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synced 2024-12-19 08:31:43 +03:00
no issue - rollup of minor dependency updates - bump yarn.lock sub-dependencies - remove deprecated use of `testSelector`
243 lines
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243 lines
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/* jshint expr:true */
import destroyApp from '../helpers/destroy-app';
import startApp from '../helpers/start-app';
import {afterEach, beforeEach, describe, it} from 'mocha';
import {authenticateSession, invalidateSession} from 'ghost-admin/tests/helpers/ember-simple-auth';
import {expect} from 'chai';
describe('Acceptance: Subscribers', function() {
let application;
beforeEach(function() {
application = startApp();
afterEach(function() {
it('redirects to signin when not authenticated', async function () {
await visit('/subscribers');
it('redirects editors to posts', async function () {
let role = server.create('role', {name: 'Editor'});
server.create('user', {roles: [role]});
await visit('/subscribers');
expect(find('.gh-nav-main a:contains("Subscribers")').length, 'sidebar link is visible')
it('redirects authors to posts', async function () {
let role = server.create('role', {name: 'Author'});
server.create('user', {roles: [role]});
await visit('/subscribers');
expect(find('.gh-nav-main a:contains("Subscribers")').length, 'sidebar link is visible')
describe('an admin', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
let role = server.create('role', {name: 'Administrator'});
server.create('user', {roles: [role]});
return authenticateSession(application);
it('can manage subscribers', async function () {
server.createList('subscriber', 40);
await visit('/');
await click('.gh-nav-main a:contains("Subscribers")');
// it navigates to the correct page
// it has correct page title
expect(document.title, 'page title')
.to.equal('Subscribers - Test Blog');
// it loads the first page
expect(find('.subscribers-table .lt-body .lt-row').length, 'number of subscriber rows')
// it shows the total number of subscribers
expect(find('[data-test-total-subscribers]').text().trim(), 'displayed subscribers total')
// it defaults to sorting by created_at desc
let [lastRequest] = server.pretender.handledRequests.slice(-1);
expect(lastRequest.queryParams.order).to.equal('created_at desc');
let createdAtHeader = find('.subscribers-table th:contains("Subscription Date")');
expect(createdAtHeader.hasClass('is-sorted'), 'createdAt column is sorted')
expect(createdAtHeader.find('.gh-icon-descending').length, 'createdAt column has descending icon')
// click the column to re-order
await click('th:contains("Subscription Date")');
// it flips the directions and re-fetches
[lastRequest] = server.pretender.handledRequests.slice(-1);
expect(lastRequest.queryParams.order).to.equal('created_at asc');
createdAtHeader = find('.subscribers-table th:contains("Subscription Date")');
expect(createdAtHeader.find('.gh-icon-ascending').length, 'createdAt column has ascending icon')
// TODO: scroll test disabled as ember-light-table doesn't calculate
// the scroll trigger element's positioning against the scroll
// container - https://github.com/offirgolan/ember-light-table/issues/201
// // scroll to the bottom of the table to simulate infinite scroll
// await find('.subscribers-table').scrollTop(find('.subscribers-table .ember-light-table').height() - 50);
// // trigger infinite scroll
// await triggerEvent('.subscribers-table tbody', 'scroll');
// // it loads the next page
// expect(find('.subscribers-table .lt-body .lt-row').length, 'number of subscriber rows after infinite-scroll')
// .to.equal(40);
// click the add subscriber button
await click('.gh-btn:contains("Add Subscriber")');
// it displays the add subscriber modal
expect(find('.fullscreen-modal').length, 'add subscriber modal displayed')
// cancel the modal
await click('.fullscreen-modal .gh-btn:contains("Cancel")');
// it closes the add subscriber modal
expect(find('.fullscreen-modal').length, 'add subscriber modal displayed after cancel')
// save a new subscriber
await click('.gh-btn:contains("Add Subscriber")');
await fillIn('.fullscreen-modal input[name="email"]', 'test@example.com');
await click('.fullscreen-modal .gh-btn:contains("Add")');
// the add subscriber modal is closed
expect(find('.fullscreen-modal').length, 'add subscriber modal displayed after save')
// the subscriber is added to the table
expect(find('.subscribers-table .lt-body .lt-row:first-of-type .lt-cell:first-of-type').text().trim(), 'first email in list after addition')
// the table is scrolled to the top
// TODO: implement scroll to new record after addition
// expect(find('.subscribers-table').scrollTop(), 'scroll position after addition')
// .to.equal(0);
// the subscriber total is updated
expect(find('[data-test-total-subscribers]').text().trim(), 'subscribers total after addition')
// saving a duplicate subscriber
await click('.gh-btn:contains("Add Subscriber")');
await fillIn('.fullscreen-modal input[name="email"]', 'test@example.com');
await click('.fullscreen-modal .gh-btn:contains("Add")');
// the validation error is displayed
expect(find('.fullscreen-modal .error .response').text().trim(), 'duplicate email validation')
.to.equal('Email already exists.');
// the subscriber is not added to the table
expect(find('.lt-cell:contains(test@example.com)').length, 'number of "test@example.com rows"')
// the subscriber total is unchanged
expect(find('[data-test-total-subscribers]').text().trim(), 'subscribers total after failed add')
// deleting a subscriber
await click('.fullscreen-modal .gh-btn:contains("Cancel")');
await click('.subscribers-table tbody tr:first-of-type button:last-of-type');
// it displays the delete subscriber modal
expect(find('.fullscreen-modal').length, 'delete subscriber modal displayed')
// cancel the modal
await click('.fullscreen-modal .gh-btn:contains("Cancel")');
// it closes the add subscriber modal
expect(find('.fullscreen-modal').length, 'delete subscriber modal displayed after cancel')
await click('.subscribers-table tbody tr:first-of-type button:last-of-type');
await click('.fullscreen-modal .gh-btn:contains("Delete")');
// the add subscriber modal is closed
expect(find('.fullscreen-modal').length, 'delete subscriber modal displayed after confirm')
// the subscriber is removed from the table
expect(find('.subscribers-table .lt-body .lt-row:first-of-type .lt-cell:first-of-type').text().trim(), 'first email in list after addition')
// the subscriber total is updated
expect(find('[data-test-total-subscribers]').text().trim(), 'subscribers total after addition')
// click the import subscribers button
await click('.gh-btn:contains("Import CSV")');
// it displays the import subscribers modal
expect(find('.fullscreen-modal').length, 'import subscribers modal displayed')
expect(find('.fullscreen-modal input[type="file"]').length, 'import modal contains file input')
// cancel the modal
await click('.fullscreen-modal .gh-btn:contains("Cancel")');
// it closes the import subscribers modal
expect(find('.fullscreen-modal').length, 'import subscribers modal displayed after cancel')
await click('.gh-btn:contains("Import CSV")');
await fileUpload('.fullscreen-modal input[type="file"]', ['test'], {name: 'test.csv'});
// modal title changes
expect(find('.fullscreen-modal h1').text().trim(), 'import modal title after import')
.to.equal('Import Successful');
// modal button changes
expect(find('.fullscreen-modal .modal-footer button').text().trim(), 'import modal button text after import')
// subscriber total is updated
expect(find('[data-test-total-subscribers]').text().trim(), 'subscribers total after import')
// table is reset
[lastRequest] = server.pretender.handledRequests.slice(-1);
expect(lastRequest.url, 'endpoint requested after import')
expect(lastRequest.queryParams.page, 'page requested after import')
expect(find('.subscribers-table .lt-body .lt-row').length, 'number of rows in table after import')
// close modal