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synced 2025-01-03 00:15:11 +03:00
closes https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1254 - when switching over to a more generic file paste handling the prevention of the default paste behaviour was missed meaning an additional image element was added to the contenteditable area which was not rendered on the front-end and disappeared when reloading the post
1685 lines
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1685 lines
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* Based on ember-mobiledoc-editor
* https://github.com/bustle/ember-mobiledoc-editor
import Browser from 'mobiledoc-kit/utils/browser';
import Component from '@ember/component';
import Editor from 'mobiledoc-kit/editor/editor';
import EmberObject, {computed, get} from '@ember/object';
import Key from 'mobiledoc-kit/utils/key';
import MobiledocRange from 'mobiledoc-kit/utils/cursor/range';
import calculateReadingTime from '../utils/reading-time';
import defaultAtoms, {ATOM_COMPONENT_MAP} from '../options/atoms';
import defaultCards, {CARD_COMPONENT_MAP, CARD_ICON_MAP} from '../options/cards';
import formatMarkdown from 'ghost-admin/utils/format-markdown';
import registerKeyCommands from '../options/key-commands';
import registerTextExpansions from '../options/text-expansions';
import validator from 'validator';
import {A} from '@ember/array';
import {TrackedObject} from 'tracked-built-ins';
import {action} from '@ember/object';
import {assign} from '@ember/polyfills';
import {camelize, capitalize} from '@ember/string';
import {canInsertCardsFromFiles, insertCardsFromFiles} from '../utils/insert-cards-from-files';
import {captureMessage} from '@sentry/browser';
import {createParserPlugins} from '@tryghost/kg-parser-plugins';
import {getContentFromPasteEvent} from 'mobiledoc-kit/utils/parse-utils';
import {getLinkMarkupFromRange} from '../utils/markup-utils';
import {getOwner} from '@ember/application';
import {getParent} from '../lib/dnd/utils';
import {utils as ghostHelperUtils} from '@tryghost/helpers';
import {guidFor} from '@ember/object/internals';
import {run} from '@ember/runloop';
import {inject as service} from '@ember/service';
import {svgJar} from 'ghost-admin/helpers/svg-jar';
import {task, waitForProperty} from 'ember-concurrency';
const {countWords} = ghostHelperUtils;
const UNDO_DEPTH = 100;
export const ADD_CARD_HOOK = 'addComponent';
export const REMOVE_CARD_HOOK = 'removeComponent';
export const ADD_ATOM_HOOK = 'addAtomComponent';
export const REMOVE_ATOM_HOOK = 'removeAtomComponent';
// used in test helpers to grab a reference to the underlying mobiledoc editor
export const TESTING_EXPANDO_PROPERTY = '__mobiledoc_kit_editor';
// blank doc contains a single empty paragraph so that there's some content for
// the cursor to start in
export const MOBILEDOC_VERSION = '0.3.1';
export const BLANK_DOC = {
ghostVersion: '4.0',
markups: [],
atoms: [],
cards: [],
sections: [
[1, 'p', [
[0, [], 0, '']
export const CURSOR_BEFORE = -1;
export const CURSOR_AFTER = 1;
export const NO_CURSOR_MOVEMENT = 0;
// markups that should not be continued when typing and reverted to their
// text expansion style when backspacing over final char of markup
export const SPECIAL_MARKUPS = {
S: '~~',
CODE: '`',
SUP: '^',
SUB: '~'
export function getBlankMobileDoc(defaultTag = 'p') {
return {
sections: [
[1, defaultTag, [
[0, [], 0, '']
export function arrayToMap(array) {
let map = Object.create(null);
array.forEach((key) => {
if (key) { // skip undefined/falsy key values
key = `is${capitalize(camelize(key))}`;
map[key] = true;
return map;
// if the cursor is at the end of one of our "special" markups that can only be
// toggled via markdown expansions then we want to ensure that the markup is
// removed from the edit state so that you can type without being stuck with
// the special formatting
export function toggleSpecialFormatEditState(editor) {
let {head, isCollapsed} = editor.range;
if (isCollapsed) {
Object.keys(SPECIAL_MARKUPS).forEach((tagName) => {
tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
if (head.marker && head.marker.hasMarkup(tagName) && editor._editState.activeMarkups.findBy('tagName', tagName)) {
let nextMarker = head.markerIn(1);
if (!nextMarker || !nextMarker.hasMarkup(tagName)) {
// there is a bug somehwhere that means after pasting
// content the _editState can end up with multiple
// instances of the markup so we need to toggle all of them
editor._editState.activeMarkups.filterBy('tagName', tagName).forEach((markup) => {
export default Component.extend({
feature: service(),
koenigDragDropHandler: service(),
koenigUi: service(),
tagName: 'article',
classNames: ['koenig-editor', 'w-100', 'flex-grow', 'relative', 'center', 'mb0', 'mt0'],
// public attrs
mobiledoc: null,
placeholder: 'Write here...',
autofocus: false,
spellcheck: true,
options: null,
headerOffset: 0,
dropTargetSelector: null,
scrollContainerSelector: null,
scrollOffsetTopSelector: null,
scrollOffsetBottomSelector: null,
// internal properties
editor: null,
activeMarkupTagNames: null,
activeSectionTagNames: null,
selectedRange: null,
componentAtoms: null,
componentCards: null,
linkRange: null,
selectedCard: null,
// private properties
_localMobiledoc: null,
_upstreamMobiledoc: null,
_startedRunLoop: false,
_lastIsEditingDisabled: false,
_isRenderingEditor: false,
_skipCursorChange: false,
_modifierKeys: null,
// closure actions
willCreateEditor() {},
didCreateEditor() {},
onChange() {},
cursorDidExitAtTop() {},
wordCountDidChange() {},
/* computed properties -------------------------------------------------- */
// merge in named options with any passed in `options` property data-bag
editorOptions: computed(function () {
let options = this.options || {};
let atoms = this.atoms || [];
let cards = this.cards || [];
// add our default atoms and cards, we want the defaults to be first so
// that they can be overridden by any passed-in atoms or cards.
