = {action: 'togglePreview'};
if (this.enableSideBySide) {
shortcuts['ctrl+alt+p'] = {action: 'toggleSplitScreen'};
if (this.enableHemingway) {
shortcuts['ctrl+alt+h'] = {action: 'toggleHemingway'};
this.shortcuts = shortcuts;
// extract markdown content from single markdown card
didReceiveAttrs() {
let uploadedImageUrls = this.uploadedImageUrls;
if (!isEmpty(uploadedImageUrls) && uploadedImageUrls !== this._uploadedImageUrls) {
this._uploadedImageUrls = uploadedImageUrls;
// must be done afterRender to avoid double modify of mobiledoc in a single render
run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this._insertImages, uploadedImageUrls);
// focus the editor when the markdown value changes, this is necessary
// because both the autofocus and markdown values can change without a
// re-render, eg. navigating from edit->new
if (this.autofocus && this._editor && this.markdown !== this._editor.value()) {
// use internal values to avoid updating bound values
if (!isEmpty(this.isFullScreen)) {
this.set('_isFullScreen', this.isFullScreen);
if (!isEmpty(this.isSplitScreen)) {
this.set('_isSplitScreen', this.isSplitScreen);
didInsertElement() {
// HACK: iOS will scroll the body up when activating the keyboard, this
// causes problems in the CodeMirror based editor because iOS doesn't
// scroll the cursor and other measurement elements which results in
// rather unfriendly behaviour with text appearing in seemingly random
// places and an inability to select things properly
// To get around this we use a raf loop that constantly makes sure the
// body scrollTop is 0 when the editor is on screen
let iOS = !!navigator.platform && /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform);
if (iOS) {
willDestroyElement() {
if (this._isSplitScreen) {
if (this._preventBodyScrollId) {
// trigger external update, any mobiledoc updates are handled there
updateMarkdown(markdown) {
// store a reference to the simplemde editor so that we can handle
// focusing and image uploads
setEditor(editor) {
this._editor = editor;
// disable CodeMirror's drag/drop handling as we want to handle that
// in the parent gh-editor component
this._editor.codemirror.setOption('dragDrop', false);
// default to spellchecker being off
this._editor.codemirror.setOption('mode', 'gfm');
// add non-breaking space as a special char
// eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex
this._editor.codemirror.setOption('specialChars', /[\u0000-\u001f\u007f-\u009f\u00ad\u061c\u200b-\u200f\u2028\u2029\ufeff\xa0]/g);
// used by the title input when the TAB or ENTER keys are pressed
focusEditor(position = 'bottom') {
if (position === 'bottom') {
} else if (position === 'top') {
return false;
// - clicking toolbar buttons will cause the editor to lose focus
// - this is painful because we often want to know if the editor has focus
// so that we can insert images and so on in the correct place
// - the blur event will always fire before the button action is triggered <20>
// - to work around this we track focus state manually and set it to false
// after an arbitrary period that's long enough to allow the button action
// to trigger first
// - this _may_ well have unknown issues due to browser differences,
// variations in performance, moon cycles, sun spots, or cosmic rays
// - here be <20>
// - (please let it work 🙏
updateFocusState(focused) {
if (focused) {
this._editorFocused = true;
} else {
run.later(this, function () {
this._editorFocused = false;
}, 100);
openImageFileDialog() {
let captureSelection = this._editor.codemirror.hasFocus();
toggleUnsplash() {
if (this._showUnsplash) {
return this.toggleProperty('_showUnsplash');
// capture current selection before it's lost by clicking toolbar btn
if (this._editorFocused) {
this._imageInsertSelection = {
anchor: this._editor.codemirror.getCursor('anchor'),
head: this._editor.codemirror.getCursor('head')
insertUnsplashPhoto({src, alt, caption}) {
let image = {
url: src,
credit: `<small>${caption}</small>`
togglePreview() {
toggleFullScreen() {
let isFullScreen = !this._isFullScreen;
this.set('_isFullScreen', isFullScreen);
// leave split screen when exiting full screen mode
if (!isFullScreen && this._isSplitScreen) {
toggleSplitScreen() {
let isSplitScreen = !this._isSplitScreen;
let previewButton = this._editor.toolbarElements.preview;
this.set('_isSplitScreen', isSplitScreen);
// set up the preview rendering and scroll sync
// afterRender is needed so that necessary components have been
// added/removed and editor pane length has settled
if (isSplitScreen) {
// disable the normal SimpleMDE preview if it's active
if (this._editor.isPreviewActive()) {
let preview = this._editor.toolbar.find(button => button.name === 'preview');
if (previewButton) {
run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this._connectSplitPreview);
} else {
if (previewButton) {
run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this._disconnectSplitPreview);
// go fullscreen when entering split screen mode
toggleSpellcheck() {
toggleHemingway() {
toggleMarkdownHelp() {
_preventBodyScroll() {
this._preventBodyScrollId = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
let body = document.querySelector('body');
