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synced 2024-12-27 21:03:29 +03:00
ref https://www.notion.so/AdminX-testing-plan-99b2dab27e794fc893767ccd01c84a63?d=26612fc2b9d84e65bbb269fa3bc5079e&pvs=4#f0089cd4d9f24e93bd7f8e2868987bf6 This pull request renames the end-to-end tests to acceptance tests in the `apps/admin-x-settings` folder. It updates the `ci.yml` file, the `package.json` file, the `playwright.config.ts` file, and the test files to reflect the new naming convention. This change aims to better reflect the purpose and scope of the tests.
59 lines
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59 lines
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import {defineConfig, devices} from '@playwright/test';
export const E2E_PORT = 5173;
* See https://playwright.dev/docs/test-configuration.
export default defineConfig({
testDir: './test/acceptance',
/* Run tests in files in parallel */
fullyParallel: true,
/* Fail the build on CI if you accidentally left test.only in the source code. */
forbidOnly: !!process.env.CI,
/* Retry on CI only */
retries: process.env.CI ? 2 : 0,
/* Hardcode to use all cores in CI */
workers: process.env.CI ? '100%' : (process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_SLOWMO ? 1 : undefined),
/* Reporter to use. See https://playwright.dev/docs/test-reporters */
reporter: 'html',
/* Shared settings for all the projects below. See https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-testoptions. */
use: {
baseURL: `http://localhost:${E2E_PORT}`,
/* Collect trace when retrying the failed test. See https://playwright.dev/docs/trace-viewer */
trace: 'on-first-retry',
launchOptions: {
slowMo: parseInt(process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_SLOWMO ?? '') || 0,
// force GPU hardware acceleration
// (even in headless mode)
args: ['--use-gl=egl']
/* Configure projects for major browsers */
projects: [
name: 'chromium',
use: {...devices['Desktop Chrome']}
...(process.env.ALL_BROWSERS ? [{
name: 'firefox',
use: {...devices['Desktop Firefox']}
name: 'webkit',
use: {...devices['Desktop Safari']}
}] : [])
/* Run local dev server before starting the tests */
webServer: {
command: `yarn dev:start`,
url: `http://localhost:${E2E_PORT}`,
reuseExistingServer: !process.env.CI,
timeout: 10000