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2019-01-05 12:10:34 +03:00
<h2 align="center"><img src="" height="128"><br>VSCodeVim</h2>
<p align="center"><strong>Vim emulation for Visual Studio Code</strong></p>
2019-01-05 12:10:34 +03:00
VSCodeVim is a Vim emulator for [Visual Studio Code](
- 🚚 For a full list of supported Vim features, please refer to our [roadmap](
- 📃 Our [change log]( outlines the breaking/major/minor updates between releases.
- ❓ If you need to ask any questions, join us on [Slack](
2019-01-05 12:10:34 +03:00
- Report missing features/bugs on [GitHub](
<summary><strong>Table of Contents</strong> (click to expand)</summary>
- [Installation](#-installation)
2019-02-27 23:15:00 +03:00
- [Mac setup](#mac)
- [Windows setup](#windows)
2019-01-05 12:10:34 +03:00
- [Linux setup](#linux-setup)
- [Settings](#%EF%B8%8F-settings)
- [VSCodeVim settings](#vscodevim-settings)
- [Neovim Integration](#neovim-integration)
- [Key remapping](#key-remapping)
- [Vim settings](#vim-settings)
- [Multi-Cursor mode](#%EF%B8%8F-multi-cursor-mode)
- [Emulated plugins](#-emulated-plugins)
- [vim-airline](#vim-airline)
- [vim-easymotion](#vim-easymotion)
- [vim-surround](#vim-surround)
- [vim-commentary](#vim-commentary)
- [vim-indent-object](#vim-indent-object)
- [vim-sneak](#vim-sneak)
- [CamelCaseMotion](#camelcasemotion)
2019-01-05 12:10:34 +03:00
- [Input Method](#input-method)
- [VSCodeVim tricks](#-vscodevim-tricks)
- [F.A.Q / Troubleshooting](#-faq)
- [Contributing](#-contributing)
## 💾 Installation
VSCodeVim is automatically enabled following [installation]( and reloading of VS Code.
> :warning: Vimscript is _not_ supported; therefore, we are _not_ able to load your `.vimrc` or use `.vim` plugins. You have to replicate these using our [Settings](#settings) and [Emulated plugins](#-emulated-plugins).
### Mac
To enable key-repeating execute the following in your Terminal and restart VS Code:
$ defaults write ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false # For VS Code
$ defaults write ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false # For VS Code Insider
$ defaults delete -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled # If necessary, reset global default
We also recommend increasing Key Repeat and Delay Until Repeat settings in _System Preferences -> Keyboard_.
### Windows
Like real vim, VSCodeVim will take over your control keys. This behaviour can be adjusted with the [`useCtrlKeys`](#vscodevim-settings) and [`handleKeys`](#vscodevim-settings) settings.
## ⚙️ Settings
The settings documented here are a subset of the supported settings; the full list is described in the `Contributions` tab in the extensions menu of VS Code.
### Quick Example
Below is an example of a [settings.json]( file with settings relevant to VSCodeVim:
"vim.easymotion": true,
"vim.sneak": true,
"vim.incsearch": true,
"vim.useSystemClipboard": true,
"vim.useCtrlKeys": true,
"vim.hlsearch": true,
"vim.insertModeKeyBindings": [
"before": ["j", "j"],
"after": ["<Esc>"]
"vim.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
"before": ["<leader>", "d"],
"after": ["d", "d"]
"before": ["<C-n>"],
"commands": [":nohl"]
"vim.leader": "<space>",
"vim.handleKeys": {
"<C-a>": false,
"<C-f>": false
### VSCodeVim settings
These settings are specific to VSCodeVim.
