Improved utf8 support

This commit is contained in:
Ylian Saint-Hilaire 2018-07-09 14:12:47 -07:00
parent b41eb7fb55
commit 5949c7456c
9 changed files with 18 additions and 20 deletions

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "meshcentral",
"version": "0.1.8-l",
"version": "0.1.8-m",
"keywords": [
"Remote Management",
"Intel AMT",

View File

@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@
QE('p5UploadButton', filetreelocation.length > 0);
QE('p5RenameFileButton', (cc == 1) && (filetreelocation.length > 0));
QE('p5SelectAllButton', tc > 0);
Q('p5SelectAllButton').value = (cc > 0 ? 'Select None' : 'Select All');
Q('p5SelectAllButton').value = (cc > 0 ? 'None' : 'All');
QE('p5CutButton', (sfc > 0) && (cc == sfc));
QE('p5CopyButton', (sfc > 0) && (cc == sfc));
QE('p5PasteButton', (p5clipboard != null) && (p5clipboard.length > 0) && (filetreelocation.length > 0));
@ -2084,7 +2084,7 @@
case 3:
p13targetpath = '';
files.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'ls', reqid: 1, path: '' }));
files.sendText({ action: 'ls', reqid: 1, path: '' });
@ -2128,7 +2128,7 @@
//console.log('p13gotFiles', data);
if ((data.length > 0) && (data.charCodeAt(0) != 123)) { p13gotDownloadBinaryData(data); return; }
//console.log('p13gotFiles', data);
data = JSON.parse(data);
data = JSON.parse(decode_utf8(data));
if (data.action == 'download') { p13gotDownloadCommand(data); return; }
data.path = data.path.replace(/\//g, "\\");
if ((p13filetree != null) && (data.path == p13filetree.path)) {
@ -2138,8 +2138,7 @@
} else {
// Make both paths use the same seperator not start with /
var x1 = data.path.replace(/\//g, "\\");
var x2 = p13targetpath.replace(/\//g, "\\");
var x1 = data.path.replace(/\//g, "\\"), x2 = p13targetpath.replace(/\//g, "\\");
while ((x1.length > 0) && (x1[0] == '\\')) { x1 = x1.substring(1); }
while ((x2.length > 0) && (x2[0] == '\\')) { x2 = x2.substring(1); }
if ((x1 == x2) || ((data.path == '\\') && (p13targetpath == ''))) {
@ -2210,13 +2209,13 @@
function p13folderset(x) {
p13targetpath = joinPaths(p13filetree.path, p13filetree.dir[x].n).split('\\').join('/');
files.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'ls', reqid: 1, path: p13targetpath }));
files.sendText({ action: 'ls', reqid: 1, path: p13targetpath });
function p13folderup(x) {
if (x == null) { p13filetreelocation.pop(); } else { while (p13filetreelocation.length > x) { p13filetreelocation.pop(); } }
p13targetpath = p13filetreelocation.join('/');
files.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'ls', reqid: 1, path: p13targetpath }));
files.sendText({ action: 'ls', reqid: 1, path: p13targetpath });
var p13sortorder;
@ -2267,11 +2266,11 @@
function p13getFileCount() { var cc = 0; var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fd'); return checkboxes.length; }
function p13selectallfile() { var nv = (p13getFileSelCount() == 0), checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fd'); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { checkboxes[i].checked = nv; } p13setActions(); }
function p13createfolder() { setDialogMode(2, "New Folder", 3, p13createfolderEx, '<input type=text id=p13renameinput maxlength=64 onkeyup=p13fileNameCheck(event) style=width:100% />'); focusTextBox('p13renameinput'); p13fileNameCheck(); }
function p13createfolderEx() { files.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'mkdir', reqid: 1, path: p13filetreelocation.join('/') + '/' + Q('p13renameinput').value })); p13folderup(999); }
function p13createfolderEx() { files.sendText({ action: 'mkdir', reqid: 1, path: p13filetreelocation.join('/') + '/' + Q('p13renameinput').value }); p13folderup(999); }
