Router fixes, Relay Fixes, 2FA fixes, support for many trusted proxies addresses.

This commit is contained in:
Ylian Saint-Hilaire 2020-05-07 14:48:51 -07:00
parent 97f4f7f963
commit 1f105e37a2
8 changed files with 14 additions and 11 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -641,6 +641,8 @@ function CreateMeshCentralServer(config, args) {
if (typeof obj.args.agentblockedip == 'string') { if (obj.args.agentblockedip == '') { config.settings.agentblockedip = obj.args.agentblockedip = null; } else { config.settings.agentblockedip = obj.args.agentblockedip = obj.args.agentblockedip.split(','); } }
if (typeof obj.args.swarmallowedip == 'string') { if (obj.args.swarmallowedip == '') { obj.args.swarmallowedip = null; } else { obj.args.swarmallowedip = obj.args.swarmallowedip.split(','); } }
if ((typeof obj.args.agentupdateblocksize == 'number') && (obj.args.agentupdateblocksize >= 1024) && (obj.args.agentupdateblocksize <= 65531)) { obj.agentUpdateBlockSize = obj.args.agentupdateblocksize; }
if (typeof obj.args.trustedproxy == 'string') { obj.args.trustedproxy = obj.args.trustedproxy.split(' ').join('').split(','); }
if (typeof obj.args.tlsoffload == 'string') { obj.args.tlsoffload = obj.args.tlsoffload.split(' ').join('').split(','); }
// Local console tracing
if (typeof obj.args.debug == 'string') { obj.debugSources = obj.args.debug.toLowerCase().split(','); }

View File

@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshRelay = function (parent, ws, req, domain, user, cookie
// Setup session recording
var sessionUser = obj.user;
if (sessionUser == null) { sessionUser = obj.peer.user; }
if ((sessionUser != null) && (domain.sessionrecording == true || ((typeof domain.sessionrecording == 'object') && ((domain.sessionrecording.protocols == null) || (domain.sessionrecording.protocols.indexOf(parseInt(obj.req.query.p)) >= 0))))) {
if ((obj.req.query.p != null) && (obj.req.query.nodeid != null) && (sessionUser != null) && (domain.sessionrecording == true || ((typeof domain.sessionrecording == 'object') && ((domain.sessionrecording.protocols == null) || (domain.sessionrecording.protocols.indexOf(parseInt(obj.req.query.p)) >= 0))))) {
// Get the computer name
parent.db.Get(obj.req.query.nodeid, function (err, nodes) {
var xusername = '', xdevicename = '', xdevicename2 = null, node = null;
@ -250,7 +250,8 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshRelay = function (parent, ws, req, domain, user, cookie
var metadata = { magic: 'MeshCentralRelaySession', ver: 1, userid: sessionUser._id, username:, sessionid:, ipaddr1: cleanRemoteAddr(obj.req.ip), ipaddr2: cleanRemoteAddr(obj.peer.req.ip), time: new Date().toLocaleString(), protocol: (((obj.req == null) || (obj.req.query == null)) ? null : obj.req.query.p), nodeid: (((obj.req == null) || (obj.req.query == null)) ? null : obj.req.query.nodeid ) };
if (xdevicename2 != null) { metadata.devicename = xdevicename2; }
var firstBlock = JSON.stringify(metadata);
var logfile = { fd: fd, lock: false, filename: recFullFilename, startTime:, size: 0, nodeid: node._id, meshid: node.meshid, name:, icon: node.icon };
var logfile = { fd: fd, lock: false, filename: recFullFilename, startTime:, size: 0 };
if (node != null) { logfile.nodeid = node._id; logfile.meshid = node.meshid; =; logfile.icon = node.icon; }
recordingEntry(logfile, 1, 0, firstBlock, function () {
try { = ws.logfile = logfile; } catch (ex) {
try { ws.send('c'); } catch (ex) { } // Send connect to both peers, 'cr' indicates the session is being recorded.

View File

@ -4336,7 +4336,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
var email2fa = (((typeof domain.passwordrequirements != 'object') || (domain.passwordrequirements.email2factor != false)) && (parent.parent.mailserver != null));
var sms2fa = ((parent.parent.smsserver != null) && ((typeof domain.passwordrequirements != 'object') || (domain.passwordrequirements.sms2factor != false)));
var authFactorCount = 0;
if (user.otpsecret == 1) { authFactorCount++; } // Authenticator time factor
if (typeof user.otpsecret == 'string') { authFactorCount++; } // Authenticator time factor
if (email2fa && (user.otpekey != null)) { authFactorCount++; } // EMail factor
if (sms2fa && ( != null)) { authFactorCount++; } // SMS factor
if (user.otphkeys != null) { authFactorCount += user.otphkeys.length; } // FIDO hardware factor

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "meshcentral",
"version": "0.5.25",
"version": "0.5.26",
"keywords": [
"Remote Management",
"Intel AMT",