// Use Array.concat to avoid modifying any passed in array references
atoms = defaultAtoms.concat(atoms);
cards = defaultCards.concat(cards);
return assign({
placeholder: this.placeholder,
spellcheck: this.spellcheck,
autofocus: this.autofocus,
}, options);
addSnippetIfPossible: computed('saveSnippet', function () {
return this.saveSnippet ? this.addSnippet : undefined;
saveCardAsSnippetIfPossible: computed('saveSnippet', function () {
return this.saveSnippet ? this.saveCardAsSnippet : undefined;
allComponentCardsRegistered: computed('componentCards.@each.component', function () {
return this.componentCards.every(card => typeof card.component === 'object');
/* lifecycle hooks ------------------------------------------------------ */
init() {
// set a blank mobiledoc if we didn't receive anything
let mobiledoc = this.mobiledoc;
if (!mobiledoc) {
mobiledoc = BLANK_DOC;
this.set('mobiledoc', mobiledoc);
this.set('componentAtoms', A([]));
this.set('componentCards', A([]));
this.set('activeMarkupTagNames', {});
this.set('activeSectionTagNames', {});
this._modifierKeys = {
shift: false,
alt: false,
ctrl: false
// track mousedown/mouseup on the window rather than the ember component
// so that we're sure to get the events even when they start outside of
// this component or end outside the window.
// Mouse events are used to track when a mousebutton is down so that we
// can disable automatic cursor-in-viewport scrolling
this._onMousedownHandler = run.bind(this, this.handleMousedown);
window.addEventListener('mousedown', this._onMousedownHandler);
this._onMouseupHandler = run.bind(this, this.handleMouseup);
window.addEventListener('mouseup', this._onMouseupHandler);
this._startedRunLoop = false;
willRender() {
// use a default mobiledoc. If there are no changes then return early
let mobiledoc = this.mobiledoc || BLANK_DOC;
let mobiledocIsSame =
(this._localMobiledoc && this._localMobiledoc === mobiledoc) ||
(this._upstreamMobiledoc && this._upstreamMobiledoc === mobiledoc);
let isEditingDisabledIsSame =
this._lastIsEditingDisabled === this.isEditingDisabled;
// no change to mobiledoc, no need to recreate the editor
if (mobiledocIsSame && isEditingDisabledIsSame) {
// update our internal references
this._lastIsEditingDisabled = this.isEditingDisabled;
this._upstreamMobiledoc = mobiledoc;
this._localMobiledoc = null;
// trigger the willCreateEditor closure action
// teardown any old editor that might be around
let editor = this.editor;
if (editor) {
// create a new editor
let editorOptions = this.editorOptions;
editorOptions.mobiledoc = mobiledoc;
editorOptions.showLinkTooltips = false;
editorOptions.undoDepth = UNDO_DEPTH;
editorOptions.parserPlugins = createParserPlugins();
let componentHooks = {
// triggered when a card section is added to the mobiledoc
[ADD_CARD_HOOK]: ({env, options, payload}, koenigOptions) => {
let cardName = env.name;
let componentName = CARD_COMPONENT_MAP[cardName];
// the payload must be copied to avoid sharing the reference.
// `payload.files` is special because it's set by paste/drag-n-drop
// events and can't be copied for security reasons
let {files} = payload;
let payloadCopy = new TrackedObject(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(payload || null)));
payloadCopy.files = files;
// all of the properties that will be passed through to the
// component cards via the template
let card = EmberObject.create({
payload: payloadCopy,
postModel: env.postModel,
isSelected: false,
isEditing: false
// the desination element is the container that gets rendered
// inside the editor, once rendered we use {{in-element}} to
// wormhole in the actual ember component
let cardId = guidFor(card);
let destinationElementId = `koenig-editor-card-${cardId}`;
let destinationElement = document.createElement('div');
destinationElement.id = destinationElementId;
// after render we render the full ember card via {{in-element}}
run.schedule('afterRender', () => {
// render the destination element inside the editor
return {card, element: destinationElement};
// triggered when a card section is removed from the mobiledoc
[REMOVE_CARD_HOOK]: (card) => {
[ADD_ATOM_HOOK]: ({env, options, value, payload}) => {
const atomName = env.name;
const componentName = ATOM_COMPONENT_MAP[atomName];
const payloadCopy = new TrackedObject(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(payload || null)));
const atom = EmberObject.create({
payload: payloadCopy,
// the desination element is the container that gets rendered
// inside the editor, once rendered we use {{in-element}} to
// wormhole in the actual ember component
let atomId = guidFor(atom);
let destinationElementId = `koenig-editor-atom-${atomId}`;
let destinationElement = document.createElement('div');
destinationElement.id = destinationElementId;
run.schedule('afterRender', () => {
// render the destination element inside the editor
return {atom, element: destinationElement};
[REMOVE_ATOM_HOOK]: (atom) => {
editorOptions.cardOptions = Object.assign({}, this.cardOptions, componentHooks);
editor = new Editor(editorOptions);
// set up key commands and text expansions (MD conversion)
// TODO: this will override any passed in options, we should allow the
// default behaviour to be overridden by addon consumers
registerKeyCommands(editor, this);
registerTextExpansions(editor, this);
// set up editor hooks
editor.willRender(() => {
// The editor's render/rerender will happen after this `editor.willRender`,
// so we explicitly start a runloop here if there is none, so that the
// add/remove card hooks happen inside a runloop.
