2024-05-01 21:10:33 -04:00

542 lines
18 KiB

import { strict as assert } from 'assert';
import * as sinon from 'sinon';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as os from 'os';
import { Position } from 'vscode';
import { IConfiguration, IKeyRemapping } from '../src/configuration/iconfiguration';
import { VimrcImpl } from '../src/configuration/vimrc';
import { vimrcKeyRemappingBuilder } from '../src/configuration/vimrcKeyRemappingBuilder';
import { Globals } from '../src/globals';
import { Mode } from '../src/mode/mode';
import { ModeHandler } from '../src/mode/modeHandler';
import { ModeHandlerMap } from '../src/mode/modeHandlerMap';
import { Register } from '../src/register/register';
import { globalState } from '../src/state/globalState';
import { StatusBar } from '../src/statusBar';
import { TextEditor } from '../src/textEditor';
import { assertEqualLines, reloadConfiguration } from './testUtils';
function newTestGeneric<T extends ITestObject | ITestWithRemapsObject>(
testObj: T,
testFunc: Mocha.TestFunction | Mocha.ExclusiveTestFunction | Mocha.PendingTestFunction,
innerTest: (testObj: T) => Promise<ModeHandler>,
): void {
const stack = ((s) => (s ? s.split('\n').splice(2, 1).join('\n') : 'no stack available :('))(
new Error().stack,
testFunc(testObj.title, async () => {
const prevConfig = { ...Globals.mockConfiguration };
try {
if (testObj.config) {
for (const key in testObj.config) {
if (testObj.config.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
const value = testObj.config[key];
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
Globals.mockConfiguration[key] = value;
await reloadConfiguration();
await innerTest(testObj);
} catch (reason) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
reason.stack = stack;
throw reason;
} finally {
if (testObj.config) {
Globals.mockConfiguration = prevConfig;
await reloadConfiguration();
export const newTest = (testObj: ITestObject) => newTestGeneric(testObj, test, testIt);
export const newTestOnly = (testObj: ITestObject) => {
console.warn('!!! Running single test !!!');
return newTestGeneric(testObj, test.only, testIt);
export const newTestSkip = (testObj: ITestObject, skipCondition: boolean = true) =>
newTestGeneric(testObj, skipCondition ? test.skip : test, testIt);
export const newTestWithRemaps = (testObj: ITestWithRemapsObject) =>
newTestGeneric(testObj, test, testItWithRemaps);
export const newTestWithRemapsOnly = (testObj: ITestWithRemapsObject) => {
console.warn('!!! Running single test !!!');
return newTestGeneric(testObj, test.only, testItWithRemaps);
export const newTestWithRemapsSkip = (testObj: ITestWithRemapsObject) =>
newTestGeneric(testObj, test.skip, testItWithRemaps);
interface ITestObject {
title: string;
config?: Partial<IConfiguration>;
editorOptions?: vscode.TextEditorOptions;
start: string[];
keysPressed: string;
end: string[];
endMode?: Mode;
registers?: { [name: string]: string | undefined };
statusBar?: string;
jumps?: string[];
stub?: {
stubClass: any;
methodName: string;
returnValue: any;
saveDocBeforeTest?: boolean;
type Step = {
title?: string;
keysPressed: string;
stepResult: {
end: string[];
endAfterTimeout?: string[];
endMode?: Mode;
endModeAfterTimeout?: Mode;
interface ITestWithRemapsObject {
title: string;
config?: Partial<IConfiguration>;
start: string[];
| {
normalModeKeyBindings?: IKeyRemapping[];
normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive?: IKeyRemapping[];
insertModeKeyBindings?: IKeyRemapping[];
insertModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive?: IKeyRemapping[];
visualModeKeyBindings?: IKeyRemapping[];
visualModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive?: IKeyRemapping[];
operatorPendingModeKeyBindings?: IKeyRemapping[];
operatorPendingModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive?: IKeyRemapping[];
| string[];
steps: Step[];
class DocState {
public static parse(lines: string[]): DocState {
lines = [...lines];
const cursor = (() => {
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
const columnIdx = lines[i].indexOf('|');
if (columnIdx >= 0) {
lines[i] = lines[i].replace('|', '');
return new Position(i, columnIdx);
throw new Error("Missing '|' in test object");
return new DocState(cursor, lines);
constructor(cursor: Position, lines: string[]) {
this.cursor = cursor;
this.lines = lines;
public readonly cursor: Position; // TODO(#4582): support multiple cursors
public readonly lines: string[];
* Tokenize a string like `"abc<Esc>d<C-c>"` into `["a", "b", "c", "<Esc>", "d", "<C-c>"]`
function tokenizeKeySequence(sequence: string): string[] {
let isBracketedKey = false;
let key = '';
const result: string[] = [];
// no close bracket, probably trying to do a left shift, take literal
// char sequence
const rawTokenize = (characters: string): void => {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-for-of
for (let i = 0; i < characters.length; i++) {
// don't use a for of here, since the iterator doesn't split surrogate pairs
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-for-of
for (let i = 0; i < sequence.length; i++) {
const char = sequence[i];
key += char;
