Jason Fields 6c8e67776d Use const instead of let when possible in tests
I'd love to enable `prefer-const` in tslint, but with 17 pull requests outstanding, I think it might cause some merge conflicts. Making the switch in test/** is a step toward that goal which should result in essentially no conflicts.
2019-10-20 23:26:26 -04:00

319 lines
8.7 KiB

import * as assert from 'assert';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { getAndUpdateModeHandler } from '../extension';
import { Position } from '../src/common/motion/position';
import { Globals } from '../src/globals';
import { ModeName } from '../src/mode/mode';
import { ModeHandler } from '../src/mode/modeHandler';
import { TextEditor } from '../src/textEditor';
import { waitForCursorSync } from '../src/util/util';
import { assertEqualLines } from './testUtils';
import { globalState } from '../src/state/globalState';
export function getTestingFunctions() {
const getNiceStack = (stack: string | undefined): string => {
return stack
? stack
.splice(2, 1)
: 'no stack available :(';
const newTest = (testObj: ITestObject): void => {
const stack = new Error().stack;
const niceStack = getNiceStack(stack);
test(testObj.title, async () =>
.bind(null, await getAndUpdateModeHandler())(testObj)
.catch((reason: Error) => {
reason.stack = niceStack;
throw reason;
const newTestOnly = (testObj: ITestObject): void => {
console.log('!!! Running single test !!!');
const stack = new Error().stack;
const niceStack = getNiceStack(stack);
test.only(testObj.title, async () =>
.bind(null, await getAndUpdateModeHandler())(testObj)
.catch((reason: Error) => {
reason.stack = niceStack;
throw reason;
const newTestSkip = (testObj: ITestObject): void => {
const stack = new Error().stack;
const niceStack = getNiceStack(stack);
test.skip(testObj.title, async () =>
.bind(null, await getAndUpdateModeHandler())(testObj)
.catch((reason: Error) => {
reason.stack = niceStack;
throw reason;
return {
interface ITestObject {
title: string;
start: string[];
keysPressed: string;
end: string[];
endMode?: ModeName;
jumps?: string[];
class TestObjectHelper {
* Position that the test says that the cursor starts at.
startPosition = new Position(0, 0);
* Position that the test says that the cursor ends at.
endPosition = new Position(0, 0);
private _isValid = false;
private _testObject: ITestObject;
constructor(_testObject: ITestObject) {
this._testObject = _testObject;
public get isValid(): boolean {
return this._isValid;
private _setStartCursorPosition(lines: string[]): boolean {
const result = this._getCursorPosition(lines);
this.startPosition = result.position;
return result.success;
private _setEndCursorPosition(lines: string[]): boolean {
const result = this._getCursorPosition(lines);
this.endPosition = result.position;
return result.success;
private _getCursorPosition(lines: string[]): { success: boolean; position: Position } {
const ret = { success: false, position: new Position(0, 0) };
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
const columnIdx = lines[i].indexOf('|');
if (columnIdx >= 0) {
ret.position = ret.position.withLine(i).withColumn(columnIdx);
ret.success = true;
return ret;
private _parse(t: ITestObject): void {
this._isValid = true;
if (!this._setStartCursorPosition(t.start)) {
this._isValid = false;
if (!this._setEndCursorPosition(t.end)) {
this._isValid = false;
public asVimInputText(): string[] {
const ret = 'i' + this._testObject.start.join('\n').replace('|', '');
return ret.split('');
public asVimOutputText(): string[] {
const ret = this._testObject.end.slice(0);
ret[this.endPosition.line] = ret[this.endPosition.line].replace('|', '');
return ret;
* Returns a sequence of Vim movement characters 'hjkl' as a string array
* which will move the cursor to the start position given in the test.