// When pasting text that gets turned into a card, for example,
// the add card hook would run outside the runloop if we didn't begin a new
// one now.
if (!run.currentRunLoop) {
this._startedRunLoop = true;
editor.didRender(() => {
// if we had explicitly started a runloop in `editor.willRender`,
// we must explicitly end it here
if (this._startedRunLoop) {
this._startedRunLoop = false;
if (this._cleanupScheduled) {
run.schedule('afterRender', this, this._cleanupTask.perform);
editor.postDidChange(() => {
run.join(() => {
editor.cursorDidChange(() => {
run.join(() => {
editor.inputModeDidChange(() => {
if (this.isDestroyed) {
run.join(() => {
editor.willHandleNewline((event) => {
run.join(() => {
if (this.isEditingDisabled) {
this.set('editor', editor);
run.schedule('afterRender', this, this._registerCardReorderDragDropHandler);
run.schedule('afterRender', this, this._calculateWordCount);
didInsertElement() {
let editorElement = this.element.querySelector('[data-kg="editor"]');
this._pasteHandler = run.bind(this, this.handlePaste);
editorElement.addEventListener('paste', this._pasteHandler);
if (this.scrollContainerSelector) {
this._scrollContainer = document.querySelector(this.scrollContainerSelector);
this._keydownHandler = run.bind(this, this.handleKeydown);
window.addEventListener('keydown', this._keydownHandler);
this._keyupHandler = run.bind(this, this.handleKeyup);
window.addEventListener('keyup', this._keyupHandler);
this._dropTarget = document.querySelector(this.dropTargetSelector) || this.element;
this._dragOverHandler = run.bind(this, this.handleDragOver);
this._dragLeaveHandler = run.bind(this, this.handleDragLeave);
this._dropHandler = run.bind(this, this.handleDrop);
this._dropTarget.addEventListener('dragover', this._dragOverHandler);
this._dropTarget.addEventListener('dragleave', this._dragLeaveHandler);
this._dropTarget.addEventListener('drop', this._dropHandler);
// our ember component has rendered, now we need to render the mobiledoc
// editor itself if necessary
didRender() {
let editor = this.editor;
if (!editor.hasRendered) {
let editorElement = this.element.querySelector('[data-kg="editor"]');
this._isRenderingEditor = true;
this._isRenderingEditor = false;
willDestroyElement() {
let {editor, _dropTarget, _cardDragDropContainer} = this;
_dropTarget.removeEventListener('dragover', this._dragOverHandler);
_dropTarget.removeEventListener('dragleave', this._dragLeaveHandler);
_dropTarget.removeEventListener('drop', this._dropHandler);
window.removeEventListener('keydown', this._keydownHandler);
window.removeEventListener('keyup', this._keyupHandler);
let editorElement = this.element.querySelector('[data-kg="editor"]');
editorElement.removeEventListener('paste', this._pasteHandler);
actions: {
exitCursorAtTop() {
if (this.selectedCard) {
toggleMarkup(markupTagName, postEditor) {
(postEditor || this.editor).toggleMarkup(markupTagName);
toggleSection(sectionTagName, postEditor) {
(postEditor || this.editor).toggleSection(sectionTagName);
toggleHeaderSection(headingTagName, postEditor, options = {}) {
let editor = this.editor;
// skip toggle if we already have the same heading level
if (!options.force && editor.activeSection.tagName === headingTagName) {
let operation = function (operationPostEditor) {
// strip all formatting aside from links
m => m.tagName !== 'a'
this._performEdit(operation, postEditor);
replaceWithCardSection(cardName, range, payload) {
let editor = this.editor;
let {head: {section}} = range;
editor.run((postEditor) => {
let {builder} = postEditor;
let card = builder.createCardSection(cardName, payload);
let nextSection = section.next;
let needsTrailingParagraph = !nextSection;
postEditor.replaceSection(section, card);
// add an empty paragraph after if necessary so writing can continue
if (needsTrailingParagraph) {
let newSection = postEditor.builder.createMarkupSection('p');
} else {
// cards are pushed on to the `componentCards` array so we can
// assume that the last card in the list is the one we want to
// select. Needs to be scheduled afterRender so that the new card
// is actually present
const editOrSelectCard = (card) => {
if (card.koenigOptions.hasEditMode) {
} else if (card.koenigOptions.selectAfterInsert) {
run.schedule('afterRender', this, function () {
let card = this.componentCards.lastObject;
// Sentry was showing `card` being undefined at times (id: 2451728694).
