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synced 2024-12-02 08:13:34 +03:00
DES-192 We often hear that people are not aware of the new features we ship. Ways in which people can find out are social media/changelog/dashboard – all of these are easy to miss. We'd like to introduce a template for a simple notification in the sidebar that can be used any time a new and noteworthy feature has shipped. The purpose of this is simply to notify and will disappear forever after it's been dismissed.
109 lines
3.2 KiB
109 lines
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import Service, {inject as service} from '@ember/service';
import fetch from 'fetch';
import moment from 'moment-timezone';
import {action, computed} from '@ember/object';
import {isEmpty} from '@ember/utils';
import {task} from 'ember-concurrency';
export default Service.extend({
session: service(),
store: service(),
response: null,
entries: null,
changelogUrl: 'https://ghost.org/blog/',
isShowingModal: false,
_user: null,
init() {
this.entries = [];
whatsNewSettings: computed('_user.accessibility', function () {
let settingsJson = this.get('_user.accessibility') || '{}';
let settings = JSON.parse(settingsJson);
return settings.whatsNew;
hasNew: computed('whatsNewSettings.lastSeenDate', 'entries.[]', function () {
if (isEmpty(this.entries)) {
return false;
let [latestEntry] = this.entries;
let lastSeenDate = this.get('whatsNewSettings.lastSeenDate') || '2019-01-01 00:00:00';
let lastSeenMoment = moment(lastSeenDate);
let latestDate = latestEntry.published_at;
let latestMoment = moment(latestDate || lastSeenDate);
return latestMoment.isAfter(lastSeenMoment);
hasNewFeatured: computed('entries.[]', function () {
if (!this.hasNew) {
return false;
let [latestEntry] = this.entries;
return latestEntry.featured;
seen: action(function () {
openFeaturedModal: action(function () {
this.set('isShowingModal', true);
closeFeaturedModal: action(function () {
this.set('isShowingModal', false);
fetchLatest: task(function* () {
try {
if (!this.response) {
// we should already be logged in at this point so lets grab the user
// record and store it locally so that we don't have to deal with
// session.user being a promise and causing issues with CPs
let user = yield this.session.user;
this.set('_user', user);
this.response = yield fetch('https://ghost.org/changelog.json');
if (!this.response.ok) {
// eslint-disable-next-line
return console.error('Failed to fetch changelog', {response});
let result = yield this.response.json();
this.set('entries', result.posts || []);
this.set('changelogUrl', result.changelogUrl);
} catch (e) {
console.error(e); // eslint-disable-line
updateLastSeen: task(function* () {
let settingsJson = this._user.accessibility || '{}';
let settings = JSON.parse(settingsJson);
let [latestEntry] = this.entries;
if (!latestEntry) {
if (!settings.whatsNew) {
settings.whatsNew = {};
settings.whatsNew.lastSeenDate = latestEntry.published_at;
this._user.set('accessibility', JSON.stringify(settings));
yield this._user.save();