mirror of
synced 2024-11-28 22:43:30 +03:00
no-issue Using the async attribute means that the script is downloaded in parallel with the parsing of the html into DOM, and then executed upon completion. This means that the script cannot be sure that particular parts of the DOM exist as it may not have finished parsing. This has resulted in bugs with the new toggle card not working. Switching our script to use the defer attribute means that the script is still downloaded in parallel with parsing, but it is not executed until parsing is complete. This means that the script can safely access the DOM.
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// # Ghost Head Helper
// Usage: `{{ghost_head}}`
// Outputs scripts and other assets at the top of a Ghost theme
const {metaData, settingsCache, config, blogIcon, urlUtils, labs} = require('../services/proxy');
const {escapeExpression, SafeString} = require('../services/rendering');
// @TODO fix this require
const cardAssetService = require('../services/card-assets');
const logging = require('@tryghost/logging');
const _ = require('lodash');
const debug = require('@tryghost/debug')('ghost_head');
const templateStyles = require('./tpl/styles');
const {get: getMetaData, getAssetUrl} = metaData;
function writeMetaTag(property, content, type) {
type = type || property.substring(0, 7) === 'twitter' ? 'name' : 'property';
return '<meta ' + type + '="' + property + '" content="' + content + '" />';
function finaliseStructuredData(meta) {
const head = [];
_.each(meta.structuredData, function (content, property) {
if (property === 'article:tag') {
_.each(meta.keywords, function (keyword) {
if (keyword !== '') {
keyword = escapeExpression(keyword);
} else if (content !== null && content !== undefined) {
return head;
function getMembersHelper(data) {
if (settingsCache.get('members_signup_access') === 'none') {
return '';
const stripeDirectSecretKey = settingsCache.get('stripe_secret_key');
const stripeDirectPublishableKey = settingsCache.get('stripe_publishable_key');
const stripeConnectAccountId = settingsCache.get('stripe_connect_account_id');
const colorString = _.has(data, 'site._preview') && data.site.accent_color ? ` data-accent-color="${data.site.accent_color}"` : '';
const portalUrl = config.get('portal:url');
let membersHelper = `<script defer src="${portalUrl}" data-ghost="${urlUtils.getSiteUrl()}"${colorString} crossorigin="anonymous"></script>`;
membersHelper += (`<style id="gh-members-styles">${templateStyles}</style>`);
if ((!!stripeDirectSecretKey && !!stripeDirectPublishableKey) || !!stripeConnectAccountId) {
membersHelper += '<script async src="https://js.stripe.com/v3/"></script>';
return membersHelper;
* **NOTE**
* Express adds `_locals`, see https://github.com/expressjs/express/blob/4.15.4/lib/response.js#L962.
* But `options.data.root.context` is available next to `root._locals.context`, because
* Express creates a `renderOptions` object, see https://github.com/expressjs/express/blob/4.15.4/lib/application.js#L554
* and merges all locals to the root of the object. Very confusing, because the data is available in different layers.
* Express forwards the data like this to the hbs engine:
* {
* post: {}, - res.render('view', databaseResponse)
* context: ['post'], - from res.locals
* safeVersion: '1.x', - from res.locals
* _locals: {
* context: ['post'],
* safeVersion: '1.x'
* }
* }
* hbs forwards the data to any hbs helper like this
* {
* data: {
* site: {},
* labs: {},
* config: {},
* root: {
* post: {},
* context: ['post'],
* locals: {...}
* }
* }
* `site`, `labs` and `config` are the templateOptions, search for `hbs.updateTemplateOptions` in the code base.
* Also see how the root object gets created, https://github.com/wycats/handlebars.js/blob/v4.0.6/lib/handlebars/runtime.js#L259
// We use the name ghost_head to match the helper for consistency:
module.exports = function ghost_head(options) { // eslint-disable-line camelcase
// if server error page do nothing
if (options.data.root.statusCode >= 500) {
const head = [];
const dataRoot = options.data.root;
const context = dataRoot._locals.context ? dataRoot._locals.context : null;
const safeVersion = dataRoot._locals.safeVersion;
const postCodeInjection = dataRoot && dataRoot.post ? dataRoot.post.codeinjection_head : null;
const tagCodeInjection = dataRoot && dataRoot.tag ? dataRoot.tag.codeinjection_head : null;
const globalCodeinjection = settingsCache.get('codeinjection_head');
const useStructuredData = !config.isPrivacyDisabled('useStructuredData');
const referrerPolicy = config.get('referrerPolicy') ? config.get('referrerPolicy') : 'no-referrer-when-downgrade';
const favicon = blogIcon.getIconUrl();
const iconType = blogIcon.getIconType(favicon);
debug('preparation complete, begin fetch');
* @TODO:
* - getMetaData(dataRoot, dataRoot) -> yes that looks confusing!