// Retrying with logging to see if it's a case of multiple render loops
// or some other underlying issue
// TODO: check Sentry for issue occurence after 4.13.0
if (!card) {
captureMessage('replaceWithCardSection: card was not present after first render');
console.warn('replaceWithCardSection: card was not present after first render'); // eslint-disable-line
run.schedule('afterRender', this, function () {
card = this.componentCards.lastObject;
if (!card) {
captureMessage('replaceWithCardSection: card was not present after second render');
console.warn('replaceWithCardSection: card was not present after second render'); // eslint-disable-line
replaceWithPost(range, post) {
let {editor} = this;
let {head: {section}} = range;
editor.run((postEditor) => {
let nextPosition = postEditor.deleteRange(section.toRange());
let blankSection = postEditor.builder.createMarkupSection('p');
postEditor.insertSectionBefore(editor.post.sections, blankSection);
nextPosition = postEditor.insertPost(editor.range.head, post);
selectCard(card) {
editCard(card) {
deselectCard(card) {
scrollToCard(card) {
this._scrollCursorIntoView({jumpToCard: true});
// range should be set to the full extent of the selection or the
// appropriate <a> markup. If there's a selection when the link edit
// component renders it will re-select when finished which should
// trigger the normal toolbar
editLink(range, rect) {
let linkMarkup = getLinkMarkupFromRange(range);
if ((!range.isCollapsed || linkMarkup) && range.headSection.isMarkerable) {
this.set('linkRange', range);
this.set('linkRect', rect);
cancelEditLink() {
this.set('linkRange', null);
this.set('linkRect', null);
deleteCard(card, cursorMovement = CURSOR_AFTER) {
this.deleteCard(card, cursorMovement);
moveCursorToPrevSection(card) {
let section = this.getSectionFromCard(card);
if (section.prev) {
this.moveCaretToTailOfSection(section.prev, false);
moveCursorToNextSection(card) {
let section = this.getSectionFromCard(card);
if (section.next) {
this.moveCaretToHeadOfSection(section.next, false);
} else {
this.send('addParagraphAfterCard', card);
addParagraphAfterCard(card, {scrollIntoView = false} = {}) {
let editor = this.editor;
let section = this.getSectionFromCard(card);
let collection = section.parent.sections;
let nextSection = section.next;
editor.run((postEditor) => {
let {builder} = postEditor;
let newPara = builder.createMarkupSection('p');
if (nextSection) {
postEditor.insertSectionBefore(collection, newPara, nextSection);
} else {
if (scrollIntoView) {
run.schedule('afterRender', this, this._scrollCursorIntoView);
openSelectorComponent(componentName, range) {
if (range) {
// wait 1ms for event loop to finish so mobiledoc-kit doesn't
// get hung up processing keyboard events when focus has switched
// to selector search input
run.later(() => {
this.set('activeSelectorComponent', componentName);
closeSelectorComponent() {
this.set('activeSelectorComponent', null);
addSnippet: action(function (event) {
let {selectedRange} = this;
if (selectedRange.isCollapsed) {
this.set('snippetRect', null);
this.set('snippetRange', selectedRange);
saveCardAsSnippet: action(function (card) {
let section = this.getSectionFromCard(card);
this.set('snippetRect', card.component.element.getBoundingClientRect());
this.set('snippetRange', section.toRange());
cancelAddSnippet: action(function () {
this.set('snippetRange', null);
this.set('snippetRect', null);
/* public interface ----------------------------------------------------- */
// TODO: find a better way to expose the public interface?
skipNewline() {
this._skipNextNewline = true;
cleanup() {
this._cleanupScheduled = true;
/* mobiledoc event handlers --------------------------------------------- */
postDidChange(editor) {
let updatedMobiledoc = editor.serialize(MOBILEDOC_VERSION);
// mobiledoc-kit will not output any custom top-level properties so we
// need to add them back in here
updatedMobiledoc.ghostVersion = this._upstreamMobiledoc.ghostVersion || BLANK_DOC.ghostVersion;
this._localMobiledoc = updatedMobiledoc;
// trigger closure action
// re-calculate word count
// refresh drag/drop
// TODO: can be made more performant by only refreshing when droppable
// order changes or when sections are added/removed
cursorDidChange(editor) {
let {head, tail, direction, isCollapsed, head: {section}} = editor.range;
// sometimes we perform a programatic edit that causes a cursor change
// but we actually want to skip the default behaviour because we've
// already handled it, e.g. on card insertion, manual card selection
if (this._skipCursorChange) {
this._skipCursorChange = false;
this.set('selectedRange', editor.range);
// ignore the cursor moving from one end to the other within a selected
// card section, clicking and other interactions within a card can cause
// this to happen and we don't want to select/deselect accidentally.
// See the up/down/left/right key handlers for the card selection
if (this.selectedCard && this.selectedCard.postModel === section) {
// select the card if the cursor is on the before/after ‌ char
if (section && isCollapsed && section.type === 'card-section') {
if (head.offset === 0 || head.offset === 1) {
// select card after render to ensure that our componentCards
// attr is populated
run.schedule('afterRender', this, () => {
let card = this.getCardFromSection(section);
this.set('selectedRange', editor.range);
// deselect any selected card because the cursor is no longer on a card
if (this.selectedCard && !editor.range.isBlank) {
// if we have `code` or ~strike~ formatting to the left but not the right
// then toggle the formatting - these formats should only be creatable
// through the text expansions
// do not include the tail section if it's offset is 0
// fixes triple-click unexpectedly selecting two sections for section-level formatting
// https://github.com/bustle/mobiledoc-kit/issues/597
if (direction === 1 && !isCollapsed && tail.offset === 0 && tail.section.prev) {
let finalSection = tail.section.prev;
let newRange = new MobiledocRange(head, finalSection.tailPosition());
return editor.selectRange(newRange);
// pass the selected range through to the toolbar + menu components
this.set('selectedRange', editor.range);
// fired when the active section(s) or markup(s) at the current cursor
// position or selection have changed. We use this event to update the
// activeMarkup/section tag lists which control button states in our popup
// toolbar
inputModeDidChange(editor) {
let markupTags = arrayToMap(editor.activeMarkups.map(m => m.tagName));
// editor.activeSections are leaf sections.