function p13deletefile() { var cc = getFileSelCount(); setDialogMode(2, "Delete", 3, p13deletefileEx, (cc > 1)?('Delete ' + cc + ' selected items?'):('Delete selected item?')); }
function p13deletefileEx() { var delfiles = [], checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fd'); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (checkboxes[i].checked) { delfiles.push(p13filetree.dir[checkboxes[i].value].n); } } files.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'rm', reqid: 1, path: p13filetreelocation.join('/'), delfiles: delfiles })); p13folderup(999); }
function p13deletefileEx() { var delfiles = [], checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fd'); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (checkboxes[i].checked) { delfiles.push(p13filetree.dir[checkboxes[i].value].n); } } files.sendText({ action: 'rm', reqid: 1, path: p13filetreelocation.join('/'), delfiles: delfiles }); p13folderup(999); }
function p13renamefile() { var renamefile, checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fd'); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (checkboxes[i].checked) { renamefile = p13filetree.dir[checkboxes[i].value].n; } } setDialogMode(2, "Rename", 3, p13renamefileEx, '<input type=text id=p13renameinput maxlength=64 onkeyup=p13fileNameCheck(event) style=width:100% value="' + renamefile + '" />', { action: 'rename', path: p13filetreelocation.join('/'), oldname: renamefile}); focusTextBox('p13renameinput'); p13fileNameCheck(); }
function p13renamefileEx(b, t) { t.newname = Q('p13renameinput').value; files.send(JSON.stringify(t)); p13folderup(999); }
function p13renamefileEx(b, t) { t.newname = Q('p13renameinput').value; files.sendText(t); p13folderup(999); }
function p13fileNameCheck(e) { var x = isFilenameValid(Q('p13renameinput').value); QE('idx_dlgOkButton', x); if ((x == true) && (e != null) && (e.keyCode == 13)) { dialogclose(1); } }
function p13uploadFile() { setDialogMode(2, "Upload File", 3, p13uploadFileEx, '<input type=file name=files id=p13uploadinput style=width:100% multiple=multiple onchange="updateUploadDialogOk(\'p13uploadinput\')" />'); updateUploadDialogOk('p13uploadinput'); }
function p13uploadFileEx() { p13doUploadFiles(Q('p13uploadinput').files); }
@ -2279,7 +2278,7 @@
var p13clipboard = null, p13clipboardFolder = null, p13clipboardCut = 0;
function p13copyFile(cut) { var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fd'); p13clipboard = []; p13clipboardCut = cut, p13clipboardFolder = p13targetpath; for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if ((checkboxes[i].checked) && (checkboxes[i].attributes.file.value == "3")) { p13clipboard.push(p13filetree.dir[checkboxes[i].value].n); } } p13updateClipview(); }
function p13pasteFile() { var x = ''; if ((p13clipboard != null) && (p13clipboard.length > 0)) { x = 'Confim ' + (p13clipboardCut == 0?'copy':'move') + ' of ' + p13clipboard.length + ' entrie' + ((p13clipboard.length > 1)?'s':'') + ' to this location?' } setDialogMode(2, "Paste", 3, p13pasteFileEx, x); }
function p13pasteFileEx() { files.send(JSON.stringify({ action: (p13clipboardCut == 0?'copy':'move'), reqid: 1, scpath: p13clipboardFolder, dspath: p13targetpath, names: p13clipboard })); p13folderup(999); if (p13clipboardCut == 1) { p13clipboard = null, p13clipboardFolder = null, p13clipboardCut = 0; p13updateClipview(); } }
function p13pasteFileEx() { files.sendText({ action: (p13clipboardCut == 0?'copy':'move'), reqid: 1, scpath: p13clipboardFolder, dspath: p13targetpath, names: p13clipboard }); p13folderup(999); if (p13clipboardCut == 1) { p13clipboard = null, p13clipboardFolder = null, p13clipboardCut = 0; p13updateClipview(); } }