View File

@ -1,2 +1 @@
(function(a,b){if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],b);else if("undefined"!=typeof exports)b();else{b(),a.FileSaver={exports:{}}.exports}})(this,function(){"use strict";function b(a,b){return"undefined"==typeof b?b={autoBom:!1}:"object"!=typeof b&&(console.warn("Deprecated: Expected third argument to be a object"),b={autoBom:!b}),b.autoBom&&/^\s*(?:text\/\S*|application\/xml|\S*\/\S*\+xml)\s*;.*charset\s*=\s*utf-8/i.test(a.type)?new Blob(["\uFEFF",a],{type:a.type}):a}function c(b,c,d){var e=new XMLHttpRequest;"GET",b),e.responseType="blob",e.onload=function(){a(e.response,c,d)},e.onerror=function(){console.error("could not download file")},e.send()}function d(a){var b=new XMLHttpRequest;"HEAD",a,!1);try{b.send()}catch(a){}return 200<=b.status&&299>=b.status}function e(a){try{a.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click"))}catch(c){var b=document.createEvent("MouseEvents");b.initMouseEvent("click",!0,!0,window,0,0,0,80,20,!1,!1,!1,!1,0,null),a.dispatchEvent(b)}}var f="object"==typeof window&&window.window===window?window:"object"==typeof self&&self.self===self?self:"object"==typeof global&& 0,a=f.saveAs||("object"!=typeof window||window!==f?function(){}:"download"in HTMLAnchorElement.prototype?function(b,g,h){var i=f.URL||f.webkitURL,j=document.createElement("a");g=g||||"download",,j.rel="noopener","string"==typeof b?(j.href=b,j.origin===location.origin?e(j):d(j.href)?c(b,g,h):e(j,"_blank")):(j.href=i.createObjectURL(b),setTimeout(function(){i.revokeObjectURL(j.href)},4E4),setTimeout(function(){e(j)},0))}:"msSaveOrOpenBlob"in navigator?function(f,g,h){if(g=g||||"download","string"!=typeof f)navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(b(f,h),g);else if(d(f))c(f,g,h);else{var i=document.createElement("a");i.href=f,"_blank",setTimeout(function(){e(i)})}}:function(a,b,d,e){if(e=e||open("","_blank"),e&&(e.document.title=e.document.body.innerText="downloading..."),"string"==typeof a)return c(a,b,d);var g="application/octet-stream"===a.type,h=/constructor/i.test(f.HTMLElement)||f.safari,i=/CriOS\/[\d]+/.test(navigator.userAgent);if((i||g&&h)&&"object"==typeof FileReader){var j=new FileReader;j.onloadend=function(){var a=j.result;a=i?a:a.replace(/^data:[^;]*;/,"data:attachment/file;"),e?e.location.href=a:location=a,e=null},j.readAsDataURL(a)}else{var k=f.URL||f.webkitURL,l=k.createObjectURL(a);e?e.location=l:location.href=l,e=null,setTimeout(function(){k.revokeObjectURL(l)},4E4)}});f.saveAs=a.saveAs=a,"undefined"!=typeof module&&(module.exports=a)});

View File

@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
"name": "Local server name",
"info": "Information about this server"
"_TlsOffload": "",
"_TrustedProxy": "",
"_TlsOffload": ",::1",
"_TrustedProxy": ",::1",
"_MpsPort": 44330,
"_MpsAliasPort": 4433,
"_MpsAliasHost": "",

View File

@ -516,11 +516,12 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
if (closeIfThis === false) { res.sendStatus(401); }
} else if (req._socket) { // WebSocket request
ip = req._socket.remoteAddress;
var ipex = (ip.startsWith('::ffff:')) ? ip.substring(7) : ip;
// If a trusted reverse-proxy is sending us the remote IP address, use it.
// This is not done automatically for web socket like it's done for HTTP requests.
if ((obj.args.trustedproxy) && (res.headers['x-forwarded-for']) && ((obj.args.trustedproxy === true) || (obj.args.trustedproxy === ip) || (('::ffff:') + obj.args.trustedproxy === ip))) { ip = res.headers['x-forwarded-for']; }
else if ((obj.args.tlsoffload) && (res.headers['x-forwarded-for']) && ((obj.args.tlsoffload === true) || (obj.args.tlsoffload === ip) || (('::ffff:') + obj.args.tlsoffload === ip))) { ip = res.headers['x-forwarded-for']; }
if ((obj.args.trustedproxy) && (res.headers['x-forwarded-for']) && ((obj.args.trustedproxy === true) || (obj.args.trustedproxy.indexOf(ipex) >= 0))) { ip = res.headers['x-forwarded-for']; }
else if ((obj.args.tlsoffload) && (res.headers['x-forwarded-for']) && ((obj.args.tlsoffload === true) || (obj.args.tlsoffload.indexOf(ipex) >= 0))) { ip = res.headers['x-forwarded-for']; }
if (ip) { for (var i = 0; i < ipList.length; i++) { if (require('ipcheck').match(ip, ipList[i])) { if (closeIfThis === true) { try { req.close(); } catch (e) { } } return true; } } }
if (closeIfThis === false) { try { req.close(); } catch (e) { } }
@ -3842,7 +3843,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {'handlebars', obj.exphbs({ defaultLayout: null })); // defaultLayout: 'main''view engine', 'handlebars');
if (obj.args.trustedproxy) {'trust proxy', obj.args.trustedproxy); } // Reverse proxy should add the "X-Forwarded-*" headers
else if (obj.args.tlsoffload) {'trust proxy', obj.args.tlsoffload); } // Reverse proxy should add the "X-Forwarded-*" headers
else if (typeof obj.args.tlsoffload == 'string') {'trust proxy', obj.args.tlsoffload); } // Reverse proxy should add the "X-Forwarded-*" headers{ extended: false }));
var sessionOptions = {
name: 'xid', // Recommended security practice to not use the default cookie name