// Map parent section tag names (e.g. 'p', 'ul', 'ol') so that list buttons
// are updated.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-confusing-arrow
let sectionParentTagNames = editor.activeSections.map(s => s.isNested ? s.parent.tagName : s.tagName);
let sectionTags = arrayToMap(sectionParentTagNames);
// On keyboard cursor movement our `cursorDidChange` toggle for special
// formats happens before mobiledoc's readstate updates the edit states
// so we have to re-do it here
// TODO: can we make the event order consistent in mobiledoc-kit?
// Avoid updating this component's properties synchronously while
// rendering the editor (after rendering the component) because it
// causes Ember to display deprecation warnings
if (this._isRenderingEditor) {
run.schedule('afterRender', () => {
this.set('activeMarkupTagNames', markupTags);
this.set('activeSectionTagNames', sectionTags);
} else {
this.set('activeMarkupTagNames', markupTags);
this.set('activeSectionTagNames', sectionTags);
willHandleNewline(event) {
if (this._skipNextNewline) {
this._skipNextNewline = false;
/* custom event handlers ------------------------------------------------ */
// we keep track of the modifier keys that are pressed so that in other event
// handlers we can adjust the behaviour. Necessary because the browser doesn't
// natively provide any info on non-key events about which keys are pressed.
// German keyboard layouts use a dead key for the ` char so it doesn't
// fire keypress events. We watch for the event triggered when pressing
// spacebar to "finalise" the backtick input then call the text input
// handlers manually instead.
// Does not work on Linux but it's easier to have keymaps without dead keys there
// Secondarily, we also use this handler to deal with known default key combos
// that perform actions like DELETE, BACKSPACE, etc which can break mobiledoc
// if not intercepted and handled like the "normal" key events
handleKeydown(event) {
let key = Key.fromEvent(event);
this._updateModifiersFromKey(key, {isDown: true});
if (event.key === 'Dead' && event.keyCode === 192) {
return this._isGraveInput = true;
this._isGraveInput = false;
// Chrome/Safari can be matched immediately on keydown unlike Firefox
if (event.key === '`' && event.code === 'Space') {
// intercept and simulate keyboard events to be picked up by
// mobiledoc-kit's event manager
// https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/10240
let {editor} = this;
if (Browser.isMac() && editor && editor.cursor && editor.cursor.isAddressable(event.target)) {
// ctrl+h = BACKSPACE
if (event.key === 'h' && event.ctrlKey) {
let simEvent = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
key: 'Backspace',
keyCode: 8
// ctrl+d = DELETE
if (event.key === 'd' && event.ctrlKey) {
let simEvent = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
key: 'Delete',
keyCode: 46
handleKeyup(event) {
let key = Key.fromEvent(event);
this._updateModifiersFromKey(key, {isDown: false});
if (this._isGraveInput && event.key === ' ') {
this._isGraveInput = false;
handlePaste(event) {
let {editor} = this;
// don't trigger our paste handling for pastes within cards or outside
// of the editor canvas. Avoids double-paste of content when pasting
// into cards
if (!editor.cursor.isAddressable(event.target)) {
// if we have files pasted, create a card for each and set the
// payload.files property which will cause the file to be auto-uploaded
if (canInsertCardsFromFiles(event.clipboardData.files)) {
editor.run((postEditor) => {
insertCardsFromFiles(event.clipboardData.files, postEditor);
// prevent mobiledoc's default paste event handler firing
let range = editor.range;
let {html, text} = getContentFromPasteEvent(event);
if (text && validator.isURL(text)) {
// if we have a text selection, make that selection a link
if (range && !range.isCollapsed && range.headSection === range.tailSection && range.headSection.isMarkerable) {
let linkMarkup = editor.builder.createMarkup('a', {href: text});
editor.run((postEditor) => {
postEditor.addMarkupToRange(range, linkMarkup);
// prevent mobiledoc's default paste event handler firing
// if there's no selection and cursor is on an empty paragraph,
// insert the url as an embed card, unless SHIFT is pressed. Setting
// the `linkOnError` option results in an immediate switch to a
// plain link if the embed fails for any reason (eg, unknown provider)
if (range && range.isCollapsed && range.headSection.isBlank && !range.headSection.isListItem) {
if (!this._modifierKeys.shift) {
editor.run((postEditor) => {
let payload = new TrackedObject({url: text, linkOnError: true, isDirectUrl: true});
let card = postEditor.builder.createCardSection('embed', payload);
let nextSection = range.headSection.next;
postEditor.replaceSection(range.headSection, card);
// move caret to the next section, creating a blank one
// if none exists
if (nextSection) {
} else {
let newSection = postEditor.builder.createMarkupSection('p');
} else {
// ensure the pasted URL is still auto-linked when Shift is pressed
editor.run((postEditor) => {
let linkMarkup = editor.builder.createMarkup('a', {href: text});
postEditor.insertTextWithMarkup(range.head, text, [linkMarkup]);
// prevent mobiledoc's default paste event handler firing
// if plain text is pasted we run it through our markdown parser so that
// we get better output than mobiledoc's default text parsing and we can
// provide an easier MD->Mobiledoc conversion route