public getKeyPressesToMoveToStartPosition(): string[] {
let ret = '';
const linesToMove = this.startPosition.line;
const cursorPosAfterEsc =
this._testObject.start[this._testObject.start.length - 1].replace('|', '').length - 1;
const numCharsInCursorStartLine =
this._testObject.start[this.startPosition.line].replace('|', '').length - 1;
const charactersToMove = this.startPosition.character;
if (linesToMove > 0) {
ret += Array(linesToMove + 1).join('j');
} else if (linesToMove < 0) {
ret += Array(Math.abs(linesToMove) + 1).join('k');
if (charactersToMove > 0) {
ret += Array(charactersToMove + 1).join('l');
} else if (charactersToMove < 0) {
ret += Array(Math.abs(charactersToMove) + 1).join('h');
return ret.split('');
* Tokenize a string like "abc<Esc>d<C-c>" into ["a", "b", "c", "<Esc>", "d", "<C-c>"]
function tokenizeKeySequence(sequence: string): string[] {
let isBracketedKey = false;
let key = '';
const result: string[] = [];
// no close bracket, probably trying to do a left shift, take literal
// char sequence
function rawTokenize(characters: string): void {
for (const char of characters) {
for (const char of sequence) {
key += char;
if (char === '<') {
if (isBracketedKey) {
rawTokenize(key.slice(0, key.length - 1));
key = '<';
} else {
isBracketedKey = true;
if (char === '>') {
isBracketedKey = false;
if (isBracketedKey) {
key = '';
if (isBracketedKey) {
return result;
async function testIt(modeHandler: ModeHandler, testObj: ITestObject): Promise<void> {
modeHandler.vimState.editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor!;
const helper = new TestObjectHelper(testObj);
const jumpTracker = globalState.jumpTracker;
// Don't try this at home, kids.
(modeHandler as any).vimState.cursorPosition = new Position(0, 0);
await modeHandler.handleKeyEvent('<Esc>');
// Insert all the text as a single action.
await modeHandler.vimState.editor.edit(builder => {
builder.insert(new Position(0, 0), testObj.start.join('\n').replace('|', ''));
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(['<Esc>', 'g', 'g']);
await waitForCursorSync();
// Since we bypassed VSCodeVim to add text,
// we need to tell the history tracker that we added it.
// move cursor to start position using 'hjkl'
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(helper.getKeyPressesToMoveToStartPosition());
await waitForCursorSync();
Globals.mockModeHandler = modeHandler;
let keysPressed = testObj.keysPressed;
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
keysPressed = keysPressed.replace(/\\n/g, '\\r\\n');
// assumes key presses are single characters for nowkA
await modeHandler.handleMultipleKeyEvents(tokenizeKeySequence(keysPressed));
// Check valid test object input
assert(helper.isValid, "Missing '|' in test object.");
// end: check given end output is correct
const lines = helper.asVimOutputText();
// Check final cursor position
const actualPosition = Position.FromVSCodePosition(TextEditor.getSelection().start);
const expectedPosition = helper.endPosition;
assert.equal(actualPosition.line, expectedPosition.line, 'Cursor LINE position is wrong.');
'Cursor CHARACTER position is wrong.'
// endMode: check end mode is correct if given
if (typeof testObj.endMode !== 'undefined') {
const actualMode = ModeName[].toUpperCase();
const expectedMode = ModeName[testObj.endMode].toUpperCase();
assert.equal(actualMode, expectedMode, "Didn't enter correct mode.");
// jumps: check jumps are correct if given
if (typeof testObj.jumps !== 'undefined') {
assert.deepEqual( => lines[j.position.line] || '<MISSING>'), => t.replace('|', '')),
'Incorrect jumps found'
const stripBar = text => (text ? text.replace('|', '') : text);
const actualJumpPosition =
(jumpTracker.currentJump && lines[jumpTracker.currentJump.position.line]) || '<FRONT>';
const expectedJumpPosition = stripBar(testObj.jumps.find(t => t.includes('|'))) || '<FRONT>';
'Incorrect jump position found'
export { ITestObject, testIt };