Since niri is not a complete desktop environment, you will very likely want to run the following software to make sure that other apps work fine. ### Notification Daemon Many apps need one. For example, [mako]( works well. Use [a systemd setup](./ or `spawn-at-startup`. ### Portals These provide a cross-desktop API for apps to use for various things like file pickers or UI settings. Flatpak apps in particular require working portals. Portals **require** [running niri as a session](, which means through the `niri-session` script or from a display manager. You will want the following portals installed: * `xdg-desktop-portal-gtk`: implements most of the basic functionality, this is the "default fallback portal". * `xdg-desktop-portal-gnome`: required for screencasting support. * `gnome-keyring`: implements the Secret portal, required for certain apps to work. Then systemd should start them on-demand automatically. These particular portals are configured in `niri-portals.conf` which [must be installed]( in the correct location. Since we're using `xdg-desktop-portal-gnome`, Flatpak apps will read the GNOME UI settings. For example, to enable the dark style, run: ``` dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/interface/color-scheme '"prefer-dark"' ``` ### Authentication Agent Required when apps need to ask for root permissions. Something like `plasma-polkit-agent` works fine. Start it [with systemd](./ or with `spawn-at-startup`. Note that to start `plasma-polkit-agent` with systemd on Fedora, you'll need to override its systemd service to add the correct dependency. Run: ``` systemctl --user edit --full plasma-polkit-agent.service ``` Then add ``.