// NOTE: will not work in Edge which only ever exposes `html`
if (text && !html && !this._modifierKeys.shift) {
// prevent mobiledoc's default paste event handler firing
// we can't modify the paste event itself so we trigger a mock
// paste event with our own data
let pasteEvent = {
type: 'paste',
preventDefault() {},
target: editor.element,
clipboardData: {
getData(type) {
if (type === 'text/html') {
return formatMarkdown(text, false);
editor.triggerEvent(editor.element, 'paste', pasteEvent);
// we need to standardise HTML here because parserPlugins do not get
// passed inline markup such as `<b>` or `<i>`
if (html) {
// prevent mobiledoc's default paste event handler firing
let normalizedHtml = html
.replace(/<b(\s|>)/gi, '<strong$1')
.replace(/<\/b>/gi, '</strong>')
.replace(/<i(\s|>)/gi, '<em$1')
.replace(/<\/i>/gi, '</em>');
// we can't modify the paste event itself so we trigger a mock
// paste event with our own data
let pasteEvent = {
type: 'paste',
preventDefault() {},
target: editor.element,
clipboardData: {
getData(type) {
if (type === 'text/plain') {
return text;
if (type === 'text/html') {
return normalizedHtml;
editor.triggerEvent(editor.element, 'paste', pasteEvent);
handleMousedown(event) {
// we only care about the left mouse button
if (event.which === 1) {
this._isMouseDown = true;
handleMouseup(event) {
if (event.which === 1) {
this._isMouseDown = false;
handleDragOver(event) {
if (!event.dataTransfer || event.target.closest('.__mobiledoc-card')) {
// this is needed to work around inconsistencies with dropping files
// from Chrome's downloads bar
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > -1) {
let eA = event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed;
event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = (eA === 'move' || eA === 'linkMove') ? 'move' : 'copy';
// indicate to the browser that we want to handle drop behaviour here
handleDragLeave(event) {
handleDrop(event) {
// drops on cards that are in an edit state should be cancelled
// editable cards should handle drag-n-drop themselves if needed
let cardElem = event.target.closest('.__mobiledoc-card');
if (cardElem) {
let cardId = cardElem.firstChild.id;
let card = this.componentCards.findBy('destinationElementId', cardId);
if (card.isEditing || card.component.handlesDragDrop) {
if (canInsertCardsFromFiles(event.dataTransfer.files)) {
this.editor.run((postEditor) => {
insertCardsFromFiles(event.dataTransfer.files, postEditor);
this._scrollCursorIntoView({jumpToCard: true});
/* Ember event handlers ------------------------------------------------- */
// disable dragging
dragStart(event) {
/* public methods ------------------------------------------------------- */
selectCard(card, isEditing = false) {
// no-op if card is already selected
if (card === this.selectedCard && isEditing === card.isEditing) {
// deselect any already selected card
if (this.selectedCard && card !== this.selectedCard) {
// setting a card as selected trigger's the cards didReceiveAttrs
// hook where the actual selection state change happens. Put into edit
// mode if necessary
isSelected: true
this.selectedCard = card;
// hide the cursor and place it after the card so that ENTER can
// create a new paragraph and cursorDidExitAtTop gets fired on LEFT
// if the card is at the top of the document
let section = this.getSectionFromCard(card);
editCard(card) {
// no-op if card is already being edited
if (card === this.selectedCard && card.isEditing) {
// select the card with edit mode
this.selectCard(card, true);
deselectCard(card) {
card.set('isEditing', false);
card.set('isSelected', false);
this.selectedCard = null;
deleteCard(card, cursorDirection) {
let section = card.env.postModel;
if (!section.parent) {
// card has already been deleted, skip
this.editor.run((postEditor) => {
let nextPosition;
if (cursorDirection === CURSOR_BEFORE) {
nextPosition = section.prev && section.prev.tailPosition();
} else {
nextPosition = section.next && section.next.headPosition();
// if there's no prev or next section then the doc is empty, we want
// to add a blank paragraph and place the cursor in it
if (cursorDirection !== NO_CURSOR_MOVEMENT && !nextPosition) {
let {builder} = postEditor;
let newPara = builder.createMarkupSection('p');
return postEditor.setRange(newPara.tailPosition());
if (cursorDirection !== NO_CURSOR_MOVEMENT) {
return postEditor.setRange(nextPosition);
getCardFromSection(section) {
if (!section || section.type !== 'card-section') {
let cardId = section.renderNode.element.querySelector('.__mobiledoc-card').firstChild.id;
return this.componentCards.findBy('destinationElementId', cardId);
getCardFromElement(element) {
if (!element) {
let cardElement = element.querySelector('.__mobiledoc-card') || getParent(element, '.__mobiledoc-card');
if (!cardElement) {
let cardId = cardElement.firstChild?.id;
if (cardId) {
return this.componentCards.findBy('destinationElementId', cardId);
getSectionFromCard(card) {
return card.env.postModel;
moveCaretToHeadOfSection(section, skipCursorChange = true) {
this.moveCaretToSection(section, 'head', skipCursorChange);
moveCaretToTailOfSection(section, skipCursorChange = true) {
this.moveCaretToSection(section, 'tail', skipCursorChange);
moveCaretToSection(section, position, skipCursorChange = true) {
let sectionPosition = position === 'head' ? section.headPosition() : section.tailPosition();
let range = sectionPosition.toRange();
// don't trigger another cursor change selection after selecting