function p13updateClipview() { var x = ''; if ((p13clipboard != null) && (p13clipboard.length > 0)) { x = 'Holding ' + p13clipboard.length + ' entrie' + ((p13clipboard.length > 1)?'s':'') + ' for ' + (p13clipboardCut == 0?'copy':'move') + ', <a onclick=p13clearClip() style=cursor:pointer>Clear</a>.' } QH('p13bottomstatus', x); p13setActions(); }
function p13clearClip() { p13clipboard = null; p13clipboardFolder = null; p13clipboardCut = 0; p13updateClipview(); }
function updateUploadDialogOk(x) { QE('idx_dlgOkButton', Q(x).value != ''); }
@ -2297,18 +2296,18 @@
if (xxdialogMode || downloadFile || !files) return;
downloadFile = { path: decodeURIComponent(x), file: decodeURIComponent(y), size: z, tsize: 0, data: '', state: 0, id: Math.random() }
//console.log('p13downloadFileCancel', downloadFile);
files.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'download', sub: 'start', id:, path: downloadFile.path }));
files.sendText({ action: 'download', sub: 'start', id:, path: downloadFile.path });
setDialogMode(2, "Download File", 10, p13downloadFileCancel, '<div>' + downloadFile.file + '</div><br /><progress id=d2progressBar style=width:100% value=0 max=' + z + ' />');
// Called by the html page to cancel the download
function p13downloadFileCancel() { setDialogMode(0); files.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'download', sub: 'cancel', id: })); downloadFile = null; }
function p13downloadFileCancel() { setDialogMode(0); files.sendText({ action: 'download', sub: 'cancel', id: }); downloadFile = null; }
// Called by the transport when download control command is received
function p13gotDownloadCommand(cmd) {
//console.log('p13gotDownloadCommand', cmd);
if ((downloadFile == null) || ( != return;
if (cmd.sub == 'start') { downloadFile.state = 1; files.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'download', sub: 'startack', id: })); }
if (cmd.sub == 'start') { downloadFile.state = 1; files.sendText({ action: 'download', sub: 'startack', id: }); }
else if (cmd.sub == 'cancel') { downloadFile = null; setDialogMode(0); }
@ -2323,7 +2322,7 @@
if ((ReadInt(data, 0) & 1) != 0) { // Check end flag
saveAs(data2blob(, downloadFile.file); downloadFile = null; setDialogMode(0); // Save the file
} else {
files.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'download', sub: 'ack', id: })); // Send the ACK
files.sendText({ action: 'download', sub: 'ack', id: }); // Send the ACK
@ -2434,7 +2433,7 @@
uploadFile.xreader = new FileReader();
uploadFile.xreader.onload = function() {
uploadFile.xdata = uploadFile.xreader.result;{ action: 'upload', reqid: uploadFile.xfilePtr, path: uploadFile.xpath, name:, size: uploadFile.xdata.byteLength }));{ action: 'upload', reqid: uploadFile.xfilePtr, path: uploadFile.xpath, name:, size: uploadFile.xdata.byteLength });
} else {

View File

@ -3916,8 +3916,7 @@
} else {
// Make both paths use the same seperator not start with /
var x1 = data.path.replace(/\//g, "\\");
var x2 = p13targetpath.replace(/\//g, "\\");
var x1 = data.path.replace(/\//g, "\\"), x2 = p13targetpath.replace(/\//g, "\\");
while ((x1.length > 0) && (x1[0] == '\\')) { x1 = x1.substring(1); }
while ((x2.length > 0) && (x2[0] == '\\')) { x2 = x2.substring(1); }
if ((x1 == x2) || ((data.path == '\\') && (p13targetpath == ''))) {
@ -4240,7 +4239,7 @@
uploadFile.xreader = new FileReader();
uploadFile.xreader.onload = function() {
uploadFile.xdata = uploadFile.xreader.result;{ action: 'upload', reqid: uploadFile.xfilePtr, path: uploadFile.xpath, name:, size: uploadFile.xdata.byteLength }));{ action: 'upload', reqid: uploadFile.xfilePtr, path: uploadFile.xpath, name:, size: uploadFile.xdata.byteLength }));
} else {