import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { ExCommandLine, SearchCommandLine } from './src/cmd_line/commandLine'; import { configuration } from './src/configuration/configuration'; import { Notation } from './src/configuration/notation'; import { Globals } from './src/globals'; import { Jump } from './src/jumps/jump'; import { Mode } from './src/mode/mode'; import { ModeHandler } from './src/mode/modeHandler'; import { ModeHandlerMap } from './src/mode/modeHandlerMap'; import { Register } from './src/register/register'; import { CompositionState } from './src/state/compositionState'; import { globalState } from './src/state/globalState'; import { StatusBar } from './src/statusBar'; import { taskQueue } from './src/taskQueue'; import { Logger } from './src/util/logger'; import { SpecialKeys } from './src/util/specialKeys'; import { VSCodeContext } from './src/util/vscodeContext'; import { exCommandParser } from './src/vimscript/exCommandParser'; let extensionContext: vscode.ExtensionContext; let previousActiveEditorUri: vscode.Uri | undefined; let lastClosedModeHandler: ModeHandler | null = null; interface ICodeKeybinding { after?: string[]; commands?: Array<{ command: string; args: any[] }>; } export async function getAndUpdateModeHandler( forceSyncAndUpdate = false, ): Promise { const activeTextEditor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; if (activeTextEditor === undefined || activeTextEditor.document.isClosed) { return undefined; } const [curHandler, isNew] = await ModeHandlerMap.getOrCreate(activeTextEditor); if (isNew) { extensionContext.subscriptions.push(curHandler); } curHandler.vimState.editor = activeTextEditor; if ( forceSyncAndUpdate || !previousActiveEditorUri || previousActiveEditorUri !== activeTextEditor.document.uri ) { // We sync the cursors here because ModeHandler is specific to a document, not an editor, so we // need to update our representation of the cursors when switching between editors for the same document. // This will be unnecessary once #4889 is fixed. curHandler.syncCursors(); await curHandler.updateView({ drawSelection: false, revealRange: false }); } previousActiveEditorUri = activeTextEditor.document.uri; if (curHandler.focusChanged) { curHandler.focusChanged = false; if (previousActiveEditorUri) { const prevHandler = ModeHandlerMap.get(previousActiveEditorUri); prevHandler!.focusChanged = true; } } return curHandler; } /** * Loads and validates the user's configuration */ async function loadConfiguration() { const validatorResults = await configuration.load(); Logger.debug(`${validatorResults.numErrors} errors found with vim configuration`); if (validatorResults.numErrors > 0) { for (const validatorResult of validatorResults.get()) { switch (validatorResult.level) { case 'error': Logger.error(validatorResult.message); break; case 'warning': Logger.warn(validatorResult.message); break; } } } } /** * The extension's entry point */ export async function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext, handleLocal: boolean = true) { ExCommandLine.parser = exCommandParser; Logger.init(); // before we do anything else, we need to load the configuration await loadConfiguration(); Logger.debug('Start'); extensionContext = context; extensionContext.subscriptions.push(StatusBar); // Load state Register.loadFromDisk(handleLocal); await Promise.all([ExCommandLine.loadHistory(context), SearchCommandLine.loadHistory(context)]); if (vscode.window.activeTextEditor) { const filepathComponents = vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.fileName.split(/\\|\//); Register.setReadonlyRegister('%', filepathComponents[filepathComponents.length - 1]); } // workspace events registerEventListener( context, vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration, async () => {'Configuration changed'); await loadConfiguration(); }, false, ); registerEventListener(context, vscode.workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument, async (event) => { if (event.document.uri.scheme === 'output') { // Without this, we'll get an infinite logging loop return; } if (event.contentChanges.length === 0) { // This happens when the document is saved return; } Logger.debug( `${event.contentChanges.length} change(s) to ${event.document.fileName} because ${event.reason}`, ); for (const x of event.contentChanges) { Logger.trace(`\t-${x.rangeLength}, +'${x.text}'`); } if (event.contentChanges.length === 1) { const change = event.contentChanges[0]; const anyLinesDeleted = change.range.start.line !