| Setting | Description | Type | Default Value |
| -------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------- |
| vim.changeWordIncludesWhitespace | Include trailing whitespace when changing word. This configures the <kbd>cw</kbd> action to act consistently as its siblings (<kbd>yw</kbd> and <kbd>dw</kbd>) instead of acting as <kbd>ce</kbd>. | Boolean | false |
| vim.cursorStylePerMode._{Mode}_ | Configure a specific cursor style for _{Mode}_. Omitted modes will use [default cursor type]( Supported cursors: line, block, underline, line-thin, block-outline, and underline-thin. | String | None |
| vim.digraphs._{shorthand}_ | Set custom digraph shorthands that can override the default ones. Entries should map a two-character shorthand to a descriptive string and one or more UTF16 code points. Example: `"R!": ["🚀", [55357, 56960]]` | object | `{"R!": ["🚀", [0xD83D, 0xDE80]]` | |
| vim.debug.suppress | Boolean indicating whether log messages will be suppressed. | Boolean | false |
| vim.debug.loggingLevelForConsole | Maximum level of messages to log to console. Logs are visible in the [developer tools]( Supported values: 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'verbose', 'debug'). | String | error |
| vim.debug.loggingLevelForAlert | Maximum level of messages to present as VS Code information window. Supported values: 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'verbose', 'debug'). | String | error |
| vim.disableExtension | Disable VSCodeVim extension. This setting can also be toggled using `toggleVim` command in the Command Palette | Boolean | false |
| vim.handleKeys | Delegate configured keys to be handled by VSCode instead of by the VSCodeVim extension. Any key in `keybindings` section of the [package.json]( that has a `vim.use<C-...>` in the when argument can be delegated back to VS Code by setting `"<C-...>": false`. Example: to use `ctrl+f` for find (native VS Code behaviour): `"vim.handleKeys": { "<C-f>": false }`. | String | `"<C-d>": true` |
| vim.overrideCopy | Override VS Code's copy command with our own, which works correctly with VSCodeVim. If cmd-c/ctrl-c is giving you issues, set this to false and complain [here]( | Boolean | false |
| vim.searchHighlightColor | Set the color of search highlights | String | `editor.findMatchHighlightBackground` |
| vim.startInInsertMode | Start in Insert mode instead of Normal Mode | Boolean | false |
| vim.substituteGlobalFlag | Similar to Vim's `gdefault` setting. `/g` flag in a substitute command replaces all occurrences in the line. Without this flag, replacement occurs only for the first occurrence in each line. With this setting enabled, the `g` is on by default. | Boolean | false |
| vim.useCtrlKeys | Enable Vim ctrl keys overriding common VS Code operations such as copy, paste, find, etc. | Boolean | true |
| vim.visualstar | In visual mode, start a search with `*` or `#` using the current selection | Boolean | false |
2019-03-17 08:39:43 +03:00
| vim.highlightedyank.enable | Enable highlighting when yanking | Boolean | false |
| vim.highlightedyank.color | Set the color of yank highlights | String | rgba(250, 240, 170, 0.5) |
| vim.highlightedyank.duration | Set the duration of yank highlights | Number | 200 |
2019-01-05 12:10:34 +03:00
### Neovim Integration
> :warning: Experimental feature. Please leave feedback on neovim integration [here](
To leverage neovim for Ex-commands,
1. Install [neovim](
2. Modify the following configurations:
| Setting | Description | Type | Default Value |
| ---------------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ------------- |
| vim.enableNeovim | Enable Neovim | Boolean | false |
| vim.neovimPath | Full path to neovim executable | String | |
Here's some ideas on what you can do with neovim integration:
- [The power of g](
- [The :normal command](
- Faster search and replace!
### Key Remapping
Custom remappings are defined on a per-mode basis.
#### `"vim.insertModeKeyBindings"`/`"vim.normalModeKeyBindings"`/`"vim.visualModeKeyBindings"`
- Keybinding overrides to use for insert, normal, and visual modes.