// only scroll the editor if the editor is active so that we don't
// clobber scroll-to-input behaviour in the PSM
if (document.activeElement.closest('.CodeMirror')) {
if (body.scrollTop !== 0) {
let editor = document.querySelector('.gh-markdown-editor');
// scroll the editor by the same amount the body has been scrolled,
// this should keep the cursor on screen when opening the keyboard
editor.scrollTop += body.scrollTop;
body.scrollTop = 0;
_insertImages(urls) {
let cm = this._editor.codemirror;
// loop through urls and generate image markdown
let images = urls.map((url) => {
// plain url string, so extract filename from path
if (typeOf(url) === 'string') {
let filename = url.split('/').pop();
let alt = filename;
// if we have a normal filename.ext, set alt to filename -ext
if (filename.lastIndexOf('.') > 0) {
alt = filename.slice(0, filename.lastIndexOf('.'));
return `![${alt}](${url})`;
// full url object, use attrs we're given
} else {
let image = `![${url.alt}](${url.url})`;
if (url.credit) {
image += `\n${url.credit}`;
return image;
let text = images.join('\n\n');
// clicking the image toolbar button will lose the selection so we use
// the captured selection to re-select here
if (this._imageInsertSelection) {
// we want to focus but not re-position
this.send('focusEditor', null);
// re-select and clear the captured selection so drag/drop still
// inserts at the correct place
this._imageInsertSelection = null;
// focus editor and place cursor at end if not already focused
if (!cm.hasFocus()) {
text = `\n\n${text}\n\n`;
// insert at cursor or replace selection then position cursor at end
// of inserted text
cm.replaceSelection(text, 'end');
// mark the split-pane/full-screen/spellcheck buttons active when they're active
_updateButtonState() {
if (this._editor) {
let sideBySideButton = this._editor.toolbarElements['side-by-side'];
let spellcheckButton = this._editor.toolbarElements.spellcheck;
let hemingwayButton = this._editor.toolbarElements.hemingway;
if (sideBySideButton) {
if (this._isSplitScreen) {
} else {
if (spellcheckButton) {
if (this._editor.codemirror.getOption('mode') === 'spell-checker') {
} else {
if (hemingwayButton) {
if (this._isHemingwayMode) {
} else {
// set up the preview auto-update and scroll sync
_connectSplitPreview() {
let cm = this._editor.codemirror;
let editor = this._editor;
let editorPane = this.element.querySelector('.gh-markdown-editor-pane');
let previewPane = this.element.querySelector('.gh-markdown-editor-preview');
let previewContent = this.element.querySelector('.gh-markdown-editor-preview-content');
this._editorPane = editorPane;
this._previewPane = previewPane;
this._previewContent = previewContent;
// from SimpleMDE -------
let sideBySideRenderingFunction = function () {
previewContent.innerHTML = editor.options.previewRender(
cm.sideBySideRenderingFunction = sideBySideRenderingFunction;
cm.on('update', cm.sideBySideRenderingFunction);
// Refresh to fix selection being off (#309)
// ----------------------
this._onEditorPaneScroll = this._scrollHandler.bind(this);
editorPane.addEventListener('scroll', this._onEditorPaneScroll, false);
_scrollHandler() {
if (!this._scrollSyncTicking) {
this._scrollSyncTicking = true;
_scrollSync() {
let editorPane = this._editorPane;
let previewPane = this._previewPane;
let height = editorPane.scrollHeight - editorPane.clientHeight;
let ratio = parseFloat(editorPane.scrollTop) / height;
let move = (previewPane.scrollHeight - previewPane.clientHeight) * ratio;
previewPane.scrollTop = move;
this._scrollSyncTicking = false;
_disconnectSplitPreview() {
let cm = this._editor.codemirror;
cm.off('update', cm.sideBySideRenderingFunction);
this._editorPane.removeEventListener('scroll', this._onEditorPaneScroll, false);
delete this._previewPane;
delete this._previewPaneContent;
delete this._onEditorPaneScroll;
_openImageFileDialog({captureSelection = true} = {}) {
if (captureSelection) {
// capture the current selection before it's lost by clicking the
// file input button
this._imageInsertSelection = {
anchor: this._editor.codemirror.getCursor('anchor'),
head: this._editor.codemirror.getCursor('head')
// trigger the dialog via gh-file-input, when a file is selected it will
// trigger the onImageFilesSelected closure action
// wrap SimpleMDE's built-in preview toggle so that we can trigger a closure
// action that can apply our own classes higher up in the DOM
_togglePreview() {
_toggleSpellcheck() {
let cm = this._editor.codemirror;
if (cm.getOption('mode') === 'spell-checker') {
cm.setOption('mode', 'gfm');
} else {
cm.setOption('mode', 'spell-checker');
_toggleHemingway() {
let cm = this._editor.codemirror;
let extraKeys = cm.getOption('extraKeys');
let notificationText = '';
this._isHemingwayMode = !this._isHemingwayMode;
if (this._isHemingwayMode) {
notificationText = '<span class="gh-notification-title">Hemingway Mode On:</span> Write now; edit later. Backspace disabled.';
extraKeys.Backspace = function () {};
} else {
notificationText = '<span class="gh-notification-title">Hemingway Mode Off:</span> Normal editing restored.';
delete extraKeys.Backspace;
cm.setOption('extraKeys', extraKeys);
{key: 'editor.hemingwaymode'}