== change.range.end.line; if (anyLinesDeleted && change.text === '') { globalState.jumpTracker.handleTextDeleted(event.document, change.range); } else if (!anyLinesDeleted && change.text.includes('\n')) { globalState.jumpTracker.handleTextAdded(event.document, change.range, change.text); } else { // TODO: What to do here? } } else { // TODO: In this case, we should probably loop over the content changes... } // Change from VSCode editor should set document.isDirty to true but they initially don't! // There is a timing issue in VSCode codebase between when the isDirty flag is set and // when registered callbacks are fired. const contentChangeHandler = (modeHandler: ModeHandler) => { if (modeHandler.vimState.currentMode === Mode.Insert) { if (modeHandler.vimState.historyTracker.currentContentChanges === undefined) { modeHandler.vimState.historyTracker.currentContentChanges = []; } modeHandler.vimState.historyTracker.currentContentChanges = modeHandler.vimState.historyTracker.currentContentChanges.concat(event.contentChanges); } }; const mh = ModeHandlerMap.get(event.document.uri); if (mh) { contentChangeHandler(mh); } }); registerEventListener( context, vscode.workspace.onDidCloseTextDocument, async (closedDocument) => {`${closedDocument.fileName} closed`); // Delete modehandler once all tabs of this document have been closed for (const [uri, modeHandler] of ModeHandlerMap.entries()) { let shouldDelete = false; if (modeHandler == null) { shouldDelete = true; } else { const document = modeHandler.vimState.document; if (!vscode.workspace.textDocuments.includes(document)) { shouldDelete = true; if (closedDocument === document) { lastClosedModeHandler = modeHandler; } } } if (shouldDelete) { ModeHandlerMap.delete(uri); } } }, false, ); // window events registerEventListener( context, vscode.window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor, async (activeTextEditor: vscode.TextEditor | undefined) => { if (activeTextEditor) {`Active editor: ${activeTextEditor.document.uri}`); } else { Logger.debug(`No active editor`); } const mhPrevious: ModeHandler | undefined = previousActiveEditorUri ? ModeHandlerMap.get(previousActiveEditorUri) : undefined; // Track the closed editor so we can use it the next time an open event occurs. // When vscode changes away from a temporary file, onDidChangeActiveTextEditor first twice. // First it fires when leaving the closed editor. Then onDidCloseTextDocument first, and we delete // the old ModeHandler. Then a new editor opens. // // This also applies to files that are merely closed, which allows you to jump back to that file similarly // once a new file is opened. lastClosedModeHandler = mhPrevious || lastClosedModeHandler; const oldFileRegister = (await Register.get('%'))?.text; const relativePath = activeTextEditor ? vscode.workspace.asRelativePath(activeTextEditor.document.uri, false) : ''; if (relativePath !== oldFileRegister) { if (oldFileRegister && oldFileRegister !== '') { Register.setReadonlyRegister('#', oldFileRegister as string); } Register.setReadonlyRegister('%', relativePath); } if (activeTextEditor === undefined) { return; } taskQueue.enqueueTask(async () => { const mh = await getAndUpdateModeHandler(true); if (mh) { globalState.jumpTracker.handleFileJump( lastClosedModeHandler ? Jump.fromStateNow(lastClosedModeHandler.vimState) : null, Jump.fromStateNow(mh.vimState), ); } }); }, true, true, ); registerEventListener( context, vscode.window.onDidChangeTextEditorSelection, async (e: vscode.TextEditorSelectionChangeEvent) => { if (e.textEditor.document.uri.scheme === 'output') { // Without this, we can an infinite logging loop return; } if ( vscode.window.activeTextEditor === undefined || e.textEditor.document !== vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document ) { // We don't care if user selection changed in a paneled window (e.g debug console/terminal) return; } const mh = ModeHandlerMap.get(vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.uri); if (mh === undefined) { // We don't care if there is no active editor return; } if (e.kind !