- Bind `jj` to `<Esc>` in insert mode:
"vim.insertModeKeyBindings": [
"before": ["j", "j"],
"after": ["<Esc>"]
- Bind `£` to goto previous whole word under cursor
"vim.normalModeKeyBindings": [
"before": ["£"],
"after": ["#"]
- Bind `:` to show the command palette:
"vim.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
"before": [":"],
"commands": [
- Bind `<leader>m` to add a bookmark and `<leader>b` to open the list of all bookmarks (using the [Bookmarks]( extension):
"vim.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
"before": ["<leader>", "m"],
"commands": [
"before": ["<leader>", "b"],
"commands": [
- Bind `ZZ` to the vim command `:wq` (save and close the current file):
"vim.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
"before": ["Z", "Z"],
"commands": [
- Bind `ctrl+n` to turn off search highlighting and `<leader>w` to save the current file:
"vim.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
"commands": [
"before": ["leader", "w"],
"commands": [
- Bind `p` in visual mode to paste without overriding the current register
"vim.visualModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
"before": [
"after": [
- Bind `>` and `<` in visual mode to indent/outdent lines (repeatable)
"vim.visualModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
"before": [
"commands": [
"before": [
"commands": [
- Bind `<leader>vim` to clone this repository to the selected location.
"vim.visualModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
"before": [
"<leader>", "v", "i", "m"
"commands": [
"command": "git.clone",
"args": [ "" ]
#### `"vim.insertModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive"`/`"normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive"`/`"visualModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive"`
- Non-recursive keybinding overrides to use for insert, normal, and visual modes
- _Example:_ Bind `j` to `gj`. Notice that if you attempted this binding normally, the j in gj would be expanded into gj, on and on forever. Stop this recursive expansion using insertModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive and/or normalModeKeyBindingNonRecursive.
"vim.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
"before": ["j"],
"after": ["g", "j"]
#### Debugging Remappings
1. Are your configurations correct?
Adjust the extension's [logging level](#vimdebuglogginglevel) to 'debug', restart VS Code. As each remapped configuration is loaded, it is outputted to console. In the Developer Tools console, do you see any errors?
debug: Remapper: normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive. before=0. after=^.
debug: Remapper: insertModeKeyBindings. before=j,j. after=<Esc>.
error: Remapper: insertModeKeyBindings. Invalid configuration. Missing 'after' key or 'command'. before=j,k.
Misconfigured configurations are ignored.
2. Does the extension handle the keys you are trying to remap?
VSCodeVim explicitly instructs VS Code which key events we care about through the [package.json]( If the key you are trying to remap is a key in which vim/vscodevim generally does not handle, then it's most likely that this extension does not receive those key events from VS Code. With [logging level](#vimdebuglogginglevel) adjusted to 'debug', as you press keys, you should see output similar to:
debug: ModeHandler: handling key=A.
debug: ModeHandler: handling key=l.
debug: ModeHandler: handling key=<BS>.
debug: ModeHandler: handling key=<C-a>.
As you press the key that you are trying to remap, do you see it outputted here? If not, it means we don't subscribe to those key events.
### Vim settings
Configuration settings that have been copied from vim. Vim settings are loaded in the following sequence:
1. `:set {setting}`
2. `vim.{setting}` from user/workspace settings.