if (skipCursorChange && !range.isEqual(this.editor.range)) {
this._skipCursorChange = true;
/* internal methods ----------------------------------------------------- */
_cleanupTask: task(function* () {
yield waitForProperty(this, 'allComponentCardsRegistered');
this.componentCards.forEach((card) => {
if (typeof card.component.isEmpty === 'boolean' && card.component.isEmpty) {
this.deleteCard(card, NO_CURSOR_MOVEMENT);
this._cleanupScheduled = false;
// nested editor.run loops will create additional undo steps so this is a
// shortcut for when we already have a postEditor
_performEdit(editOperation, postEditor) {
if (postEditor) {
} else {
this.editor.run((operationPostEditor) => {
_hideCursor() {
this.editor.element.style.caretColor = 'transparent';
_showCursor() {
this.editor.element.style.caretColor = 'auto';
_updateModifiersFromKey(key, {isDown}) {
if (key.isShiftKey()) {
this._modifierKeys.shift = isDown;
} else if (key.isAltKey()) {
this._modifierKeys.alt = isDown;
} else if (key.isCtrlKey()) {
this._modifierKeys.ctrl = isDown;
_scrollCursorIntoView(options = {jumpToCard: false}) {
// disable auto-scroll if the mouse or shift key is being used to create
// a selection - the browser handles scrolling well in this case
if (!this._scrollContainer || this._isMouseDown || this._modifierKeys.shift) {
let {range} = this.editor;
let selection = window.getSelection();
let windowRange;
// Safari can throw an IndexSizeError from selection.getRangeAt(0)
if (selection.type !== 'None') {
windowRange = selection && selection.getRangeAt(0);
let element = range.head && range.head.section && range.head.section.renderNode && range.head.section.renderNode.element;
// prevent scroll jumps when a card is selected
if (!options.jumpToCard && range && range.head.section && range.head.section.isCardSection) {
// start/endContainer matching editor element means the window range is
// outside of a text element so we don't want to scroll incorrectly
// (happens when replacing a selection with a link on paste)
if (windowRange &&
windowRange.startContainer === this.editor.element &&
windowRange.endContainer === this.editor.element
) {
if (windowRange) {
// cursorTop is relative to the window rather than document or scroll container
let {top: cursorTop, height: cursorHeight} = windowRange.getBoundingClientRect();
let viewportHeight = window.innerHeight;
let offsetTop = 0;
let offsetBottom = 0;
let scrollTop = this._scrollContainer.scrollTop;
if (this.scrollOffsetTopSelector) {
let topElement = document.querySelector(this.scrollOffsetTopSelector);
offsetTop = topElement ? topElement.offsetHeight : 0;
if (this.scrollOffsetBottomSelector) {
let bottomElement = document.querySelector(this.scrollOffsetBottomSelector);
offsetBottom = bottomElement ? bottomElement.offsetHeight : 0;
// for empty paragraphs the window selection range will be 0,0,0,0
// so grab the element's bounding rect instead
if (cursorTop === 0 && cursorHeight === 0) {
if (!element) {
({top: cursorTop, height: cursorHeight} = element.getBoundingClientRect());
// keep cursor in view at the top
if (cursorTop < 0 + offsetTop) {
this._scrollContainer.scrollTop = scrollTop - offsetTop + cursorTop - 20;
let cursorBottom = cursorTop + cursorHeight;
let paddingBottom = 0;
let distanceFromViewportBottom = cursorBottom - viewportHeight;
let atBottom = false;
// if we're at the bottom of the doc we should keep the bottom
// padding in view, otherwise just scroll to keep the cursor in view
if (this._scrollContainer.scrollTop + this._scrollContainer.offsetHeight + 200 >= this._scrollContainer.scrollHeight) {
atBottom = true;
paddingBottom = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(this.element.parentNode).getPropertyValue('padding-bottom'));
if (cursorBottom > viewportHeight - offsetBottom - paddingBottom) {
if (atBottom) {
this._scrollContainer.scrollTop = this._scrollContainer.scrollHeight;
} else {
let scrollAdjustment = offsetBottom + distanceFromViewportBottom + 20;
let cursorFromTop = cursorTop - scrollAdjustment;
// pull top of cursor back into view if the adjustment pushed it off top of screen
if (cursorFromTop < 20) {
scrollAdjustment = scrollAdjustment + cursorFromTop - 20;
this._scrollContainer.scrollTop = scrollTop + scrollAdjustment;
_registerCardReorderDragDropHandler() {
let cardDragDropContainer = this.koenigDragDropHandler.registerContainer(this.editor.element, {
draggableSelector: ':scope > div', // cards
droppableSelector: ':scope > *', // all block elements
onDragStart: run.bind(this, this._onDragStart),
getDraggableInfo: run.bind(this, this._getDraggableInfo),
createGhostElement: run.bind(this, this._createCardDragElement),
getIndicatorPosition: run.bind(this, this._getDropIndicatorPosition),
onDrop: run.bind(this, this._onCardDrop),
onDropEnd: run.bind(this, this._onDropEnd)
this._cardDragDropContainer = cardDragDropContainer;
_onDragStart() {
_getDraggableInfo(draggableElement) {
let card = this.getCardFromElement(draggableElement);
if (!card) {
return false;
// TODO: payload should probably contain everything here as well as the
// card payload so that draggableInfo has a consistent shape
return {
type: 'card',
cardName: card.cardName,
payload: card.payload,
destinationElementId: card.destinationElementId
_createCardDragElement(draggableInfo) {
let {cardName} = draggableInfo;
if (!cardName || cardName === 'image') {
let ghostElement = document.createElement('div');
ghostElement.classList.add('absolute', 'flex', 'flex-column', 'justify-center',