== vscode.TextEditorSelectionChangeKind.Mouse) { const selectionsHash = e.selections.reduce( (hash, s) => hash + `[${s.anchor.line}, ${s.anchor.character}; ${}, ${}]`, '', ); const idx = mh.selectionsChanged.ourSelections.indexOf(selectionsHash); if (idx > -1) { mh.selectionsChanged.ourSelections.splice(idx, 1); Logger.trace( `Ignoring selection: ${selectionsHash}. ${mh.selectionsChanged.ourSelections.length} left`, ); return; } else if (mh.selectionsChanged.ignoreIntermediateSelections) { Logger.trace(`Ignoring intermediate selection change: ${selectionsHash}`); return; } else if (mh.selectionsChanged.ourSelections.length > 0) { // Some intermediate selection must have slipped in after setting the // 'ignoreIntermediateSelections' to false. Which means we didn't count // for it yet, but since we have selections to be ignored then we probably // wanted this one to be ignored as well. Logger.warn(`Ignoring slipped selection: ${selectionsHash}`); return; } } // We may receive changes from other panels when, having selections in them containing the same file // and changing text before the selection in current panel. if (e.textEditor !== mh.vimState.editor) { return; } if (mh.focusChanged) { mh.focusChanged = false; return; } if (mh.currentMode === Mode.EasyMotionMode) { return; } taskQueue.enqueueTask(() => mh.handleSelectionChange(e)); }, true, false, ); registerEventListener( context, vscode.window.onDidChangeTextEditorVisibleRanges, async (e: vscode.TextEditorVisibleRangesChangeEvent) => { if (e.textEditor !== vscode.window.activeTextEditor) { return; } taskQueue.enqueueTask(async () => { // Scrolling the viewport clears any status bar message, even errors. const mh = await getAndUpdateModeHandler(); if (mh && StatusBar.lastMessageTime) { // TODO: Using the time elapsed works most of the time, but is a bit of a hack const timeElapsed = - Number(StatusBar.lastMessageTime); if (timeElapsed > 100) { StatusBar.clear(mh.vimState, true); } } }); }, ); const compositionState = new CompositionState(); // Override VSCode commands overrideCommand(context, 'type', async (args: { text: string }) => { taskQueue.enqueueTask(async () => { const mh = await getAndUpdateModeHandler(); if (mh) { if (compositionState.isInComposition) { compositionState.composingText += args.text; if (mh.vimState.currentMode === Mode.Insert) { compositionState.insertedText = true; void vscode.commands.executeCommand('default:type', { text: args.text }); } } else { await mh.handleKeyEvent(args.text); } } }); }); overrideCommand( context, 'replacePreviousChar', async (args: { replaceCharCnt: number; text: string }) => { taskQueue.enqueueTask(async () => { const mh = await getAndUpdateModeHandler(); if (mh) { if (compositionState.isInComposition) { compositionState.composingText = compositionState.composingText.substr( 0, compositionState.composingText.length - args.replaceCharCnt, ) + args.text; } if (compositionState.insertedText) { await vscode.commands.executeCommand('default:replacePreviousChar', { text: args.text, replaceCharCnt: args.replaceCharCnt, }); mh.vimState.cursorStopPosition = mh.vimState.editor.selection.start; mh.vimState.cursorStartPosition = mh.vimState.editor.selection.start; } } else { await vscode.commands.executeCommand('default:replacePreviousChar', { text: args.text, replaceCharCnt: args.replaceCharCnt, }); } }); }, ); overrideCommand(context, 'compositionStart', async () => { taskQueue.enqueueTask(async () => { compositionState.isInComposition = true; }); }); overrideCommand(context, 'compositionEnd', async () => { taskQueue.enqueueTask(async () => { const mh = await getAndUpdateModeHandler(); if (mh) { if (compositionState.insertedText) { mh.selectionsChanged.ignoreIntermediateSelections = true; await vscode.commands.executeCommand('default:replacePreviousChar', { text: '', replaceCharCnt: compositionState.composingText.length, }); mh.vimState.cursorStopPosition =; mh.vimState.cursorStartPosition =; mh.selectionsChanged.ignoreIntermediateSelections = false; } const text = compositionState.composingText; await mh.handleMultipleKeyEvents(text.split('')); } compositionState.reset(); }); }); // Register extension commands registerCommand(context, 'vim.showQuickpickCmdLine', async () => { const mh = await getAndUpdateModeHandler(); if (mh) { const cmd = await vscode.window.showInputBox({ prompt: 'Vim command line', value: '', ignoreFocusOut: false, valueSelection: [0, 0], }); if (cmd) { await new ExCommandLine(cmd, mh.vimState.currentMode).run(mh.vimState); } void mh.updateView(); } }); registerCommand(context, 'vim.remap', async (args: ICodeKeybinding) => { taskQueue.enqueueTask(async () => { const mh = await getAndUpdateModeHandler(); if (mh === undefined) { return; } if (!args) { throw new Error( "'args' is undefined. For this remap to work it needs to have 'args' with an '\"after\": string[]' and/or a '\"commands\": { command: string; args: any[] }[]'", ); } if (args.after) { for (const key of args.after) { await mh.handleKeyEvent(Notation.NormalizeKey(key, configuration.leader)); } } if (args.commands) { for (const command of args.commands) { // Check if this is a vim command by looking for : if (command.command.startsWith(':')) { await new ExCommandLine( command.command.slice(1, command.command.length), mh.vimState.currentMode, ).run(mh.vimState); void mh.updateView(); } else { await vscode.commands.executeCommand(command.command, command.args); } } } }); }); registerCommand(context, 'toggleVim', async () => { configuration.disableExtension = !configuration.disableExtension; void toggleExtension(configuration.disableExtension, compositionState); }); for (const boundKey of configuration.boundKeyCombinations) { const command = ['', ''].includes(boundKey.key) ? async () => { const mh = await getAndUpdateModeHandler(); if (mh && !(await forceStopRecursiveRemap(mh))) { await mh.handleKeyEvent(`${boundKey.key}`); } } : async () => { const mh = await getAndUpdateModeHandler(); if (mh) { await mh.handleKeyEvent(`${boundKey.key}`); } }; registerCommand(context, boundKey.command, async () => { taskQueue.enqueueTask(command); }); } { // Initialize mode handler for current active Text Editor at startup. const modeHandler = await getAndUpdateModeHandler(); if (modeHandler) { if (!configuration.startInInsertMode) { const vimState = modeHandler.vimState; // Make sure no cursors start on the EOL character (which is invalid in normal mode) // This can happen if we quit last session in insert mode at the end of the line vimState.cursors = => { const eolColumn = vimState.document.lineAt(cursor.stop).text.length; if (cursor.stop.character >= eolColumn) { const character = Math.max(eolColumn - 1, 0); return cursor.withNewStop(cursor.stop.with({ character })); } else { return cursor; } }); } // This is called last because getAndUpdateModeHandler() will change cursor void modeHandler.updateView({ drawSelection: true, revealRange: false }); } } // Disable automatic keyboard navigation in lists, so it doesn't interfere // with our list navigation keybindings await VSCodeContext.set('listAutomaticKeyboardNavigation', false); await toggleExtension(configuration.disableExtension, compositionState); Logger.debug('Finish.'); } /** * Toggles the VSCodeVim extension between Enabled mode and Disabled mode. This * function is activated by calling the 'toggleVim' command from the Command Palette. * * @param isDisabled if true, sets VSCodeVim to Disabled mode; else sets to enabled mode */ async function toggleExtension(isDisabled: boolean, compositionState: CompositionState) { await VSCodeContext.set('', !isDisabled); const mh = await getAndUpdateModeHandler(); if (mh) { if (isDisabled) { await mh.handleKeyEvent(SpecialKeys.ExtensionDisable); compositionState.reset(); ModeHandlerMap.clear(); } else { await mh.handleKeyEvent(SpecialKeys.ExtensionEnable); } } } function overrideCommand( context: vscode.ExtensionContext, command: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => any, ) { const disposable = vscode.commands.registerCommand(command, async (args) => { if (configuration.disableExtension) { return vscode.commands.executeCommand('default:' + command, args); } if (!vscode.window.activeTextEditor) { return; } if ( vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document && vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.uri.toString() === 'debug:input' ) { return vscode.commands.executeCommand('default:' + command, args); } return callback(args) as vscode.Disposable; }); context.subscriptions.push(disposable); } export function registerCommand( context: vscode.ExtensionContext, command: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => any, requiresActiveEditor: boolean = true, ) { const disposable = vscode.commands.registerCommand(command, async (args) => { if (requiresActiveEditor && !vscode.window.activeTextEditor) { return; } callback(args); }); context.subscriptions.push(disposable); } export function registerEventListener( context: vscode.ExtensionContext, event: vscode.Event, listener: (e: T) => void, exitOnExtensionDisable = true, exitOnTests = false, ) { const disposable = event(async (e) => { if (exitOnExtensionDisable && configuration.disableExtension) { return; } if (exitOnTests && Globals.isTesting) { return; } listener(e); }); context.subscriptions.push(disposable); } /** * @returns true if there was a remap being executed to stop */ async function forceStopRecursiveRemap(mh: ModeHandler): Promise { if (mh.remapState.isCurrentlyPerformingRecursiveRemapping) { mh.remapState.forceStopRecursiveRemapping = true; return true; } return false; }