if (char === '<') {
if (isBracketedKey) {
rawTokenize(key.slice(0, key.length - 1));
key = '<';
} else {
isBracketedKey = true;
if (char === '>') {
isBracketedKey = false;
if (isBracketedKey) {
key = '';
if (isBracketedKey) {
return result;
async function testIt(testObj: ITestObject): Promise<ModeHandler> {
const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
assert(editor, 'Expected an active editor');
const start = DocState.parse(testObj.start);
const end = DocState.parse(testObj.end);
if (testObj.editorOptions) {
editor.options = testObj.editorOptions;
// Initialize the editor with the starting text and cursor selection
await editor.edit((builder) => {
new vscode.Range(new Position(0, 0), TextEditor.getDocumentEnd(editor.document)),
if (testObj.saveDocBeforeTest) {
editor.selections = [new vscode.Selection(start.cursor, start.cursor)];
// Generate a brand new ModeHandler for this editor
const [modeHandler, _] = await ModeHandlerMap.getOrCreate(editor);
globalState.lastInvokedMacro = undefined;
if (testObj.stub) {
const confirmStub = sinon
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
.stub(testObj.stub.stubClass.prototype, testObj.stub.methodName)
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(tokenizeKeySequence(testObj.keysPressed));
} else {
// Assumes key presses are single characters for now
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(tokenizeKeySequence(testObj.keysPressed));
// Check given end output is correct
// Check final cursor position
const actualPosition = modeHandler.vimState.editor.selection.start;
const expectedPosition = end.cursor;
{ line: actualPosition.line, character: actualPosition.character },
{ line: expectedPosition.line, character: expectedPosition.character },
'Cursor position is wrong.',
if (testObj.endMode !== undefined) {
"Didn't enter correct mode.",
if (testObj.registers !== undefined) {
for (const reg in testObj.registers) {
if (testObj.registers[reg] !== undefined) {
assert.strictEqual((await Register.get(reg))?.text, testObj.registers[reg]);
} else {
assert.strictEqual(await Register.get(reg), undefined);
if (testObj.statusBar !== undefined) {
testObj.statusBar.replace('{FILENAME}', modeHandler.vimState.document.fileName),
'Status bar text is wrong.',
// jumps: check jumps are correct if given
if (testObj.jumps !== undefined) {
// TODO: Jumps should be specified by Positions, not line contents
assert.deepStrictEqual( => end.lines[j.position.line] || '<MISSING>'), => t.replace('|', '')),
'Incorrect jumps found',
const stripBar = (text: string | undefined) => (text ? text.replace('|', '') : text);
const actualJumpPosition =
(globalState.jumpTracker.currentJump &&
end.lines[globalState.jumpTracker.currentJump.position.line]) ||
const expectedJumpPosition = stripBar(testObj.jumps.find((t) => t.includes('|'))) || '<FRONT>';
'Incorrect jump position found',
return modeHandler;
async function testItWithRemaps(testObj: ITestWithRemapsObject): Promise<ModeHandler> {
const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
assert(editor, 'Expected an active editor');
// Initialize the editor with the starting text and cursor selection
await editor.edit((builder) => {
builder.insert(new Position(0, 0), testObj.start.join('\n').replace('|', ''));
const start = DocState.parse(testObj.start);
editor.selections = [new vscode.Selection(start.cursor, start.cursor)];
// Generate a brand new ModeHandler for this editor
const [modeHandler, _] = await ModeHandlerMap.getOrCreate(editor);
// Change remappings
if (testObj.remaps) {
if (!(testObj.remaps instanceof Array)) {
Globals.mockConfiguration.normalModeKeyBindings = testObj.remaps?.normalModeKeyBindings ?? [];
Globals.mockConfiguration.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive =
testObj.remaps?.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive ?? [];
Globals.mockConfiguration.insertModeKeyBindings = testObj.remaps?.insertModeKeyBindings ?? [];
Globals.mockConfiguration.insertModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive =
testObj.remaps?.insertModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive ?? [];
Globals.mockConfiguration.visualModeKeyBindings = testObj.remaps?.visualModeKeyBindings ?? [];
Globals.mockConfiguration.visualModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive =
testObj.remaps?.visualModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive ?? [];
Globals.mockConfiguration.operatorPendingModeKeyBindings =
testObj.remaps?.operatorPendingModeKeyBindings ?? [];
Globals.mockConfiguration.operatorPendingModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive =
testObj.remaps?.operatorPendingModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive ?? [];
} else {
await parseVimRCMappings(testObj.remaps);
const timeout = Globals.mockConfiguration.timeout;
const timeoutOffset = timeout / 2;
// Globals.mockConfiguration.timeout = timeout;
await reloadConfiguration();
for (const { step, index } of, i) => ({ step: value, index: i }))) {
const resolvedStep = (() => {
let start: DocState;
if (index === 0) {
start = DocState.parse(testObj.start);
} else {