* - there is a very mixed usage of `data.context` vs. `root.context` vs `root._locals.context` vs. `this.context`
* - NOTE: getMetaData won't live here anymore soon, see https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/8995
* - therefore we get rid of using `getMetaData(this, dataRoot)`
* - dataRoot has access to *ALL* locals, see function description
* - it should not break anything
return getMetaData(dataRoot, dataRoot)
.then(function handleMetaData(meta) {
debug('end fetch');
if (context) {
// head is our main array that holds our meta data
if (meta.metaDescription && meta.metaDescription.length > 0) {
head.push('<meta name="description" content="' + escapeExpression(meta.metaDescription) + '" />');
// no output in head if a publication icon is not set
if (settingsCache.get('icon')) {
head.push('<link rel="icon" href="' + favicon + '" type="image/' + iconType + '" />');
head.push('<link rel="canonical" href="' +
escapeExpression(meta.canonicalUrl) + '" />');
head.push('<meta name="referrer" content="' + referrerPolicy + '" />');
// don't allow indexing of preview URLs!
if (_.includes(context, 'preview')) {
head.push(writeMetaTag('robots', 'noindex,nofollow', 'name'));
// show amp link in post when 1. we are not on the amp page and 2. amp is enabled
if (_.includes(context, 'post') && !_.includes(context, 'amp') && settingsCache.get('amp')) {
head.push('<link rel="amphtml" href="' +
escapeExpression(meta.ampUrl) + '" />');
if (meta.previousUrl) {
head.push('<link rel="prev" href="' +
escapeExpression(meta.previousUrl) + '" />');
if (meta.nextUrl) {
head.push('<link rel="next" href="' +
escapeExpression(meta.nextUrl) + '" />');
if (!_.includes(context, 'paged') && useStructuredData) {
head.push.apply(head, finaliseStructuredData(meta));
if (meta.schema) {
head.push('<script type="application/ld+json">\n' +
JSON.stringify(meta.schema, null, ' ') +
'\n </script>\n');
head.push('<meta name="generator" content="Ghost ' +
escapeExpression(safeVersion) + '" />');
// Ghost analytics tag
if (labs.isSet('membersActivity')) {
const postId = (dataRoot && dataRoot.post) ? dataRoot.post.id : '';
head.push(writeMetaTag('ghost-analytics-id', postId, 'name'));
head.push('<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="' +
escapeExpression(meta.site.title) + '" href="' +
escapeExpression(meta.rssUrl) + '" />');
// no code injection for amp context!!!
if (!_.includes(context, 'amp')) {
// @TODO do this in a more "frameworky" way
if (cardAssetService.hasFile('js')) {
head.push(`<script defer src="${getAssetUrl('public/cards.min.js')}"></script>`);
if (cardAssetService.hasFile('css')) {
head.push(`<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${getAssetUrl('public/cards.min.css')}">`);
if (!_.isEmpty(globalCodeinjection)) {
if (!_.isEmpty(postCodeInjection)) {
if (!_.isEmpty(tagCodeInjection)) {
// AMP template has style injected directly because there can only be one <style amp-custom> tag
if (options.data.site.accent_color && !_.includes(context, 'amp')) {
const accentColor = escapeExpression(options.data.site.accent_color);
const styleTag = `<style>:root {--ghost-accent-color: ${accentColor};}</style>`;
const existingScriptIndex = _.findLastIndex(head, str => str.match(/<\/(style|script)>/));
if (existingScriptIndex !== -1) {
head[existingScriptIndex] = head[existingScriptIndex] + styleTag;
} else {
return new SafeString(head.join('\n ').trim());
.catch(function handleError(err) {
// Return what we have so far (currently nothing)
return new SafeString(head.join('\n ').trim());
module.exports.async = true;