Jason Fields 63efa33f21 Proper implementation of whichwrap
Implement missing values, set default to 'b,s', and add some test cases
2021-03-04 22:39:14 -05:00

134 lines
4.1 KiB

import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import {
} from '../src/configuration/iconfiguration';
export class Configuration implements IConfiguration {
useSystemClipboard = false;
useCtrlKeys = false;
overrideCopy = true;
textwidth = 80;
hlsearch = false;
ignorecase = true;
smartcase = true;
autoindent = true;
camelCaseMotion = {
enable: false,
replaceWithRegister = false;
smartRelativeLine = false;
sneak = false;
sneakUseIgnorecaseAndSmartcase = false;
sneakReplacesF = false;
surround = false;
argumentObjectSeparators = [','];
argumentObjectOpeningDelimiters = ['(', '['];
argumentObjectClosingDelimiters = [')', ']'];
easymotion = false;
easymotionMarkerBackgroundColor = '#0000';
easymotionMarkerForegroundColorOneChar = '#ff0000';
easymotionMarkerForegroundColorTwoChar = '#ffa500'; // Deprecated! Use the ones bellow
easymotionMarkerForegroundColorTwoCharFirst = '#ffb400';
easymotionMarkerForegroundColorTwoCharSecond = '#b98300';
easymotionIncSearchForegroundColor = '#7fbf00';
easymotionDimColor = '#777777';
easymotionMarkerWidthPerChar = 8; // Deprecated! No longer needed!
easymotionDimBackground = true;
easymotionMarkerFontFamily = 'Consolas'; // Deprecated! No longer needed!
easymotionMarkerFontSize = '14'; // Deprecated! No longer needed!
easymotionMarkerFontWeight = 'bold';
easymotionMarkerMargin = 0; // Deprecated! No longer needed!
easymotionKeys = 'hklyuiopnm,qwertzxcvbasdgjf;';
autoSwitchInputMethod = {
enable: false,
defaultIM: '',
switchIMCmd: '',
obtainIMCmd: '',
timeout = 1000;
maxmapdepth = 1000;
showcmd = true;
showmodename = true;
leader = '//';
history = 50;
incsearch = true;
startInInsertMode = false;
statusBarColorControl = false;
statusBarColors: IModeSpecificStrings<string | string[]> = {
normal: ['#8FBCBB', '#434C5E'],
insert: '#BF616A',
visual: '#B48EAD',
visualline: '#B48EAD',
visualblock: '#A3BE8C',
replace: '#D08770',
debug: {
silent: false;
loggingLevelForAlert: 'error';
loggingLevelForConsole: 'debug';
searchHighlightColor = 'rgba(150, 150, 255, 0.3)';
searchHighlightTextColor = '';
highlightedyank: {
enable: false;
color: 'rgba(250, 240, 170, 0.5)';
textColor: '';
duration: 200;
tabstop = 2;
editorCursorStyle = vscode.TextEditorCursorStyle.Line;
expandtab = true;
number = true;
relativenumber = false;
iskeyword = '/\\()"\':,.;<>~!@#$%^&*|+=[]{}`?-';
visualstar = false;
mouseSelectionGoesIntoVisualMode = true;
changeWordIncludesWhitespace = false;
foldfix = false;
disableExtension = false;
enableNeovim = false;
gdefault = false;
substituteGlobalFlag = false; // Deprecated in favor of gdefault
neovimPath = 'nvim';
neovimUseConfigFile = false;
neovimConfigPath = '';
vimrc = {
enable: false,
path: '',
cursorStylePerMode: IModeSpecificStrings<string> = {
normal: 'line',
insert: 'block',
visual: 'underline',
visualline: 'line-thin',
visualblock: 'block-outline',
replace: 'underline-thin,',
insertModeKeyBindings: IKeyRemapping[] = [];
insertModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive: IKeyRemapping[] = [];
normalModeKeyBindings: IKeyRemapping[] = [];
normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive: IKeyRemapping[] = [];
operatorPendingModeKeyBindings: IKeyRemapping[] = [];
operatorPendingModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive: IKeyRemapping[] = [];
visualModeKeyBindings: IKeyRemapping[] = [];
visualModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive: IKeyRemapping[] = [];
commandLineModeKeyBindings: IKeyRemapping[] = [];
commandLineModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive: IKeyRemapping[] = [];
insertModeKeyBindingsMap: Map<string, IKeyRemapping>;
normalModeKeyBindingsMap: Map<string, IKeyRemapping>;
operatorPendingModeKeyBindingsMap: Map<string, IKeyRemapping>;
visualModeKeyBindingsMap: Map<string, IKeyRemapping>;
commandLineModeKeyBindingsMap: Map<string, IKeyRemapping>;
whichwrap = 'b,s';
wrapKeys = {};
report = 2;
digraphs: {};
wrapscan = true;
scroll = 20;
startofline = true;
showMarksInGutter = true;