const prevStepResult = testObj.steps[index - 1].stepResult;
start = DocState.parse(prevStepResult.endAfterTimeout ?? prevStepResult.end);
const stepResult = testObj.steps[index].stepResult;
return {
end: DocState.parse(stepResult.end),
endAfterTimeout: stepResult.endAfterTimeout
? DocState.parse(stepResult.endAfterTimeout)
: undefined,
const stepTitleOrIndex = step.title ? `nr. ${index} - "${step.title}"` : index;
const jumpTracker = globalState.jumpTracker;
// Checks if this step should wait for timeout or not
const waitsForTimeout = step.stepResult.endAfterTimeout !== undefined;
type ResultType = {
lines: string;
position: vscode.Position;
endMode: Mode;
const p1 = () => {
return new Promise<ResultType>((p1Resolve, p1Reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
// Get lines, position and mode after half timeout finishes
lines: modeHandler.vimState.document.getText(),
position: modeHandler.vimState.editor.selection.start,
endMode: modeHandler.currentMode,
}, timeoutOffset);
const p2 = () => {
return new Promise<ResultType | undefined>((p2Resolve, p2Reject) => {
if (waitsForTimeout) {
setTimeout(async () => {
if (modeHandler.remapState.isCurrentlyPerformingRemapping) {
// Performing a remapping, which means it started at the right time but it has not
// finished yet (maybe the remapping has a lot of keys to handle) so we wait for the
// remapping to finish
const wait = (ms: number) => new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, ms));
while (modeHandler.remapState.isCurrentlyPerformingRemapping) {
// Wait a little bit longer here because the currently performing remap might have
// some remaining keys to handle after it finishes performing the remap and there
// might even be there some keys still to be sent that might create another remap.
// Example: if you have and ambiguous remap like 'ab -> abcd' and 'abc -> abcdef'
// and an insert remap like 'jj -> <Esc>' and you press 'abjj' the first 'j' breaks
// the ambiguity and makes the remap start performing, but when the remap finishes
// performing there is still the 'jj' to be handled and remapped.
await wait(10);
// Get lines, position and mode after timeout + offset finishes
lines: modeHandler.vimState.document.getText(),
position: modeHandler.vimState.editor.selection.start,
endMode: modeHandler.currentMode,
}, timeout + timeoutOffset);
} else {
// Assumes key presses are single characters for now
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(tokenizeKeySequence(step.keysPressed));
// Only start the end check promises after the keys were handled to make sure they don't
// finish before all the keys are pressed. The keys handler above will resolve when the
// keys are handled even if it buffered some keys to wait for a timeout.
const [result1, result2] = await Promise.all([p1(), p2()]);
// Lines after keys pressed but before any timeout
// Check given end output is correct
`Document content does not match on step ${stepTitleOrIndex}.`,
// Check end cursor position
const actualEndPosition = result1.position;
const expectedEndPosition = resolvedStep.end.cursor;
{ line: actualEndPosition.line, character: actualEndPosition.character },
{ line: expectedEndPosition.line, character: expectedEndPosition.character },
`Cursor position is wrong on step ${stepTitleOrIndex}.`,
// endMode: check end mode is correct if given
const expectedEndMode = step.stepResult.endMode;
if (expectedEndMode !== undefined) {
`Didn't enter correct mode on step ${stepTitleOrIndex}.`,
if (result2) {
// After the timeout finishes (plus an offset to be sure it finished)
assert.notStrictEqual(result2, undefined);
// Check given endAfterTimeout output is correct
`Document content does not match on step ${stepTitleOrIndex} after timeout.`,
// Check endAfterTimeout cursor position
const actualEndAfterTimeoutPosition = result2.position;
const expectedEndAfterTimeoutPosition = resolvedStep.endAfterTimeout!.cursor;
line: actualEndAfterTimeoutPosition.line,
character: actualEndAfterTimeoutPosition.character,
line: expectedEndAfterTimeoutPosition.line,
character: expectedEndAfterTimeoutPosition.character,
`Cursor position is wrong on step ${stepTitleOrIndex} after Timeout.`,
// endMode: check end mode is correct if given
const expectedEndAfterTimeoutMode = step.stepResult.endModeAfterTimeout;
if (expectedEndAfterTimeoutMode !== undefined) {
`Didn't enter correct mode on step ${stepTitleOrIndex} after Timeout.`,
return modeHandler;
async function parseVimRCMappings(lines: string[]): Promise<void> {
const config = Globals.mockConfiguration;
// Remove all the old remappings from the .vimrc file
const vscodeCommands = await vscode.commands.getCommands();
// Add the new remappings
for (const line of lines) {
const remap = await, vscodeCommands);
if (remap) {
VimrcImpl.addRemapToConfig(config, remap);
const unremap = await vimrcKeyRemappingBuilder.buildUnmapping(line);
if (unremap) {
VimrcImpl.removeRemapFromConfig(config, unremap);
const clearRemap = await vimrcKeyRemappingBuilder.buildClearMapping(line);
if (clearRemap) {
VimrcImpl.clearRemapsFromConfig(config, clearRemap);
export { testIt };
export type { ITestObject };