'items-center', 'w15', 'h15', 'br3', 'bg-white', 'shadow-1');
ghostElement.style.top = '0';
ghostElement.style.left = '-100%';
ghostElement.style.zIndex = 10001;
ghostElement.style.willChange = 'transform';
let iconElement = document.createElement('div');
iconElement.classList.add('flex', 'items-center');
let svgIconHtml = svgJar(CARD_ICON_MAP[cardName], {class: 'w8 h8'});
iconElement.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', svgIconHtml.string);
return ghostElement;
_getDropIndicatorPosition(draggableInfo, droppableElem, position) {
let droppables = Array.from(this.editor.element.querySelectorAll(':scope > *'));
let droppableIndex = droppables.indexOf(droppableElem);
let draggableIndex = droppables.indexOf(draggableInfo.element);
// allow card and image drops (images can be dragged out of a gallery)
if (draggableInfo.type !== 'card' && draggableInfo.type !== 'image') {
return false;
if (this._isCardDropAllowed(draggableIndex, droppableIndex, position)) {
let insertIndex = droppableIndex;
if (position.match(/bottom/)) {
insertIndex += 1;
let beforeElems, afterElems;
if (position.match(/bottom/)) {
beforeElems = droppables.slice(0, droppableIndex + 1);
afterElems = droppables.slice(droppableIndex + 1);
} else {
beforeElems = droppables.slice(0, droppableIndex);
afterElems = droppables.slice(droppableIndex);
return {
direction: 'vertical',
position: position.match(/top/) ? 'top' : 'bottom',
insertIndex: insertIndex
return false;
_onCardDrop(draggableInfo) {
if (draggableInfo.type !== 'card' && draggableInfo.type !== 'image') {
return false;
let droppables = Array.from(this.editor.element.querySelectorAll(':scope > *'));
let draggableIndex = droppables.indexOf(draggableInfo.element);
if (this._isCardDropAllowed(draggableIndex, draggableInfo.insertIndex)) {
if (draggableInfo.type === 'card') {
let card = this.getCardFromElement(draggableInfo.element);
let cardSection = this.getSectionFromCard(card);
let difference = draggableIndex - draggableInfo.insertIndex;
if (draggableIndex < draggableInfo.insertIndex) {
difference += 1;
if (difference !== 0) {
this.editor.run((postEditor) => {
do {
if (difference > 0) {
cardSection = postEditor.moveSectionUp(cardSection);
difference -= 1;
} else if (difference < 0) {
cardSection = postEditor.moveSectionDown(cardSection);
difference += 1;
} while (difference !== 0);
// make sure we don't remove the dropped card in the card->card drop handler
this._skipOnDropEnd = true;
return true;
if (draggableInfo.type === 'image') {
// we need to create an image card from a raw image payload
this.editor.run((postEditor) => {
let imageCard = postEditor.builder.createCardSection('image', draggableInfo.payload);
let sections = this.editor.post.sections;
let droppableSection = sections.objectAt(draggableInfo.insertIndex);
postEditor.insertSectionBefore(sections, imageCard, droppableSection);
return true;
// TODO: more or less duplicated in koenig-card-gallery other than direction
// - move to DnD container?
_isCardDropAllowed(draggableIndex, droppableIndex, position = '') {
// images can be dragged out of a gallery to any position
if (draggableIndex === -1) {
return true;
// can't drop on itself or when droppableIndex doesn't exist
if (draggableIndex === droppableIndex || typeof droppableIndex === 'undefined') {
return false;
// account for dropping at beginning or end of a row
if (position.match(/top/)) {
droppableIndex -= 1;
if (position.match(/bottom/)) {
droppableIndex += 1;
return droppableIndex !== draggableIndex;
// a card can be dropped into another card which means we need to remove the original
_onDropEnd(draggableInfo, success) {
if (this._skipOnDropEnd || !success || draggableInfo.type !== 'card') {
this._skipOnDropEnd = false;
let card = this.getCardFromElement(draggableInfo.element);
this.deleteCard(card, NO_CURSOR_MOVEMENT);
// calculate the number of words in rich-text sections and query cards for
// their own word and image counts. Image counts are used for reading-time
_calculateWordCount() {
run.throttle(this, this._throttledWordCount, 100, false);
_throttledWordCount() {
if (this.isDestroying || this.isDestroyed) {
let wordCount = 0;
let imageCount = 0;
this.editor.post.walkAllLeafSections((section) => {
if (section.isCardSection) {
// get counts from card components
let card = this.getCardFromSection(section);
let cardCounts = get(card, 'component.counts') || {};
wordCount += cardCounts.wordCount || 0;
imageCount += cardCounts.imageCount || 0;
} else {
wordCount += countWords(section.text);
if (wordCount !== this.wordCount || imageCount !== this.imageCount) {
let readingTime = calculateReadingTime({wordCount, imageCount});
this.wordCountDidChange({wordCount, imageCount, readingTime});
_triggerTextHandlers() {
let {editor} = this;
// don't trigger our text input handlers for pastes within cards or
// outside of the editor canvas
if (!editor.cursor.isAddressable(event.target)) {
// must be run after the normal events have finished so that the
// backtick char exists in the editor
run.next(this, function () {
let matchedHandler = editor._eventManager._textInputHandler._findHandler();
if (matchedHandler) {
let [handler, matches] = matchedHandler;
handler.run(editor, matches);
// store a reference to the editor for the acceptance test helpers
_setExpandoProperty(editor) {
let config = getOwner(this).resolveRegistration('config:environment');
if (this.element && config.environment === 'test') {
this.element[TESTING_EXPANDO_PROPERTY] = editor;