3. VS Code settings
4. VSCodeVim default values
| Setting | Description | Type | Default Value |
| ---------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------- |
| vim.autoindent | Copy indent from current line when starting a new line | Boolean | true |
| vim.hlsearch | Highlights all text matching current search | Boolean | false |
| vim.ignorecase | Ignore case in search patterns | Boolean | true |
| vim.incsearch | Show the next match while entering a search | Boolean | true |
| vim.leader | Defines key for `<leader>` to be used in key remappings | String | `\` |
| vim.showcmd | Show (partial) command in status bar | Boolean | true |
| vim.showmodename | Show name of current mode in status bar | Boolean | true |
| vim.smartcase | Override the 'ignorecase' setting if search pattern contains uppercase characters | Boolean | true |
| vim.textwidth | Width to word-wrap when using `gq` | Number | 80 |
| vim.timeout | Timeout in milliseconds for remapped commands | Number | 1000 |
| vim.whichwrap | Controls wrapping at beginning and end of line. Comma-separated set of keys that should wrap to next/previous line. Arrow keys are represented by `[` and `]` in insert mode, `<` and `>` in normal and visual mode. To wrap "everything", set this to `h,l,<,>,[,]`. | String | `` |
2019-01-06 23:32:07 +03:00
| | Threshold for reporting number of lines changed. | Number | 2 |
2019-01-05 12:10:34 +03:00
## 🖱️ Multi-Cursor Mode
> :warning: Multi-Cursor mode is experimental. Please report issues in our [feedback thread.](
Enter multi-cursor mode by:
- On OSX, `cmd-d`. On Windows, `ctrl-d`.
- `gb`, a new shortcut we added which is equivalent to `cmd-d` (OSX) or `ctrl-d` (Windows). It adds another cursor at the next word that matches the word the cursor is currently on.
- Running "Add Cursor Above/Below" or the shortcut on any platform.
Once you have multiple cursors, you should be able to use Vim commands as you see fit. Most should work; some are unsupported (ref [PR#587](
- Each cursor has its own clipboard.
- Pressing Escape in Multi-Cursor Visual Mode will bring you to Multi-Cursor Normal mode. Pressing it again will return you to Normal mode.
## 🔌 Emulated Plugins
### vim-airline
> :warning: There are performance implications to using this plugin. In order to change the status bar, we override the configurations in your workspace settings.json which results in increased latency and a constant changing diff in your working directory (see [issue#2124](
Change the color of the status bar based on the current mode. Once enabled, configure `"vim.statusBarColors"`. Colors can be defined for each mode either as `string` (background only), or `string[]` (background, foreground).
"vim.statusBarColorControl": true,
"vim.statusBarColors.normal": ["#8FBCBB", "#434C5E"],
"vim.statusBarColors.insert": "#BF616A",
"vim.statusBarColors.visual": "#B48EAD",
"vim.statusBarColors.visualline": "#B48EAD",
"vim.statusBarColors.visualblock": "#A3BE8C",
"vim.statusBarColors.replace": "#D08770"
### vim-easymotion
Based on [vim-easymotion]( and configured through the following settings:
| Setting | Description | Type | Default Value |
| ------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------- | -------------- |
| vim.easymotion | Enable/disable easymotion plugin | Boolean | false |
| vim.easymotionMarkerBackgroundColor | The background color of the marker box. |
| vim.easymotionMarkerForegroundColorOneChar | The font color for one-character markers. |
| vim.easymotionMarkerForegroundColorTwoChar | The font color for two-character markers, used to differentiate from one-character markers. |
| vim.easymotionMarkerWidthPerChar | The width in pixels allotted to each character. |
| vim.easymotionMarkerHeight | The height of the marker. |
| vim.easymotionMarkerFontFamily | The font family used for the marker text. |
| vim.easymotionMarkerFontSize | The font size used for the marker text. |
| vim.easymotionMarkerFontWeight | The font weight used for the marker text. |
| vim.easymotionMarkerYOffset | The distance between the top of the marker and the text (will typically need some adjusting if height or font size have been changed). |
| vim.easymotionKeys | The characters used for jump marker name |
| vim.easymotionJumpToAnywhereRegex | Custom regex to match for JumpToAnywhere motion (analogous to `Easymotion_re_anywhere`). Example setting (which also matches start & end of line, as well as Javascript comments in addition to the regular behavior (note the double escaping required): ^\\s\*. | \\b[A-Za-z0-9] | [A-Za-z0-9]\\b | \_. | \\#. | [a-z][a-z] | // | .\$" |
Once easymotion is active, initiate motions using the following commands. After you initiate the motion, text decorators/markers will be displayed and you can press the keys displayed to jump to that position. `leader` is configurable and is `\` by default.
