2023-09-09 19:57:26 -04:00

170 lines
6.3 KiB

import * as assert from 'assert';
import { getAndUpdateModeHandler } from '../extension';
import { ModeHandler } from '../src/mode/modeHandler';
import { assertEqualLines, cleanUpWorkspace, setupWorkspace } from './testUtils';
import { Configuration } from './testConfiguration';
import { newTest } from './testSimplifier';
suite('Multicursor', () => {
let modeHandler: ModeHandler;
setup(async () => {
await setupWorkspace();
modeHandler = (await getAndUpdateModeHandler())!;
test('can add multiple cursors below', async () => {
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents('i11\n22'.split(''));
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['<Esc>', 'g', 'g']);
assertEqualLines(['11', '22']);
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['<D-alt+down>']);
} else {
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['<C-alt+down>']);
assert.strictEqual(modeHandler.vimState.cursors.length, 2, 'Cursor successfully created.');
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['c', 'w', '3', '3', '<Esc>']);
assertEqualLines(['33', '33']);
test('can add multiple cursors above', async () => {
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents('i11\n22\n33'.split(''));
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['<Esc>', '0']);
assertEqualLines(['11', '22', '33']);
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['<D-alt+up>', '<D-alt+up>']);
} else {
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['<C-alt+up>', '<C-alt+up>']);
assert.strictEqual(modeHandler.vimState.cursors.length, 3, 'Cursor successfully created.');
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['c', 'w', '4', '4', '<Esc>']);
assertEqualLines(['44', '44', '44']);
test('viwd with multicursors deletes the words and keeps the cursors', async () => {
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents('ifoo dont delete\nbar\ndont foo'.split(''));
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['<Esc>', 'k', 'k', '0']);
assertEqualLines(['foo dont delete', 'bar', 'dont foo']);
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['g', 'b', 'g', 'b', '<Esc>', 'b']);
assert.strictEqual(modeHandler.vimState.cursors.length, 2, 'Cursor successfully created.');
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['v', 'i', 'w', 'd']);
assertEqualLines([' dont delete', 'bar', 'dont ']);
assert.strictEqual(modeHandler.vimState.cursors.length, 2);
test('vibd with multicursors deletes the content between brackets and keeps the cursors', async () => {
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(
'i[(foo) asd ]\n[(bar) asd ]\n[(foo) asd ]'.split(''),
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['<Esc>', '0', 'l', 'l']);
assertEqualLines(['[(foo) asd ]', '[(bar) asd ]', '[(foo) asd ]']);
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['g', 'b', 'g', 'b', '<Esc>', 'b']);
assert.strictEqual(modeHandler.vimState.cursors.length, 2, 'Cursor successfully created.');
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['v', 'i', 'b', 'd']);
assertEqualLines(['[() asd ]', '[(bar) asd ]', '[() asd ]']);
assert.strictEqual(modeHandler.vimState.cursors.length, 2);
test('vi[d with multicursors deletes the content between brackets and keeps the cursors', async () => {
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(
'i[(foo) asd ]\n[(bar) asd ]\n[(foo) asd ]'.split(''),
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['<Esc>', '0', 'l', 'l']);
assertEqualLines(['[(foo) asd ]', '[(bar) asd ]', '[(foo) asd ]']);
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['g', 'b', 'g', 'b', '<Esc>', 'b']);
assert.strictEqual(modeHandler.vimState.cursors.length, 2, 'Cursor successfully created.');
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['v', 'i', '[', 'd']);
assertEqualLines(['[]', '[(bar) asd ]', '[]']);
assert.strictEqual(modeHandler.vimState.cursors.length, 2);
test('vitd with multicursors deletes the content between tags and keeps the cursors', async () => {
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(
'i<div> foo bar</div> asd\n<div>foo asd</div>'.split(''),
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['<Esc>', 'k', '0', 'W']);
assertEqualLines(['<div> foo bar</div> asd', '<div>foo asd</div>']);
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['g', 'b', 'g', 'b', '<Esc>', 'b']);
assert.strictEqual(modeHandler.vimState.cursors.length, 2, 'Cursor successfully created.');
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['v', 'i', 't', 'd']);
assertEqualLines(['<div></div> asd', '<div></div>']);
assert.strictEqual(modeHandler.vimState.cursors.length, 2);
title: 'Can use "/" search with multicursors',
start: ['|line 1', 'line 2', 'line 3', 'line 4', 'line 5'],
keysPressed: '3<C-alt+down>v/ne \nd<Esc>',
end: ['|e 1', 'e 2', 'e 3', 'e 4', 'line 5'],
title: 'Can use "?" search with multicursors',
start: ['line 1', 'line 2', 'line 3', 'line 4', 'line |5'],
keysPressed: '3<C-alt+up>v?ine\nd<Esc>',
end: ['line 1', '|l', 'l', 'l', 'l'],
suite('Multicursor with remaps', () => {
setup(async () => {
const configuration = new Configuration();
configuration.insertModeKeyBindings = [
before: ['j', 'j', 'k'],
after: ['<esc>'],
await setupWorkspace(configuration);
title: "Using 'jjk' mapped to '<Esc>' doesn't leave trailing characters",
start: ['o|ne', 'two'],
keysPressed: '<C-v>jAfoojjk<Esc>',
end: ['onfo|oe', 'twfooo'],
suite('Multicursor selections', () => {
setup(async () => {
const configuration = new Configuration();
configuration.normalModeKeyBindings = [
before: ['<leader>', 'a', 'f'],
commands: ['editor.action.smartSelect.grow'],
configuration.leader = ' ';
await setupWorkspace(configuration);
'Can handle combined multicursor selections without leaving ghost selection changes behind',
start: ['|this is a test', '1', '2', 'this is another test', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'],
keysPressed: 'gbgb<Esc>Vjjj<Esc><Esc>gg afd',
end: ['| is a test', '1', '2', 'this is another test', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'],