| Motion Command | Description |
| ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `<leader><leader> s <char>` | Search character |
| `<leader><leader> f <char>` | Find character forwards |
| `<leader><leader> F <char>` | Find character backwards |
| `<leader><leader> t <char>` | Til character forwards |
| `<leader><leader> T <char>` | Til character backwards |
| `<leader><leader> w` | Start of word forwards |
| `<leader><leader> b` | Start of word backwards |
| `<leader><leader> l` | matches beginning & ending of word, camelCase, after \_ and after # forwards |
| `<leader><leader> h` | matches beginning & ending of word, camelCase, after \_ and after # backwards |
| `<leader><leader> e` | End of word forwards |
| `<leader><leader> ge` | End of word backwards |
| `<leader><leader> j` | Start of line forwards |
| `<leader><leader> k` | Start of line backwards |
| `<leader><leader> / <char>... <CR>` | Search n-character |
| `<leader><leader><leader> bdt` | Til character |
| `<leader><leader><leader> bdw` | Start of word |
| `<leader><leader><leader> bde` | End of word |
| `<leader><leader><leader> bdjk` | Start of line |
| `<leader><leader><leader> j` | JumpToAnywhere motion; default behavior matches beginning & ending of word, camelCase, after \_ and after # |
`<leader><leader> (2s|2f|2F|2t|2T) <char><char>` and `<leader><leader><leader> bd2t <char>char>` are also available.
The difference is character count required for search.
For example, `<leader><leader> 2s <char><char>` requires two characters, and search by two characters.
This mapping is not a standard mapping, so it is recommended to use your custom mapping.
### vim-surround
Based on [surround.vim](, the plugin is used to work with surrounding characters like parenthesis, brackets, quotes, and XML tags.
| Setting | Description | Type | Default Value |
| ------------ | --------------------------- | ------- | ------------- |
| vim.surround | Enable/disable vim-surround | Boolean | true |
`t` or `<` as `<desired char>` or `<existing char>` will do tags and enter tag entry mode. Using `<CR>` instead of `>` to finish changing a tag will preserve any existing attributes.
| Surround Command | Description |
| ------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `d s <existing char>` | Delete existing surround |
| `c s <existing char> <desired char>` | Change surround existing to desired |
| `y s <motion> <desired char>` | Surround something with something using motion (as in "you surround") |
| `S <desired char>` | Surround when in visual modes (surrounds full selection) |
Some examples:
- `"test"` with cursor inside quotes type cs"' to end up with `'test'`
- `"test"` with cursor inside quotes type ds" to end up with `test`
- `"test"` with cursor inside quotes type cs"t and enter 123> to end up with `<123>test</123>`
- `test` with cursor on word test type ysaw) to end up with `(test)`
### vim-commentary
Similar to [vim-commentary](, but uses the VSCode native _Toggle Line Comment_ and _Toggle Block Comment_ features.
Usage examples:
- `gc` - toggles line comment. For example `gcc` to toggle line comment for current line and `gc2j` to toggle line comments for the current line and the next two lines.
- `gC` - toggles block comment. For example `gCi)` to comment out everything within parenthesis.
### vim-indent-object
Based on [vim-indent-object](, it allows for treating blocks of code at the current indentation level as text objects. Useful in languages that don't use braces around statements (e.g. Python).
Provided there is a new line between the opening and closing braces / tag, it can be considered an agnostic `cib`/`ci{`/`ci[`/`cit`.
| Command | Description |
| -------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `<operator>ii` | This indentation level |
| `<operator>ai` | This indentation level and the line above (think `if` statements in Python) |
| `<operator>aI` | This indentation level, the line above, and the line after (think `if` statements in C/C++/Java/etc) |
### vim-sneak
Based on [vim-sneak](, it allows for jumping to any location specified by two characters.
| Setting | Description | Type | Default Value |
| ---------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------- |
| vim.sneak | Enable/disable vim-sneak | Boolean | false |
| vim.sneakUseIgnorecaseAndSmartcase | Respect `vim.ignorecase` and `vim.smartcase` while sneaking | Boolean | false |
2019-01-05 12:10:34 +03:00
Once sneak is active, initiate motions using the following commands. For operators sneak uses `z` instead of `s` because `s` is already taken by the surround plugin.
| Motion Command | Description |
| ------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `s<char><char>` | Move forward to the first occurence of `<char><char>` |
| `S<char><char>` | Move backward to the first occurence of `<char><char>` |
| `<operator>z<char><char>` | Perform `<operator>` forward to the first occurence of `<char><char>` |
| `<operator>Z<char><char>` | Perform `<operator>` backward to the first occurence of `<char><char>` |
### CamelCaseMotion
Based on [CamelCaseMotion](, though not an exact emulation. This plugin provides an easier way to move through camelCase and snake_case words.
| Setting | Description | Type | Default Value |
| -------------------------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ------------- |
| vim.camelCaseMotion.enable | Enable/disable CamelCaseMotion | Boolean | false |
Once CamelCaseMotion is enabled, the following motions are available:
| Motion Command | Description |
| ---------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `<leader>w` | Move forward to the start of the next camelCase or snake_case word segment |
| `<leader>e` | Move forward to the next end of a camelCase or snake_case word segment |
| `<leader>b` | Move back to the prior beginning of a camelCase or snake_case word segment |
| `<operator>i<leader>w` | Select/change/delete/etc. the current camelCase or snake_case word segment |
By default, `<leader>` is mapped to `\`, so for example, `d2i\w` would delete the current and next camelCase word segment.
2019-01-05 12:10:34 +03:00
### Input Method
Disable input method when exiting Insert Mode.
| Setting | Description |
| --------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.enable` | Boolean denoting whether autoSwitchInputMethod is on/off. |
| `vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.defaultIM` | Default input method. |
| `vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.obtainIMCmd` | The full path to command to retrieve the current input method key. |
| `vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.switchIMCmd` | The full path to command to switch input method, with `{im}` a placeholder for input method key. |
Any third-party program can be used to switch input methods. The following will walkthrough the configuration using [im-select](
1. Install im-select (see [installation guide](
1. Find your default input method key
- Mac:
Switch your input method to English, and run the following in your terminal: `/<path-to-im-select-installation>/im-select` to output your default input method. The table below lists the common English key layouts for MacOS.
| Key | Description |
| ------------------------------ | ----------- |
| | U.S. |
| | ABC |
| | British |
| | Irish |
| | Australian |
| | Dvorak |
| | Colemak |
- Windows:
Refer to the [im-select guide]( on how to discover your input method key. Generally, if your keyboard layout is en_US the input method key is 1033 (the locale ID of en_US). You can also find your locale ID from [this page](, where the `LCID Decimal` column is the locale ID.
1. Configure `vim.autoSwitchInputMethod`.
- MacOS:
Given the input method key of `` and `im-select` located at `/usr/local/bin`. The configuration is:
"vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.enable": true,
"vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.defaultIM": "",
"vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.obtainIMCmd": "/usr/local/bin/im-select",
"vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.switchIMCmd": "/usr/local/bin/im-select {im}"
- Windows:
Given the input method key of `1033` (en_US) and `im-select.exe` located at `D:/bin`. The configuration is:
"vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.enable": true,
"vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.defaultIM": "1033",
"vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.obtainIMCmd": "D:\\bin\\im-select.exe",
"vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.switchIMCmd": "D:\\bin\\im-select.exe {im}"
The `{im}` argument above is a command-line option that will be passed to `im-select` denoting the input method to switch to. If using an alternative program to switch input methods, you should add a similar option to the configuration. For example, if the program's usage is `my-program -s imKey` to switch input method, the `vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.switchIMCmd` should be `/path/to/my-program -s {im}`.
## 🎩 VSCodeVim tricks!
Vim has a lot of nifty tricks and we try to preserve some of them:
- `gd` - jump to definition.
- `gq` - on a visual selection reflow and wordwrap blocks of text, preserving commenting style. Great for formatting documentation comments.
- `gb` - adds another cursor on the next word it finds which is the same as the word under the cursor.
- `af` - visual mode command which selects increasingly large blocks of text. For example, if you had "blah (foo [bar 'ba|z'])" then it would select 'baz' first. If you pressed `af` again, it'd then select [bar 'baz'], and if you did it a third time it would select "(foo [bar 'baz'])".
- `gh` - equivalent to hovering your mouse over wherever the cursor is. Handy for seeing types and error messages without reaching for the mouse!
## 📚 F.A.Q.
- None of the native Visual Studio Code `ctrl` (e.g. `ctrl+f`, `ctrl+v`) commands work
Set the [`useCtrlKeys` setting](#vscodevim-settings) to `false`.
- Moving `j`/`k` over folds opens up the folds
Try setting `vim.foldfix` to `true`. This is a hack; it works fine, but there are side effects (see [issue#22276](
- Key repeat doesn't work
2019-02-27 23:15:00 +03:00
Are you on a Mac? Did you go through our [mac-setup](#mac) instructions?
2019-01-05 12:10:34 +03:00
- There are annoying intellisense/notifications/popups that I can't close with `<esc>`! Or I'm in a snippet and I want to close intellisense
Press `shift+<esc>` to close all of those boxes.
- How can I use the commandline when in Zen mode or when the status bar is disabled?
This extension exposes a remappable command to show a vscode style quick-pick, limited functionality, version of the commandline. This can be remapped as follows in VS Code's keybindings.json settings file.
2019-01-05 12:10:34 +03:00
"key": "shift+;",
"command": "vim.showQuickpickCmdLine",
"when": "editorTextFocus && vim.mode != 'Insert'"
Or for Zen mode only:
"key": "shift+;",
"command": "vim.showQuickpickCmdLine",
"when": "inZenMode && vim.mode != 'Insert'"
- How can I move the cursor by each display line with word wrapping?
If you have word wrap on and would like the cursor to enter each wrapped line when using <kbd>j</kbd>, <kbd>k</kbd>, <kbd></kbd> or <kbd></kbd>, set the following in VS Code's keybindings.json settings file ([other options exist]( but they are slow):
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
"key": "up",
"command": "cursorUp",
"when": "editorTextFocus && && !inDebugRepl && !suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions && !suggestWidgetVisible"
"key": "down",
"command": "cursorDown",
"when": "editorTextFocus && && !inDebugRepl && !suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions && !suggestWidgetVisible"
"key": "k",
"command": "cursorUp",
"when": "editorTextFocus && && !inDebugRepl && vim.mode == 'Normal' && !suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions && !suggestWidgetVisible"
"key": "j",
"command": "cursorDown",
"when": "editorTextFocus && && !inDebugRepl && vim.mode == 'Normal' && !suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions && !suggestWidgetVisible"
2019-01-05 12:10:34 +03:00
## ❤️ Contributing
This project is maintained by a group of awesome [people]( and contributions are extremely welcome :heart:. For a quick tutorial on how you can help, see our [contributing guide](/.github/
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Buy Us A Coffee" style="height: auto !important;width: auto !important;" ></a>
### Special shoutouts to:
- Thanks to @xconverge for making over 100 commits to the repo. If you're wondering why your least favorite bug packed up and left, it was probably him.
- Thanks to @Metamist for implementing EasyMotion!
- Thanks to @sectioneight for implementing text objects!
- Special props to [Kevin Coleman](, who created our awesome logo!
- Shoutout to @chillee aka Horace He for his contributions and hard work.